
My Dark Secret

~~~~A few weeks later~~~~

"Tomorrow is spring break guys!" V yelled while running towards you guys.

"V shut up! Everyone's staring at us now!" Cindy scolded. You, Cindy, and BTS were sitting in the cafeteria eating lunch when V suddenly ran inside screaming his head off. 

"But guys! It's almost spring break and we should all go somewhere to hang out!" V said. "I agree with this idiot actually. We should all go somewhere during break." Rap Monster said. V fist pumped in the air, "YES! Wait..hey!" 

Everyone laughed while V was sitting there pouting. 

"I'm in. Where should we go?" You said. 

"J-Hope's uncle has a beach house so let's go to the beach! Hyung, will your uncle let us borrow his beach house?" Jimin asked. 

"Yeah I'll ask but I'm pretty sure he will!" J-Hope smiled. Everyone cheered.

"That's a plan then! We'll go first thing tomorrow morning!" Rap Monster said. 

Jungkook turned to you and smiled. "I guess we'll be spending spring break together." He intertwined your hands and your cheeks turned crimson red. 

"YAH! Jungkook you better not do anything to my baby Ashley while we're staying at the beach house." Cindy glared. 

"Arasso, arasso I won't." Jungkook laughed. 

Jin wrapped his arms around Cindy and whispered, "Do I have permission to do anything to you?" 

Cindy's eyes widened and she covered her face, "Yah oppa!" Jin laughed and said, "I'm just joking sweetie." 


You and Cindy were packing for tomorrow when suddenly you hear your phone ring. 


"Hey Ashley! It's Rap Monster, I just wanted to call to tell you that we'll pick you guys up at 8."

"Oh okay oppa! Thank you!" 

"No problem! See you tomorrow!" 

"Okay gotcha! Byee~" 

Cindy turned to you and aked, "What did they say?" "Oh they're picking us up at 8 tomorrow." Cindy groaned. "I have to wake up early??" 

"Yah unnie shut up, it's not that early." You laughed. 

"It's early to me!" Cindy exclaimed. You just shook your head and laughed. 

"Hey which bathing suit are you wearing?" Cindy asked. You shrugged and said, "I don't know. Should I wear the one piece, because I think the two piece is a little revealing." 

"Oooooh wear something y for Jungkook." Cindy winked. 

"Unnnieeee stop it!" You cried. 

"Here I'll pick your bathing suit for you." Cindy walked up to your closet and started looking around. 

After a few minutes, she exclaimed, "Perfect!" Cindy held out a white and blue one piece with a little bow in the middle. 


"Oh my gosh that's perfect! Thanks unnie!" You yelled. 

"I will be wearing this one!" Cindy held out this swimsuit. 


"Oooh Jin's going to love you in that!" You said. 

Cindy laughed and the two of you finished packing. 


The next morning, you and Cindy actually managed to get out of bed early and now was waiting for BTS to come pick you guys up.

"Okay. Towels?" You said.




"Bathing suits?"


"Cell phones and chargers?" 

Cindy slowly went back into the room to grab her phone and charger.

"Check!" You laughed.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. "The guys are here!" You yelled. You opened the door to reveal a beaming Jungkook and Jin. Jungkook went up to you to give you a hug and Jin went into the house to look for Cindy.

"You guys all ready?" Jungkook asked.

You nodded and grabbed your suitcase. "Here I'll take it." Jungkook took the suitcase and carried it to the car. Jin soon followed after with Cindy's suitcase.

You locked the door and you and Cindy walked to the car.

 "Hey girls!" J-Hope ran towards you two and gave you both a big hug.

"We're taking two cars so Cindy, you go in one car with Jin, V, Jimin, and me! Ashley, you will be in the other car with Jungkook, Rap Monster, and Suga!"

You two nodded and went your seperate ways to each other's cars. You hopped and saw that you were going to be sitting next to Jungkook during the whole ride. He smiled and held your hand.

"Rap Mon oppa, how long is the drive?" You asked.

"It's a 4 hour drive so I hope you have something to entertain you!" Rap Monster laughed. 

You nodded and plugged in your earbuds. VIXX's 'Error' started playing and you closed your eyes. Then after a few minutes, you started to fall asleep and the last thing you recalled was Jungkook putting your head on his shoulder. 


"Ashley. Wake upp we're at a rest stop now." Jungkook shook your shoulders. You slowly opened your eyes and yawned. 

"C'mon the others are waiting in the shop." 

You nodded and the both of you went out of the car. You guys walked into the shop to see the rest of BTS running around grabbing food. "I'll try to calm the others down." Jungkook laughed nervously and ran to the others. Cindy ran up to you and said, "Want anything? I'll pay." 

"Hmm I'll look around unnie." You smiled. You took her arm and the two of you picked out a few snacks. Suddenly you hear screaming. You turned around to see a foreigner yelling at V. You and Cindy exchanged looks and walked over there. The first thing you see is a big stain on the man's shirt and V looking down in guilt. 

"Uhm excuse me? What seems to be the problem?" Cindy asked. The foreigner then looks at you two and starts yelling. In Russian. Your eyes widened and you elbowed Cindy. "Unnie..what's he saying?" Cindy looked at you and said, "He says that V was running and bumped into him, making him spill his coffee all over himself." 

By then the rest of BTS has gathered to see what all the commotion is. 

Suddenly Cindy starts communicating back in fluent Russian and calmy explains that everything was a mistake. The foreigner nods and gives V a glare before leaving the shop. 

"Whew thanks Cindy! I thought I was gonna die. You know how to speak fluent Russian?" V exclaimed. 

Your eyes widened and you looked at Cindy. "I took it during high school." Cindy said. 

"Wow but it sounded perfect!" V said. 

"I took it all four years." Cindy stated. 

"Wah daebak!" BTS said amazed. 

"Yep hehe.." You and Cindy exchanged awkward glances. 

"Whew that was a close one..but what if our powers slowly get revealed? We have to stay careful." You thought. 










Haiiii guys~ ooooooOOOoOoOH what's gonna happen on this vacation with BTS?? also just a quick reminder, Ashley can shape-shift and control other people's powers and Cindy can control the elements and has the power of omnilingualism (able to speak all languages) ^^ welp guys I hope you enjoyed this update and comment and subscribe! <3 <3 <3 *mwah* love you all~

~author-nim ((: 

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Chapter 14: Author-nim pls update soon!!!!
Chapter 14: Please update...
Chapter 14: New reader here
It was far
Oooo suga is slowly figuring out
You should update soon
Because I am getting really curious
Ok bye
Chapter 13: Author-nim please update, your story is getting more interesting
Sigrid123 #5
Chapter 12: V... Of course, of course.. Anyway. It's really good. Please update soon! :)
parkxiuwan12 #6
Chapter 10: u better update before i hunt u down and smash ur face on your laptop
Sigrid123 #7
Chapter 10: I'm in love woth this story!! Please update soon~