Chapter XX

You First Believed

"Omma!" she run towards her mother's suite, running all her might as she was too afraid of something inevitable to happen "Omma!" her heart is thumping wild, as she nears the room where her mother is, the room that became her mother's home for years now. "Omma andwae!" she was sobbing hard, willing herself not to break down.

"Ms. Seo" Joohyun looked up and saw her mother's doctor looking solemn

"Dr. Lee" she whispered,hoarsely "Please save my Omma" she sobbed hard

"I know I've been telling you this for God knows how many times already, but Joohyun-ah" The good doctor held her shoulder to calm her down "Ha Neul is tired now, we already spent years to make her wake up from her Comma, we did everything we can, but this is the e-"

"ANDWAE! She will still wake up! I know she will!" She held to her Omma's hand dearly "She will wake up. She will" she sobbed hard, body is shaking from so much pent up emotion she's been trying to stop from coming out.

"Ha Neul is tired already, please, I'm saying this not as a Doctor but as a friend who gets to see her every day in almost 2 years now." The doctor looks at her pleadingly, trying so hard to convinced her 

Joohyun didn't answered, thus, she stares at her Omma for so long, she's used to this feeling, but why does it still hurt so bad?

"Omma. I need you. You can't leave me like this! You're the only one I'm getting my strength from, aside from Yebin" she was crying once again, her eyes swollen from too much crying, her tears won't run out, yet was so sore because of too much shouting.

"Sorry If I wasn't able to be by your side during those tough times, but you do understand that I'm doing this because I need money to pay for your hospital bills right? But I'm not complaining, as long as you'll live long, I'll do everything I can.So please, please don't leave me Omma I beg you. I beg you!" 

"ANSWER ME JUSEYO!!! ANSWER ME OMMA!!" she held onto her Omma's hands as if it's her only life line, she's losing hope "Are you really tired now Omma?" she felt lost, she doesn't know what to do, or what to feel, her mind is in turmoil right now she's not even thinking straight. Her phone rang, but she can't seem to open it, it's like she lost the ability to do anything. 




"What are we doing here Princess?" he looked at the little girl who was sobbing hard beside him, she cried so much the moment she woke up, saying Gramama over and over again. He tried so hard to stop her from crying but all of his efforts were wasted. He can't even contact Joohyun, making him worried. Yebin asked him to drive her to the Hospital just few blocks away from their house, he gave her options, like playing dolls, watching her favorite shows or eating ice cream even though Joohyun would surely scold him from letting Yebin eat at the middle of the night. But at the end, seeing Yebin's tears broke his heart.

She keeps on saying "Let's go to Gramama pwease! Just pwease!" before releasing a heart breaking sound. He tried to contact Joohyun before going to the hospital that Yebin said but she won't answer all of her calls, and at the end he resorted on just texting her. 

When they arrived at the hospital, Yebin pointed at the elevator and told her the suite number. Albeit nervous of who would it be, he still held the little girl's hand, standing at the front door for God knows how long already. His heart is beating fast, and his hands are sweating cold. 

"OMMA!" his hands instantly went to the knob the moment he heard Joohyun's voice, it was full of pain and anguish "PLEASE!" 

Yebin pushed the door rather too loudly, rushing inside to hug her crying Omma at the floor, kneeling beside a hospital bed where a frail and pale middle aged woman is lying. She looks like an old version of Joohyun, but she looks too weak to even open her eyes, then his eyes settled at the woman kneeling beside the old woman's bed, clutching her weak hands as she screams in anguish, pleading the old woman to wake up. 

He rushed to her side, hugging her close to him, she was shaking badly, not letting go of her mother's hand. 

"Ommwa pwease don't cwyy" Yebin pleaded, even though the little girl is crying badly too. She must be feeling her mother's pain right now. 

"Honey don't cry anymore, for Omma okay? She might cry more hearing you crying." he encircled his other free hand to the crying girl, hushing her. While at the other hand he was caressing Joohyun's back, while she buried her face at his chest. His heart is breaking, feeling Joohyun's warm tears wetting his shirt.She's still holding on to her mother's hand, while her other hand is grasping his shirt. 

Two girls holding onto him with vulnerability, his heart is aching, seeing their tears as they sobbed loudly, every sob makes him want to wrench his heart out to stop it from hurting. 

"Baby" he sighed, burying his face in her hair, inhaling deeply the fruity scent he loves. "Stop crying now" he looked at Yebin who stood up to lay beside her gramama's. Putting her small arm around her Grandma's waist as she buries her face in the old woman's shoulder, sobbing softly, afraid that she might wake her up. "Do you want to tell me what's wrong?" Yonghwa asked as he raises her head, his hands cupped her wet cheeks, caressing her red cheeks and wiping the stubborn tears that's falling uncontrollably from her now swollen eyes. "Seeing you like this breaks my heart Hyun" he can feel his vision blurring too as he stops himself from crying along with them, seeing them like this makes him weak and hopeless. 

"She's my Omma" she started as she stops herself from sobbing 

"Don't stop it" he whispered as he kisses her softly "Don't bite your lips, it might bleed." he caressed her lower lip, staring at her lips intently when he heard her sobbed "Baby" he sighed ddeeply as he saw Joohyun's eyes watered again, he wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tightly, burying his face at the crook of her neck "You're breaking my heart Seo Joo Hyun" he tightened her hug on her, kissing the side of her neck. "I love you, I love you so much it hurts me seeing you this broken. But I know you need this, so go and cry as much as you want. I'll always be here to wipe your tears."

"Will you promise me that you won't leave me? That you'll stay with me and Yebin until the end?"

"Until my last breathe, I deeply promise you that."

"I'm going to let go of my mom now" fat tears started cascading down her cheeks "Dr. Lee said s-she's tired now. I-I didn't mean to prolong her suffering. I-I just want to be with her forever. Oppa I'm scared" he tried so hard to avoid looking into her face but he was a self-proclaimed masochist, her face full of anguish he badly want to take away her pain and make him suffer himself instead. If only he can sacrifice himself to stop her from hurting "I'm s-scared. If mom died, how would I live? How about me? I-I don't know what t-to do the moment s-she leaves me. Oppa. Help me jjuseyo. I'm lost Oppa, I'm so lost right now I don't know what to do with my life" 

"Joohyun, Seo Joo Hyun" he hushed her, kissing her fully on the lips, distracting her from her hurtful thoughts. "I'll stay beside you, I'll be with you forever Seo Joohyun, I promise you I won't leave you and Yebin too. I promise you"

"I don't w-want you to feel obligated, I don't want you to feel responsible just because I-"

"Seo Joo Hyun!" he glared at her "I would gladly have you both in my life, I would gladly welcome Yebin as my own child. I will stay with you until my last breathe. I won't just promise you this, I'll do it, I'll prove it to you"

She stood up unsteadily, letting Yonghwa guide her as she strayed few steps before standing next to her mother's bed. Taking one of Yonghwa's hand that was tightly wrapped around her waist, she put it above her mother's hand making Yonghwa tensed for a while. She held both of their hands as she stares at her mother for a long time.

"Omma" she started, Yonghwa's other hand still wrapped around her waist tightly, caressing her stomach to calm her down. "I finally have someone to proudly introduce to you"

Yonghwa looked at her in shock, his mouth hanging open wide that his jaw almost dropped on the floor. This woman jinjja, how can she made him feel the roller coaster ride in such a short time.

"He looks as if he's going to faint Omma, what more if you're awake while I introduce him?" she chuckled weakly "He promised me that he'll stay with me until the very end Omma, will you spook him if he leave me?" she felt his hand tightened around her waist, pulling her closer to him

"Seo Joo Hyun" Yonghwa warned seriously, looking at her intensely "Not funny. What if your mom misunderstands it? I told you I won't leave you"

"Grumpy. I'm just joking. You know I love you too right?"

That time Yonghwa's heart almost skipped a beat, It was the first time she said that to him, and damn, he wouldn't deny the fact that he's fcking giddy and ecstatic hearing it.

"Say that again" his lips might tear from grinning so wide but he doesn't care

"Later" she hushed him, hiding the blush spreading her cheeks

"Palli" he whined, wanting to hear it again badly

"Choding" she playfully glared at him "Aren't you shy of acting that way in front of my mother?

"No" he grinned childishly "Palliiii Seo Joo Hyuuuuuuun~"

"Yebin is sleeping keep quiet!"


"Aish Oppa!"

"I love you. I love you. I love you!" he said, kissing her cheeks repeatedly


"Nado what?"



"I love you too. sooo much" Yonghwa can't stop the grin from spreading. He hugged her tight, before kissing her shoulder. 

I'll protect her ma'am. I'll protect her with my life, I promise not to leave her and Yebin until my last breath, I promise to do anything to make them happy. I promise it with my own life Ommonim. This I promise you until the day I die. He silently promised while staring at her Mother who looks peaceful now unlike few hours ago. 

Just then, the beeping sound echoed around the room. She tried so hard not to cry, even though she expected this already, at least her mom waited for her to introduce someone who'll replace her place as her pillar of strength, at least her mom waited for him. At least her mom is happy and free now. 

"I love you Omma. I love you so much" with one last time, she leaned closer and kissed her mother's temple. Yonghwa bowed 90 degrees as a sign of respect, wishing her a peaceful journey towards the other life. 

Till then  Jang Ha Neul. Till then... 





I'm spoiling you already nae dear readers! 3 updates! hahaha annyeong! Azile imnida! How are you Goguma chingus? I hope all of you are still boarding the ship to GoChun, let's stay together until whenever ahrasseo? promise? 

And also. Come onnnnn. Show Azile some lovin'! Comments are very welcome you know :D

Who knows I might update again soon ;)

PS. I know some of you are lost with the phasing of this story, but a little patience is needed my loves! All will be revealed soon. :D But in the mean time, I've left some clues already. with this chapter I might say. kkk. If someone managed to connect the dots, I'll update soon. HAHAHAHA! till then!


Till my next update!






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Chapter 22: Aww this is sweet <3
aidays93 #2
Chapter 23: Happy ending.... with happy tears... Thank you for nice story...
pipopanda #3
Chapter 22: Finally they are together...
n many happy things ...
thanks authornim
sy5280 #4
Chapter 22: Wow! Finally completed ! Thank you for completing the story authornim!
pipopanda #5
Chapter 20: im still can.t connect with the hint authornim ....
what actually Seohyun hide....
maknaenamja #6
Chapter 20: The only thing I can connect with the clue you gave is Jang Ha Neul and Jang Dong Gun. I guess he is Seohyun's father??? and she is not really his "mistress" but his daughter... hahaha just because her omma and him both have the same last name...

anyhow, it's a refreshing story with the new character of Yebin. As of now, I can't think yet of how Yebin is connected to Yonghwa. But as you said, all will be revealed in time... So I'll just wait for the story to unfold. Thanks for the update. =)
Yongseosjhjyh #7
Chapter 20: Nice to see Yebin in the story. I think she is cute and probably will become someone who connects both of them together. I wonder who is Yebin's father.
heejung1489 #8
Chapter 20: the story is so beautiful~ thank you
sy5280 #9
Chapter 19: I really want to know what the hell is going on?!
liaotu16 #10
Chapter 17: . Take care of the boys on March 2 ok?! and ill be waiting for ur FAs hahaha..I hope ull get an inspiration on march 2 and update this story again soonest... hahahahaha Fighting authornim! see you next year! *not in 2yrs*