Chapter 10: I Guess We're Stuck With Each Other

Not So Perfect

Bom's POV

"There has to be another way," Seunghyun muttered to be dumbfounded as we walked out of  YG's office, as the clock blinked 2pm who knew a reaching to a agreement would take so long.

I let my eyes stray to his face, "but he does have a point, it's for the best," I said, knowing that his boss indeed had a good idea which would be better for all.

"It's not going to work Bom..." Seunghyun said sadly.

I shrugged my shoulders, "a little help from others won't be a harm," I replied nonchalantly, making my way back to the studio.

Pushing past the semi transparent door, I was welcomed with a sudden quiet atmosphere as everyone stared at me obviously unsure on how to react with my comeback.

"Hello again," I greeted, bowing lightly, while Harang joyfully ran over to me.

"What happened?" Chaerin asked solemnly.

"I guess I'll have more company," I answered, while the other Big Bang members quickly huddled around Chaerin, Harang and I.

"What are you taking about?" Chaerin questioned.

"YG said that the other Big Bang members also have to help me," I clarified, while the guys stared at me with shock.

"It's true...she isn't lying," Seunghyun backed me up, as he joined us.

"B-but, how is that supposed to happen?" Daesung said shocked.

"The six of us are going to live at my family's spare house," I replied.

"He actually agreed on the idea of us 5 living with a woman in the same house?" Jiyong said awe stricken.

"Trust me, I would rather live with Chaerin over here, than live with 5 guys and be the slave," I announced, "oh wait...speaking you want to come and live with us?" I said hopefully, looking at her with my puppy eyes.

Chaerin pretended to gag, "definitely not if you're going to shower me with your excessive aeygo," she laughed.

"Hul...." I gasped, while acknowledging the looks that Jiyong sent me, obviously liking the idea of Chaerin living with us as well.

"Why not? Don't you want to accompany me?" I whined, tugging on her arm lightly.

"I want to accompany you, cause I know it would be like living in hell if your under the same roof as Seungri," Chaerin laughed, while the younger Seunghyun pouted with his panda eyes, " parent won't allow it," she concluded.

I bit my lower lip, panicking on how to convince her since I was getting anxious about living with Big Bang...I mean I'm dealing with a worldwide famous group here, their fans might hunt me down and kill me!

"Please? Don't leave me with them!!" I pleaded, pointing at Seungri, who showed his dismay with all the teasing.

Chaerin sighed, "I can probably sleepover tonight, but I can't live there Bommie, I have my own family as well," she compromised.

"That's fine! We'll work around the chances," I smiled back happily.

"Now just to tell my parents I'm going to live with 5 five guys..." I said sarcasticly, grabbing my phone out of my bag, "this is going to be easy," I muttered to myself, dialing my mother's number.

The line went quiet before I heard the line ring 2 times before my mother immediately picked up the phone, "Bom?" my mother answered.

"Umma..." I said nervously.

"Bring Seunghyun along and come home first then we'll talk!" my mother yelled, the line going dead.

"My mum wants to see us both," I announced, nervously, dropping my phone back into my bag.

"Welcome to the complicated life of Bommie," I told them all, walking out while multiple steps followed behind me.

"Are her parents scary?" I heard Seungri ask Chaerin, while I held on tightly onto Harang's hand.

"Stupid panda...just wait then you'll see," Chaerin whispered back, as we all stood in front of Seunghyun's car flabbergasted.

"How the hell are we supposed to fit in there?" Jiyong exclaimed, while looking at his hyung.

Seunghyun smirked, walking next to the driver's seat's door, "be creative," Seunghyun chuckled, sending an incredibly fast wink to Jiyong.

"Now's your chance," I whispered to him, hopping into the passenger's seat.

Happy and comfortable in my own seat, I buckled on my seatbelt, as I felt the car go lower as they all started to board the now pitiful car which had to carry all our weights.

With my hand gripping onto the head rest, I turned around watching the fascinating seating arrangement happen right in front of my eyes, Youngbae who took the honor, scooted in first, seating beside the window, while Seungri soon followed behind his hyung. Harang who giggled happily hopped in, settling onto Seungri's lap as the small kid wiggled in the panda's grip, while Seungri froze feeling awkward.

"Get on!" I shouted to Jiyong, who crawled in, beside Seungri.

Jiyong looked at me nervously, his eyes begging for help urgently, while Chaerin stood outisde the car indifferent, "Chaerin-ah~ I think it'll be better if you sit on Jiyong's lap, and then Daesung can take the seat next to the window," I suggested, well more like forced, by the tone of my voice.

"Why can't I just sit in the front with you?" Chaerin groaned, stomping on her spot refusingly.

"Because unlike Jiyong, I'm weaker, now get on before my mum kills me for being late," I shouted back at her, watching with victory as she got on, and slowly falling onto Jiyong's lap as he blushed immediately.

"Don't be too happy," I commented.

"What?" Chaerin said confused, while Jiyong glared at me.

"I-I was talking about Harang, you shouldn't do that to Seungri dear..." I stuttered, telling Harang to stop wiggling on top of Seungri who thanked me weirdly.

"Ah..o-okay..." Chaerin replied, not quite satisfied.

"Let's go!" Daesung exclaimed, slamming the door shut, as Seunghyun stepped on the accelerator without wasting another second, as our bodies jolted back with the sudden movement.

"Seriously Bom...are your parents scary?" Seungri asked, his voice shaking lightly.

I giggled lightly, stealing a glance at the back, "don't worry, my parents are going to eat you alive or something," I said cooly.

"WHAT?!?!" Seungri said shocked.

I laughed even more, "what   *giggle*    I meant was    *giggle*   they won't you eat your alive or something," I giggled at my mistake, even more at Seungri's dramatic reaction.

"So Bom do you have a boyfriend?" Jiyong suddenly asked, as the car went dead silence, the engine of the car the only one making noise.

"N-nope....why?" I replied.

"Nothing, it's just that someone wants to meet you," Jiyong announced in a slight teasing tone, while the person beside me stiffened lightly.

"So?" I said simply.

"Is it alright if I set you on a blind date?" Jiyong announced.

"And why should I agree on this?" I asked, laying my head back against the rest leisurely.

"Please? He said that he really wants to get to know you," Jiyong tried to convince me.

I grinned to myself, "fine....but on one condition my dear friend," I answered.

"Why do I now have a good feeling about this?" Chaerin muttered a  tiny bit too loud, allowing all of us to hear her words clearly.

"You and Chaerin have to come with a double date," I said.

"What?" Jiyong said a tiny bit too excited.

"Why me?" Chaerin whined, pouting.

"Because you also need a punishment, since I have to live with these animals," I replied, referring to the guys.

"!" Seunghyun yelled suddenly, as he suddenly stomped on the brake pedal.

"Gahh!" I shouted to myself, waiting for the painful whip splash of the seatbelt, only to feel a muscular arm holding me back.

"Gomawo..." I whispered, opening my eyes, only to find his arm on the wrong spot.

"YAH!!" I yelled, slapping his hand away, as he was holding me back, by not placing his arm beneath my chest...but no, on my chest.

"S-sorry..." Seunghyun stuttered, gripping the steering wheels, as he tried to compose himself.

"Pyuntae!" I scolded him, my arms wrapped around myself, while I turned around to check if the others were okay.

"You alright-" I stopped midway, to find Jiyong hugging Chaerin tightly from her behind, "I guess everyone's doing better then alright," I teased, my eyes moving onto Harang who was now sitting on Youngbae's lap as he continued to annoy the Big Bang maknae.

"Alright then, everyone's still alive," I told myself, turning back to my original spot, to find that we had arivved at my spot.

Sighing, I waited for the car to come to a halt, before our trustable Butler Kim, came and opened the door for us, smiling politely, I greeted him, as I quickly climbed up the few steps, waiting for the others to come out.

"1..." I counted to myself, as Harang hopped out the backseat, "2, 3, 4, 5...and 6," I muttered to myself.

"Looks like you brought company," Tiffany blurted out, causing me to jump up in shock.

"Y-yeah..." I answered my sister, "are umma and appa inside?" I asked her.

"Yupp, and they are furiouuusss~" Tiffany cooed, as she placed her arm around my shoulder.

"Hi unnie!'' Chaerin greeted my sister, as she shared a quick hug, before Tiffany put her arm back around me.

"Olalala~" Seungri smirked, as he smiled naughtily at Tiffany.

My eyes widened, "never in a million years panda!" I yelled, turning around, as I walked back inside our house with Tiffany beside me.

"Cute friends you have," Tiffany giggled, stealing a quick glance at the 5 five guys, Chaerin and Harang who cheered gladly in Youngbae's arms.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I pretended to be offended, as we all made our way to the living room, where my father and mother sat on the sofa discussing something seriously.

"I bet she didn't mean to do it!'' my mother shrieked.

"But she public!" my father fought back.

"Umma...appa..." I said nervously, as they both turned to me.

"Great you're here," umma said, gesturing to the sofa, "and with friends," she said quite surprised.

"I believe we haven't met," my father said in a serious tone to the others, obviously in a bad mood.

"Annyeonghaseyo," the all greeted, while Seunghyun quickly joined me after greeting my father.

"I'm Seungri," he introduced.

"I'm Jiyong" "I'm Daesung" "Youngbae"

"And I'm Harang!" Harang cutely joined in.

"That's very cute son, but go and play with your auntie Tiffany," my appa told Harang nicely, as Tiffany swooped in and skipped out of the room soon, hand in hand with the small kid.

"Back to business," my father said seriously, while Daesung, Youngbae, Jiyong, Seungri and Chaerin all settled down in their own seats.

"Bom...can you please explain this?" my father started, before showing shoving the picture of Seunghyun and I in the park as Seunghyun cupped my chin while he gave me a soft peck.

"Eh? How did you find this?" I said shocked, the blood immediately rushing to my cheeks.

"What...they kissed?" "Hyung kissed Bom?" "My innocent eyes,'' "woah hyung made his move,"  the four guys said simultaneously, while my father grimaced hearing their unexpected reactions.

"That doesn't matter," my father replied, "besides, its easy for me to find this, especially with all their fans lurking around everywhere," he clarified.

"So? I'm waiting," my father said, knowing he found this very surprising since I was always the type of person to ask permission before even going on a date.

"It's all a misunderstanding appa, it was all an accident," I tried to excuse.

"That doesn't look like an accident...see him cupping your chin?" Jiyong butted in, causing me to send him death daggers.

Biting my lower lip, I sent him another death glare before turning back to my father, "sorry, it was all my fault," Seunghyun begged for forgiveness, as he now kneeled on the floor, on a 180 degree bow.

"Omo..." Chaerin gasped beside me, while the guys smirked and grinned seeing their hyung go to this extent.

My father who now seemed fed up, knowing he would not get a better explanation, "I'll let this slide...but next time if you kids are so careless...." my father warned me, sending me a serious look.

"Now will you excuse me, I have to go back to the office to finish up some papers," my father stood up, about to walk away.

"Wait appa..." I called out, gathering all my courage to tell both my parents now.

"Mmm?" my father answered.

"Can I borrow the keys to the spare house," I asked.

"Sure...but why?" my father answered, grabbing his keychain of keys, as he unhooked the spare key as he tossed it to me.

"I'm going to live there for the meantime with them," I muttered quietly, as I pointed to Seungri, Seunghyun, Jiyong, Daesung and Youngbae.

"What?" my father exclaimed.

"Cause you see..." I said hesistantly.

"To reduce the gossip around Bom and I, our boss thought it would be a good idea for them to also live with us so that the fans will not bother Bom too much," Seunghyun informed him.

"And seeing my daughter with 5 different guys will lessen the news?" my father said shocked.

"We can say we're helping out a friend in need, since Bom's does need our help," Jiyong said.

My father held the bridge of his nose, before turning back to me, "this is too much for me to handle right now, just go now and we'll continue talking next time," he sighed, walking out as he stepped out the door.

"You have spare clothes there right?" my mother asked me.

"Yeah," I answered standing up, "we'll be heading there then," I bid my mum, as Tiffany quickly brought back Harang who seemed satisfied enough with his playdate with my sitter.

"Let's go," I told them, as they all groaned, thinking about the dreaded seating arrangement.

"Wait, hyung I think I need my spare key of our dorm to get something," Jiyong told Seunghyun, as the older latter, passed his keys unknowingly.

"ER!" Chaerin and Jiyong shouted, as they both sprinted out of the room at the speed of light.

"What just happened?" I said shocked.

"They just stole your seats," Seungri laughed, as the rest of us, jogged back to the car, to indeed find them smirking in the front seats.

"Now your turn to sit on Seunghyun's lap!" Chaerin giggled like a small kid.

Clicking my tongue, I found all the others already seated inside, leaving Seunghyun and I outside flabbergasted.

*cough cough*

Seunghyun faked a cough, as I found him already seated, "g-get on," he said awkwardly, tapping his laps lightly.

Taking a deep breath, I made small reluctant steps until I was able to scoot onto his warm lap, "just drive before I pull out Chaerin's hair," I threatened Jiyong, as I grabbed her hair from behind, while Chaerin whined like a baby.

"Seriously?" Chaerin groaned, as I was left but with no choice but to settle on Seunghyun awkwardly.

"Woah! You call this a spare house?" Jiyong blurted out, as I informed him the directions, as we drawed near to our new home.



"Let's go inside," I told them, as I quickly and rushed off of Seunghyun's lap.

Dazed and embarassed, I ran up the stairs and into my room, as I sprinted into my walk in closet to change into more comfortable clothes.

"Bommie? Can I also borrow some clothes for tonight," Chaerin asked, as she followed me knowingly into my closet.

"Yeah yeah, you can pick whatever you want," I answered simply, scanning through my selection of shorts and oversized shirts.

Changing into a pair of shorts, I just randomly picked out a shirt, as I changed right at my spot, not caring Chaerin was there, besides...we're as close as we could get.

"So ay~ Crack crack crack," Chaerin teased, as she picked out a pair of sweats pairing it wih a simple shirt.


After we both sucessfuly changed, we both walked out of my room, to find the othes exploring their new home, as they walked down the hallway, looking through each and every room.

"It's like their small kids in a amusement park," Chaerin giggled to me.

"I know, it's adorable," I smiled back, loving every single bit of their innocence as they looked at everything amazed.

"Bom...'' Chaerin said slowly.

"Mmm?" I answered, my eyes glued to Seunghyun, who stared at our family portrait on the wall.

"Do you think Jiyong likes me?" she asked.

I bit my lower lip, fighting the urge to allow the smile that was going to appear, "I don't know...why?" I questioned, "do you like him?" I returned back to her.

"A-aniya..." Chaerin said nervously, "I was just asking," she excused.

I shook my head lightly at our pathetic excuse, as I now allowed my eyes to stray to the other members who continued to look in each room, when my eyes caught the attention of a specific Seungri, who was about to turn the knob of a special room.

"Andwae!!!" I yelled, sprinting as I pushed hard against my legs.


One chapter for you all~ I hope this is interesting for you, hehehe, I tried harder on making this better quality, anyways, til next time~ enjoy~

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Lyca_Myx #1
Chapter 22: I felt bad in the last part.. it hurts.. ;( neomu appa..
n' I feel like crying.. :( plus I didn't see much of TOPBOM...
BommieLuv #2
Chapter 22: awwhh... thanks for this nice story thanks :D
Chapter 21: I love the plot :3 and I liked the occasional cheesy dialogue too xD TOPBOM forever <33
Chapter 22: Hey nice story line but towards the end it kind of draggy.... sori to say this.... but u still a good writer author nim.... =)
otp9snsd #5
Awww such a cute storyyy :')
minaohmina #6
Thank goodness topbom moment wasnt all mushyyy and actually realistic ! Even though its shorter than what it could have been I still love the story !! And I find the ending appropriate. But I wish harang appeared more! But great story. I'll look out for your new stories also.
Omg...i cant believe its finish now T_T...yay jaejoongie back...only if it's a short while, anyways topbom had a cute moment there and hehe yunho is so much nicer in this maknae is so funny and yay topbom are dating tabi saw bommie ...and tabi is so understanding for bommie...I'm gonna miss this fanfic
Too bad you have to end this fic. T.T Feels like the story of topbom just started. So do skydragon. But nevermind,at least they ended with each other in the end. Anyway,thanks authornim! :)
Sad that the story ended T.T
Even though you cut it short, I loved it. The ending and story was still great!
Thanku you!
Aigoooo it's ed already T.T
Honestly I was kinda shocked when I saw ur "completed" updates. But.... Yay! At least topbom is together now! And jae is out of the frame! Ohohohoho ~(‾▿‾~)(~‾▿‾)~ thanks for this one!