Halloween Special + special guest Unknown

The English Kpop Artists Chat~

yes I know I didn't continue the ailee chat yet but Halloween man lol it's hard to make a theme in every chat when those weirdos just keep getting offtopic! thank you for 49/50 subs~!!!! it means a lot that my stories can make you laugh and want to read more c: have an amazing Halloween too!

 | FearMe started a conversation with $wag Man, $wagmasta, Prof. Fun Wrecker, AmberIsn’tHere, and The Ultimate Llama |


| FearMe named the conversation Halloween Party|


$wag Man: omg is it who I think it is


$wagmasta: ^^^ i wanna hug you rn Ailee I’m so happy you did this


FearMe: this is Brad you idiot


Prof. Fun Wrecker: come on everybody, sing it with me!


Prof. Fun Wrecker: L


Prof. Fun Wrecker: O


AmberIsn’tHere: S


The Ultimate Llama: E


FearMe: R!!


$wagmasta: how mean of you


$wafmasta: especially you Laughter!


FearMe: get in the Halloween spirit 


The Ultimate Llama: I’m sorry friend but it was needed


$wag Man: “friend”?? did you become bffls with her without me? is she in the $wag squad too!?


$wagmasta: well when I wasn’t preparing for my comeback I had some curious time on my hands and


$wag Man: no don’t tell me! I don’t care!


AmberIsn’tHere: are we in a melodrama or an app chat someone specify for me


The Ultimate Llama: I don’t think that is necessary Eric


The Ultimate Llama: we talked once for like an hour calm


FearMe: wow I can’t believe you actually talked that long with him


$wagmasta: how can’t you believe it?


AmberIsn’tHere: why did you invite the gang but not Ailee? is she really that busy?


Prof. Fun Wrecker: probably not


$wag Man: we can invite her in a half hour, she’s got something currently


FearMe: ah 


The Ultimate Llama: let’s get to the Halloween festivities people


AmberIsn’tHere: sure fine with me


$wagmasta: yessiree missy


$wag Man: so what does Mr. Fear have for us?


FearMe: what’s your favorite creepy stories?

AmberIsn’tHere: that’s lame tho


$wag Man: ^^ + we did that at the asc summer special so uhm


$wagmasta: not fun


FearMe: fine then, let’s share our Halloween costumes


The Ultimate Llama: I’m being Spiderman


Prof. Fun Wrecker: how cute!


$wagmasta: idk yet prob like a rapper lol


$wag Man: I’m not sure but I want to be a TMNT


AmberIsn’tHere: we should be the old kewl versions of Power Rangers


Prof. Fun Wrecker: YES YEs


The Ultimate Llama: +1 idea


$wagmasta: +10000 idea


$wag Man: ^^^^^^ 


FearMe: sounds fun but it’ll be awkward :/


AmberIsn’tHere: I see it but nahh


$wagmasta: maybe you and Kevin should switch display names


FearMe: hey!


Prof. Fun Wrecker: are you saying I should be feared :3


Prof. Fun Wrecker: -y wink- rawr


The Ultimate Llama: brb dying


$wag Man: brb crying


$wagmasta: brb crying [10000]


FearMe: I am disappointed in you


AmberIsn’tHere: just imagining that makes me mad


Prof. Fun Wrecker: everybody’s a critic huh


$wag Man: if you act like that yeah


$wagmasta: I’m always critical


FearMe: what Eric said


AmberIsn’tHere: now is not the time to act all cutesy ok


Prof. Fun Wrecker: but I wasn’t trying to be cute


Prof. Fun Wrecker: hence the -y wink-


$wagmasta: you can’t be y


$wag Man: ^^^^ it is legitimately impossible for you Kevs


The Ultimate Llama: I know some Kissmes who’d say otherwise


Prof. Fun Wrecker: ^^^^ see!


FearMe: eh I don’t want to see you try to act y


AmberIsn’tHere: notice how he said “try to act


$wag Man: so i looked up “kevin u-kiss y” on Youtube and


Prof. Fun Wrecker: my anti’s dedication is better than yours B)


| $wag Man shared a video - 

https://www.youtube.co.kr/watch?v=R57ZbzXorjU |


FearMe: L M A O


AmberIsn’tHere: that pink hair tho


$wagmasta: look impossible


Prof. Fun Wrecker: that isn’t even me trying to act y ok


The Ultimate Llama: Shindong and MBC don’t think so


Prof. Fun Wrecker: -angrily pouts-




AmberIsn’tHere: ^^^ ikr I thought I told you to stop acting cute


Prof. Fun Wrecker: you’re all so sweet :)


$wagmasta: no but seriously


FearMe: we’re all just imagining you doing those things behind screen and it’s all so annoyingly cute we want it to stop


Prof. Fun Wrecker: never~


Prof. Fun Wrecker: I want to act cute while I still can


$wag Man: that’s not what I was thinking


$wagmasta: Brad are you trying to trick him that we like him


AmberIsn’tHere: idk I think he described the situation pretty well


FearMe: oh don’t get your in a twist you know you like him


Prof. Fun Wrecker: you know you do~


$wagmasta: maybe if you dig deep deep into my heart


$wag Man: what heart?


The Ultimate Llama: hahahahahahaha


FearMe: that’s scary accurate


AmberIsn’tHere: huehue “scary”


$wag Man: not funny


$wagmasta: ^^^^^ not cool


Prof. Fun Wrecker: I understand where you’re getting at but I agree with them


The Ultimate Llama: oh Ambs


AmberIsn’tHere: >:( I’m not Ambs


$wag Man: says who?


AmberIsn’tHere: me, it’s my name so I think I have a choice of what others call me or not


$wagmasta: eh, you never know


FearMe: I thought that was entertaining


FearMe: it fit with the theme of today


The Ultimate Llama: it does but this chat isn’t any different than any other one


$wag Man: yeah our anonymous donor is correct


$wagmasta: baes are always right


Prof. Fun Wrecker: donor of what tho


The Ultimate Llama: :* I know


AmberIsn’tHere: should I be disturbed


$wag Man: donor of fun


$wag Man: and what bae what


$wagmasta: we ain’t a couple but the Llama is bae


AmberIsn’tHere: I am disturbed and offended now!


The Ultimate Llama: Peniel is authornims bias I’m sorry


FearMe: what have I taught you kids about breaking the 4th wall


$wag Man: oh shut your mouth old man


$wagmasta: huehuehue I’m special


Prof. Fun Wrecker: oh you’re special all right


$wag Man: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


AmberIsn’tHere: oh just stop


$wagmasta: oh stop saying oh


FearMe: oh why not


The Ultimate Llama: oh bae of course not


Prof. Fun Wrecker: you act like because you said that we would listen


Prof. Fun Wrecker: oh you naive child


AmberIsn’tHere: oh you innocent reproductive organ


$wag Man: innocent tho


$wag Man: oh no


$wagmasta: do i need to do another demonstration on how I’m not innocent


$wagmasta: because I am willing to do that :3


FearMe: I’d rather you not


Prof. Fun Wrecker: *we’d


AmberIsn’tHere: oh God no


$wagmasta: in my demonstration I could use my reproductive organs if you’d prefer


The Ultimate Llama: CHANGING SUBJECT

| The Ultimate Llama invited Hailoween to the conversation |


$wag Man: baby I missed you


AmberIsn’tHere: [insert 2NE1 song here]


Hailoween: I’m sorry “boo” I was busy with a schedule


Prof. Fun Wrecker: I feel bad for not conducting my name with a halloween type thing ;-;


FearMe: oh you poor child it must be devastating


Prof. Fun Wrecker: oh it is


$wagmasta: stop the “oh”s


FearMe: that’s what she said


AmberIsn’tHere: B R A D L E Y  R A Y  M O O R E


Hailoween: was i invited for this? thanks Laughter -.-


$wag Man: I think I have to give you props for that


Prof. Fun Wrecker: ^^^ spot on timing tbh


$wagmasta: the peasants are following their king~


FearMe: did I get to shine c:


AmberIsn’tHere: for ruining the mood? no


The Ultimate Llama: idk I think he helped the mood


Hailoween: I guess ?


$wag Man: he didn’t only help the mood, he made the mood


$wagmasta: ^^^^^^^^^ another one of my many students rising to the top


FearMe: is it bad I feel sorta proud right now


AmberIsn’tHere: yes


Prof. Fun Wrecker: sorta


The Ultimate Llama: no


$wagmasta: that proud feeling is what gets you up higher than my other children


Hailoween: children ?? so have you been lying about you being a to us???




The Ultimate Llama: he’s been lying to you since Day 1


$wag Man: ^^^ he’s secretly Do Minjoon’s sibling that got lost in America and then found Korea when his brother was gone


The Ultimate Llama: and then he took his brother’s kids with Cheon Songyi for himself


$wag Man: he used his alien powers to “take care” of her


Hailoween: should I be happy or sad


AmberIsn’tHere: ya’ll at lying


$wagmasta: bae that was our secret why are you saying that now? 


$wagmasta: are you taking advantage of the Halloween Special title by revealing my true identity? ;-;


FearMe: I no longer feel proud


The Ultimate Llama: I’m sorry, you slipped the tongue first


$wag Man: yeah man I thought I might as well back you up


Hailoween: this is the definition of “jacked up”


Prof. Fun Wrecker: oh Ailee don’t start using such slang


FearMe: sad but true :(


AmberIsn’tHere: oh somebody came to my house for Trick-or-Treating


$wag Man: but Korea doesn’t have kids walk house to house


AmberIsn’tHere: shh you’re still in the US you don’t know that


FearMe: I think he might


AmberIsn’tHere: shh none of you know that


Hailoween: I think she was finding an excuse to leave


AmberIsn’tHere: who? me? nooo, never


Prof. Fun Wrecker: you don’t wanna talk with us anymore? :(


$wagmasta: eh let her go, she’s just bringing down the group anyway


AmberIsn’tHere: oh I am?


$wag Man: oooooh that’s harsh man


The Ultimate Llama: -chants- fight! fight! fight! fight! fight!


$wag Man: good job Laugh


$wag Man: fight! fight! fight! fight!


FearMe: what am I doing with my life


FearMe: fight! fight! fight! fight! fight!


Hailoween: eh why not


Hailoween: fight! fight! fight! fight! fight!


Prof. Fun Wrecker: fight! fight! fight! fight!

$wagmasta: bring it on gurl


AmberIsn’tHere: oh how I wish f(x) was promoting ;-;


AmberIsn’tHere: anyway, shouldn’t you be praying you won’t be too scarred after this?


$wagmasta: nice try, shouldn’t you be supporting your members while they handle their messes aka Jessica and clubbing at Itaewon?


AmberIsn’tHere: you did not just go there


Prof. Fun Wrecker: oh


To be continued. . . 

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212 streak #1
Chapter 34: This english chat is so funny XD
Chapter 34: Another chapter! OMG! You're awesome! Hoping for the next ones. I kept on reading this and never get tired of it lol.

Oh, why is my ailee and eric breaking apart huhuhuhu. I need them being together again pretty please! I ship them so hard! And could you please invite exo or bts members? It would be so lit!
Chapter 33: I reread this again and found new chapter;; omg I miss you so much. Since you mention iKON I hope they invite iKON too. Their members know English well and they're funny. But they don't really have interaction with them so I'm worried
And how about the new about Kevin's departure?;; it's pretty shocking and I want to know others' reaction
Chapter 33: OKAY LIKE OKAY FIRST OF ALL I'M NOT OKAY. I opened the website and almost had a panic attack and just stared at my phone in shock. I couldn't believe you updated I was ready to cry lol. I seriously love your story and writing style and hoped you'd update. Reading it made me remember the feels I had when I first read it. I can't wait for more updates.

Hopefully Vernon shows up and we see Ailee being all motherly to him because of course Seventeen are her children lol.

And omg kcon brought up a lot of ships for ailee!! First with Rap Monster in NY and Abu Dhabi and Eric in NY as well. Hope to see some mentions of that!

Also the recent news of Peniel's hair loss! It'd be so cool to see their support.

Plus they've all had comebacks and so much new stuff that makes me so excited for your updates. Sorry for the long comment but I'm seriously so happy to see you back!!
Chapter 30: I hope you'll write a special chapter about ailee's cb where eric was in. It'll be awesome since the song fits their on/off romance here :)

Ps: Ive been reading this multiple times alreadyyy. Can't get enough of it. specially the romance between ailee and eric
Its been a year since the last update and i still come back to re read this!
Chapter 32: I've been reading this couple times and never get bored hahahaha... nice fic author-nim. By the way, can you make Eric (GoodFor You) and Amber (Borders) Comeback Special please? I don't know if you have made Ailee's (Mind Your Own Business) yet ^^"
am_251 #8
Chapter 9: Update please and can you make another one with krystal but with kryber interactions pleeeeaaassseee?!?!??
Chapter 32: airik!!!! *♡*
and the ending is perfect ahahahahahah XD
dinadee #10
Update pweeaasssssseeee