Monster Hunters

My Dark Secret


Everyone jumpd out of their seats and ran out of the classroom.

Finally school's over! You thought.

You packed up your stuf and walked out. You spotted Jungkook and the rest of BTS at the school gates. They seemed to be talking about something serious. Soon they got inside their car and drove off.

Should I follow them? You thought. 

After pondering for a while, you decided to follow them. Since you're a demon, you are much faster than an average human. You raced after their car and followed them all the way to their house. 

You hid behind a wall and looked at the van.  

"Everyone, get dressed and get back to the car quickly alright? We have alot of things to do." You heard Rap Monster say.

Everyone got into the house and you sat there waiting. 

What are they gonna do? Are they going monster hunting? You pondered. 

Jungkoo was the first to come out. You saw him walk to the back of the van and open the truck. Your eyes widened. Inside the van were  giant guns and advanced weapons you have never seen before. There were computers and swords and knives. 

Is that what they use to catch demons? That looks so painful.. You thought.

You looked at Jungkook's attire and he was dressed in all black and he had a big gun strapped to his back. You winced mentally thinking how much it would hurt to be blasted with one of those.

Soon, everybody started coming out and they were on the road again. As you were running after their car, you used your enhanced hearing and listened to what they were saying inside the van. 

"There has been a monster spotted near Moonlight Ave. We have to go down there and kill it." J-Hope said.

"What kind of monster is it, hyung?" V asked. 

"Demon." J-Hope answered.

"A demon?? Like me??" You thought.

"Any other monsters beside that one?" Jungkook asked.

"We also have to kill a vampire and a ghoul." Rap Monster said.

"Got it." Jungkook said.

They stopped talking and you just continued running after them.

Soon all of you reached Moonlight Ave. and you hid behind a tree.

You spotted a girl that looked around your age wandering around like she was lost. You were about to approach her when you heard V yell. "Hyungs! I found the demon!"

V shot a gun at her feet and rope wrapped around her ankles making her fall to the ground. She looked up at V with fear in her eyes. "Please..please don't hurt me..!" The girl pleaded.

You watched from behind a tree in horror. How could they do that to her? Why won't they let her go?

Jungkook walked up to her and looked down with digust.

"Suga hyung. Hand me my gun."

Suga handed Jungkook a large gun and stepped back.

Jungkook aimed it the girl. "NO! No, please let me go! Please.. please! I swear I won't bother your kind please! Please let me go..!" The girl sobbed with tears streaming down her face.

You watched with tears in your eyes as the girl begged for her life.

"Please let me go! I beg you! Ple-" *BANG* Bright lights shot out from the gun and into the girl's heart. Slowly she started to disintegrate and soon the only thing that was left was a pile of ash. 

Jungkook lowered his gun and walked away.

"Okay hyungs. The job is done. Let's move on to the next one." 

The van drove off and you didn't even bother running after it. 

You had just seen a demon, just like you, die right in front off your eyes. She was probably your age, too. How could they be so cruel? You couldn't look at BTS the same anymore.

You walked home and went to sleep and tried to get your mind off that poor girl.




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Chapter 14: Author-nim pls update soon!!!!
Chapter 14: Please update...
Chapter 14: New reader here
It was far
Oooo suga is slowly figuring out
You should update soon
Because I am getting really curious
Ok bye
Chapter 13: Author-nim please update, your story is getting more interesting
Sigrid123 #5
Chapter 12: V... Of course, of course.. Anyway. It's really good. Please update soon! :)
parkxiuwan12 #6
Chapter 10: u better update before i hunt u down and smash ur face on your laptop
Sigrid123 #7
Chapter 10: I'm in love woth this story!! Please update soon~