Chapter 14: A Promise Broken Means A Promise Fulfilled

Not So Perfect


Bom's POV

"Auntie..." I said shocked, staring at the wide smiling lady who just barged into my room uninvited.

She smiled warmly at me, striding closer to me, as the others stood there confused while Chaerin stared at me alarmed.

"What are you doing here?" I blurted out, still flabbergasted to see her.

Auntie, Jong Hee chuckled lightly, as she sat down beside me on the edge of my bed, "you're so beautiful now," she said, her voice shaky as her eyes shimmered with the tears forming in her eyes.

Feeling betrayed, I looked down onto my sheets unable to look at her in her eyes, "y-you abandoned me," I croaked, the sad emotions flooding back to me in a matter of seconds.

"I-I know....I'm so sorry," she apologized, wrapping her arms around my frozen body.

"P-please leave..." I muttered, the sadness getting replaced with anger I had locked up for years finally surfacing.

"What?" my auntie said surprised, leaning away as she looked at my face searching for an explanation.

"Leave me alone," I now said louder, looking straight into her eyes with fury.

"Bom," Chaerin said cautiously, as she made her way beside me.

"You said you never wanted to see me again, so why are you here?" I yelled with anguish, the Big Bang memebrs shocked yet again with my sudden mood swing.

"I-I know, I never meant to hurt you," she replied, reaching for my arm as I quick retracted it away before she could even touch me.

"But you did....the damage has been done," I said in between my teeth as I clenched my fists.

"Umma!" Donghae called out, sighing with relief as he found his wandering mother.

My eyes glared at Donghae, causing him to watch his mother who seemed like she did not want to leave.

"Get her out..." I ordered.

"Why?" my auntie cried.

I looked at her with hurt, "I'm just fulfilling what you wanted, you didn't want to see me again, so I won't show myself to you again....happy?" I said bitterly, while Donghae escorted his dazed mother out of my room.

"What just happened?" Daesung questioned.

"Who let her in?" I asked back, staring accusingly at the boys.

"She said she was your close friend..." Taeyang said sheepishly, while I sighed knowing it wasn't his fault.

Chaerin looked at me with pity, "the Im Jong Hee?" she said unsure, since she knew all the crap I had to go through because of her.

I looked away from all of them to ashamed to even talk to them especially after my break down yet again.

"Just act like it didn't happen okay?" I heard Chaerin instruct them.

"Where's Harang?" I asked, since everyone was in my room without my son in sight.

"Oh yeah...good question," Daesung laughed, scratching his nape embarassed that they had all forgotten about the small child.

Getting up wordlessly, I made my way out of the room leaving the six of them blank and confused.

"Harang?" I called out checking his room to find it empty, unsure where he is I walked down the stairs going into the kitchen to find Harang reaching for a box of cereal on the counter.

"Need help?" I said sweetly, carrying the kid in my arms as he reached for the box happily.

"Thank you umma," Harang pouted, "I thought you were gone," he continued.

"Why would you think that?" I asked, allowing him to sit on the counter.

"Uncle Seungri and appa Seunghyun told me that I could not talk to you," Harand answered.

"Oh crap...we got caught," I heard Seungri curse, marching into the kitchen.

"What's the meaning of this?" I asked, carrying Harang in my arms while I stared at the two Seunghuns waiting for an answer.

"W-we thought-" Seungri started to stutter.

"I was like a mentally ill person or something? And was not in the right mind to take care of Harang?" I said with a hint of hurt in my tone.

"N-no it's not like that Bom," Seunghyun said cautiously.

"Do you even know how hard it is to be me?" I questioned out of the blue.

"I'm so sorry Bom, we won't do it again," Seunghyun apologized.

"It's hard enough I have to go through this, but now you guys are starting to think I'm not fit enough to see Harang?" I yelled, "you know wha-" I stopped midway as Harang hugged me tightly.

"Please don't fight," Harang pleaded, placing his arms around my neck.

I gulped stealing another glance at Seunghyun, "for your sake," I cooed pinching Harang's cheeks lightly.

I secured my hold on Harang getting ready to leave the kitchen.

"I'm sorry," I whispered to Seunghyun on the way out, passing by him quickly, as I felt guilty for them having to experience my bipolar actions.


"This is normal, trust me," I comforted the Big Bang members, as Bom carried Harang up the stairs, especially trying to get the baby panda to calm down after nearly getting the rath of Bom only to be saved by Harang.

"But why is she like this?" Jiyong asked, shifting in his seat uncomfortably.

"That I can't tell you, but it's just the anniversary of an very important date to Bom is coming soon, and she tends to have mental breakdowns regularly during this period," I explained, ignoring the bad feeling that I had since Bom's break downs were more extreme than usual...almost as if she was hearing things.

"Chaerin? Hello?" Jiyong laughed, waving his hands in front of my face franticly.

"Wha-what?" I said coming back to reality.

"You looked lost for a second there," he answered.

"I was..." I whispered to myself.

"Shall we go?" Bom asked, already back and dressed with Harang hopping down the stairs beside her.

"Y-yeah," I said still absentmindedly.

Bom's POV

Feeling the need for comfort I decided to wear a simple pair of leggings matching it with a white blouse covered with a cardigan, loving the feeling of warmth towards myself.

"Be safe okay?" I told Harang, walking him to Jiyong's car as we had to go seperate ways for the day, meaning uni for me, school for Harang and work for the Big Bang members.

"Yeah yeah, umma worries too much," Harang teased, jumping into the backseat, while Seunghyun stood by his car waiting for Chaerin and I to get on.

"Bye Bom," Chaerin said nonchalantly, getting into Jiyong's car as well.

"Yah! You should come with me!" I yelled, "don't make him drive all the way to Harang's school then back to campus!" I exclaimed.

"I have a small errand to run, I'll see you at class," Chaerin said rushing, reaching for the door, "love you~" she cooed, a hint of playfulness in her tone.

"Evil..." I whispered to myself, tightening my grip on bag as I made heavy steps towards the other car.

"Let's go," I laughed awkwardly, climbing into the passenger's seat as Seunghyun got into the driver's seat.

Staring outside the window, I sat there quietly, unsure on how to start a conversation.

"Bom?" Seunghyun then said, finally breaking the silence.

Mmm?" I answered, turning to him slightly.

"You do realize we need to talk right?" Seunghyun said seriously.

I pouted, "its sounds like you're going to break up with me eventhough we're not together," I replied.

Seunghyun chuckled lightly, "you think too much," he joked.

"But I have a serious are we supposed to raise Harang if I don't know you?" Seunghyun questioned.

"What do you mean? You know me!" I exclaimed, "I'm Park Bom just another ordinary girl," I continued.

Seunghyun sighed, "that's now what I meant..." he said not satisfied.

"How am I supposed to live in the same house as you when you are hiding secrets from me," Seunghyun clarified.

I started to fidget, playing with my fingers, "what secrets?" I said sheepishly.

Seunghyun brought the car to a halt, as we now stopped infront of the campus, "I know you're hiding something from me, but you know what..I don't think it's right for me to push you to tell me," he said disappointed.

I stared at Seunghyun, my eyes filled with disbelief at how sincere he was, observing him Seunghyun looked up, our eyes locking with each other for matter of seconds.

A small smile formed on my lips, "thank you..." I said greatfully, "it's nice to know you won't force me to tell you," I continued.

Seunghyun let out a weak smile, "tell you what..." I started off, reaching for the lock of my necklace as I let it slide of my neck.

"I'm giving this to you," I replied, handing him the necklace as I placed it in his palm, "just tell me when you want to find out, then I'll show you...consider this as my promise to you," I said, folding his fingers around the necklace my fingers holding his fist shut.

"Just promise me you'll never go in without me knowing," I said worriedly.

Seunghyun grinned, "that promise is enough for me to trust you," he said.

"Pinky promise?" I said cutely, putting my finger out.

3 long seconds passed, my pinky still hanging  waiting for Seunghyun to accept it, " mean," I whined.

Seunghyun chuckled, "that's not the seal I want," he said, causing me to stare at him confused.

Laughing even more, Seunghyun then quietly caressed my cheek, before leaning in as he gently grazed his lips against mine.

"Promise," Seunghyun then ended.


Aiyoo aiyoo...they have finally kissed, and to those who might think Bom is like a mental person. HAHAH. she definitely isn't. just wait for the next chapter...oh and my very first teaser is below! Even though it's 3 lines, I wish you guys get excited. Oh and I updated a few hours before friday, kekeke. just saying~

Oh and please...comments make me way better, actually makes me think I'm writing the story for someone since I would feel like somebody appreciates my hardwork of sitting in front of my laptop and writing a chapter. hahha. Not ranting, but comments are appreciated...thanks~


Bom's POV

"I-I can't do this anymore..." I said, my eyes blurry with tears.

"Bom just listen please," he pleaded.

"How can I even trust you anymore?" I said my voice shaking, "you're a monster..." 




Oolalala~ You ready for the next chapter?

Comment replies:

@cherista6: well all will be revealed soon, so stay tuned for my next updates~

@Bungsky_: I know right, I feel so sorry for Bom here, even though I made her character like this myself. hahhaha.

@2Ne1L0v3R: Yeah the song's nice, the lyrics are really nice as well, its meaningful, and here's an update for you~

@Serena: Yeah, I felt so much pity towards Bom's character here but! I can say she is almost as the end of the rainbow! well I can't really say, about that guy, but I can definitely say he didn't leave for someone else. hahaa. and of course TOPBOM!!! hahaha 

@TOPBOM4ever: Aigoo...nice guess, but I guess your imagination is really wide, hahaha, I wanna just tell you a secret...Bom is a V in my fanfic, HAHAHA so I hope that clears up your whole guess, and nah, she just loves the teddy bear just like a baby. And I'm glad to know I have a new reader!! kekekeke, I hope you like this chapter as well! <3


Oh and how am I doing? Sad...:( I lost 2 subscribers...tell me is this fanfic really boring?? 

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Lyca_Myx #1
Chapter 22: I felt bad in the last part.. it hurts.. ;( neomu appa..
n' I feel like crying.. :( plus I didn't see much of TOPBOM...
BommieLuv #2
Chapter 22: awwhh... thanks for this nice story thanks :D
Chapter 21: I love the plot :3 and I liked the occasional cheesy dialogue too xD TOPBOM forever <33
Chapter 22: Hey nice story line but towards the end it kind of draggy.... sori to say this.... but u still a good writer author nim.... =)
otp9snsd #5
Awww such a cute storyyy :')
minaohmina #6
Thank goodness topbom moment wasnt all mushyyy and actually realistic ! Even though its shorter than what it could have been I still love the story !! And I find the ending appropriate. But I wish harang appeared more! But great story. I'll look out for your new stories also.
Omg...i cant believe its finish now T_T...yay jaejoongie back...only if it's a short while, anyways topbom had a cute moment there and hehe yunho is so much nicer in this maknae is so funny and yay topbom are dating tabi saw bommie ...and tabi is so understanding for bommie...I'm gonna miss this fanfic
Too bad you have to end this fic. T.T Feels like the story of topbom just started. So do skydragon. But nevermind,at least they ended with each other in the end. Anyway,thanks authornim! :)
Sad that the story ended T.T
Even though you cut it short, I loved it. The ending and story was still great!
Thanku you!
Aigoooo it's ed already T.T
Honestly I was kinda shocked when I saw ur "completed" updates. But.... Yay! At least topbom is together now! And jae is out of the frame! Ohohohoho ~(‾▿‾~)(~‾▿‾)~ thanks for this one!