Meeting the Members

Old Friend (Rewrite)

Your POV:

When I woke up, I found myself in an unfamiliar place.  I sat up and saw Donghyun sitting on the other couch on his laptop.  He looked up from his screen and saw that I was awake.  Then he got up and walked into a different room.  He came back with a bowl of soup and a glass of water.  He ut the water on the coffee table and sat next to me. 

"Are you okay?  Do you feel better?" he asked while sitting down.

Yeah, I am.  I feel a little better now," I smiled to him.

"You should've told me that you were sick.  I would have taken you home right then." 

"I know, but I was fine then."

He handed me the bowl of soup and smiled as I ate it.  Then he handed me the water and got up to sit in the chair across from me.  He told me that he carried me to his dorm and how s were still out doing their own things.  We continued to talk for a long time.  Then there was a little awkward pause.

"I'm sorry," I said breaking the silence.

Donghyun looked at me surprised.

"I'm sorry that I caused you so much trouble," I continued.

He shook his head.  "There's no need to apologize."

"But-" I started.

"But nothing.  It's no problem.  Just don't worry me so much next time." 

I gave a small smile to him.  Then I said that I should get home and got up.  He got up, too, and held onto my arm, stopping me from going anywhere.  He looked me in the eyes seriously, but softly.

"It's very late now.  You could stay here for the night," he said.

I shook my head in disagreement.  He still stopped me from leaving.  I pouted while he just smiled.

"Even if you beg, you're not leaving until tomorrow when the sun is high up in the sky," Donghyun said.

I pouted again.  Then we heard the door slowly open.  There came in five handsome young men/boys.  When they all got inside, Donghyun walked me over to where they were and introduced me to them. 

"Guys, I'd like you to meet my childhood friend, ~you~," he said.

I didn't know what to think about when he said I was his childhood friend.  Was that all I was to him?  I mean, I know we're not together and he has a girlfriend, but still... I really want to be more than just friends.  I hope that our friendship could turn into something more in the future.

"Hi!  I'm No Minwoo," said the very cute one, that snapped me out of my thoughts.

I'm Youngmin, the older twin."

"And I'm Kwangmin, the younger twin," the two that had the exact same adorable face said.

"Hello I'm Shim Hyunseong," said the one that looked very handsome and shy.

"Hi, I'm Jeongmin!" the shortest, but cute one said.

"It's nice to meet you all," I said to them while smiling.

Donghyun's POV:

After ~you~-ah and the guys introduced themseves to each other, we all headed into the living room.  We talked for such a long time, that it was almost two in the morning.  They all offered their beds to ~you~.  But she kept rejecting their offers.  I was walking out of the bathroom and I saw that she was sleeping on the couch.  I stopped and watched her for a little bit.  I put my towel away and walked back into the living room where she was and fixed the way she was sleeping so that she was more comfortable.  Then I pulled up her blanket.  I stepped back and stared at her peaceful, sleeping face. 

Her beauty was amazing.  I remember that little girl that always hung out with me and Jisoo.  She didn't mind playing in the mud or going in the woods by herself to find us.  Then as we grew up and she became very shy.  The only time she was shy was when she was with her friends and me and Jisoo.  Before she reached highschool I moved away with my parents.  Then I came back to become a trainee and couldn't meet with her.  The reason I couldn't meet up with her was because I was really busy and because I couldn't contact them anymore.  I felt bad for leaving her.  But, now I'm so glad that she passed by yesterday. 

I stood there looking at her.  Then I heard the bedroom door open.  I looked up and saw Hyunseong walking to the bathroom. 

"Oh, hyung," he said.

"Yeah?  You need something?" I asked.

"No, I didn't see you there 'til now."

"Oh.  Well, wash up it's late and we need to get to the practice room early tomorrow."


He walked into the bathroom.  I took a last look at ~you~ before I snuck back into the bedroom.  I shared a room with Hyunseong and Jeongmin and the maknaes had their own room.  When I got into my room, Jeongmin was already fast asleep.  I walked over to my bed as quietly as I could so I wouldn't wake him and slipped into my bed. 




Hello!  here's another chapter up for you guys! i hope you like this one!  Donghyun is soo sweet! haha :D 




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Kpoplover003 #1
Chapter 10: OMG! I love it! That break-up, though. (Totally gonna do that to my future boyfriend that cheats on me (if I ever have one #foreveralone )) The ending, too! (Just imagining my future boyfriend (a.k.a. Donghyun)) Sequel please!!!
Puff_Michelle #2
Chapter 11: I have two questions to ask you: 1: Are you going to make a sequel? 2: If you are going to make a sequel, are you going to name the daughter Amy Lee ( Ailee's real name )?