No goats allowed

Mission BTS: Who can change Bangtan Boys?

A/N: How do I even come up with these things, is a question I ask myself on a daily basis. I don't think normal people write about goats in hammocks.

Also, thank you to everyone reading! It means sososo much and I thank you for putting up with these stupid ideas of mine.



It took a while to wake Jungkook up, and when he was finally awake, it took a while to get him down. It came to light that Seokjin wasn’t the only one afraid of goats, which turned into quite an obstacle.

“Keep that thing away from me,” Jungkook scowled as he walked on the far left of the group, as far away from the goat as possible. Seokjin nodded agreeing, keeping close to the maknae as Taehyung muttered something about them being animal-haters.


The house seemed fine. At first, at least. It was pretty big with two floors excluding the basement and attic, and it was built out of planks. It was white-painted with blue sills, and on the balcony a light blue hammock was hung up. Without uttering as much as a word, Namjoon claimed it as his own and decided he would spend most of his days in that blue thing.

They all ran inside as fast as possible to capture the best beds, and possibly avoid being stuck with Seokjin, the notorious caffeine-addict.

The bedrooms were located on the second floor, and there were three of them. That meant that four of them only needed to share room with one person, and three of them would have to live together. In the end Seokjin and Namjoon ended up in the biggest room, which probably was for the best. Namjoon was the one that could keep on not caring for the longest time, which was a necessary ability when one was living with Seokjin. Taehyung and Jungkook also shared a room (“please don’t say you’re bringing the goat”), and Yoongi, Jimin and Hoseok had to take the last one.

“When does our luggage arrive, though?” Yoongi asked as he threw himself on the bed. It was surprisingly comfortable, even though it looked kind of old. But then again, everything in this room did. It wasn’t ugly though, because it seemed quite nice. Like the rest of the house the walls were made of light, unstained panel, and the floor was made of light wood. The decoration was simple, with a mirror, a closet and a cupboard. Other than that there weren’t really anything except one bunk bed and one single bed, which gave a lot of space for their predicted mess.

“I want it to arrive soon, at least,” Hoseok sighed, dropping down in the lower part of the bunk bed. Yoongi had claimed the single bed upon arrival, and Hoseok was so not going to sleep in the upper part of that thing. He was restless in his sleep and always managed to end up on the floor, so if he first was going fall out he would rather not do it from two meters up. Luckily, Jimin’s newfound religion had made him very peaceful and accepting so he didn’t do anything when he was told to move up. It went so smoothly Hoseok started to miss the old Jimin. Well, the new was at least as irritating as the old one but at least the old one was fun.

Suddenly, in the room beside their own, they heard a loud crash and someone screaming.

“It took longer than predicted, though,” Jimin shrugged as he climbed down from his bed. “I figured one of us would try to kill another within five minutes. And it took six.” Yoongi nodded agreeing, and they all made their way into the other room to see what all the commotion was about.


“WE ARE NOT SLEEPING WITH A GOAT!” Jungkook screamed, hiding atop the closet, crouched into a ball. “NO WAY!”

Taehyung, standing under with the old goat in his arms, looked up at Jungkook with sympathy in his eyes. He reminded Yoongi of one of those psychologists who tended to gaze at their patients with the “I know you won’t admit it, but you’re mad and I feel sorry for you”-look.

“Kookie-ah, if we are going to cure your fear of goats then this the best way to do it. And anyways, if Albert can’t sleep in the bed, then where is he supposed to?”

Jungkook glared at him. Honestly, he looked more awake now than he had done for the past week. “I have no intention of curing my fear, thank you very much. And who is Albert anyways?”

Taehyung rolled his eyes. “The goat, obviously.”

“Why the hell would you name a goat Albert?”

“Because he is British!”

“And how do you know he’s British?”

“He looks like it, of course!”

“HOW CAN YOU TELL IF A GOAT LOO –” Jungkook got more and more agitated discussing with Taehyung about the goat, and was on the verge of a mental breakdown when Yoongi stepped in.

“Hey, Jungkook, stop.”

Jungkook, who hadn’t even realized the three had come into the room, turned his head against the sound. “What?” he asked, the glare being switched from Taehyung to Yoongi.

“Where do you think this conversation will be going?” Yoongi reasoned in a peacemaking manner. Usually he wouldn’t mind if the two youngest were fighting, but right now he knew he had to put up with them and it wouldn’t be good for his skin to stress around.

Jungkook’s glare slowly faded away, his eyebrows furrowing. “I don’t know?” he replied in a questioning manner.

Yoongi nodded his head in Taehyung’s direction, the latter who as now the animal's head while singing lullabies to it. “You think you will able to convince that idiot on anything?”

Jungkook shook his head slowly, but then remembered the original topic of their conversation and pointed to the inner right corner. “LOOK!” he exclaimed. “We’ve got a double bed, which is bad enough considering he sleeping like he’s playing football, and now he wants to bring the goat to bed!”

Yoongi sighed. Maybe this problem wasn’t entirely Jungkook’s fault. He snapped twice, making Taehyung turn his attention from the goat to the oldest.

“That goat is not allowed inside,” he declared. And maybe that was for the best anyway – goats were dirty and didn’t know how to use a toilet. Not to mention they didn’t clean up after themselves.

Taehyung quickly turned into defensive mode, hugging the goat harder. “NO! He needs love and caring!”

But Yoongi just lowered his chin, making his serious gaze even more fearsome. “NO. GOATS. ALLOWED.”

“But… But…” Taehyung’s bottom lip wavered as he stammered, a broken look in his eyes.

Yoongi sighed. Why was the second youngest so cute when he was sad? There was no way anyone could be mean to him when he looked like that. He waved a hand at the goat, looking another way. “He can sleep in the hammock on the balcony,” he decided.

“But that’s mine!” a voice behind him made Yoongi, as well as Jimin and Hoseok who had been watching, jump. Namjoon and Seokjin had come from their room, arriving just in time to hear Yoongi talk about the hammock.

Quickly, Yoongi shifted his dangerous glare from Taehyung to Namjoon. “You wanna fight?” he asked. It was a theoretical question, because no one dared fight him when he was in this state.

Namjoon quickly put his hands up in defense. “I’m out of here,” he said, disappearing as soon as he had appeared.

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[Mission BTS, 27.09.15] I am the worst author ever, please forgive me. I didn't realize my new shool would be so stressing. I'll be updating soon!


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AriaJung #1
It's 2019 where you at
2018 and waiting for your comeback
AssiraNKim #3
Chapter 20: Two things that keep me on going is the spirit to conqeur knowledge, Forever Young
DumaTrz #4
Chapter 20: Lol XD I liked the update, concentrate in your studies c: you´ll do well. Hope you can overcome the author´s block.. Oh and.. I kno my question is lame, but do you guys like anime? If so, which ones ;v;/
cookie1132 #5
Chapter 20: Wooah, so glad you updated! Please don't become too stressed, school is priority, we can wait a little longer so don't overwork yourself! Thank you for making such an amazing story <3
hunhannie98 #6
Chapter 20: It's okay authornim ^^ i've gone through challenging school s and writer's block too^^ anyway, i hope you can maintain your studies and updating this story^^ i'll patiently wait for you :) and btw, i love frustated jimin and forever sleeping jungkook^^
cookie1132 #7
Oh my god, this is hilarious!! I hope you update soon! No pressure though (: I love Jimin and Jungkook's characters so so so so so so so so much. All of them are amazing, actually! I will check this every day to check for updates :D
ciao_shrine #8
Chapter 19: Please update! This fic is really funny and I literally check every day to see if you've updated. (Lol, I know its creepy)
samanthalilyalex1 #9
please update soon
NakaharaAi #10
Chapter 18: Woahahahhaa update pleasee. This seriously so funny hahahahha