Chapter 1: Another start

Not So Perfect


Annyeong yeorubun! Well luckily I have another 3-day break before my next exam, and for one day I allowed myself to update this fanfic for my first chapter.



Bom's POV

Quickly running my newly manicured nails through my hair, I swept all my hair onto my right shoulder. I pulled sleeves down after rolling up in the car.

I scanned the whole place roughly looking for Chaerin my bestfriend who I met during my freshman year. Just the thought of how we both met brought me to giggles remembering her facial reaction.


" I'm telling you! You guys are the worse catering for not having corn!! " I yelled at the lady, whom just told me corn wasn't available.

" I-I'm s-s-so sorry..." she stuttered obviously afraid of my fit.

" Ugh!" I shouted fustratated, mentally pulling on my hair, " Just make sure tomorrow you guys offer corn on the cob," I threatened, pointing my index figer at her before turning around.

Well if you want to be friends with me, Bom 101: Never tell me there's no corn.

I sighed turning on my heels, staring at the sandwich which I held in my hand, looking at it disgustingly. Right when I looked up, that's when it hit, everyone was staring at me..the new girl who just had an outburst of my beloved corn. I heaved another sigh turning to my left to find a blonde girl smirking as she inspected me.

" What?" I said a tiny bit too rudely, watching her tilt her head a bit, her cat-like eyes still on me, " Mianhe...'' I apologized, bowing my head a little before turning away to look for an empty seat in the courtyard.

My plan was short-lived when I felt her turn me around, her grip hard on my wrist, " Ouch!" I squealed, pulling my hand away to look at my wrist pitifully.

" That hurt..." I pouted at her, while she just scoffed.

" Ya're the first girl whom I seen actually wanting to eat food," she replied.

" Excuse me?" I said confused.

" Name's Lee Chaerin,18" she smiled offering her hand as a friendly gesture.

" Park Bom, same age'' I answered accepting the handshake.

" Excuse me Chaerin, but what did you mean by that?" I questioned.

" Oh, you mean when I said you're the first girl I've seen wanting to eat food?" Chaerin said.

" Yeah," I said.

" Ah, well if you take a look around here, all these skinny girls only like to eat salad," Chaerin replied, pointing at the salad bowls the majority girls had infront of them.

" Ahh~" I answered, understanding what she meant.

" I mean, just because you try to not eat any calories, doesn't mean being stick thin is pretty," Chaerin judged, as another slim girl past us.

" I know right, you're not fully enjoying life if you don't eat good food," I smiled, happy that someone else understood food like I did.

" That explains your hot body," Chaerin smirked.

I blinked repeatedly..did I just hear correctly, " What?" I said dumbly.

Chaerin laughed, taking my hand leading me to an empty table at the corner, " You can't be serious..can you?" she asked.

" Serious about what?" I questioned.

" You see the guys over there?" Chaerin answered pointing at the gang of guys at the other side.

My eyes followed where she pointed, landing on several faces, " Yeah...what about them?" I replied.

" Well, from what I heard from the obsessed girls over there," Chaerin informed me, pointing at the group of girls going gaga at the guys, " They are the hot 2nd years here," she said.

" Eewww," I said, disgusted at the thought of guys whom girls praised.

Chaerin giggled, " Not a reaction I would of expected...but anyways I overheard their conversation when they looked at you burst out about the corn...they kept on saying how great your legs would look like in shorts," she said.

" s..." I commented.

Chaerin nodded, " They also said you had curves, which most of the girls here don't have," she smirked.

I squinted my eyes, " Seriously don't they have better things to do in their lives?" I said, turning back to the guys, shooting a deathly glare at them.

" Oi..Oi!" Chaerin called me.

I ignored her, and kept glaring at the 5 of them.

" Hey Bom!" Chaerin screamed, finally getting me to turn around to her, " They're coming over here," she informed me pointing to the other side.

" Yeah right...." I was at a lost for words, when I turned around to indeed find them making their way over to us.

" Great..." I cursed under my breath, their gang just a few strodes away from reaching us.

" Hey ladies," one in particular greeted me.

I rolled my eyes, at his cliche greeting, I didn't bother to look unwrapping my sandwich to start eating.

" So I couldn't help but have the most gorgeous brown eyes I've ever seen," the brown haired guy smiled slyly.

I turned around, almost feeling myself puke at their extremely disgusting catch lines, " I'm sorry but don't you have any better lines?" I asked.

I watched them stare at me astonished, probably shocked that one person even rejected them.

" Why don't you just shut your mouth and walk away?" I retorted, smiling in victory as they retreated all eyes on me.

I whipped my head to my left, Chaerin smiling with shock.

" Wow..." she commented.

* End of Flashback*

And that's how it all started, how our friendship started.

" Lady spring!" a voice said.

I smiled to myself, recognizing the voice from anywhere, " CL-roo~" I smiled, as we both jumped up in joy, hugging each other.

We eventually backed away, " Someone might think we're lunatics," Chaerin laughed.

" Well they can't stop us," I said joyfully, " Anyways I haven't seen you in what?" I replied.

" 2 weeks," Chaerin said sarcasticly.

" Well thats 14 days!" I exclaimed, " Spill!" I said, as we made our way around the campus going to our class.

" Aigoo, it's too early to get into details," Chaerin replied.

I pouted, " Why don't you do your morning ritual first then I'll tell you in class?" she said.

" Arasso, " I said, going to my seperate way to the bathroom.

Oh yeah! Another rule in Bom 101: I always have to go pee before a day of school, gives me the feeling of being clean and starting on a clean slate for the whole day.

Chaerin literally laughed her head off when she heard about that, but what can she do? This rule just naturally came about, I hummed to myself making my way to the bathroom, the halls already cleared since all the other students probably went to class. I squinted my eyes, seeing a figure on the further end of the law, wearing a hoodie which covered his head.

" What a weirdo..." I commented to myself shaking my head, passing by him, taking in his manly cent.

I bit my lower lip, mentally slapping myself for complimenting a guy on his smell. Going back to my morning ritual, I gently pushed the door open of the bathroom, quickly heading to the stall to do my business before washing my hands and going out to the outer room, outside the bathroom.

*Picture to explain what I mean*

My cellphone rang, indicating I had a message, quickly taking it out of my bag I unlocked my phone to find Jaejoong had left a message.

To: My Spring

Hey my gorgeous lady!

Don't forget to give me a call later.

From: Jaegoong <3

I smiled, it never failed to brighten my day when I saw his name on my phone. Yes I know Jaegoong sounds ridiculous, but what's friendship when you don't make fun of each other? How did he become one of my friends? Well that's just a whole different story, which I tell you about next time. I made a mental note to myself to call him during lunch, sliding my phone back into my bag.

I looked up to only be greeted with pitch dark blindness, " YAH! Turn the lights back on!" I yelled panicking.

" S-sorry..." a barotone voice said, hearing him fumble for the switch. 

" W-wait...tell me where you are!" I pleaded.

Another Bom 101: Who the hell cares of age? I'm 18 but I'm still afraid to be in the dark.

'' Mwo-mworago?" the voice asked.

" Just keep talking and I'll crawl to you,'' I said my voice shaking.

The unknown voice laughed, " I'm here," he kept repeating until I finally felt something in

Slowly and surely my hands traced his feet, going up to his legs gradually my hands found its way higher and higher.

" Bom! Where are you-" Chaerin barged in, flicking the lights on.

I felt pain in my eyes, as they tried to adjust to the sudden brightness of the room. 

" What are you doing?" she asked.

" What am I doing?" I scoffed, looking back to see a slight bump in front of my eyes.

" What is this?" I said dumbly, failing to realize I stood on my knees, my hands grasped on the waist of some guy, my face a few inches away from his groin.

" Excuse me?" the low toned voice said, making me look up to see the face of the guy.

Chaerin gasped, " OH MY EFFING's...


Yo my beloved readers! I have decided to update with one chapter, eventhough it's not as long as I wanted it to be, I hope this was a good first chapter for the new and improved 'Not so perfect' I will update again next week once my exams are finished. Til then I hope you enjoy.

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Lyca_Myx #1
Chapter 22: I felt bad in the last part.. it hurts.. ;( neomu appa..
n' I feel like crying.. :( plus I didn't see much of TOPBOM...
BommieLuv #2
Chapter 22: awwhh... thanks for this nice story thanks :D
Chapter 21: I love the plot :3 and I liked the occasional cheesy dialogue too xD TOPBOM forever <33
Chapter 22: Hey nice story line but towards the end it kind of draggy.... sori to say this.... but u still a good writer author nim.... =)
otp9snsd #5
Awww such a cute storyyy :')
minaohmina #6
Thank goodness topbom moment wasnt all mushyyy and actually realistic ! Even though its shorter than what it could have been I still love the story !! And I find the ending appropriate. But I wish harang appeared more! But great story. I'll look out for your new stories also.
Omg...i cant believe its finish now T_T...yay jaejoongie back...only if it's a short while, anyways topbom had a cute moment there and hehe yunho is so much nicer in this maknae is so funny and yay topbom are dating tabi saw bommie ...and tabi is so understanding for bommie...I'm gonna miss this fanfic
Too bad you have to end this fic. T.T Feels like the story of topbom just started. So do skydragon. But nevermind,at least they ended with each other in the end. Anyway,thanks authornim! :)
Sad that the story ended T.T
Even though you cut it short, I loved it. The ending and story was still great!
Thanku you!
Aigoooo it's ed already T.T
Honestly I was kinda shocked when I saw ur "completed" updates. But.... Yay! At least topbom is together now! And jae is out of the frame! Ohohohoho ~(‾▿‾~)(~‾▿‾)~ thanks for this one!