



He knows something is wrong when the person he's talking to suddenly stops responding in the middle of an important conversation. Important to him, at least. Usually, he's careful with his words to avoid offending anyone. In the few minutes he's been talking to Jung Yunho, he doesn't remember saying anything insulting. Unless his question was actually considered as insulting? Was it?

He'd ask Junsu but then again, he'd most likely answer him with another question and he'd end up not getting an answer at all.

Oh screw it.

"Junsuyah..." he trails off, hovering over the man staring at his computer screen as his right hand is busy drawing a what it looks like a female warrior using his pen tablet. Junsu responds with a hum, obviously not paying attention. "If I ask you why you're talking to me, would you be offended?"

"Depends on the tone you're using." Junsu replies a little distractedly, biting his lips when he uses a wrong shade of red on his character's hair.

"What if... what if it's on an SNS?"

"If I ask you why you are talking to me, would you be insulted?"

"Well, no. I mean, you could just be in a silly mood teasing me and all. And besides, you're my Junsu. I'd never think you're rude. You were never rude and offending."

"Then I suppose that answers your question, hmm?"

"...It doesn't."

"Well that's too bad, is it?"

If he wants to smack Junsu upside the head for being unhelpful, he doesn't do it. Instead, he presses a soft kiss on his forehead.

Junsu smiles.

Jaejoong kicks himself out of the house, not wanting to disturb his stressed out best friend. He is not surprised to find himself occupying a table in Bon Appetea, a bubbletea shop near the duo's building. Really, he's not there hoping for anything, it just happens to be his favorite bubbletea shop. But if he sees one of them, that would be lovely. Preferably Changmin, because he still has no idea how to face Yunho after what happened.

He rummages his bag for a black notebook, his diary. Unbeknownst to everyone, he still owns a journal where he writes on a daily basis. A very childish thing to do, he sometimes tells himself, but there are things that he's itching to tell someone, times when he needs let things off his chest but cannot actually tell anyone. Not even Junsu.



jung yunho's mad at me, isn't he? i know he is. what's his problem though? i've been nice so what the bleep got his in a bunch?! i shouldn't be even thinking too much about it. i've got a fan project to plan. not because he's /the/ jung yunho doesn't mean him ignoring me is a big deal. he's not changmin but he's still 1/2 of the punstars

so yes


it is a big deal whether you like it or not

ugh he balls :( wow i'm actually annoyed at one of my idols

i bet he changmin's balls

now that makes me wonder what it feels like to changmin's balls. my prince charming *O*

>////////////<  kim jaejoong stop being so disgusting!!!!!!!!!!


Shutting his diary close, he ruffles his hair in frustration and sighs. "Wow. Where did that anger come from?" Placing the black notebook aside, he takes out his laptop and starts brainstorming for the fan project. He's been managing February Days for seven years already and he's given the duo all gifts he could practically think of. This is the time when he needs Junsu the most because the boy is just that creative. There was one time when Junsu helped him make a short animated film for The Punstars and the agency loved it so much, they uploaded it on their official Youtube channel. Since then, more and more people joined their fansite. They have close to half a million members and followers now.

He rolls his eyes and plugs in his earphones when he hears some screaming from the girls near his table. Must be spazzing over that new boyband who just debuted, he thinks.

  !!! @zaizai 2s
  any fan project ideas for homin day, guys? :) #brainisfried

He drums his fingers on the table while waiting for a response. Having almost a hundred thousand followers, someone is bound to reply. Absentmindedly scrolling through his timeline, he clicks on his profile and frowns at his display picture.

"Maybe it's time to change my DP." he mutters to himself.

"You probably should."

Jumping in surprise at the sudden intrusion, his knee hits the table and he hisses at the pain. Standing before him is none other than Jung Yunho himself, smiling at him as if everything's peachy. He snatches his earphones from the idol and wrings his hands. Aware of the numerous pairs of eyes watching them, he forces a smile. He might be annoyed at the star but he doesn't want to embarrass him in front of people. His fans, even. To think he is a fan himself.

"Oh, uhm, you." Yunho takes the liberty to take the seat across him and he quirks a brow. "You didn't respond." he says lamely. Okay, the urge to smack himself is strong, but he resists. That is not what's supposed to come out of his mouth. He doesn't know what it should be, but that's not it.

The star blinks at him before chuckling, scratching his head. "That. I didn't know what to say."

"But it was a simple question."

"I don't have an answer for it because I honestly have no idea. And I was busy."

Busy, of course. His annoyance flies out the window. Why was he so ticked off in the first place? Because Jung Yunho didn't respond? Now that he thinks about it, shouldn't he feel honored that one of his favorite people is talking to him? That amidst the fangirls' impromptu pictorial, Yunho noticed him and approached him?

Suddenly feeling guilty, he opens his mouth for an apology when his phone rings. Almost cursing the bad timing, he sulkily fishes out his phone and takes the call. "Good afternoon, this is Asian Medical Hospital. We would just like to inform you that Mr. Kim Junsu has been rushed here moments ago. If you could just--"

"I'll be there." he responds almost immediately and ends the call as he rushes to put his laptop back in his bag. His heart is beating rapidly. Junsu has never been rushed to the hospital before. He rarely gets sick. In a moment of panic, he looks at Yunho's curious eyes and then says, "I'm sorry I have to go."

Clearly not in his right mind, he leans forward, places a kiss on Yunho's cheek and runs out of the shop, hailing the first cab he sees. He is unable to see Yunho running after him with his diary in hand.





a/n: first off, does the switch of povs confuse you? do you want me to stick to just one?


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Chapter 15: this fic is like every fan dream. It was so light and fluffy not too much dram and i really really like it. thank you for sharing and creating this sweet story :D you got me hooked up read it in one go
Chapter 15: Read this in one go! Oh Joongie! I wish I were you...what a lucky fan!hehe....interesting plot!
Yuki132 #3
Chapter 15: So cute, although the first epilogue made me start a little :) Haha poor junsu who tried to get back at jaejoong, though I guess yoosu got him back in the end :D
Elrhumy #4
Chapter 14: Ugh who did she think she is?!? guess gay issues or not she deserved the break up with such attitude in her..
Elrhumy #5
Chapter 11: Really really unexpected twist! so glad its just alternative becoz this broke my heart T.T though im sure yunjae will always find way to each other again no matter what :)
Elrhumy #6
Chapter 1: OMG I was looking around this yunjae fic where Jae is homin shipper! i think its in LJ hehe.. stupid memory *facepalm*
Chapter 1: I started reading it at work, and I'm dying to supress my giggles and squeaks!!!!!! This plot it's SOOOOOOOOOO interesting! So much!
monshine #8
Chapter 15: Yoosu....Ha Ha Ha Ha.....
Chapter 14: so much emotional in this part, but they all happy and had his happiness. So glad it. Surprising even yoosu had little daughter. Hiihihi whenyou had too yunjae?!! You are so sweet at all
Chapter 13: their meeting so cute, but this the first time i read about changmin & siwon got relationship. So rarely found it but so far not bad.
So siwon's daughter biased of changmin? Hahaha good.