An entrance of the unexpected

Mission BTS: Who can change Bangtan Boys?

A/N: Okay, so I didn't mean to keep the story hanging for so long, as I promised I would update soon. I had to go to Sweden with my familyr. I didn't have internet there, and in Sweden they obviously haven't heard of free wifi (sharing is caring, you know) so I was left stuck in the middle of nowhere with a writing-programme as company.

Also, thank you for reading! I actually didn't think people would read this at all. (Author's rant over).



When the boys went to meet their manager in his office, they all wondered what to expect. A cake, for a completed world tour? If they were lucky, maybe they would even get a couple of days off. If there was something they deserved, it was at least that. They all thought about this and made up their own hopes as they took the elevator to the floor where their manager was, and their thoughts flew in all directions, from world peace (however the manager was going to fix that), to an endless supply of Starbucks.


The office of the manager was at the far end of the corridor, so they had to walk through the whole building to get there.

As they walked, more than a few words about how walking was such a hassle was uttered, but they always got ignored. So even though Seokjin and Taehyung once again started to fight halfway through and Hoseok almost killed them, they got through without much more effort.

The door to their manager was dark brown with golden letters in the middle. On a glass-plate that hung beside it, it was written which positions he held, as well as who he was managing. Which then again meant that BTS was written on the plate, together with their achievements.

"Ooh, look!" Taehyung grinned and jumped up and down, hooking his arm in Namjoon’s. "BTS! But that's us!"

"Whoa, really," Namjoon replied bored, trying at least give a acceptable response. He failed. Once upon a time he would have been about up in the roof of excitement, but after being around the world nothing really surprised him anymore. He'd become especially indifferent to everything about halfway through the tour though, when he went tired of having to watch all the other boys as their tour-manager suddenly disappeared. One could go a certain time with the Taehyung-Hope couple joking around until they wanted to hit something with a shovel.

"Oh, let's just go in," Hoseok shook his head and put his headphones away for a second, pushing through the small crowd that studied the glass-plate and reaching for the door-handle.

Yoongi, who stood a couple of steps behind the others with his precious smoothie, struck his neck out. "You now Hoseok, you should probably knock," he reasoned, suggesting common courtesy. Somehow, somewhere along the two last months, he'd halfway found back to his old ways as a member of the student council. He would suggest acts of courtesy and nag the other members to say 'thank you' and 'please' every once in a while, without it really helping. It wasn’t without thought that he did though, as they literally ran across whatever they did in the countries they were visiting. Taehyung, for example, had learnt that cutting in line in front of the Eiffel-tower was not a very good idea.

It was a reasonable suggestion that Yoongi came with, but as he said it Hoseok had already pressed the handle down, and the door swung open.


The situation would have been very disastrous and very awkward, if not Taehyung had been there. Because as the door slowly swung open and the manager looked up to see which ill-mannered imbeciles would dare open his door without knocking, Taehyung ran in and jumped him before he could do anything.

"Manager!" he shouted happilylike an over-exited puppy. "Hello!" he laughed as he clung to his manager’s arm. “Did you miss us?” He jumped around like he had been drinking a liter of energy-drinks, and their manager, taken aback by the sudden attack, backed a little bit away.

“Uh, yeah… of course Taehyung,” he said and brushed his suit, putting Taehyung on an arm length’s distance. Then he looked out on the others, and his mouth fell open. If he had been surprised by Taehyung, he was at a loss of words now. In front him stood seven boys, some of them almost unrecognizable.

“W… wh…” he stammered, before pulling himself together. Then he sat down by his desk again, and took a deep breath. He closed his eyes for a moment to consult himself, wondering if this really was the band he had sent out on a world-tour who months earlier. 

After collecting his scattered thoughts for a few seconds, he looked up, pretending he hadn't noticed a difference. “Can someone please wake Jungkook up?” he asked, trying to keep a calm composure. What had happened to these guys?


The manager sighed, and as the other boys woke Jungkook up he studied them. Namjoon, Jin, Taehyung and Jungkook looked about the same as usual, but Jimin seemed to be wearing some kind of monk-clothing, Yoongi was carrying around on a portable smoothie-machine and Hoseok wore a huge pair of headphones around his neck, and on his t-shirt it was printed a picture of something that seemed like a western rock band. And somehow, the manager knew that these were not the boys that left Korea two months ago.

"So," he said as Jungkook came back to reality after dreaming away on Namjoon's shoulder. "How was the world?" He had gotten status-reports from them regularly at first, but it had been a bigger and bigger time-gap between the reports, and now he hadn't heard from them in about three weeks. It had worried him at first, but as he kept seeing positive reviews and fan-taken pictures online he decided that it was okay. They had probably been too busy to keep him updated, and they had their tour-manager with them anyways. And that reminded him... Where was their tour-manager? He should have escorted the boys up here. Well, maybe he had something else to take care of.

It was quiet for a while as the question hung in the air, and everyone looked at Namjoon to answer, as he was the leader. Namjoon however, didn't realize this and just stood there wondering why people were looking at him until he understood what he was supposed to do.

"Oh, yeah," he said. "It was okay, I guess,"

No stories about their experiences. No complaining about the other members or their monkey business. No funny stories about the numerous times when Jin got stuck somewhere and couldn't find back because of his con awkwardness. Just a simple 'okay, I guess,'. And this didn't please the manager very much.

"Nothing more?" he asked. "It was 'okay'?"  

Namjoon shrugged and looked out of the window. He didn't notice, and neither did most of the other members either, but the manager started to grow irritated, expecting a little more than a simple okay. He had just sent them around the world, giving them opportunities most people wouldn't dream about! Okay didn't cover it at all, they should all be up under the roof of excitement! But excited was the last thing these guys were, maybe except Taehyung. Half of the group looked like they had been dragged out of bed an hour early, and the others looked as uninterested as it was possible to become.

Yoongi however, seemed to take notice of their manager's developing anger.

“It was very interesting,” he said, gaining his student council aura back. “We are very happy that we got to experience this, and we’re learnt loads. We have all, ahem… discovered ourselves anew or something.” He talked in a very respectful manner, in comparison to Taehyung and Namjoon. This pleased the manager as at least one of them still was halfway representable (he was still carrying on the smoothie-machine though, which dragged his image down by about 150 percent).

The manager sighed happily and tried to adjust to the new boys that now stood in front of him. He knew he had to do something, but he was completely oblivious to what.

“So, you’ve worked hard, and I’ll let you get a couple of days. Is there anything you want?” he offered, realizing that he needed some time to think alone. He couldn’t have them go to signing-events or press-conferences like this.

No one uttered a word.

"Well, actually I'd like a Sta-"

"Oh my god, SHUT UP JIN," the group said unison.

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[Mission BTS, 27.09.15] I am the worst author ever, please forgive me. I didn't realize my new shool would be so stressing. I'll be updating soon!


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AriaJung #1
It's 2019 where you at
2018 and waiting for your comeback
AssiraNKim #3
Chapter 20: Two things that keep me on going is the spirit to conqeur knowledge, Forever Young
DumaTrz #4
Chapter 20: Lol XD I liked the update, concentrate in your studies c: you´ll do well. Hope you can overcome the author´s block.. Oh and.. I kno my question is lame, but do you guys like anime? If so, which ones ;v;/
cookie1132 #5
Chapter 20: Wooah, so glad you updated! Please don't become too stressed, school is priority, we can wait a little longer so don't overwork yourself! Thank you for making such an amazing story <3
hunhannie98 #6
Chapter 20: It's okay authornim ^^ i've gone through challenging school s and writer's block too^^ anyway, i hope you can maintain your studies and updating this story^^ i'll patiently wait for you :) and btw, i love frustated jimin and forever sleeping jungkook^^
cookie1132 #7
Oh my god, this is hilarious!! I hope you update soon! No pressure though (: I love Jimin and Jungkook's characters so so so so so so so so much. All of them are amazing, actually! I will check this every day to check for updates :D
ciao_shrine #8
Chapter 19: Please update! This fic is really funny and I literally check every day to see if you've updated. (Lol, I know its creepy)
samanthalilyalex1 #9
please update soon
NakaharaAi #10
Chapter 18: Woahahahhaa update pleasee. This seriously so funny hahahahha