Stupid Promise

Bangtan Sonyeondan Oneshot Collection
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❝Stupid Promise❞


You were standing on the train, secretly staring on the crowd near the doors, in the middle he was standing: your schools most popular kid, Park Jimin, and no you weren’t some weird stalker besides being good at remembering names, you just liked looking at pretty people… that’s all, well more or less. You sighed heavy, you hated taking the train because none of your friend took it so it was always very boring actually your whole life was kinda boring. Every day you took the train to your school, and every day you took the train home again. At home you would eat, sleep or surf on the internet while listing to music.

   So you thought: "Alright, if I think on something partially, when I look at a face then I have to do it!" You looked on your feet, you didn’t want to look up, but a promise was a promise right? And the last thing you wanted to do was breaking a promise! So a bit thrilled you looked up, you gasped the brown fluffy hair, and the hazelbrown eyes you adored, you really thought he was perfect, that Park Jimin. "I’d really like to kiss him." You cursed yourself as you had thought it. You bit your lip, you couldn’t… you couldn’t just walk over to him and kiss him, just because you made a weird promise with yourself!.

   You heard the mechanical voice saying your stop’s name. You sank, you had promised… Jimin had caught your eyes since the first day in school, he had a wonderful laugh and he could talk to everybody, he was good at soccer and dancing and he was funny too. You weren’t alone with that thought: that he was perfect. But you weren’t stupid and sometimes you wondered if he sometimes felt like taking a break from all the fame, also you really wanted to know what kind of habit he might have, that would of course never happen, not because you had that low self-confident, but just by the fact that he didn’t knew you existed, or maybe he did, but there was a lot of nice, down-to-earth- girl’s and he could literally pick and choose whomever he wanted.

   Maybe it was the thought of that: that he could choose anybody, that made you make up your mind, why not just kiss him? The worst thing that could happen were you being the schools laughing stock, and you had tried worse things than that. So with that in mind you began walking slowly over to him, the timing needed to be perfect, you had the kiss him and get off the train after. You began seeing your town, surprisingly confident you walked up to him, into the crowd of his fans and friends. No one really paid attention to you, well until you planted your lips on his, at the exact same time the doors opened, you broke the kiss and ran out, blushing bright red.

   The doors had closed behind you, you could hear your heart thumping heavy, all of the sudden you began laughing, everybody around you looked weird on you, and they were damn right: you were maybe the weirdest girl on this whole planet, that just had kissed the most popular guy in yor school. As you walked home fireworks explode inside your stomach, and you kept smiling till you reached home, where reality hit you: you two had history lessons together tomorrow! You were goanna face him even if you didn’t wanted to! You hit you head into your pillow. You had done something ridiculous stupid!


Next morning.


You stared on your digital clock, and felt like throwing up. You wanted to see your friends and you didn’t exactly hate school, so you would go to school today, but then again… you took a big breath and begin changing, if he was going to kill you then let it be.


   In the train you had, pulled your hat down so no one could see you face, your heart raced when you heard Jimin's voice, luckily they didn’t talk about you. The entirely way to your school your stomach hurt and you felt dizzy. If I had never thought about kissing him… you thought, but you had, and you couldn’t change what already had happened.

   You hide in your little crowd of friend, they had laughed their butts off when you had told them the situation, and though they thought you were silly, and should just tell him how you felt, they helped hiding you; you really loved your friends!


“But you know, you can’t hide behind us the next years!” Minah, one of your best friends said.

“I know!” you sighed.

“Why don’t you just tell him?” another said. “Yeah right, after I have kissed him?” you said irritated and raised an eyebrow. Everybody sighed and shrug their shoulders.

   In the end you were going to your history lesson, your heart were thump

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hi guys!, i'll be updating maybe this week after such a long hiatus.


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sweethoneycandy #1
Chapter 2: The feels just hit me there ;-;
theawesomen123 #2
Chapter 28: That was so sad but so good!
Getpikachutoread #3
Chapter 28: Ah! Please I'm dying
Exquisitely #4
Please Update SooN!
Chapter 24: Aww this was cute. You're a great writer!
1430eveline #6
Chapter 14: Fighting authornim, I'm sorry I haven't read your story because I'm busy. Keep writing authornim I like all your story
byzeloxoxo #7
Chapter 24: omg jimin ;-;
MinSuga93 #8
Chapter 11: Also chapter 10.. ㅠㅠ
MinSuga93 #9
Chapter 2: Chapter 2 is a tearjerker.. ㅠㅠ
HyulArmy #10
Chapter 2: goona cry!!!!