I like him..

My Dark Secret

You woke up and got ready for school. As you were getting ready, images of what happened yesterday popped into your head and you smiled. 

You put on your school uniform and went to the restroom. You saw your mascara and eyeliner and picked it up. "Hm...should I wear makeup today? But I never wear makeup.." You thought. "Maybe I should try it.." You applied mascara and eyeliner and looked in the mirror. 

"Hm not bad.." You thought and went downstairs.

You grabbed an apple like usual and went to school.

You reached the gates and saw BTS standing in front as usual. V spotted you and waved you over. 

You walked over there and all of the boys greeted you. You smiled and you guys chatted for a while until the bell rang. Everyone went off in their seperate ways except for you and Jungkook. 

"Let's go to class." Junkook smiled. You nodded and followed him.

"Hey..are you wearing makeup?" Jungkook asked curiously.

"Oh..uh..yeah I am. I wanted to try wearing it." You said shyly.

"You shouldn't wear it." Jungkook said seriously. "You look beautiful without it." 

Your cheeks heated up and you looked down. "T-thanks."

Jungkook smiled and you two walked quietly to class.

You two got to class and sat down. You were getting out your notebook when you felt a poke on your arm. 

"Um..I forgot my pencil pouch at home. Can I borrow one please?" Jungkook asked sheepishly. 

"Sure! Of course." You smiled and gave him one of your pencils. You took out one for yourself as well.

"Oh hey look twinsies!" Jungkook said. You looked at his pencil and looked at your own. He had a blue pencil with a bunny holding a heart on top. Yours was the same but it was pink. It looked as if they were couple pencils. 

You didn't realize that you had given him that pencil.

You blushed and smiled, "Nice. If you want, you can have that pencil." 

"Really?? Yay! I'm going to use it every day." Jungkook said excitedly. 

You giggled and turned back to listen to the lesson. Every now adn then you would sneak a glance at Jungkook. Wow he's actually paying attention in class..He looks pretty cute when he does that. You felt this feeling in your stomach. 

I like Jungkook.. You thought. But he's a monster hunter..I can't like him..What if he finds out that I'm a monster and he kills me too?

You were thinking so hard you didn't even notice the bell rang. Jungkook was standing there looking at you concerned.

"Are you okay?" He asked. "Oh! Yeah I am. Don't worry." 

You packed up your stuff while Jungkook stood there waiting patiently. "Ready to go?" Jungkook asked. You nodded and the both of you walked out of the classroom.

Break passed by quickly and you walked to your next class. 

Cindy was already sitting there waiting for you. You sat down next to her and tapped her shoulder. "Unnie..I have something to tell you.." You whispered. Cindy looked at you and said "What is it?" 

"I..I like Jungkook.." You said.

"What??" Cindy exclaimed.

"Shhh!" You put a hand over . You put your hand down and Cindy whispered "What??"

"I don't know unnie..we bonded in detention and he's really nice and really kind and not to mention really good looking and-" 

"Okay, okay I get it." Cindy laughed. "Well it's your feelings. I'll always support you but be careful okay? We both know he's a monster hunter..so I'm just worried about your safetly." 

"Thanks Cindy unnie." You smiled. "I'll be careful."

"Oh and if you guys start dating, can you hook me up with Jin?" Cindy winked. You gasped and said "You like Jin???" 

Cindy shrugged and said, "I think he's cute." You nodded and laughed "Okay, okay I'll help you." 

Soon class started and everyone started copying down notes like cazy. 

You had finished first and was looking out the window. 

Hm. I wonder how he feels about me.. You thought.







These are what the pencils look like ^~^  Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and subscribe :) Kamsahamnida~









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Chapter 14: Author-nim pls update soon!!!!
Chapter 14: Please update...
Chapter 14: New reader here
It was good.....so far
Oooo suga is slowly figuring out
You should update soon
Because I am getting really curious
Ok bye
Chapter 13: Author-nim please update, your story is getting more interesting
Sigrid123 #5
Chapter 12: V... Of course, of course.. Anyway. It's really good. Please update soon! :)
parkxiuwan12 #6
Chapter 10: u better update before i hunt u down and smash ur face on your laptop
Sigrid123 #7
Chapter 10: I'm in love woth this story!! Please update soon~