Chapter 9

Until The End of Time

Krystal was getting her make up ready when a text came.It was from Kai

Kai: This is a scheduled text.Hi,Tal.I want to congratulate you and Suho hyung for your engangement.I hope you'll live happily with him.When you receive this text,I'd be in the flight to the United States.I'm going to manage my family's business here.I'm sorry because I purposely doesn't want to come today,to celebrate your happy day.I hope one day you will realize I did truly care for you,I promise you,you're going to miss me being there,putting up with you and refusing to give up on you.Someday,you'll turn back and I won't be waiting for you any longer .I might have been worthless to you,but you'll miss me when I become priceless to another.

Krystal's tears streamed down her face.Kai left her."Tal why are you crying?"Yoona asked and took Krystal's phone from the dressing table.She read Kai's text and felt extremely shocked.Yoona hugged her and told her be strong.Kai is weak enough to stay that's why he left."Tal..let him be.Maybe he'll find his happiness there.Let go,Tal.Today is your happy day,smile alright?Yoona comforted her bestfriend.Krystal smiled eventhough she felt so hurt of Kai's action.

The ceremony went well.Suho and Krystal are finally engaged.They took pictures with their parents and soon-to-be parents in law.But suddenly,Suho felt dizzy and fainted."OPPA!!" Krystal screamed because she was too shocked.His family sent him to the hospital.

Krystal and Yoona waited outside the emergency room,suddenly a doctor approached them and told them that Suho is suffering from a brain tumor.Krystal almost fainted when she heard about it.She remembered that Suho was admitted to the hospital once because he felt dizzy.Krystal could only figured this now.

Suho's mother came and approached them,"I'm sorry about this,Krystal.Suho himself doesn't know about this" She said and hugged Krystal."How are we going to tell him,Mummy.." Krystal cried."We'll tell him about this.Don't worry,Tal" Suho's mother comforted her.

When Suho woke up,his parents came in and took a seat beside him.His mother hold his hand."Did you know why you always feel dizzy,Suho?"His dad asked.Suho smiled before answering."Yes,daddy.Tumors are growing and spreading all over my brain".His parents were shocked and Suho continued."I found my x-ray on my shelf.Mummy,daddy,don't be sad.I'll join the chemotheraphy session *looks at Krystal* I'll get better and get married to Krystal"He smiled.Krystal was about to sob when she heard that."I'll accompany you to do the chemo session,oppa"She said.

While the chemo was in progress,Krystal forbidded him from oing to work until his operation which is a month away."I can't wait for the operation.I want to see you get better just like in high school" Krystal smiled and fed Suho."You're a horrible stalker,jagiya" Suho laughed."I stalked because I like you.But you didn't notice.Only god knows how much I felt sorry for myself that time."Krystal pretended to sulk."I also liked you.Ever sicne ShinHye fooled me around" Suho touched her cheeks."So I was ShinHye's replacement then?Fine" Still in sulky mode."No you're not.You're an angel from heaven who cured my broken heart" Suho smiled and Krystal touched his hands.

With encouragement from family,friends and his fiancee,Suho's slowly getting better and now they're preparing for his operation."Fight for it,oppa! I love you.Let's get married after everything's settled,okay?" Krystal smiled."I promise you that.Take care,my love" Suho answered.

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I wrote this a few months ago,sorry because I only posted the link now,thanks for reading! :)
Chapter 14: A SEQUEL!?! I Lav You!!!
thank you azra :)
DongYeollie #4
thank you so much syaf,alhamdulillah :))
Chapter 13: such a touching story..i almost cry when i read this..good job!
i'll try to finish this as soon as i can :) thanks for reading!! :)
tarquin #8
update this was short i want to read more and more!!
tarquin #9
update soon please!!!