Chapter 6: New Responsibilities

Not So Perfect

Bom's POV



"Just pick... Seunghyun or Jaejoong?" Tiffany asked.

" I…I don't know" I replied, my hand cupping my forehead, feeling the throbbing sensation of my head after hearing such terrible news.

Feeling unsure with myself, I took my chance, stealing a glance at Harang his brown, round innocent orbs staring right back at me.

" Who do you like more honey? Seunghyun or Jaejoong? " I questioned Harang, noticing the tense atmosphere as everyone held their breath waiting for the small boy's answer.

" Seunghyun? Jaejoong?" Harang muttered to himself, a small crease forming between his eyebrows, showing that the small child was definitely thinking about it carefully.

" I don't know're always with him," Harang said, pointing at Jaejoong beside me.

" So you want jaejoong?" I asked him, ignoring the small frown that formed on Seunghyun's face.

Harang shook his head, " That was just a fact, but auntie I notice you act different with uncle T.O.P" he announced, wanting to cover his mouth shut, not thankful for his words since it didnt help ease up the awkward room.

Sighing I took quick glances at the two men beside me, not being able to decide, " Just pick one," my dad said impatiently.

" Jae?" I said unsure, looking up to him.

" Mm?" he replied simply.

Turning back to my parents, I closed my eyes taking a few deep breaths before letting the words spill out of my mouth.

" can help me right?" I said, reluctantly opening my eyes.

" Of course Bom," He answered, wrapping his left arm around me, while his right hand traced the sides of harang's cheeks.

" Well I guess its decided then, Bom, I will let you take care of Harang for one month with the help of Jaejoong, " my father cleared, standing up as he walked out of the room.

Helping Harang up back to his feet, I gently pushed the small boy into Jaejoong's arm," Let me just say goodbye to Seunghyun," I whispered, feeling Seunghyun's eyes glaring at the both of us.

Slowly and steadily, I walked over to Seunghyun, while we both stared back into each other's eyes.

" I'll just show you out," I informed him, as he replied me with a stiff nod of his head.

Walking ahead of him, I led him back to the foyer hearing his heavy footsteps, as my fingers gently wrap around the door handle, that's when he makes his move, placing his on top of mine. Feeling uncomfortable, I pulled back my hand, turning around abruptly, pressing my back against the door, meanwhile he stood right in front of me, his head just a few inches of mine.

" Why not me?" he questioned, finally hearing the question I was awaiting.

As if I could feel myself getting choked, he made me even more uncomfortable when he trapped me, firmly placing his arms on both of my sides.

" Why you anyways? I-I don't even know you well enough," I stuttered, knowing I was starting to break out in cold sweat.
" We could always get to know each other while taking care of Harang...face it, the kid likes me," Seunghyun grinned, while I could literally feel my knees get weaker while my legs gently wobbled.

" Y-yeah sure, but I already picked Jaejoong," I replied.

And with his one gesture, I could feel the blood rise to my cheeks, as his right hand caressed my face, his mouth leaning over to my ear.

" Then go tell him that you're giving me a chance," Seunghyun whispered ever so lightly.

" Uh...ok..." I said nervously, watching him lean away as he disappeared pass the main door, leaving me breathless.

Shaking my head continuously, unable to acknowledge that he actually did wait...what if I'm just seeing things, and with that thought, without thinking twice, my hand flew up slapping my forehead realizing I am indeed in reality.

" Why is this happening to me?" I asked myself frustrated, making my way back to the living room, my eyes glued to the floor, too ashamed to tell Jaejoong I wanted to give Seunghyun a chance.


Truth be told, I would be lying if I said I didn't want to give the idol a shot, but a part of me is just afraid to get hurt by this person.

" Bommie!" Jaejoong called, finally breaking my chain of thoughts.

"W-what?" I answered, unsure what was exactly going on.

" Were you not listening to what i was saying?" Jaejoong asked irritated.

Sighing I could just stare at him, and shake my head no.

" I was saying shouldn't Harang be at school right now?" Jaejoong informed.

" Yeah, why don't we drop him off, then I'll go head to uni," I said absentmindedly, trying to think of the perfect time to tell Jaejoong.

" Alright, just go get changed, and I'll help Harang with his clothes," he answered, walking away with Harang, while I followed behind them up the stairs and into my room going straight into my closet.

Then there I was, staring at my reflection mindlessly, exhaustion finally hitting me especially after my hangover. Carefully, I started looking through my closet, picking out a simple outfit for the day, knowing that today was definitely going to be different, with my new responsibilities with Harang. Once I was finished checking my outfit, I slipped into my Louboutin heels grabbing my Prada bag on the way out to find Harang dressed standing beside Jaejoong.

" Let's go drop you off," I faked a smile to Harang, gently pulling on his small arm, leading him out the foyer and to the driveway where Jaejoong's bentley waited.

Unsure I looked at Jaejoong, " I don't really think that's a child friendly car" I whispered to him.

Jaejoong who looked taken back with my remark stayed silent until I was the one yet again to speak, "why don't you head to your practice, my driver will drop Harang and I off," I suggested.

He looked at me worriedly, " Are you sure? I'm supposed to be taking care of Harang with you...not you by yourself," he replied.

" You don't have to be with us through every step," I answered.

That's when I saw a face I've never seen, coming from Jaejoong...a frown, " Alright then, I'll just see you both later," he replied blankly, hugging me lightly before he sped off.

" Auntie...why aren't you smiling like usual?" Harang questioned.

" What do you mean honey?" I asked back, walking over to our car, where my driver waited, holding the car door open for the both of us.

Helping Harang into the car, we both settled down into our chair before Harang could speak once again, "Because you always smile when you're around uncle Jae," he answered.

" Ahh...don't worry, it's nothing," I cooed, running fingers through the strands of his hair, watching outside the window as we passed by.

" We're here madam," the driver announced while we stopped in front of the prestigious private school for elementary students.

Hopping out of the car, the driver approached me, " I'll just drop him off at his class madam, then I'll drop you off at your university, just wait for a few minutes," he informed me, about to grab Harang's hand.

Impressed with my own reflex actions, before he could even touch the kid, I already held his hand in mine, " No, I'll drop him off myself," I said sternly, while the driver nodded with understandment.

As we both climbed up the stairs, it was pretty obvious people knew about the death of my cousin, Sean, since all the mothers that we passed either looked at me pitifully, or wished me condolences while Harang could only stare since my poor nephew had no clue on what was happening.
Stepping into the classroom, the teacher immediately halted her lesson, quickly running over to me.

" Sorry we're late-" I apologized to be only cut off.

" No worries, we heard about the tragic accident," the teacher said, " but may I ask...who are you exactly?" she asked.

" Harang's guardian, and Sean's cousin…and now Harang’s guardian," I answered, while bending down to Harang's eye level.

" Why don't you go to your seat...I'll just pick you up later okay?" I informed him, while Harang just nodded tiptoeing up to my cheek, leaving a peck before he ran away, running over to his seat.

Straightening back up I looked back to the teacher, whom smiled watching Harang.

" Does he know?" the teacher questioned.

" please refrain from letting him find out," I pleaded.

" Sure, that's the least I can do, " she answered.

Smiling back at her thankfully, I turned back heading to the hallway and out the school, jumping into our car as the driver drove off, dropping me off at the campus. As soon as I set foot on the ground, gripping on my bag tightly, I sprinted pushing hard against my heels, knowing I was late. Panting and tired, once I entered the room, all eyes were unfortunately focused on me, as I apologized to our professor and scurried to my seat where Chaerin sat there staring at me worriedly.

" You alright?" she whispered concerned, noticing Seungri in front of me, stealing glances back at me.
" I-I'm fine," I lied, seeing the look in Chaerin's eyes didn't help, it just made me feel even more vulnerable, wanting to break out into tears.

Hearing Chaerin sigh, I squinted my eyes, trying to hold back my tears.

" We'll talk during lunch," she whispered once again, while I gripped the edge of laptop, trying to stay strong.

Minutes felt like hours, and hours felt like years, until the lunch bell finally rang where I stood up unstably, gathering my belongings then the three of us, including Seungri who tagged along, walked over to cafeteria.

" How are you holding up?" Chaerin asked, while the three of us huddled up around the table ignoring the looks people sent us.

" I'm m-managing," I replied weakly.

With that reply, it was as if it was the key to Chaerin's mother like personality, Chaerin heaved a heavy sigh.

" You shouldn't have come today," she said.

" I need to quickly move on and just go on with my life," I replied.

" Yes I understand that, but everyone needs a day off to clear their minds," Chaerin answered.

" She's right you know," Seungri second.

" Then what do you expect me to do? Go home, stay in my bed and cry all day?" I exclaimed, gathering attention over to our table.

" whatever you think will make you feel better," Seungri suggested.

" So you guys are telling me to skip one day of school?" I said with disbelief.

" Don't say it like we're the bad guys," Chaerin replied.

" Says the people giving me the idea…fine, I'll skip one day...but on one condition," I grinned, causing Seungri and Chaerin to exchange uneasy looks.


" I can't believe you talked us into this," Chaerin whispered, as we creeped around the hallway, trying to escape for the day.

" Hey, it's your idea and I am definitely not going to get caught by myself," I said evilly.

" Free! Free at last!" Seungri exclaimed, running out of the doorway.

" Shut your piehole, unless you want to get caught," Chaerin scolded him causing the baby panda to whine and stay quiet.

Staying close by the wall, we stood up side by side, waiting patiently for Seungri's van.

~after 20 minutes~

" Yah panda! Where's your van?" I shouted, " I thought you said your manager is fast as a cheetah?" I complained.
" More like as fast as a pig," Chaerin mocked, leaning her head back against the wall.
As if on cue, a black Mercedes Benz halted in front of us.

" Huh? I thought you said a van?" I whispered to Seungri.

" I did..." Seungri said confused, while the three of us just stood there staring at it.

When finally the driver probably got fed up, as he rolled down the passengers seat’s window while we bent down to look who was driving.

" Hyung!!!" Seungri shouted, running as he immediately got in the passenger’s seat.

" Looks like that's our ride," Chaerin whispered, walking in front of me as I trailed behind her, worrying on how I was going to face Seunghyun.

Scooting into the seat, I sat stiffly on the right side of the backseat, regretting I let Chaerin go in first, as Seunghyun would get a better view of me from the driver's seat.

" Hyung...I thought you don't have a driver's license," Seungri said.

" Ughh, be quiet you annoying maknae," Seunghyun replied.

Seungri who was definitely not pleased with his words, probably decided to ignore his Hyung, turning back to face Chaerin and I.

" So tell me something interesting," Seungri smirked at me.

" What are you talking about panda?" Chaerin teased, causing Seungri to defensively cover his eye bags.

Smiling, I decided to play along and talk to Chaerin and Seungri normally...basically ignoring the other presence...Seunghyun.

" What do you wanna know?" I asked.


I was left hanging for an answer, as Seungri dug out his phone from his pocket, frowning as he read the message he just received.

" How are you and that Jaejoong guy best friends?" Seungri questioned.

Raising my left eyebrow I stared into Seungri's eyes, " Why do you wanna know?" I grinned.

" Trust me I have a better question, but this hyung..." Seungri's voice faded, seeing Seunghyun shoot death glares at the younger male.

" Hehehe...I'm just curious about him," Seungri clarified.

Rolling my eyes at his pathetic attempt to escape from his mistake, I decided just to help Seungri just this once...even if it meant talking about my past.

" Alright then..." I answered.



" Let's go Bommie," Chaerin said, as the lunch bell rang.

Yes, it was the second day of my first school year and luckily I was able to find a new friend quickly, but like they say, it all seemed to easy to have such a great start to a new year and I was indeed correct.

" Oh class, a new announcement, " our professor announced, catching everyone's attention before we could leave the class.

Turning our heads to our professor she spoke, " As this year's new project in having better classes, we decided to conduct an extra hour every Tuesday and Thursday for extra activities" she informed us.

The whole classroom was filled with simultaneous groans, unhappy with the addition of 2 more hours of being at school campus.

" What kind of activities?" a brunette asked.

" Various activities, like vocal, dancing...oh and I heard there will be baking classes," our professor answered.

" Seriously? Baking classes? We're not in high school anymore," Chaerin whispered to me quietly.

" I don't know...baking sounds kinda fun," I commented, as we both walked to the cafeteria.

" Of course for someone like you, who loves food," Chaerin teased.

" Whatever...but what are you going to take?" I asked her, " You know you should join me for baking classes, so we could be like baking buddies," I suggested.

" Yeah sure...if I was 13," Chaerin answered, " I think I'll just go for singing, " she continued.

" I'll just go for singing," I mocked, " Fine leave me all alone and I'll just get a stranger as my partner," I replied.

" Then it sounds like a plan," Chaerin agreed.

" Yah! I didn't actually mean that!" I complained.

" Well I did my dear Bommie," Chaerin teased.

" My dear Bommie? So is that why you rejected me yesterday?" Yunho - the senior that had hit on me he day before- said, " You like the ladies huh?" he smirked.

" Well I would rather like the ladies than be with a stuck up jerk like you," I answered.

I smiled with victory as his companions laughed at their pathetic leader, " Well you better listen, pick singing as your activity that way we can get to know each other," Yunho instructed before he strutted away.

" Well Chaerin looks like you have a great partner for your singing classes," I teased, getting up.

~during baking class later that day~

Walking around the campus had been tiring since the morning, but walking around to find the cooking class is even more tiring. Most people would have asked for directions but not me, I would like to rather think of myself as a person who wanted a challenge, instead of a shy person who didn't want to talk to strangers. Like Chaerin said, I have my weird ways.

After finally finding my class, I stepped inside the spacious room, thankful that not much people had chosen this activity. Scanning through the room I couldn't recognize anyone, which helped my good mood rise up even more, but who knew that would also be a disadvantage for me? Once settling on one of the empty counter tables organized for 2, in no time the teacher arrived and to my dismay announced for everyone to form a team of pairs.

" I'll get you for this Chaerin..." I whispered to myself watching everyone greet each other and come to an agreement eventually leaving me as the loner.

" it couldn't get worse," I muttered to myself, feeling a pair of eyes on me.

Looking up my eyes met with the male teacher, cursing myself again for thinking a female teacher would always be the one teaching a baking class.

" I guess I'll be your temporary partner miss?" the teacher announced.

" Park Bom," I answered stiffly.

" Alright, let's start," he announced.

After he briefly informed us on how to make cinnamon rolls, we all got busy with making our yeast dough. Luckily the teacher was busy helping others, leaving me alone most of the time, until...

*knock knock*

" Well you're late," the teacher said.

" Sorry, I didn't know where this class was," an unfamiliar voice answered.

" Alright, I'll let you off since it's the first day," he told him.

" So where should I go?" the voice said.

Yes, I referred to him as the voice, since I was too lazy to look up, besides I was too busy counting down with the timer.

" 3...2...1..." I muttered to myself, happily taking the cover off my dough, since the time for the yeast to take action was finished.

" So what you have to do is simply punch the dough to allow the air to escape because once we make the cinnamon rolls we will need to allow it to rise up once again," the instructor informed.

" Punch? That sounds easy enough," I muttered to myself, rolling my sleeves up.

With all my strength, clenching my fist I pushed it into the risen dough creating a deflating sound as it immediately decreased in size.

" Stupid seniors," I started muttering to myself sending another hard punch.

" Thinking they can charm me? Who the hell do they think they are?" I angrily whispered.

*cough cough*

" Sorry for my friend's behaviour," the mysterious voice said.

Annoyed, I turned my head to find this pretty boy standing right beside my table, " I'm sorry...who are you?" I asked bitterly.

" Your new partner," he answered, offering his hand for a shake.

Staring at his hand, I started to work my dough, not content with actually even touching his hand, " Did the teacher send you here?" I questioned.

Expecting to hear a yes, he just shook his head followed by his next words, " He told me to find a partner...and you were the only one left," he clarified.

" Right..." I faked a smile still unhappy.

Sighing, he took the seat beside me," Look, my friends may be a jerk sometimes, but I'm not," he told.

" Oh really? How would I know if you're not lying?" I retorted, grabbing my rolling pin I started to roll my dough out.

" Fine think what you want, but wouldn't a smart person like you realize I'm not hitting on you just like my jerk of a friend?" he said.

Dumbfounded, I decided not to answer him and just continue making my cinnamon rolls.

" That's not how you roll it, you have to be careful and roll it carefully like this!" the instructor scolded me, showing how to roll a perfect roll.

Rolling my eyes I could only just watch him make them perfectly until he probably noticed my bored face.

" You teach her," he told my partner, causing me to look over to his side finding his rolls amazing just as well.

Once the annoying instructor was gone I could finally breath and me giving up on rolling the dough, I just lay back against my chair and watched him make them instead.

" You know it's actually fun if you try," he said.

" Of course it's fun for're good at it," I replied.

" Just try again Bom," he answered.

" Woah, are you like a creepy stalker or do I just don't remember introducing myself?" I retorted.

" You can call me lots of things, but I am not a creepy stalker, besides, if it wasn't for Yunho and his creepy plans, I wouldn't know your name," he said.

" Ah probably aren't a creepy I know what you are," I smirked from beside him.

He turned his head around, flashing me a intriguing look, " Then what am I?" he asked.

" Gay," I answered blankly.

" W-what? G-gay?" he said with disbelief.

I nodded my head, " Your baking skills make it clear," I teased.

" Aish...seriously? I don't get you," he muttered to himself, just loud enough for me to hear.

Giggling to myself, I couldn't actually believe I was having a good time with him…well more like enjoying teasing him.

" Is it me...or has no one else noticed that the teacher has both a chin and a head? " he asked.

Blinking twice, he indeed was correct, the instructor did have those both.

" It's like he's an all round !" I giggled, causing us both to erupt with laughter garnering the instructor's attention.

" Be quiet over there," he scolded.

" Oops...looks like the is mad," he whispered to me, as we both chuckled lightly.

Panting for air, after he successfully rolled all the dough, I had to admit to myself, that he really isn't a bad guy.

" Hey," I called out, making him look at me.

" Yeah?" he answered.

Taking a deep breath I gathered all my courage, " Sorry for my behaviour just now...can we start all over again?" I questioned nervously.

" Sure, anyways, I understand where you came from after Yunho hit on you," he smiled back.

" My name's Park Bom," I smiled.

" Kim Jaejoong," he answered.

" the pretty boy's name is Jaejoong?" I teased.

" What pretty boy?" he exclaimed, walking closer to me.

" Don't act like you've never been called that," I replied.

He grinned even more, leaning closer to my face, " I just wanted to hear it again from just a beautiful woman," he complimented.

" Eeee! So cheesy!" I cringed, pushing his forehead back with my fingers, trying to stop myself from actually blushing in front of him.


" The rolls are ready," I smiled, excited to taste what we made.

" I'll take them out of the oven," Jaejoong said.

I shoved him aside getting to the oven first, " Nope, I'll do it since you basically made them alone," I suggested.

" Don't forget oven muffs," Jaejoong called from behind.

Opening the oven door, I reached out for the extremely hot pan....A HOT PAN!

" Ahhh!" I screamed, feeling the hot metal touch my skin, as I immediately retracted my hand, caressing it with my other.

" Aish, I told you about the oven muffs," Jaejoong said disappointed, as I watched him take out the pan from the oven, placing it on the marble counter to cool off.

Scrunching my face I walked over to the sink, running the ice cold water over my throbbing fingers which quickly turned red.

" Stupid oven..." I whispered to myself.

" Sure blame the innocent appliance, when it was clearly your fault," Jaejoong chuckled, reaching out for my hand, as he inspected it, blowing onto my red flesh.

" I'll go get the first aid kit," Jaejoong informed me as he quickly walked away.

Annoyed with my foolish self, I started poking my fingers, feeling my warm skin.

" What won't help Bom," Jaejoong said.

" What do you know?" I pouted.

He chuckled, " I definitely know that didn't help" he answered.

Silently I watched him dress my burn, applying this cooling gel covering it lastly with a plaster.

" Thank you doctor," I mocked.

" That will be 100 thousand won," he answered.

" Rip off," I whispered back looking for the cinnamon rolls.

" They're over here," Jaejoong said, pointing at the packed bread.

" Mmmm, give me one," I pleaded, while he passed me one.

" Alright class, I'll see you all again on Thursday," the instructor said dismissing us all.

" So I'm going to meet Chaerin at her singing class..." I informed Jaejoong.

" Well that's just my luck, I'm going over there to meet Yunho," he replied.

Rolling my eyes, we started walking over to the singing class, and luckily it wasn't such a hard task to find them, since from afar we could see both of them having a verbal fight.

" Your leader's pissing off Chaerin," I smirked.

" And so? It's not like she's going to slap him," Jaejoong said.

I giggled, " Oh she won't slap, definitely no, she's more of a....kicker," I grinned.

" Aish, you should have warned me," Jaejoong cursed, sprinting as he held onto Yunho's arm refraining him from touching Chaerin.

After a few short seconds I made it there, just in time to watch them back off each other and have Jaejoong walk over to my side.

" Good thing she didn't kick him yet," Jaejoong whispered to me.

" Oh she will, if he speaks another word," I warned.

" You know, you might have some looks if you get plastic surgery to fix your eyes," Yunho shouted.

" Uh oh..." I whispered to Jaejoong who was about to walk over to Yunho.

With my good hand I gripped onto his, telling him not to do it, because he will just also end up hurt.

" What am I going to do? Just let him get hurt?" he asked me.

" Well I’m not letting someone innocent get hurt," I smirked, " now watch...3...2...1," I said.

Seeing Chaerin explode, as her right leg flew up, smacking Yunho's left cheek, leaving a big red mark on his face.

" It's called a punishment…ever heard of it?" Chaerin smiled with victory walking over to my hand.

" What happened to your hand?" Chaerin pointed out.

" Ah this?" Jaejoong answered, taking my hand in his.

Jaejoong and I both broke out into a smile, remembering the baking class. Basically that day was the day I met Jaejoong, the day I made a new friend, a friend whom became one of my best friends. The person who now is taking care of a child with me.

* end of flashback*

" Ohh," Seungri said, " are you happy now hyung?" Seungri questioned Seunghyun, which Seunghyun answered with a quick punch onto his arm.

" one ever appreciates me," Seungri whined.

Once we stopped in front of the YG building the three of us got out except Seunghyun, which made me feel more relaxed.

" Umm...aren't you coming?" Chaerin asked Seunghyun.

" I have somewhere else to go first," he answered before speeding off.

" And you said he doesn't have a driving license," I replied.

While the three of us rode the elevator we were greeted with the smiling faces of the other big bang members, whom I guessed obviously knew about the death of my cousin as they prepared all sorts of comfort food.

" are you doing?" G-Dragon asked.

" I swear if another person asks me that exact question I'm going to kill myself," I answered.

" I'm guessing you're not," G-Dragon said.

" Good guess," I said tiredly.

Luckily with their perseverance they eventually got me to enjoy the food they prepared constantly placing food onto my plate, our laughter slowly filling the room, unfortunately everything was short lived as someone pushed the door open.

" Bom! Did you pick Harang up?" Jaejoong shouted, as he barged through the door.

" W-what are you doing here? And how did you know I was here?" I answered shocked.

" I have my ways, but did you pick Harang up?" Jaejoong asked.

" I...ughh.." I said nervously, feeling guilty I actually forgot about my duties on my first day.

" She made me pick him up," Seunghyun announced, walking into the dancing studio with Harang in his arms.



Annyeong readers!

Well happy new year! 2012 is here...oh no how can i start on 2012, well it officially marks my last year of secondary school, yes I'll be taking my O levels this year. And usually on normal school days, our lessons are only until 12.30pm, but this year we have afternoon classes, and that means my classes are from 7.30am - 4pm, so clearly i have less time, but luckily i managed to type one chapter on my ipad so that explains this chapter.

Sadly enough, i've got the whole story like planned out in my head, but seems like school work will be slowing me down, but i have some free time! When i get that free time I'll definitely be writing. Aigoo, i feel like i have endless excuses, but this is reality for me. 

til next time~


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Lyca_Myx #1
Chapter 22: I felt bad in the last part.. it hurts.. ;( neomu appa..
n' I feel like crying.. :( plus I didn't see much of TOPBOM...
BommieLuv #2
Chapter 22: awwhh... thanks for this nice story thanks :D
Chapter 21: I love the plot :3 and I liked the occasional cheesy dialogue too xD TOPBOM forever <33
Chapter 22: Hey nice story line but towards the end it kind of draggy.... sori to say this.... but u still a good writer author nim.... =)
otp9snsd #5
Awww such a cute storyyy :')
minaohmina #6
Thank goodness topbom moment wasnt all mushyyy and actually realistic ! Even though its shorter than what it could have been I still love the story !! And I find the ending appropriate. But I wish harang appeared more! But great story. I'll look out for your new stories also.
Omg...i cant believe its finish now T_T...yay jaejoongie back...only if it's a short while, anyways topbom had a cute moment there and hehe yunho is so much nicer in this maknae is so funny and yay topbom are dating tabi saw bommie ...and tabi is so understanding for bommie...I'm gonna miss this fanfic
Too bad you have to end this fic. T.T Feels like the story of topbom just started. So do skydragon. But nevermind,at least they ended with each other in the end. Anyway,thanks authornim! :)
Sad that the story ended T.T
Even though you cut it short, I loved it. The ending and story was still great!
Thanku you!
Aigoooo it's ed already T.T
Honestly I was kinda shocked when I saw ur "completed" updates. But.... Yay! At least topbom is together now! And jae is out of the frame! Ohohohoho ~(‾▿‾~)(~‾▿‾)~ thanks for this one!