Chapter 15: You're Alive?

Not So Perfect

Bom's POV

"Promise," Seunghyun then ended.

Stunned, my fingers lingered on my lips, "w-what was that?" I stuttered.

"That was my kiss of seal," he smirked, leaning over me as he pushed the car door open.

"Now go before you're late," he instructed, while I unconsciously, walked out of the car.

My senses finally coming back, I glared at Seunghyun, "you are so getting it later!" I yelled, while Seunghyun chuckled, closing the car door shurt before he sped off.

"Yah!" I screamed, putting my fists up in the air, wanting to get revenge on him.

"I can't believe, T.O.P kissed her...look at her," I heard a girl mutter, as I immediately glared at the stranger.

"Man..." I compliained, rummaging through my bag as I grabbed my scarf wrapping it around my neck.

Stealing a glance around me, more and more people were starting to stare, "I'm going to kill him," I muttered, walking ahead as I slowly made my walk to our class.

Ignoring the dirty looks some girls gave me, I settled down at my usual spot, before Chaerin and Seungri barged through the door.

"Bommie!' Chaerin called out, sprinting towards me as she shoved her phone into my face.

"Woah, calm down woman,I can't see if it's too close," I laughed, taking her phone into my hand.

"Look at the who threw herself all over our T.O.P oppa," I read out aloud, anger boiling inside of me.

I scoffed bitterly while Seungri stared at me cautiously, "I don't need all of this right now,"  I laughed half-heartedly, passing Chaerin her phone back.

"Besides I wasn't the one who kissed him, he made the move," I informed them.

"When was this though?" Chaerin asked, staring at the picture yet again.

"I-I don't know," I excused, trying not to get caught.

"OMO! That's the same outfit you're wearing today!" Chaerin squealed.

"A-aniya, it's not," I stuttered, trying to cover myself with my scarf.

Chaerin and Seungri both gasped simultaneously, "he kissed you when he dropped you off!" they both shouted like fangirls, giggling like small kids.

"Gosh you two act like like kids," I said disapprovingly.

"So why did you kiss him?" Seungri asked, aware of my glare as he quickly changed his question, "I mean why did he kiss you?'' he said just like any other girl asking her best friend.

"Do you guys like each other?" Chaerin asked.

"Is he a good kisser?" Seungri questioned.

My eyes widened at his question, "you're definitely a new specie of weird, " I said creeped out.

"What? I got lost in the moment," Seungri said sheepishly.

"Sure you did..." Chaerin teased, "Freaky Panda," she continued.

"Goodmorning class," our professor then greeted us, as he walked inside.

"AIgoo," I sighed ot myself, marking the beginning of another tedious day.

"Tell me about it," Chaerin sighed, flopping down onto her seat.


"Yah panda!" I yelled causing Seungri to look at Chaerin an dI finally.

"Stop calling me that in public, people are teasing me, Seungri whined, skipping towards us.

"Why don't you try using concealer than people just might stop teasing you," I teased, "or even better...get some sleep," I laughed.

"You're really mean, I'm going to tell on you," he pouted like a kid.

"To who? My parents?" Chaerin and I giggled.

"To Seunghyun hyung," he answered.

"And what?" I said bravely

Seungri pouted even more, "lets go have lunch," he gave up, leading the way as Chaerin and I followed from behind.

"BOM!" Chaerin whisperd to my shocked.

"What?" I said alarmed.

"Y-your's gone," Chaerin said shocked.

"Oh that.." I said playing with my fingers as I sprinted to catch up to Seungri.

Chaerin started to giggle profusely, like a mental person before she finally caught up with us, "you gave him you necklace then he kissed you right?" Chaerin whispered to me.

"What are you? Can you read minds or something?" I asked, "but I swear, if you spread this to anyone and even that panda," I told her.

"Don't worry I won't," Chaerin answered immediately.

Pushing the door open to the canteen, I was met with an unpleasant person, as another student dashed pass us, colliding with my shoulder in the process.

"Not even a sorry," I muttered to myself as we slowly made our way  to our usual spot, that is the table at the corner.

"Surprise!" I heard Jiyong's voice, as the three of us stood there surprised to see Jiyong, Seunghyun, Youngbae and Daesung sitting at our table with a variety of dishes.

"What are you doing here?" I whined, scared to see the crazy fangirls glaring at me again.

"To eat lunch," Daesung said innocently.

"Why here? There's a whole canteen of food at the YG building," I replied.

"We wanted to eat with you guys," Jiyong answered.

Sighing, I took a seat, specifically away from Seunghyun, trying to keep space as far as possible, "we should eat quick, we have a quiz afterwards and I wanna study again," I lied, stuffing plenty of food into my mouth.

"What quiz?" Seungri questioned, not catching in to what I was trying to do, "I think you got confused, the quiz is next week," he laughed, slowly picking food with his chopsticks.

"I swear I'm going to eat your brains with this," I whispered to myslf, grippping onto the knife I held.

"Thanks, I needed that," Seunghyun said, grabbing the knife from my hands as I now sat beside the tall rapper.

"H-how did you get here" I asked, looking for Daesung who sat beside me just a few seconds ago.

"I swapped seats with Daesung, do you know he loves Doraemon?" Seunghyun chuckled, from beside me, as I stared at Daesung whom touched the Doraemon collection card carefully.

"You shouldn't sit next ot me," I warned him.

"Why not?" he questioned cluelessly, slicking the steak for me, as he prepared to feed me.

"People will see...also YG," I said concerned.

"I don't care, besides my dating ban is over," he said nonchalantly, taking a spoonful of food.

"What dating? We're not dating anyways," I whined, "still! People are starting to stare at me, I feel like I'm getting anti-fans," I said to him.

Seunghyun chuckled, "just ignore them," he replied.

"How can I-" I could not finish my sentence as he stuffed food into my mouth.

"Just relax and eat," he said cooly.

"She's going to kill you later," Chaerin warned Seunghyun for me.

"I don't care," he laughed, watching me munch on my food.

"Mmmm, this is good," Jiyong said from beside me, while I took a loot at the last piece of boiled beef which he was about to eat.

Pouting, I glared at the Big Bang leader, "here," he said in defeat, placing it into my mouth, as I happily chewed on it.

"An eye for an eye," I giggled, taking a piece of sweet and sour chicken, before feeding it to Jiyong.

"Yah corn!" Seungri called out to me, causing my eyes to search all over the table for the beautifully deilicious and yellow corn, "kidding," he laughed while I sent him a death glare shutting his mouth.

"Give me another piece," Jiyong ordered, my hand immediately following his orderes as I continued to feed him like his girlfriend...girlfriend! Chaerin!

I stole a glance at Chaerin who kept her head down as she stabbed her food, "you idiot," I whispered to Jiyong.

"Why are you calling me the idiot" Jiyong questioned.

"Chaerin's jealous now....she's probably mad at me cause of you," I complained.

"How am I supposed to fix it?" Jiyong asked like a lost puppy.

Shaking my head disapprovingly, I stared at Chaerin for a brief second, before launching my back-up plan.

"Chae!'' I called out.

"What?" Chaerin said annoyed.

"Kwon Leader likes you, he's just too shy to admit it," I said bluntly, while Jiyong gripped onto my hand embarassed.

"Not like that," Jiyong whined.

"At least she knows now," I replied, "now both of you go and talk,"I ordered.

"No..." Chaerin said shyly, blushing.

"Just go before I forcefully push you both out," I said forcefully.

"No,'' Jiyong said beside me.

"I said get up and go for a walk," I ordered finally making the two of them reluctantly walk away.

"I'm good at being cupid," I complimented myself.

"More like a pusher cupid," Seungri teased.

I glared at him, "be quiet or I'll wipe off your concealer so everyone will know the real panda," I threatened, making him shut the hell up.

>>>>>> 6 days later >>>>>>

Here I stood dawning a black dress as I stood infront of my full length mirror, getting prepared to leave.

"You look gorgeous" Chaerin complimented, since today was the day, the day I had to confront his family after years.

"Thank you again," I told Chaerin, fixing on my louboutin shoes.

"Not prob, this is basically like my home anyways," Chaerin replied, walking down stairs with me as she dropped me off at the main door.

"Oh hows you and Jiyong? Are you guys a couple yet?" I teased.

Chaerin rolled her eyes, "thanks to your stunt at school we became mroe awkward, but he asked me out on a date," she answered.

"Olalala~ I see love in the air~" I cooed, making heart shapes with my hands.

"Go," Chaerin said, closing the door shut right in front of my face.

"Woah, so mean," I whispered to myself, hopping onto the waiting car, as I instructed my driver to take to the designated place.

Nervous, I sat there playing with my hair, my eyes fixed on the distance, trying to shake off my nervousness.

"Miss we're here," my driver informed me, stopping at the gate of the cemetry.

"Thank you," I said stepping out of my car, as I made small steps towards the northeast of the large field.

This is it...April 20th...the anniversary of Jaebum's death...

"Bom..." I heard someone call my name, as there stood Donghae and his family.

"Hi..." I said awkwardly, while Jong Hee, their mother smiled at me warmly.

"Let's go somewhere else," Jong Hee said, signalling to their car.

"How about visiting him?" I asked confused, gripping onto the white roses that I brought along with me.

"Don't worry about that," Donghae said, leading me to the car, as he helped me get on.

"Where are you taking me?" I questioned unaware.

"Somewhere," Donghae answered, stepping onto the accelerator as we zoomed away from the cemetry and quickly enough to the city.

"What are we going to do here? We should pay our respect to him first," I complained feeling uneasy.

"Just trust us," Jong Hee comforted me, attempting to hold my hand while I retracted it away from her soon enough, still not forgiving her just yet.

I heard her sigh,as Donghae eventually came to a stop infront of a very famous french restaurant in Seoul.

I scoffed, "so you would rather eat dinner instead of visiting your own brother?" I said surprised.

"Go inside Bom," they both instructed.

"Why should I? What if there's like a trap in there or something," I answered hesistantly.

"Why would we even?" Jong Hee gasped with the accusation.

"Because you guys hate my guts for doing that to your own son," I said nonchalantly.

"Go Bom," Donghae said sternly, leaving me no choice but to obey him, as I jumped off the car, and to the door where the doorman swung the door open for me.

"Just follow the road," he informed me.

"What road?" I asked myself, fumbling forwards, as I indeed found a road outlined by glowing candles.

"What is this?" i muttered, hurrying down the path until I finally stopped at the end where a spotlight focused on a certain someone.

"Jaebum?" I said shocked.

"Hi ,'' he smiled.

I bit my lower lip with anguish, "Hi? That's how you greet me? What are you anyways? A spirit or something?" I yelled.

"No Bom, just listen to me please..." Jaebum pleaded.

"Why would I? " I said bitterly, "you left me for years and you expect me to listen to you just like that?" I answered.

"It was a mistake," he started of.

"You faked your you know how hard it was?" I croaked, "I blamed myself for your death," I continued.

"I know and I'm so-" Jaebum replied for me to cut him off.

"Sorry?" I finished is sentence off, "I can't do this anymore," I said, my eyes blurry with tears.

"Bom just listen please," he pleaded.

"How can I even trust you anymore?" I said my voice shaky, "you're a monster..."


Well oh well looks like a new chapter for you all~ I hope you enjoy.

Oh and short announcement, just like my other fanfic, I would like to stress how much comments motivate me! And I basically made a deal with myself. So if 10-15 or even better more comment on each update from now on, after April 26 [cause of my exams] I'll start updating twice a week, meaning one update for both fanfics in a week! weee!

So go on! Write comments down there! kekeke, and yes I noticed a drastic change in the amount of comments! Thank you guys! I hope you continue!


Comment replies:

@SpunkiMonki:  thanks...I guess they don't know it feels to lose readers, anyways! Like you said I should cheer up! And glad to say I did thanks to your comment. :) And I hope you liked this chappy.

@ppuing2: hahaha, nice touch with the rhymes, and yes I won't stop writing this fanfic, thanks to readers like you! 

I don't want to disappoint you guys~ and for what happens after bommie calls him a monster? That I can't reveal yet, but you can easily guess right?

@Bungsky_: I hope Bommie will open up to him soon, and it will be very soon? I don't know...*troll face* kekeke, *hint hint, very soon* topbom moments will come~ but for now I hope you enjoy this chapter~ 

@chasingbom: I just realized your username is really cute , hahhaa, anyways, I guess the teaser I gave is cleared up, definitely not between Top and Bom. kekeke.

@Cissyy: Bommie will open up very soon hopefully, kekeke, thanks~ I will keep writing! Fighting! 

@Adam21Bang: MUAHAHAHA, I totally smiled at your comment, what a unique way of thinking about my teaser, but yeah its true though, Seunghyun isnt a monster, he's definitely a alien. and I hope you enjoyed this update~ 

@mirandamana: well now you know what the date is...the anniversary of Jaebum's death, aigoo, oh and speaking of! Yeah there's a tiny bit of skydragon here! I'm starting to get the couple together! hahhaa, 

@Serena: Of course I wouldn't let Seunghyun be the monster, like what Adam21Bang said, he's an alien not a monster, besides I can't let the topbom couple have more trouble. hahhaha. and the promise? I'm definitely going to make him keep that. hahahah. awww, you're too sweet, everyone's comment has really brightened up my day, I hope you like this chapter, and I hope I made you greedy for more. kekeke. 

@bom4ever: love your username~ Bommie fighting! anyways don't worry, I decided to definitely work harder and write better, anyways please wait for my next update~ 

@TOPBOM4ever: and hell A to the yeah! I so agree with your username, anyways, hahhaha take note...jaejoong has become kinda irrelevant to this story now, but don't worry I'll fix the problem between bom and him, it's just that I wanted to use JB as the other character instead. kekeke, thanks, your comment is so sweet~ 

@2Ne1L0v3R: well here's the next chapter for you~and I can say that Bom gave him the locket just as a sign of reassurance that she trusts him, hahaha, I hope that helps you to understand.

@cherista6: hahah cute right? he's so sweet to Bom, and yeah, it's sad making Bom having to be the moody person, hope you liked this chapter~ 

@kwonmimi: HAHAHAHA! I guess now you know who the guy is, and yup I made the teaser short, I just love reading comments like yours~ 

@SpringSkye: Well I hope you liked this chapter~ and no, Bommie does not have any supernatural powers, that would be cool though, but sadly no, kekeke. 

P.S. anyone notice I'm giving everyone a It's because I wanna spread the love I have for you guys, really makes me happy to know I have you readers! So silent readers please speak up and I'll be one very happy writer. kekeke. Til next time~

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Lyca_Myx #1
Chapter 22: I felt bad in the last part.. it hurts.. ;( neomu appa..
n' I feel like crying.. :( plus I didn't see much of TOPBOM...
BommieLuv #2
Chapter 22: awwhh... thanks for this nice story thanks :D
Chapter 21: I love the plot :3 and I liked the occasional cheesy dialogue too xD TOPBOM forever <33
Chapter 22: Hey nice story line but towards the end it kind of draggy.... sori to say this.... but u still a good writer author nim.... =)
otp9snsd #5
Awww such a cute storyyy :')
minaohmina #6
Thank goodness topbom moment wasnt all mushyyy and actually realistic ! Even though its shorter than what it could have been I still love the story !! And I find the ending appropriate. But I wish harang appeared more! But great story. I'll look out for your new stories also.
Omg...i cant believe its finish now T_T...yay jaejoongie back...only if it's a short while, anyways topbom had a cute moment there and hehe yunho is so much nicer in this maknae is so funny and yay topbom are dating tabi saw bommie ...and tabi is so understanding for bommie...I'm gonna miss this fanfic
Too bad you have to end this fic. T.T Feels like the story of topbom just started. So do skydragon. But nevermind,at least they ended with each other in the end. Anyway,thanks authornim! :)
Sad that the story ended T.T
Even though you cut it short, I loved it. The ending and story was still great!
Thanku you!
Aigoooo it's ed already T.T
Honestly I was kinda shocked when I saw ur "completed" updates. But.... Yay! At least topbom is together now! And jae is out of the frame! Ohohohoho ~(‾▿‾~)(~‾▿‾)~ thanks for this one!