New Songs are For Losers + special guest Eli

The English Kpop Artists Chat~

| Llama Liu has started a conversation with better than U, #forthefans, Kevvvvvv Woo, A~lee, and Badskee |

| Bradskee rejected the invitation with this message :

Bradskee: sorry I’m recording, have fun! |

#forthefans: what do you want now?


better than U: planning to ruin Eric’s chance at making friends again?


A~lee: Peniel, you’re the only one who’d make those plans


Kevvvvvv Woo: for the rest of us it just happens


Llama Liu: no, I’m wondering how the newest songs in kpop are, I’ve been too busy w/ my comeback to listen to them


#forthefans: idk ask Amy, she has no life


A~lee: I was going to answer her but not anymore


Llama Liu: thanks a lot Eric


#forthefans: I try to help


better than U: I think K.will came out with something


Kevvvvvv Woo: ^^ he did, his ballads are forever better than Ailee’s


A~lee: who said I was the one getting bullied today?!


Kevvvvvv Woo: Eric did


better than U: as long as I get a break


#forthefans: lol what r u talking about Peniel, you never get a break


better than U: I’ve never felt more loved


Llama Liu: anybody else release something these past two months other than k.will?


Kevvvvvv Woo: it only takes you two months to prepare for a comeback? lucky


better than U: yeah for me it takes like four


#forthefans: I’m surprised it doesn’t take longer, you being slow and all


A~lee: lol Eric you should shut up


Kevvvvvv Woo: yeah Mr. 14-Month-Break


#forthefans: that was the company, not me!


A~lee: it’s always the company isn’t it haha


#forthefans: Ambs back me up


Llama Liu: I won’t until you stop calling me that and change your name from that ridiculous tag


#forthefans: have a problem with fanservice?


Llama Liu: I do when it’s in a private chat


#forthefans: fine then


Kevvvvvvv Woo: but our precious tag


#forthefans: I know, I’ll trick someone else into using it


| #forthefans changed display name to Eric the MAN |


better than U: ha funny


Eric the MAN: what? how bluntly truthful I am?


A~lee: ohgod you’ve been hanging out with Peniel too much


Eric the MAN: has my IQ really dropped that much?


Kevvvvvvv Woo: next you’ll be calling yourself cool 24/7


better than U: I don’t do that!


Eric the MAN: you do


Llama Liu: ^^^^


better than U: I can’t lie can I?


A~lee: maybe you should start


Kevvvvvv Woo: why’re you calling yourself ‘the MAN’ anyway? it sounds stupid


Eric the MAN: it’s my surname backwards + I am ‘The Man’


A~lee: I have never seen you do anything manly


Eric the MAN: maybe you don’t see me enough


Kevvvvvv Woo: I see you the most often here and you are not manly


better than U: you’re as manly as Luhan lol


Eric the MAN: look who’s talking


better than U: yeah, the manliest here


Llama Liu: the size of your ego scares me


Kevvvvvvv Woo: I admit I’m not manly


A~lee: Kevin you look like a puppy


Eric the MAN: if puppies had messed up faces, that is


Kevvvvvvv Woo: thanks Amy


Kevvvvvvv Woo: I’m blocking you Eric


| Kevvvvvv Woo has successfully blocked Eric the MAN |


better than U: hahahaha


Eric the MAN: well now he can’t see what I’m saying


Eric the MAN: I’m going to trash talk behind his back


A~lee: to who?


better than U: lonely Eric strikes again


Kevvvvvv Woo: you do know I can still see what the others are saying right? lol


Eric the MAN: so what, I can still say bad things about you to them


Llama Liu: he says he’s going to trash talk you anyway


Kevvvvvv Woo: too bad I don’t care


Eric the MAN: too bad your goldfish died after an hour


better than U: that was such a bad burn I turned cold


Kevvvvvvv Woo: what did he say?


A~lee: it was so pathetic that it’s not even worth saying


Eric the MAN: too bad his sister has more fans than him


Llama Liu: lol at least that was a lil bit better


Kevvvvvv Woo: what about me this time?


A~lee: that your sister has more fans than you


Kevvvvvv Woo: but my sister’s not even a celebrity


Llama Liu: that’s the point


Kevvvvv Woo: oh


A~lee: what you said was true


A~lee: he does make Peniel look smart


Kevvvvvv Woo: I only blocked Eric you know


A~lee: I know


better than U: about how dumb do you think I am?


Eric the MAN: hard to say, but I guess on a scale from 1 to 10


Kevvvvvv Woo: 10,000


A~lee: 10


Llama Liu: 9.5


Eric the MAN: I was going to say 1,000 but guys what is this


Eric the MAN: we are supposed to be one


A~lee: we don’t need that exo here eric


Kevvvvvv Woo: speaking of being one, I’m inviting Eli


Eric the MAN: pls don’t


| Kevvvvvv Woo invited your Elightment to the conversation |


your Elightment: I see an Eric here


Eric the MAN: oh no.


A~lee: oh gosh


better than U: hey Eli!


Llama Liu: hey


Kevvvvv Woo: revenge hehehe


| Kevvvvvv Woo has successfully unblocked Eric the MAN |


Kevvvvv Woo: I want to watch him squirm


A~lee: I take back you looking like a puppy


better than U: looks of a puppy, heart of a dark Queen


Llama Liu: wtf he’s a dark queen?


better than U: well he is Kevin noona isn’t he


your Elightment: not until the don’t play mv hahaha


Eric the MAN: oh yeah, Kevin appa


Kevvvvvv Woo: I regret unblocking you


Eric the MAN: then block me again, I don’t care


Llama Liu: all I wanted to do was hear about the newest kpop songs :/


your Elightment: oh, I can tell you about those


Llama Liu: finally!


your Elighment: let me annoy Eric first


Llama Liu: :(


Eric the MAN: :( x2


your Elightment: so Eric, have you missed me?


Kevvvvvv Woo: more than you can imagine


better than U: no doubt a lot


A~lee: I bet ^^


Eric the MAN: sometimes I like to think to myself


Eric the MAN: “they’re just joking, they like you” but then I face reality


Llama Liu: ah Eric we like you


better than U: that may or may not be true


Eric the MAN: thanks


Kevvvvvv Woo: we just want to have fun out of our hectic lives


better than U: except Ailee, she really needs to do something


A~lee: and you need to have a smaller ego


better than U: something wrong with my confidence?


your Elightment: I talk to you the least here and I agree


better than U: lol idc


Llama Liu: looks like nothing can be helped


Eric the MAN: we could invite Tiffany :3


better than U: you wouldn’t...


your Elightment: oops looks like time to go


Kevvvvvv Woo: but I can hear you in the kitchen


your Elightment: that’s Kiseop, I’m in the living room


Kevvvvvv Woo: are you afraid of Tiffany?


your Elightment: no


Kevvvvv Woo: I can hear you repeating “I’m not” 


your Elightment: because I’m not


better than U: lol I bet you are


Eric the MAN: look who’s talking, again


A~lee: ^^^


Llama Liu: I have to agree with Eric on this one


better than U: I’m not afraid of her, just don’t like having to act cool


Kevvvvvv Woo: then don’t be cool


Eric the MAN: or an attempt at it haha


better than U: but I want her to like me


Eric the MAN: she won’t like you either way


Eric the MAN: might as well speed up the process right?

A~lee: Eric! don’t crush the kid’s dreams!


Kevvvvv Woo: no matter how unrealistic they are


better than U: what an optimistic group!


your Elightment: yeah I’m out


| your Elightment has left the conversation |


Kevvvvv Woo: I’m going to talk to him


better than U: have fun~


Llama Liu: looks like we ‘re inviting Tiffany...


To be continued. . .

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212 streak #1
Chapter 34: This english chat is so funny XD
Chapter 34: Another chapter! OMG! You're awesome! Hoping for the next ones. I kept on reading this and never get tired of it lol.

Oh, why is my ailee and eric breaking apart huhuhuhu. I need them being together again pretty please! I ship them so hard! And could you please invite exo or bts members? It would be so lit!
Chapter 33: I reread this again and found new chapter;; omg I miss you so much. Since you mention iKON I hope they invite iKON too. Their members know English well and they're funny. But they don't really have interaction with them so I'm worried
And how about the new about Kevin's departure?;; it's pretty shocking and I want to know others' reaction
Chapter 33: OKAY LIKE OKAY FIRST OF ALL I'M NOT OKAY. I opened the website and almost had a panic attack and just stared at my phone in shock. I couldn't believe you updated I was ready to cry lol. I seriously love your story and writing style and hoped you'd update. Reading it made me remember the feels I had when I first read it. I can't wait for more updates.

Hopefully Vernon shows up and we see Ailee being all motherly to him because of course Seventeen are her children lol.

And omg kcon brought up a lot of ships for ailee!! First with Rap Monster in NY and Abu Dhabi and Eric in NY as well. Hope to see some mentions of that!

Also the recent news of Peniel's hair loss! It'd be so cool to see their support.

Plus they've all had comebacks and so much new stuff that makes me so excited for your updates. Sorry for the long comment but I'm seriously so happy to see you back!!
Chapter 30: I hope you'll write a special chapter about ailee's cb where eric was in. It'll be awesome since the song fits their on/off romance here :)

Ps: Ive been reading this multiple times alreadyyy. Can't get enough of it. specially the romance between ailee and eric
Its been a year since the last update and i still come back to re read this!
Chapter 32: I've been reading this couple times and never get bored hahahaha... nice fic author-nim. By the way, can you make Eric (GoodFor You) and Amber (Borders) Comeback Special please? I don't know if you have made Ailee's (Mind Your Own Business) yet ^^"
am_251 #8
Chapter 9: Update please and can you make another one with krystal but with kryber interactions pleeeeaaassseee?!?!??
Chapter 32: airik!!!! *♡*
and the ending is perfect ahahahahahah XD
dinadee #10
Update pweeaasssssseeee