Chapter 19: The End

Not So Perfect

Bom's POV

"Umma, can you just look after Harang one last time for me?" I pleaded on the phone, as we waiting outside the building for Chaerin and Jiyong.

My mother sighed, "fine, only cause he's adorable," mother gave in, hanging up as the line went dead.

"Hey!" Seunghyun greeted Chaerin and Jiyong who looked more than traumatized as they stepped out of the YG building.

"I think he just gave us his blessings," Chaerin said stunned, unable to look up to me.

"Is that a thank you I hear?" I laughed.

"He even said that we can babysit his daughter to have experience," Jiyong shuddered.

"That's great! You can babysit Harang as well!" I cheered, leading the shocked people towards the waiting van.

"I-I just don't understand, I thought he would be angry," Jiyong said amazed, finally seated in the passengers seat.

"He only acts like that at first, but if you ask for his permission he'll be more than willing to allow," Seunghyun answered, instructing their manager to drive off.

"But that doesn't mean, he'll allow you to go date plenty of girls Seungri," Seungri then shut him off, as the Panda already opened his mouth ready to protest.

"Hmph, you guys know me too well," Seungri pouted.

"So Chae, are you going to move in with us?" I asked hopeful, as we neared my mansion.

"I doubt it, my parents will probably forbid me, now knowing that my boyfriend lives in the same house as you," Chaerin laughed.

"Just let me talk to them," I said confidently, knowing how her mother could never really reject my mother's offers.

"If you want to," Chaerin chuckled, as we all got off the car.

I stood by the front steps of the entrance, waiting for Seunghyun to get off, "aren't you coming inside?" Youngbae asked, as he passed by me.

"N-not just yet," I answered, "waiting for Seunghyun," I continued.

"Ahh, new lovebirds," Daesung and Seungri teased, before scurrying inside.

"What did the maknae say?" Seunghyun asked, glaring at the maknae suspisciously.

"Just his usual tactics," I answered, looking at him.

"Go wait for me in front of the room," I told him.

"What room?" Seunghyun said unaware.

"The room which I didn't allow you guys to touch," I clarified to which Seunghyun immediately understood.

"Why not go together?" he asked.

"I just have one more thing to fix," I answered, watching his silouhette fade into the house.

"One more problem to fix," I whispered to myself, calling the called which had sent me a text earlier.

"Jaebum?" I answered.

"Bom? Is that you?" Jaebum answered.

"I'll keep this short and simple, come to the mansion, I have something to say," I replied, hanging up immediately.

"Looks like I won't be needing your help after all," I laughed to myself, remembering Jaejoong's determined look to get rid of Jaebum.

I raised my head up, running inside, and up the stairs to find Seunghyun pacing back and fourth in front of the door worriedly.

"Hey calm down," I laughed, jogging up to him.

"Lord knows what's inside," Seunghyun said anxiously.

I giggled even more, "what do you actually think there's something scary inside?" I asked, taking the key from his hand as I slipped it into the lock.

"You never know, you might have a dark secret," Seunghyun said like a small kid, as I pushed the door open.

"Woah," Seunghyun said with awe, amazed with all the Jaebum and I related objects in the room, from simple photos to stuff toys which filled half the room.

"You wanna know why I hate Jaebum so much?" I said from in between my teeth.

"ssshhh," Seunghyun said worried, closing the door behind us as he hugged me.

"What's this all about?" I said shocked myself, as my arms unconsciously hugged him tighter.

"Jiyong told me," Seunghyun explained.

"That Kwon Leader!" I yelled.

Seunghyun chuckled, "I can't even imagine how hard it would be for you to repeat the story once again," he said.

"So rather than telling me, I have another idea instead," Seunghyun suggested, pushing me back lightly, as he stared into my eyes.

"Promise me we'll never talk about him," he said, "let's live without having to think about him again," he suggested.

I smiled weakly at him, "I can't think of even a better choice than that," I agreed, hugging him again.

"I-I know I haven't been completely honest with you, hiding secrets about Jaebum and all," I said.

"But no more secrets," I chanted.

"I can't think of a even better choice than that," he imitated me, as he kissed my forehead lightly.

I blushed with a shade of red, "I can't say I complete love you," I confessed, looking into his eyes.

Seunghyun nodded his head understandingly, "But I know I do," he said confidently.

"Love is like a completely hard thing for me to believe in," I continued, "it's amazing to even start feeling the way I am again," I smiled.

"Promise me this," I stared into his eyes, "even though I may take a long time to say I love you, promise me you'll never give up on me," I whispered.

"I promised," Seunghyun smiled, his dimples appearing from his happy smile.

"I can't believe you're giving me a chance," Seunghyun said happily, hugging me excitedly.

"Just stop," Seungri said with disgust, "Jaebum's here," he said bluntly, leaving our moment short-lived.

"That bastard, he even dares to show up," Seunghyun said furious.

"Is he still outside?" I asked.

"Yeah, Chaerin pushed him outside, and said he can't come in," Seungri laughed.

"Perfect," I replied.

I grabbed another plushy from the floor, walking to the balcony of the room, as Jaebum stood right below it, "just like I planned.'' I whispered to myself satisfied.

"Jae..." I called out, causing him to look up at me.

"Chaerin won't let me inside," Jaebum explained.

"I know," I answered.

"Look, even though I hate your guts," I started off, as Jaebum stared at me with painful eyes.

"I-I know, my family treated you like trash," he agreed.

"But I can't deny how much I missed you," I said.

"I missed knowing I had a close best friend like you," I continued, "i missed knowing I had someone to rely on," I said.

"I-I missed you too," Jaebum replied.

"As much as this is painful for me to say," I said, "I-I can't see you anymore," I told him, tears tricking down my cheeks.

"No, Bom, please," Jaebum pleaded from beneath.

"I watched the news earlier, but we can always talk things out," Jaebum said franticly.

"I'll be lying if I said I wouldn't want to be friends with you again," I smiled weakly, "it might take years before I fully forgive you, but at least know this," I said.

"I loved you..." I yelled, causing Jaebum to fall down on his knees weakly.

"Please, just think about this again," Jaebum begged.

"Time can only fix this, but right now I'm not ready to let you back in just yet," I answered.

I could easily feel Seunghyun's presence behind me, as he obviously watched the whole scene unravel, I turned around, reaching out for his hand, as he gladly accepted, joining me on the balcony.

"They say if you care about someone, even if it hurts letting them go, if it's the best for them, you'll do anything to see them smile," I told Jaebum, who now looked at me hopelessly.

"So please, if you care about me, just let me go," I croaked, feeling Seunghyun watch me worriedly.

"Bom," Jaebum called out.

"I loved you too," he yelled back, closing my eyes shut, as we both indeed say we love each other, but rather in past tense.

"It's over," I whispered, watching Jaebum walk away slowly, my eyes closed as tears continued to run down my face, as Seunghyun caressed my cheek, allowing me to rest my head on his chest.

"Don't worry, I'm here," Seunghyun whispered, as he kissed the crown of my head.

There you go! It ended...aigoo.

FIRST OF ALL, I feel so apologetic to those who encouraged me to continue with this fanfic, I feel so ashamed not being able to fulfil it. This fanfic hasn't ended how I wanted it, but I can at least say, I gave this an ending to at least put this story to a stop.

To those who commented, thank you for sharing your kind words to me.

To those who subscribed, thank you for reading my story.

To my silent readers, thank you as well for reading my story.

I'm very thankful to know most of you guys have stuck with me to this disappointined end, I'll continue my other fanfic with a conifdent mindset, since I'm completely excited writing that one, compared to this one. Aigoo.


To tell you the truth, I hate giving up on a fanfic, but when I lost interest in this, I just couldn't continue one.

Please be understanding, with only one fanfic to write, I think I'll have less to worry about, and it'll give me more time to write better chapters, since I can only have so much free time, especially after my extra classes.


Thank you once again, and I hope you guys will check out my other fanfic...

Oh and I guess I finished writing this sooner than I thought. hehe

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Lyca_Myx #1
Chapter 22: I felt bad in the last part.. it hurts.. ;( neomu appa..
n' I feel like crying.. :( plus I didn't see much of TOPBOM...
BommieLuv #2
Chapter 22: awwhh... thanks for this nice story thanks :D
Chapter 21: I love the plot :3 and I liked the occasional cheesy dialogue too xD TOPBOM forever <33
Chapter 22: Hey nice story line but towards the end it kind of draggy.... sori to say this.... but u still a good writer author nim.... =)
otp9snsd #5
Awww such a cute storyyy :')
minaohmina #6
Thank goodness topbom moment wasnt all mushyyy and actually realistic ! Even though its shorter than what it could have been I still love the story !! And I find the ending appropriate. But I wish harang appeared more! But great story. I'll look out for your new stories also.
Omg...i cant believe its finish now T_T...yay jaejoongie back...only if it's a short while, anyways topbom had a cute moment there and hehe yunho is so much nicer in this maknae is so funny and yay topbom are dating tabi saw bommie ...and tabi is so understanding for bommie...I'm gonna miss this fanfic
Too bad you have to end this fic. T.T Feels like the story of topbom just started. So do skydragon. But nevermind,at least they ended with each other in the end. Anyway,thanks authornim! :)
Sad that the story ended T.T
Even though you cut it short, I loved it. The ending and story was still great!
Thanku you!
Aigoooo it's ed already T.T
Honestly I was kinda shocked when I saw ur "completed" updates. But.... Yay! At least topbom is together now! And jae is out of the frame! Ohohohoho ~(‾▿‾~)(~‾▿‾)~ thanks for this one!