
My Dark Secret

Everyone was enjoying themselves when suddenly Rap Monster's phone rang. "Yeoboseyo? Mhm. Okay. Got it." Rap Monster hung up and sighed.

"Well we have somewhere to go, sorry ladies." Rap Monster said apologetically.

The Bangtan Boys slowly got up and Jungkook looked at you. "Sorry, I wanted to spend more time with you." You shook your head. "No it's fine." You smiled. 

"Where are you guys going?" Cindy asked innocently. "Um... we have a family emergency." Jimin stuttered. "Ohh then you guys should go now. We'll be okay." You said. You and Cindy made eye contact and both of you thought the same thing. They're lying.

The boys waved goodbye as they walked out of the cafe and you and Cindy were left sitting there. 

"We should follow them." Cindy said. 

"What if they catch us?" You said worried. "Then we'll use our powers! Don't worry. Let's go." Cindy reassured you. You nodded. "Okay fine let's go."

You and Cindy left the cafe and started following BTS. A couple minutes later, BTS had arrived at their house and got inside their weapon filled car and had changed into their hunting outfits.

You and Cindy used your supernatural speed and ran after the car. You guys arrived in a deserted part of the woods and saw BTS get their weapons out. You jumped in front of Cindy and shape shifted into a tree. "Unnie be careful and hide behind me." You whispered. "I got it." Cindy said. 

You saw Jungkook get out of the car with his gun again and memories from what happened last time flashed through your mind. You shook the thoughts out of your head and focused on Jungkook again. He was looking glaring at something. 

You moved your eyes to where he was looking and saw a little boy around 7 or 8. He was extremely pale, fangs sticking out, and dark eyes. A vampire. You thought in your head. He was hugging his knees and had a terrified look on his face. 

"Don't tell me they're gonna kill a little boy that young!" Cindy whispered furiously. "Sadly they will." You said. 

Jungkook walked up to the little boy and pointed his gun at him. "P-please don't hurt me." The little boy sobbed. 

Then suddenly a bird flew into your branches and you shape shifted back into a human. You knocked into Cindy and both of you fell down. 

Jungkook lowered his gun and looked at you two. His eyes widened and he stormed over to the both of you. 

"What the hell are you two doing here?!" Jungkook yelled. "W-we were just curious about where you guys were." You stuttered. 

"That gives you no reason to follow us!" Jungkook screamed. By that time, the rest of BTS had made their way over to the you guys. 

"Stop yelling at her! It was obvious Jimin was lying about the family emergency so we were just curious!" Cindy yelled back. Jimin lowered his head. 

"Cindy please calm do-" Jin started. "No. I will not calm down. You." Cindy pointed at Jungkook. "You were about to shoot that little boy." You made your way over to the little boy. Everyone's eyes were on you. "Hey. Are you okay?" You asked. He nodded. "Well you should go home now. Your parents are probably really worried." The little boy looked at you one last time and ran off. 

"Why did you let him leave?!" Jungkook yelled.

"Because he's just a little boy! What are you guys anyways? Why do you have a gun??" You exclaimed, already knowing about them being monster hunters.

Jungkook closed his eyes in frustration and said, " We're monster hunters." Your heart dropped hearing him finally admit it. "I'm sorry you had to find out this way." He said. 

Cindy looked sad and disappointed. Jin looked at Cindy with a heartbroken expression. "I'm sorry." He said quietly. Cindy turned away.

You glanced at the rest of BTS and then looked at Jungkook and sighed, "Well okay then. Cindy and I should be leaving now. Sorry for interrupting your hunting moment."

Jungkook looked at you with sad eyes. "Ashley I'm sor-"

"No please don't. It's okay. Cindy let's go." You and Cindy walked away. You could feel Jungkook eyes staring at your back.

Once you guys were out of hearing distance, Cindy turned to you with a sad look and hugged you tightly. You felt tears streaming down your face. "Shh it's okay. Hide the fact that we'e demons for right now. Just enjoy the time you guys have with each other while it lasts. It'll be okay. Uljima~~" Cindy comforted.

"Unnie, it's so sad." You sobbed. "What if he finds out we're demons?" "Then I guess we have to deal with it when it happens."

You wiped your remaining tears and Cindy linked arms with you. "C'mon. Let's go. Forget about them right now."








Wow I haven't updated this fanfic in a while lol sorry guyss! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and subscribe and comment ^-^ Baiii 

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Chapter 14: Author-nim pls update soon!!!!
Chapter 14: Please update...
Chapter 14: New reader here
It was good.....so far
Oooo suga is slowly figuring out
You should update soon
Because I am getting really curious
Ok bye
Chapter 13: Author-nim please update, your story is getting more interesting
Sigrid123 #5
Chapter 12: V... Of course, of course.. Anyway. It's really good. Please update soon! :)
parkxiuwan12 #6
Chapter 10: u better update before i hunt u down and smash ur face on your laptop
Sigrid123 #7
Chapter 10: I'm in love woth this story!! Please update soon~