Chapter VI

You First Believed

"Let me keep you...








"Jung Yong Hwa-ssi" she tried to untangle herself from him but he tightened his hold more. "I think you're forgetting something"


"That Jang Dong Gun is m-" 

"I don't believe you" she froze, his voice filled with conviction "I don't believe you being a mistress, most especially his mistress."

"I told you, you don't know me well enough"

"That's why I've been asking you for a chance, for me to know you! to be with you!"

"My life is ed up already, don't even think of being part of it!" She answered harshly

"My life is pretty ed up too, would you hold my hand and let's start fixing it together?"

He heard her sarcastic laugh, she tried to wiggle free from his tight grasp but failed again and again

"Fix it? No one, nor me can fix my life anymore. I told you, it's ed up already."

"Why are you speaking as if it's already the end? as if you already see the end of your life? You can't just give up, not until you stop breathing"

"let go of me" she tried to wriggle herself away from him, away from his tight grasp, too scared with what she's feeling as she was locked in his safe and protective arms. 

"I told you Seo Joo Hyun" he leaned down, whispering in her ears "Hell will freeze over before I give up on you"

"But I don't want this" she whispered weakly, as her body give in, leaning into him with her full weight

"See? Its not bad leaning to someone." he whispered softly, caressing her back up and down, just like what she did awhile ago. 

"This is not fair. Don't use the same technique I did with you"

"I'm not. I'm just following my heart"

"Jung Yong Hwa stop" 

But instead of releasing her, he hugged her tighter, burying his face in the crook of her neck kissing it lightly. 

"It must be the alcohol" she whispered "I'm sorry if I made you d- Yonghwa-ssi!" her eyes widen as they fell lying on the bed, his head still buried on the crook of her neck. She felt his breathing slowed, indicating that he's fast asleep already.

"Jung Yong Hwa" she whispered "Stop making my heart beat weirdly."

"Seo Joo Hyun" she heard him mumble sleepily as he buried his face in her hair, feeling him inhaling the scent of her hair. Just by listening at his calm breathing made her sleepy.

It must be the alcohol. Must be the alcohol. 

And with that thought, she fell asleep, wrapped tightly in his safe and protective arms. 

Just when he made sure that she's sleeping already, he slowly opened his eyes and smile down at her sleeping form. Yes, he's only pretending that he's fast asleep.

"Good night Ma belle iconnue." he pulled her closer to his, erasing the distance, seizing the moment. 

"And in all honesty" he continued, caressing her hair softly "You're making my heart beat wilder, every second, even if you're doing nothing, just by looking at you, it beats louder and louder to the point that I thought it'll burst with the force."

He smiled unknowingly as he heard her mumble pabo in her sleep. 

"Oh God I really want to keep you" he breathed deeply as he stares at her, smiling unknowingly, he clutch his heart that's beating fast "Calm down heart, I won't let her go, never." He chuckled

What's happening to you Jung Yong Hwa?!

He shook his head and yawned sleepily, he wrapped his arms tighter around her waist and buried his face in the crook of her neck, dropping a light kiss before following her in Dream Land. 




She woke up without him beside her, feeling the sudden coldness made her curled up in a foetus position and was about to check her phone in the side table when she noticed a stickynote

I needed to convince myself a hundred times just to get out of the bed(unwillingly!). Thank you Seo Joo Hyun. Really... See you at 8 at the lobby, we need to check the Hotel right? See you later Ma belle iconnue

She rolled her eyes as if he can see her doing that, she stepped out of the bed and went straight to the en suite to get ready


 She just finished showering when her phone rang, she grumbled annoyingly as she stepped out of the en suite, thinking that the caller is none other than him. 

"This is Seo Joo Hyun speaking"

"Seohyun-ah! there's an emergency here in the gallery! I need you here as soon as possible"

"Soohyun Oppa what happened?"

"I'll explain it to you when you get here"

"Ahrasseo. I'll be there before lunch"

"You're here?"

"Ne. Let's talk later. I have another appoinent to attend to."



She arrived at the lobby 5 minutes after 8, seeing Yonghwa and Jungshin waiting for her near the exit door. 

"I'm sorry I'm late" she said as she bowed in front of them

"Something wrong Seohyun-ssi?" Asked Jungshin, seeing her restless

"Oh ani, gwenchana" she slightly smiled at him, making the other man glared hard at the poor man

"Don't smile!" Yonghwa said before walking ahead of them, mumbling things they can't understand. Frown visible in his face.

"Is he freaking sulking?!" Jungshin's eyes widen, gawking at Yonghwa's back

This choding! He heard Joohyun murmured hearing her playful tone he snapped his head at her direction but saw her impassive face again.

"Weird! You two are weird!" he sighed and ushered Joohyun who's looking at him innocently, and he answered it by rolling his eyes on her.



They were on their way to the hotel when their car suddenly halted in the middle of the highway, Jungshin restarted it few more times before the engine totally halted. 

Yonghwa groaned inwardly "How the hell did this happened? We checked it yesterday right?"

"Yes sir, I don't know what happened too. It's in a good condition yesterday tho."

"We're almost late" Jungshin said, looking at his watch

"Let's ride the bus then" The two men looked at the woman who's calmly looking outside.

"A-are you sure Seohyun-ssi?" asked Jungshin

"Do I look like I'm joking?" she rolled her eyes on him before grabbing her purse and suddenly opened the car door. "Aren't you two coming??" She said when the two men aren't moving on their seats yet

"O-oh!" The two men answered, scrambling their way out of the car.

 They stood awkwardly, unluckily, the bus is already full, all seats are already occupied so they have no choice but to just stand.

[Please please please play this BGM! ^_^]

Yonghwa followed her with his gaze as she move to the corner of the bus because of the new passengers that got in. He didn't tear his gaze away from her, throwing invisible daggers and invisible flaming arrows at those men who's openly gawking at her but after they meet his glare they bow down and look at the other way as if Seohyun's invisible.

"Agasshi" Yonghwa called her, but she pretended that she doesn't hear anything.

"Agasshi!" Yonghwa called once again. Almost all the people in the bus looked at him, but still not her.

He breathed deeply as he saw her looking around, as if mocking him.

He cleared his throat and faced her direction.

"Beautiful hot y agasshi wearing a blue flowery dress with an invisible halo above her head! Please look at me!" He almost laughed out loud as he saw her face reddened like a ripe tomato. But she still stay on her place, still ignoring him.

"Ahjussi! Yes you wearing a denim jacket! Are you seeing an Angel-like Yeoja too? The one who looks like a Goddess?"

"A-Ah" The old man frantically looked around him and his eyes stayed at Seohyun who were glaring at him without knowing the reason why. 

"A-ah w-well, my wife? S-she's an Angel-like yeoja when she's sleeping only" The people in the bus can't help but to laugh

"Aigoo, lucky you for having a wife like that. But I'm looking for that certain Yeoja inside this bus who's ignoring me right now"

"Why don't you call her?" says one of the passenger who's looking at Seohyun teasingly

"Yes! Call her sweetly!" chirped in by another passenger

"O-Oh that. hmm" he rubbed the side of his neck shyly "Well, Yeoshin Seoh-"

"WAE?!" she glared at him and saw his perspiring forehead and his faltering yet playful smile


She whispered. Forgotting the fact that he have Haphephobia.

"Hyung are you okay?" Jungshin asked worriedly as he saw his boss sweating and pale.

"Hmm" he answered timidly. Still looking at her. 

"excuse me" They heard Joohyun said as she stood in front of his hyung, Jungshin looked at the two who's busy staring at each other, as if talking silently. He saw his hyung bit his lip but nodded at her. Just then, his eyes widened as he saw her reached for his hyung's hand, clasping it tightly together. His head is spinning

What in the hell is happening?! What kind of sorcery is this?! He was screaming inside his head already, Above all the things his hyung hates the most, it's the touching thing that top's it all.He never, as in never, within his years of working for him, did have a chance to touch him, and never, as in never, did he saw anyone who's brave enough to touch him, more so, touch him longer just like what she's doing. What the heck??

Maybe there's something wrong with his eyes? Fooling him? Is he this delusional?? Seeing things other can't see?

Just then, his jaw fell open as he saw his Yonghwa hyung s his arms around her waist, burying his face on the crook of her neck, murmuring something to her. He saw her raised her hands, just when he thought that she'll slap his hyung, Jungshin gawked as she circled her arms around his waist, her other hand caressing his back up and down in a slow manner, soothing him. 

Jungshin shooked his head and blinked a lot of times, GOD! he must be dreaming! two of the most cold hearted and snobbish people in the world are acting weird in front of him! He was staring at them, Yonghwa keeps on nuzzling her neck, nodding and whispering to her ears every once in a while, while she keeps on whispering words to him, making the latter smile lovingly. 

He looked around and saw the other passengers looking at the two with envious stares, some where smiling but some are frowning and throwing them disgusted looks too. He rolled his eyes 

Tss. Those bitter people. They look like some bitter people I know. They can see it clearly but keeps on denying it. Like hello?! They can'y have Hyung nor Seohyun-ssi for themselves! 

Just then, the bus break hard, throwing them off balance. Jungshin accidentally touched Yonghwa hyung's both shoulder. His eyes widen, he paled, cold beads of sweat ran through his back and forehead. This will be his end! !

He counted to 5, but his hyung's expression didn't changed. He looked at Seohyun incredulously, the later just nodded, reassuring him that he need not to be scared of what happened. He breathed a sigh of relief, but still gawking at his hyung. 

This is the first time he touched him! Not that I badly want to touch him! I'm straight! I'm a TRUE NAMJA! It's just that.. Goodness!

They spent the rest of the ride silently, the two still hugging, not even moving apart. 

When the bus halted to their destination, that's when hyung released her, but damn he got another heart attack as he saw Yonghwa hyung grabbed her hand and wrapped his other hand around her waist possessively. his immature deadly glares from those Men who's throwing Seohyun-ssi admirable stares and lustful ones too didn't escape his eagle eyes! 

 Just what the hell is happening here?!



Yonghwa and Mr. Kwon Jiyong discussed the hotel's progress while walking through the construction site, although it's very much similar to the current hotel they're staying at right now which is Mr. Kwon's hotel too, he dreamily said he wanted this to be different from his other chain of hotel. Jungshin and Seohyun were tailing behind them, both are busy jotting down notes and are looking around with much interest.

As they finished touring around the hotel, Mr. Kwon left them, saying that he have another appointment so he can't join them in lunch. 

"What do you want to eat for lunch?" Yonghwa asked. looking directly to her, ignoring Jungshin's request. 

"Mian, I can't join you for lunch. I have an important thing to do. Will just meet you back at the hotel later today."

"What time will you come back?" Yonghwa asked, making Jungshin look at him with wide eyes. "I-I mean, I want t-to discuss some ideas with you, so you better come back early." He glared at Jungshin

"Algesseumida, I'll do my best to come back early, although it's most likely I won't come back tonight, I'll call you later then"

"you won't come back?! But where will you stay then?"

"I have a place here Sir, I'll leave first gentlemen"She bowed politely, her phone rang and she excused herself before answering it. 

Ne Oppa? I'm on my way. Yes, don't panic. 

His eyes widen. Oppa!? 

"S-seo Joo Hyun!" he shouted at her even before she mount the taxi she called

"I-I'll send you there"

"You don't have your car with you remember?" She said but halted when she remembered it again. She muttered under her breath as she walk back to where they're standing. She dialled a number in her phone before talking in rapid french.

"A taxi's on the way and will arrive few minutes now, it'll pick you up and send you to your destination."

"Gomawo" Yonghwa smiled thankfully at her

"Pabo" she snickered at him before waving slightly to the weird-looking Jungshin who's still gawking at them right now. She rolled her eyes and walked back to the waiting taxi she called a while ago. 

"Yah! Text me when you're already back ahrasseo?" he said before she went in the car and sped away.



She arrived at gallery with Soo hyun waiting for her at the glass door. 

"What happened?" She asked as she gave her a slight hug

Kim Soo Hyun is her friend, he knows her more than anyone else, he knows the reason behind the "Golden Mistress" name people are calling her. For short, he's the only friend she trust, more than anyone else. They grew up together, which explains why he can read Joohyun like an open book, and vice-versa. He's also her business partner in their successful art galery called "Ardeur" which they built few years ago. They also paint, but they let some aspiring painters experience selling and displaying their artworks too, giving them a chance to prove themselves and be famous just like those famous ones.

"Those art piece we ordered from Italy haven't arrived yet. And one of our biggest customer asks you to personally paint for them. You just need to give them any painting, they said they'll give it as a present to their future business partner. They said they're willing to pay high with their order"

"Is that so? When will be the deadline?"

"Err, tomorrow evening they're expecting it to be shipped."

"WHAT?! Are they serious?! Why did you only said it now??"

"I sent you text and email last week! You haven't replied nor call me!"

"K-Keure, I'll work on it tonight."


"Ani, I'll bring it with me to where I'm staying right now."

"Need help?"

"Please" she smiled before fixing the things she'll be needing. It'll be a long night for sure.

When she arrived at the hotel, she quickly assembled the canvas and the paint she'll be needing before changing her clothes into a comfortable one. She stripped off into her dress and heels and chose the white big polo at the drawer and wear it. Not minding if she's only wearing her lingerie under it. She wants to be comfortable whenever she's painting. She tie her hair in a messy bun, not minding to remove her make up first and walked straight to the fridge. She took out the chilling wine and grabbed a goblet and chocolate at the refrigerator before walking back to the living room where the canvas is placed. She opened the music player and the relaxing Classic song echoes on the four corners of the room. Making her relax a bit. She uncorked the wine and poured some on her goblet expertly. She flexed her fingers and stiff body for few seconds before sitting in front of the canvas. Thinking of what could be her subject. 

She spent almost 20 minutes of thinking before she give up and just go with the flow, to just let her mind and heart draw. She was too engrossed with what she's doing that she didn't noticed Yonghwa entered her suite. He knocked loudly, making her look up and was startled when she saw him leaning at the door frame with his arms crossed at his chest while looking at her with unreadable eyes. 

"W-what are you doing here?" She asked

"I told you to text me when you're back! Aish!"

"I can't talk to you right now. You see I'm doing something?" She pointed at the canvas, her eyes widen as she finally saw what she's painting. She looked up and saw Yonghwa walking towards her

"Wait! Don't look at it!" She moved in front of the canvas

"You're painting too?"


"O-Oh" she saw him gulped few times before looking around other than her.

"But why are you drinking?"

"I need to relax"

"You can just do it tomorrow you know"

"I can't, I need to finish it before tomorrow evening"

"Eh? Why?"

"Because a big client ordered it" She bit her tongue with the slip of information

"You have your business here??"

"Just go out ok? I need to finish this"

"Let me see it first" He grinned as he walk closer to her

"Andwae!" she stood still, shielding it away from him

"Why? I just want to see if you're really good in painting!"

"But I don't want others to see my unfinished work! It makes me want to not finish it at all!"


"Yes! So please, go now!"

"Ahrasseo" he said and walked back towards the door, she sighed in relief and followed him to him out, but he suddenly turned around and accidentally bumped into her. She doesn't know if it's the wine's effect or she's just dizzy that she almost fall but Yonghwa's fast enough to grab her, his one arm s around her waist while the other one supported her back.

Their breathe hitched at the short distance their face are right now

It must be the wine effect. yes.  

She saw him looking at her with those pair of warm brown eyes, then his gaze travelled to her nose, down to her lips which he shamelessly stared at it, his own lip. He looked up at her again, only to ask for her permission silently. She didn't answer, and let him be. 

It was only a few centimeter gap and their lips will touch when her phone rang, startling her. She moved away from him, her knees still shaking.

She answered the call without looking at the caller and put it in front of her ears. She shakily answered


Seo Joo Hyun, how are you?  Her eyes widen as she recognized the voice

Jang Dong Gun-ssi She saw Yonghwa's jaw clenched as he heard his name, but his expression changed and he gaze at her gently

How's your mission? Have you successfully wrapped him around your dainty little finger?

She once again looked at Yonghwa who's looking at her with those gentle eyes that seemingly piercing her deep in her soul. Her heart beat faster, her breath quicken. Those expression she sees in his eyes. Could it be love?






I-I think so.. She absentmindedly answered








And I'm back with a super laaaaaate update! HAHAHAHA!

Mian T_T *bows 90 degrees* It's just that, we're busy preparing for CSPH (Can't Stop Philippines) OH YES!! The sudden schedule that scared our wits out! HAHAHA! Imagine! They announced it on my birthday (Last July 17) and oh Thank you to those who greeted me! Manhi Kamsahaeyo! *bow* nways, yeah they announced it last July 17 and then guess what!!!



They announced that the pre-selling of tickets will be on July 26!! HELL YES! 9 days after releasing it! And not to mention, the tix is a little bit more pricey than last BMPH but oh well! Hallelujah for hearing our wish!


And so we're now busy preparing for it!!! kyaaaaaaaa~ It's a miracle don't you think? heeee~


And ooooh! Have you watched Seo Joo Hella y Hyun's PROBLEM perf with Amber?! KYAAAAAAAAAAA~ I admit, when I first saw it I was like *Q* <--- that the whole time. I mean, It's sufprising(JYH STYLE XD ily!) that she performed and danced LIKE THAT!! ASDFGHJKL! I was mentally pulling Yonghwa's hair in different directions while the replay button HAHA! I almost watched half of those fancams uploaded LMAO


AND AND AND THAT Y BEAST'S SCENE! OMONAAAAAAAAAAA!!! I'M SPAZZING CRAZILY BUT LOLed when I saw him tweeted the picture. like seriously?! This namja is obviously showing off! puahahah! But yeah, he's "Drool-worthy" HAHAHAHHA!


And last but not the very least, YONGSEO's AURA last KCON2014!!!!! HELL YEAH!!! WHO SAYS THERE'S NOTHING SPAZZABLE HAPPENED?!


The fact that Yonghwa's mood changed 180 degrees says it all!


I mean base from my ggm chingus who've watched CSMY, they said boys were taking double time coz they were about to take the flight to LA JUST RIGHT AFTER CON! I MEAN THEY DIDN'T GET THE CHANCE TO SIT AND REST FOR A BIT AND THEY JUST NEED TO RUN STRAIGHT TO THE AIRPORT TT_TT Poor boys


And so when they arrived at LAX airport, it's only LJH who's still smiling (weirdly) HAHAHA!










There's still a lot of thing I badly want to spazz here but it seems like I'm doing a blog post already HAHAHAHA! so yeah!


See you on my next update!!! I've missed you guys T^T


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Chapter 22: Aww this is sweet <3
aidays93 #2
Chapter 23: Happy ending.... with happy tears... Thank you for nice story...
pipopanda #3
Chapter 22: Finally they are together...
n many happy things ...
thanks authornim
sy5280 #4
Chapter 22: Wow! Finally completed ! Thank you for completing the story authornim!
pipopanda #5
Chapter 20: im still can.t connect with the hint authornim ....
what actually Seohyun hide....
maknaenamja #6
Chapter 20: The only thing I can connect with the clue you gave is Jang Ha Neul and Jang Dong Gun. I guess he is Seohyun's father??? and she is not really his "mistress" but his daughter... hahaha just because her omma and him both have the same last name...

anyhow, it's a refreshing story with the new character of Yebin. As of now, I can't think yet of how Yebin is connected to Yonghwa. But as you said, all will be revealed in time... So I'll just wait for the story to unfold. Thanks for the update. =)
Yongseosjhjyh #7
Chapter 20: Nice to see Yebin in the story. I think she is cute and probably will become someone who connects both of them together. I wonder who is Yebin's father.
heejung1489 #8
Chapter 20: the story is so beautiful~ thank you
sy5280 #9
Chapter 19: I really want to know what the hell is going on?!
liaotu16 #10
Chapter 17: . Take care of the boys on March 2 ok?! and ill be waiting for ur FAs hahaha..I hope ull get an inspiration on march 2 and update this story again soonest... hahahahaha Fighting authornim! see you next year! *not in 2yrs*