There's a difference between cargo and luxury

Mission BTS: Who can change Bangtan Boys?

A/N: Thank you for reading! Feedback is much appreciated^_^ 


And days passed. After the Yoongi/Jungkook-incident they had started to properly take care of their dorm again at least, and now it looked pretty okay. No one bothered to make food though, and they still lived on take-away and the food their staff sometimes came by with.

But the boys became more and more weird, and the day before they were going to film their new show Jimin could be found playing bongos in a corner, as well as Seokjin had totally transformed into an American White Girl.

However, even though they looked just fine, they were incredibly nervous for the variety-show. They had been told they were going somewhere for a longer period of time, but they did not know where they were, or what they were going to do. They were totally clueless.


Fourteen to three in the afternoon, their manager called. He had gotten the call that the arrangements were ready, and wanted the boys off as soon as possible. “I’ll come over in ten minutes, so be ready, okay? Have your stuff packed and ready, we’ll leave and be gone for quite a while.” It was Namjoon who had picked up the call, and he silently wondered what they were going to do, since they had to pack so much. He figured he would have to bring a suitcase, which he found completely unnecessary. They were big and weighed a ton and even though they were practical they used so much space.

“Hey, guys!” he shouted from the kitchen, where he had received the call. He had been making himself a late lunch, and was interrupted right as he was going to eat his newly made chicken-sandwich.

It took quite some time for everyone to gather. Yoongi, Seokjin and Taehyung was pretty much in place as soon was he shouted, but Hoseok, Jungkook and Jimin took their time and a lot of it, as well. But as soon as they all sat down by the table in the kitchen, Namjoon didn’t spare a second for small talk.

“Just got a call from the manager. We’re going somewhere far away or something. So like, I think it’s good if you pack for a couple of weeks. Oh, and we’ll leave in ten minutes. So get going, I think.”

This made the others protest.

“What? I can’t pack for two weeks in ten minutes!” Seokjin complained. “There is so much to bring!”
“Well,” Namjoon reasoned. “You get even less time if you keep standing here, so I advise you to get your in gear and throw in as much as possible,” With this Seokjin stood up and gave Namjoon one last, horrified look, before he sprinted to their room to pack. And on his way, they could hear him mutter something like “you think we’ll go to America? Should I bring my Starbucks coupons?”

Shortly afterwards, as everyone followed Seokjin to pack everything they needed, Hoseok shook his head. “If we’re going to the States, I’m not sharing room with him. He goes crazy from all that caffeine,” And silently every member prepared their war-tactic to avoid sleeping in the same room as Seokjin, as they made their way to their room. At that point, they all valued sleep almost as much as Jungkook.


“Where are we going?” Taehyung asked for the five thousandth time.

“Your mom,” Yoongi muttered an effortless reply, as everyone had gone tired of answering him.

To this however, Taehyung just laughed and shook his head in Yoongi’s direction. “She lives the other way, stupid.”

And everyone wondered who the stupid really was, because it certainly wasn’t Yoongi.

As of this minute, everyone was stuffed in the very car they had arrived with the week earlier, with Namjoon in the front seat, Jimin, Yoongi and Taehyung in the middle, and Hoseok and Jungkook in the back. Their manager was driving them, and even though they still had fifteen minutes to go until they reached Incheon Airport, he was going crazy already.

And in that second, as Taehyung and Yoongi started bickering (once again), Hoseok’s head suddenly shout up in the air.

“Can I connect my phone to the car’s speakers?” he asked, as hopeful as his name. The other members recognized the bad idea instantly, but the manager still hadn’t picked up on Hoseok’s newly changed music-taste, and still believed him to be at least halfway normal. So before they could protest that it was a really bad idea, the manager agreed, believing anything was better than listening to Yoongi and Taehyung.

Jungkook looked terrified at the manager, his eyes wide open. “I would advise you to change your mind now, before it’s too late,” he tried to warn him, despair to be found in his voice already. This only earned a hit from Hoseok, who clearly stated that ‘a yes is a yes and only a powerless coward would change their mind’.

And soon Nirvana was being blared in the car, way too loud for everyone but Hoseok’s liking.

“Uh…” Jimin approached carefully, because he knew that if there was one thing Hoseok was sensitive about, it was his music. “Could you turn it down a little bit, please?”

This comment received a glare from Hoseok. “Have you never heard Nirvana? This is quality music! Pre-grunge, the ancestor of all rock-music today! This was revolutionary when it came! Of course I can't turn it down! It's music from the heavens!”

Jimin nodded slowly, his face in doubt. “Yes, but… I think my left ear is going deaf.”

“Puny- ear,” was the only response, as Hoseok turned up the volume louder.

And somehow, the manager was kind of happy all of them would be gone for a good month. Maybe he would be getting some rest before they returned, preferably changed back to their original selves.



When they arrived at the airport, they didn't go in the usual way, where a lot of fans had met up to see the band as they left South Korea once again. Instead, they drove past and was let off at a separate wing of the airport.

"Ugh, carry me," someone muttered from inside the car. The only one who hadn't walked out by himself, Jungkook, was still inside half asleep.

"Too bothersome," Namjoon replied as he searched his bag for his headphones. If he had forgotten them, he could just die on the spot. Because the only other option to music was listening to Jimin's ranting, and he would rather listen to fifties country-music.

"Ugh, carry me," Jungkook repeated, ignoring Namjoon. He had no intention whatsoever of getting up to walk himself, and the manager knew he had to get Jungkook into the plane somehow. So in the end, after promising him a month's supply of Starbucks, Seokjin agreed to carry him on his back, but it was on a hair that he did. And only because he knew the expenses of a month's usage of Starbucks, while their manager did not.

"You're too heavy," he complained as he let Jungkook climb on his back. "Cut down on the junk food." Not that he was the one to talk, only eating the light sandwiches and snacks Starbucks served.

"You're just too weak," Jungkook muttered into Seokjin's neck, on the verge of sleeping. "You know how you feel about Starbucks?"

Seokjin nodded slowly, thinking over his burning love for the coffee company.

"Well," Jungkook continued. "That's how I feel about pizza. Would you be willing to give up your beloved coffee anytime soon?"

Seokjin shook his head.

"Now, I have no intention of giving up pizza either."

And so, the discussion died as Seokjin continued carrying the now sleeping Jungkook.


"Wait, what is this?" Hoseok asked as they got their baggage out and carried it towards a waiting airplane. It stood alone on a field of asphalt, and it certainly didn't look like a regular plane.

"What?" Jimin asked. His ears still hurt because of the loud music in the car, and his head had gone all cotton from it. He felt as if there was an invisible wall separating him and the world (well, more than usual at least). Hoseok turned to him, and leant close as he spoke loudly into Jimin's ear. "I said, WHAT. IS. THIS."

Jimin frowned, and looked pouting as Hoseok. "No need to shout," he muttered. This earned a mean stare worthy those of Seokjin, as Hoseok walked on, leaving Jimin by the car. He quickly followed, not wanting to be left with Seokjin who had had too much caffeine, and was running around like a hyperactive rabbit carrying Jungkook. How the maknae could sleep through that, he had no idea.


The plane wasn't connected to the airport, and under it a lot of big containers were loaded into it.

"Hey, isn't this a cargo-plane?" Namjoon asked as they climbed a portable staircase into the plane.

Their manager cursed himself for forgetting that one of these guys were actually smart, before he shook his head. "Nope, just a little different. Uh, you were the only ones who booked a ticket with this plane," he said, finding up excuses on the spot.

Seokjin, who was behind him, looked at him wide-eyed. "What? The only ones in all of Seoul? Are we going to a remote place? But I brought my coupons!"

A muffled " your coupons Seokjin" was heard from inside the plane, as the manager shook his head. "Uh, no, of course not. It is in fact so exclusive that only you can afford to go there,"

"Oh, okay then."

The manager couldn't believe they actually fell for this, not realizing it was in fact a cargo-plane. But no normal Airways Company flew the route to the place they were going to, so they had to resort to the next best. Which happened to be a cargo-plane. He quickly got them all into the plane and then left, before they realized what was going on.

"I still don't think this is right," Yoongi furred his eyebrows as they sat down in their seats and fastened their seatbelts. He was pretty sure this wasn't the comfort of an exclusive plane no one else could afford, because their seats, the only seats in the whole plane, were randomly placed in the front like they weren't really supposed to be there. They also looked pretty old, and some stuffing poked out of Taehyung's.

"Well, really," Hoseok rolled his eyes, his seat pushed up against a container of what seemed like carrots. Yoongi eyed him irritated and Hoseok answered likewise, which lead to them having a non-verbal staring contest half the trip.

"Goatie!" someone suddenly exclaimed from the back seat.

Seokjin, still high on caffeine, turned to the sound. "Goatie?" He asked, feeling a recognizabe fear rise in his chest.

Taehyung, the one shouting about goats, nodded. "Yes, goatie!" he grinned and petted something behind his seat, out of Seokjin's sight. He pulled a rope he held in his hand, and an old, not very nice-looking goat walked out for Seokjin to see.

"Isn't he cute?" Taehyung chided as he petted it.

But Seokjin looked at it with pure fear in his eyes. "You keep that thing away from me!" he exclaimed. Taehyung maybe thought that thing was cute, but Seokjin was freaking out. The goat had a seriously mean look in his eyes, like it was planning to kill him. Oh, Seokjin saw the true colours of that goat, even though Taehyung didn't. And he instantly knew that even though it let Taehyung pet it, it would bite the hand of any of the other members if they came close. He shuddered and turned away, feeling the goat's evil stare burn into his back.

"I'll call you Albert, because you don't look Korean," Seokjin heard Taehyung talk to the goat. How a goat could look Korean (or like any other nationality) was beyond him.


Shortly afterwards, the plane started its motors, and departed. No one had really noticed the manager leaving, and it wasn't until they were up in the air and a big screen in front of the plane lit up, that they realized they were alone.

"Oh, look!" Taehyung exclaimed and pointed at the screen as it and their manager's face showed up.

"Hello, Bangtan Sonyeondan," he said seriously. It was a live sending, and he couldn't afford anything to go wrong. "As of now, your new reality show, Bangtan Rehab, will begin. As you may not have noticed, there is cameras placed all around the plane, and also at your destination, the location you will be staying at. You will be living in a house and followed around 24 hours a day, and every day you will recieve a daily mission. If you succeed, you will be granted one wish, one thing you want to get. If you fail however, severe punishment will follow. In about two hours time you will be flying over your destination. However, there is one catch to this. It is an uninhabited island in the middle of nowhere, and it is impossible to access with a normal plane. Therefore, you will need to jump in a parachute from the plane. We have been informed that you took lessions and reached the advanced level when you did this in Norway, and that you all aced the final test you took. This is the first test: we expect you all to do this perfectly. Your luggage with arrive afterwards. Now, we will take questions."

It became quiet for a while, as everyone (except for Jungkook who was sleeping) looked wide-eyed at their manager. WHAT?

"Wait up," Seokjin was the first one to speak up. "So you're telling me this isn't a luxury trip only we could afford?"

Yoongi rolled his eyes. "I'm almost sitting inside a container of rice cakes, NO, this is not a luxury trip," he answered in the stead of their manager.

"But then, for how long are we to stay there?" Namjoon asked. He would love to be home at the end of the week.

"Until you've learned," their manager answered, as simple as it was.

"Learned what?" If Namjoon could just get it right as soon as they landed, maybe he would get home without missing the newest episode of his favourite drama.

"That's what you have to learn,"



"Hey -" and the line went dead, as the screen returned to black.

And that was how the members of Bangtan Sonyeondan had to jump in parachutes over an uninhabited island wearing GoPro cameras, screaming like girls. All aired on national television, of course.

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[Mission BTS, 27.09.15] I am the worst author ever, please forgive me. I didn't realize my new shool would be so stressing. I'll be updating soon!


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AriaJung #1
It's 2019 where you at
2018 and waiting for your comeback
AssiraNKim #3
Chapter 20: Two things that keep me on going is the spirit to conqeur knowledge, Forever Young
DumaTrz #4
Chapter 20: Lol XD I liked the update, concentrate in your studies c: you´ll do well. Hope you can overcome the author´s block.. Oh and.. I kno my question is lame, but do you guys like anime? If so, which ones ;v;/
cookie1132 #5
Chapter 20: Wooah, so glad you updated! Please don't become too stressed, school is priority, we can wait a little longer so don't overwork yourself! Thank you for making such an amazing story <3
hunhannie98 #6
Chapter 20: It's okay authornim ^^ i've gone through challenging school s and writer's block too^^ anyway, i hope you can maintain your studies and updating this story^^ i'll patiently wait for you :) and btw, i love frustated jimin and forever sleeping jungkook^^
cookie1132 #7
Oh my god, this is hilarious!! I hope you update soon! No pressure though (: I love Jimin and Jungkook's characters so so so so so so so so much. All of them are amazing, actually! I will check this every day to check for updates :D
ciao_shrine #8
Chapter 19: Please update! This fic is really funny and I literally check every day to see if you've updated. (Lol, I know its creepy)
samanthalilyalex1 #9
please update soon
NakaharaAi #10
Chapter 18: Woahahahhaa update pleasee. This seriously so funny hahahahha