




Yunho doesn't mean for it to sound like he's jealous, but it just sounded that way and oddly, he doesn't seem to be bothered by it. And so he asks again.

"I do like you too, obviously, since I'm a fan and all." The fan whose name he has yet to know answers after gaping at him. He looked like a fish, he notes. A fish with humongous eyes. "But Changmin, I--"

"I understand." he cuts him off. "Changmin has always been everyone's favorite." Also, he doesn't mean to sound dejected. But he supposes he does sound like that because he is. Eight years in the industry and he still takes fans' opinions to heart. This fan in particular because damn it, why does Changmin get all the good looking ones?

"I'm sorry! I did not mean to offend you in any way. It's just that he's been acting and I love watching dramas and--"

"And I'm going to be in a drama soon!"

Well, .

Yunho covers his mouth once realizing his mistake. That piece of information is considered a top secret as of the moment and here he is announcing it just because someone likes the other member better.

He just proves Changmin right. He's an idiot.

Good thing though, the fan also realizes the slip up. "I promise not to tell anyone." Yunho breathes a sigh of relief, considering himself lucky that this man is sane.

Out of gratefulness, he offers him something he knows he wouldn't be able to refuse. "Two things, Changmin fan. A selca together, an autograph. And your Twitter ID. Three things." Okay, so the last one was more like an afterthought. But hey, that's no big deal. "I'll follow you." he says.

Only when the fan drives away after giving him a ride back to the entrance of the company building does he realize that it is actually a big deal. Not only did he reveal his acting debut, he also revealed that he has a private Twitter account. The fan did say he would not tell anyone but there is no guarantee that he'd stick to what he said. But that wasn't what bothers Yunho.

He didn't even get the fan's name.

Changmin later finds him in their practice room, sprawled out on the floor as he pathetically stares at his phone. "Is this our concept for the next album? Losers?" When he gets no response, he rolls his eyes and proceeds to the conference room for his meeting with the higher ups.

Two hours later, he's amused to find his bandmate on the same spot, unmoving.

Yunho snaps out of his trance when he feels a stinging pain on his thigh. He hisses and looks up to find Changmin smirking at him. Feeling a little childish, he blows a raspberry at him for kicking him and then shifts his attention back to his phone.

"Is this what you've been doing in the past two hours? Moping around because... I don't know. Why are you moping anyway?"

"I met a fan." he says just as Changmin takes a seat beside him. "Your fan. He helped me. The point is, I didn't get his name."

"And not getting his name bothers you because?"

"I don't know. It just does. And I followed him on twitter. He's a fansite master. You know that guitar you've been obsessing over? It's from him."

"Oh? I haven't met him yet but I already like him." Now Yunho regrets telling Changmin anything. Changmin's only supposed to appreciate him, not like him. Somehow, he's feeling very possessive about this fan. He's having this I met him first kind of feeling and he does not even understand why. "I know that look, Yunho. Don't tell me you're crushing on that boy?"

"I'm not!" he denies quickly. Deny? What is there to deny? There is no truth to Changmin's words anyway. "He was just really nice and I get the vibe that he sort of makes a nice friend."

"Right. Friend." He stares at the ceiling and Changmin uses the opportunity to snatch his phone away to look at what he's been staring at for the past two hours. "Zaizai? He's Chinese?"

"No. Give me my phone back."

"This is one y looking cat right here. I'm sorry, all you have for a name is three exclamation points. He does have a lot of followers though. Oh! February Days. Did you know he gave us a photobook last year? Some kind of a marriage photo album. Complete with edited pictures and all. It was cute."

This is the first time Yunho's hearing about such thing. He sits up and grabs Changmin by the collar, pulling him close. The younger man grins and playfully pecks him on the lips. He shoves him away. "Stop being so disgusting. Don't do that. We're done with that phase. What album are you talking about and why am I not aware of it?"

"You don't like HoMin Day, remember? I didn't think you'd appreciate that."

"So you kept it all to yourself?"


"No fair. Show me. Show me!"

"Oh geeze, stop whining. I'll give it to you when we get home."

jyh  - @banchou 23m
  Remember me? :) @zaizai

  !!! @zaizai 20m
  @banchou this who i think it is?

  - @banchou 19m
  @zaizai The one and only!

  !!! @zaizai 13m
  @banchou is it bad that i can't believe we're actually tweeting each other? ;;

  - @banchou 10m
  @zaizai It's pretty believable to me

  !!! @zaizai 3m
  @banchou not meaning to be rude or anything but why exactly are you talking to me?

"Good question." Yunho mumbles, staring blankly at the device in hand. He's all alone in the practice room. Changmin has long ago abandoned him to take a trip to the cafeteria ("I hope you know you're acting like a highschool girl."). "Why the heck am I so eager to talk to him?" he asks himself with a frown.

It hasn't even been twenty four hours and he's already made countless of rash decisions. Thinking that the fan is just messing with his brain, he turns his phone off and gets up to dance his frustration off.




a/n: so like, uhm, well hi. will try to make the latter chapters longer :> not proofread, so forgive me for any mistakes ;;



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Chapter 15: this fic is like every fan dream. It was so light and fluffy not too much dram and i really really like it. thank you for sharing and creating this sweet story :D you got me hooked up read it in one go
Chapter 15: Read this in one go! Oh Joongie! I wish I were you...what a lucky fan!hehe....interesting plot!
Yuki132 #3
Chapter 15: So cute, although the first epilogue made me start a little :) Haha poor junsu who tried to get back at jaejoong, though I guess yoosu got him back in the end :D
Elrhumy #4
Chapter 14: Ugh who did she think she is?!? guess gay issues or not she deserved the break up with such attitude in her..
Elrhumy #5
Chapter 11: Really really unexpected twist! so glad its just alternative becoz this broke my heart T.T though im sure yunjae will always find way to each other again no matter what :)
Elrhumy #6
Chapter 1: OMG I was looking around this yunjae fic where Jae is homin shipper! i think its in LJ hehe.. stupid memory *facepalm*
Chapter 1: I started reading it at work, and I'm dying to supress my giggles and squeaks!!!!!! This plot it's SOOOOOOOOOO interesting! So much!
monshine #8
Chapter 15: Yoosu....Ha Ha Ha Ha.....
Chapter 14: so much emotional in this part, but they all happy and had his happiness. So glad it. Surprising even yoosu had little daughter. Hiihihi whenyou had too yunjae?!! You are so sweet at all
Chapter 13: their meeting so cute, but this the first time i read about changmin & siwon got relationship. So rarely found it but so far not bad.
So siwon's daughter biased of changmin? Hahaha good.