New Life

My Dark Secret



Author's P.O.V:

"Ring-ring~" You woke up abruptly and turned off the alarm. 

"Time for school." You groaned inwardly.

You got up and put on your brand new uniform. Then you went downstairs to get breakfast. Normally, kids would have their parents waiting downstairs with breakfast already cooked, but you were different. You didn't have parents. You had no memory of you and your parents at all. Why? Because you are a demon. You've had to live by yourself your entire life. 

You ate an apple and grabbed your backpack. 

You made sure to lock the door and started walking to school.

You took out your phone and started texting your best friend.

To: Cindy Unnie <3

From: Ashley

Heyy I'm on my way to school! Meet me by the gate!

You were looking at your phone until you heard someone yell.

"Watch out!"

You looked up to see a boy on a skateboard coming right at you. 


You two both fell on the ground and all your stuff fell out of your hands. "Ouch.." You hissed as you tried to stand up. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to! I tried to stop myself! Are you okay?" You looked up to see the boy looking at you with a worried expression. He was quite handsome. His uniform had the same school patch as yours. Oh so I'll be going to the same school as him. You thought. You didn't realize that you were staring until he repeated himself. "Miss? Are you okay?" You snapped out of your dazed state and nodded. "I'm fine. Be careful where you're going next time."You picked up your stuff and dusted the dust off your clothes. 

You started to walk away but nearly fell as a sharp pain shot up your leg. The boy rushed forward to catch you. "Woah! Are you alright?" He looked at your leg and gasped. "You're bleeding!" You looked down and saw that he was correct. Your knee had a big cut on it and it was bleeding. 

"I'm fine." You said. "No you're not. Stay still." He bent down and looked at your knee. 

"W-what are you doing?" 

He didn't say anything and took off his backpack. He grabbed a cloth and wiped offhe blood. Then he grabbed a bandage and stuck it onto your knee. "There. All better." He smiled.

"Hi! My name is Kim Taehyung but you can call me V!" V smiled and stuck out his hand.

"I-I'm Choi Ashley." You said quietly and gently shook his hand. 

"Oh you're going to the same school as me! Are you a new student?" 

You nodded silently.

"Wow that's great! Do you want me to walk to school with you?"

"N-no it's fine. I can walk by myself." You turned around and started walking away but you were limping alot because of your knee. Suddenly an arm wrapped around your waist. 

"You're injured. Let me help you to school. I'm not taking no as an answer." V said. You said nothing and the two of you walked to school. 

You two arrived at school and V saw his friends standing near the gates. "Well this is where we part! I hope to have you in some of my classes!" V said happily and ran off to his friends.

Man that kid is very hyper. You thought.

You limped into school and found the office. You walk inside. "Oh hello! Are you the new student?" The lady at the front desk asked. 

"Yes I am." You said. She gave you your schedule and a map of the school. You looked at your schedule and saw that you had math first. 

It took you a while to find the classroom but you eventually got there. You opened the door and everyone stared at you. The teacher pulled you into the classroom and made you stand in front of everyone. 

"Hello! I'm Ms. Hwang and I will be your math teacher! Introduce yourself to the class sweetie."

"Annyeonghaseyo my name is Ashley. Please treat me well." You said quietly.

"Well Ashley, you will sit in the back with Jungkook. JEON JUNGKOOK WAKE UP!" The boy in the back sat up abruptly and glared at the teacher. "What?" He scowled. 

"Miss Ashley will be sitting next to you from now on." 

He lookd over at you and glared at you. Then he looked away and put his head back on the desk. 

Great. First day and someone already hates me. You thought as you walked over to the desk. 



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Chapter 14: Author-nim pls update soon!!!!
Chapter 14: Please update...
Chapter 14: New reader here
It was far
Oooo suga is slowly figuring out
You should update soon
Because I am getting really curious
Ok bye
Chapter 13: Author-nim please update, your story is getting more interesting
Sigrid123 #5
Chapter 12: V... Of course, of course.. Anyway. It's really good. Please update soon! :)
parkxiuwan12 #6
Chapter 10: u better update before i hunt u down and smash ur face on your laptop
Sigrid123 #7
Chapter 10: I'm in love woth this story!! Please update soon~