We are Back? + special guest Jae (Day6)

The English Kpop Artists Chat~

YOU DIDN'T THINK I WOULD EVER COME BACK DID YOU? HAH! But I am back!! hopefully I won't forget to update for over a year again!! Since it's been so long I had to make it a new beginning...you'll see later on. Are you excited? I'm excited. I am truly sorry if this boring.. my humor hasn't resurrected yet but I assure it will within the next couple chapters. Enjoy if possible!!

| BODY created a group chat with josé liu, kekekevin, Wild Fire, daileesuki, and brrad |


BODY: the year is 2016


brrad: nearly 2017 actually


daileesuki: where have you guys been lately i feel like we last talked in 2015


josé liu: RIGHT what happened


kekekevin: everything good comes to an end sometimes


Wild Fire: well I haven’t died yet so


BODY: the app changed guys its weird


daileesuki: ikr omg


josé liu: I can’t tell whether I like it or not


kekekevin: me either


brrad: I almost deleted it bc all I use it for is to talk to you guys


Wild Fire: yeah I think the new idols use a new app now


Wild Fire: i know clc and pentagon use a new one


josé liu: OH yeah nct do too


BODY: well we have kevin and brad who are always behind on everything 


brrad: it’s not my fault I’m too old to know any new idols


daileesuki: it’s ok we’re all a little old now


Wild Fire: I’m still the youngest :) 


josé liu: can you believe our newest idol here is eric 


kekekevin: omg no


BODY: and i debuted almost 4 years ago ;;


Wild Fire: we need some fresh meat in here


brrad: NO not anybody young, I can’t handle new slang


kekekevin: what about Jae? 


josé liu: fine with me


Wild Fire: ….


brrad: who


daileesuki: from day6


brrad: who [2]


josé liu: what peniel


Wild Fire: i dont have the best relationship with him


BODY: you wanna invite my replacement into this? Nope


kekekevin: what happened 


Wild Fire: just disagreements you know


daileesuki: HAH eric’s asc replacement 


daileesuki: let’s do it


| kekekevin added jaeHyung to the group chat |


josé liu: hi jae!!


daileesuki: hi!


kekekevin: I added him eric


BODY: I see ;-;


jaeHyung: HEY GUYS


Wild Fire: ..hi jae


brrad: hi jae


jaeHyung: i didn’t know anybody in the industry still used this app lol


brrad: we’re a little old ok!


daileesuki: yeah brad is a fossil who doesn’t know how to use his phone, sorry


BODY: jae


jaeHyung: who is saying my name


BODY: eric nam


kekekevin: the guy you replaced


jaeHyung: oh HI ERIC


BODY: you know I left on my own accord 


brrad: because you were becoming too popular to host the show anymore




kekekevin: Actually..


daileesuki: I’ve never seen peniel so quiet


jaeHyung: he’s afraid of me that’s why


Wild Fire: I AM NOT


jaeHyung: also eric I just replaced you bc we know kimin couldn’t handle the show themselves


BODY: very true


kekekevin: HEY YES WE CAN


kekekevin: this did not go as planned


daileesuki: i beg to differ


josé liu: ^^^^^


jaeHyung: the year is 2016 stop doing that


brrad: we’re old ok


daileesuki: I’ll get them on the new app asap for you jae


jaeHyung: lol it’s ok we can still use this


BODY: anyway jae how do you feel if you talked to us everyday


josé liu: that was quick


kekekevin: I dont think peniel would like that


daileesuki: if he keeps quiet it’s fine with me


brrad: and me


BODY: same


josé liu: not me! let’s be sure to include everybody in this decision ok


jaeHyung: what decision 


daileesuki: we need a fresh face in our chat 


jaeHyung: ah


Wild Fire: why not Wendy


BODY: you still with her?


Wild Fire: to an extent…just friends now though


josé liu: I’m sorry to hear that, you seemed to really like her


daileesuki: yeah, you would never shut up about her


Wild Fire: it was for the better of both of us


Wild Fire: she was getting too busy and popular for me


jaeHyung: that’s sad


brrad: do you still love sm artists a lot?


Wild Fire: to an extent as well


Wild Fire: but I moved onto jyp now


jaeHyung: yep he did


daileesuki: you sure have matured haven’t you


josé liu: who’s your favorite jyp artist


Wild Fire: guess


BODY: hopefully not got7


Wild Fire: oh God no who am i


josé liu: wonder girls?


Wild Fire: nope


brrad: that girl all over the charts.. baek ayeon?


Wild Fire: nah


jaeHyung: it’s day6 y'all 


Wild Fire: ding ding ding


josé liu: is that how you 2 got a bad relationship?


jaeHyung: who told you peniel and i have a bad relationship?


josé liu is typing…


Wild Fire: NoBOdy told her Nobody


josé liu: peniel pls


BODY: peniel told kevin & i separately why in detail


jaeHyung: you think we have a bad relationship?


jaeHyung: are we not friends?


Wild Fire: we are friends! 


brrad: peniel do you have something to tell jae?


Wild Fire: jae im gonna talk to you separately 


jaeHyung: sure yeah


josé liu: while those two make up


BODY: why don’t we make jimin permanent here?


daileesuki: do you think I want to be surrounded by all the asc mcs?


josé liu: that one guy at the beginning isn't here tho


BODY: yeah hanbyul like fell off the face of the earth


brrad: who


daileesuki: the other original mc of asc with eric


BODY: dark times


brrad: oh


kekekevin: nobody really knows where he is


BODY: we talked a bit after he left asc but then we lost contact so oh well


brrad: who hosts asc now?


kekekevin: me, jae, and jimin you old man


josé liu: even I knew that


brrad: I havent been on since 2014 i forgot 


brrad: so you only switched eric for that new guy?


jaeHyung: yes only me


BODY: I swear we discussed this already


brrad: oh


daileesuki: so did you two make up?


Wild Fire: yeppers! 


josé liu: why are you wild fire anyways


Wild Fire: that Childish Gambino song


BODY: it’s Bonfire not Wild Fire you idiot


brrad: who


jaeHyung: did you really..


Wild Fire: OMG NOOO




josé liu: how could you 


BODY: anyway jae how would you feel talking to us like this every day


jaeHyung: idk… I’ll think about it


josé liu: we’re usually much more fun than this!


daileesuki: we’re just a lil out of it today!


Wild Fire: if you don't join we’ll force vernon to join us


brrad: who


jaeHyung: is that your catchphrase?


brrad: no I just don't know anybody


BODY: vernon has 12 other members does he really need us


Wild Fire: there’s always brian


jaeHyung: NO he’ll make you all against me


jaeHyung: i guess i’ll stay


josé liu: YAY let’s have a party!!


daileesuki: this is such a surprise


brrad: but this means somebody else will bully me now


Wild Fire: it’s ok you’ll get used to it


brrad: unfortunately


jaeHyung: if you guys get too weird I’m leaving


BODY: if we get too weird?? look who’s talking


daileesuki: this’ll be so much fun!


daileesuki: I can’t wait to find out just how weird he is!


| josé liu named the group chat Welcome Jae!” |


jaeHyung: now I’m worried


brrad: as you should be


josé liu: it only goes uphill from here!


BODY: can we talk about my awesome new release of Body next time?


Wild Fire: uhm but I was the one who made a comeback last?


BODY: uhm but I’m more important?


Wild Fire: since when lol


kekekevin: anyway it’s nice to have you join us jae!


jaeHyung: thanks kevin


josé liu: he has a 2nd house in japan so if he’s not here that’s why


kekekevin: i Do Not have a 2nd house in japan


brrad: you keep telling us that 


brrad: but nobody believes you


daileesuki: nobody


kekekevin: I Swear!


BODY: mhhhhm


Wild Fire: stop lying to us


kekekevin: sighs


josé liu: [ikon voice] welcome back

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212 streak #1
Chapter 34: This english chat is so funny XD
Chapter 34: Another chapter! OMG! You're awesome! Hoping for the next ones. I kept on reading this and never get tired of it lol.

Oh, why is my ailee and eric breaking apart huhuhuhu. I need them being together again pretty please! I ship them so hard! And could you please invite exo or bts members? It would be so lit!
Chapter 33: I reread this again and found new chapter;; omg I miss you so much. Since you mention iKON I hope they invite iKON too. Their members know English well and they're funny. But they don't really have interaction with them so I'm worried
And how about the new about Kevin's departure?;; it's pretty shocking and I want to know others' reaction
Chapter 33: OKAY LIKE OKAY FIRST OF ALL I'M NOT OKAY. I opened the website and almost had a panic attack and just stared at my phone in shock. I couldn't believe you updated I was ready to cry lol. I seriously love your story and writing style and hoped you'd update. Reading it made me remember the feels I had when I first read it. I can't wait for more updates.

Hopefully Vernon shows up and we see Ailee being all motherly to him because of course Seventeen are her children lol.

And omg kcon brought up a lot of ships for ailee!! First with Rap Monster in NY and Abu Dhabi and Eric in NY as well. Hope to see some mentions of that!

Also the recent news of Peniel's hair loss! It'd be so cool to see their support.

Plus they've all had comebacks and so much new stuff that makes me so excited for your updates. Sorry for the long comment but I'm seriously so happy to see you back!!
Chapter 30: I hope you'll write a special chapter about ailee's cb where eric was in. It'll be awesome since the song fits their on/off romance here :)

Ps: Ive been reading this multiple times alreadyyy. Can't get enough of it. specially the romance between ailee and eric
Its been a year since the last update and i still come back to re read this!
Chapter 32: I've been reading this couple times and never get bored hahahaha... nice fic author-nim. By the way, can you make Eric (GoodFor You) and Amber (Borders) Comeback Special please? I don't know if you have made Ailee's (Mind Your Own Business) yet ^^"
am_251 #8
Chapter 9: Update please and can you make another one with krystal but with kryber interactions pleeeeaaassseee?!?!??
Chapter 32: airik!!!! *♡*
and the ending is perfect ahahahahahah XD
dinadee #10
Update pweeaasssssseeee