Ideas....ideas.......i- what? Why is Yoona crying again?

Boys ♂ and Girls ♀ (Prince and Princesses of the school) (Hiatus)

"Yes, our school's anniversary school fair to be exact."  Their homeroom teacher, Mrs. Choi clapped to get rid of the chalk on her hands, also in attempt to quiet the class.

"Why do we have to do this? " Someone groaned

"I know, it's so troublesome....shouldn't student recruitment activities be towards the end of the year?" Another complained.

Mrs. Choi smirked before adjusting her glasses. "It's good to start early.....and also, I forgot to mention.....the class that puts on the best program will have a prize of......" she scratched something on the blackboard

“500 thousand won!???" The class gasped and broke into excited chattering.

"Alright everyone, quiet!" Mrs. Choi barked "Class reps, can you please come up now and collect ideas?"

"De, seon-saeng-nim." The class reps of 2-a, Ham Eunjung and Lee Jang Woo stood up and went to the front of the class. (Really, I just needed two random people and I've been watching WGM so~haha)

Guest appearance: Eunjung, Jangwoo


"So does anyone have any ideas?"

"De, how about a cafe?" Hyuna raised her hand excitedly

Seohyun glanced at her "Someone's eager."

"It's five hundred thousand won Seohyunnie!! Even if we have to split it with the class of thirty people, there's still at least ten thousand won each!" Hyuna hissed at Seohyun who just shrugged half heartedly

"Hmm....a cafe is quite good, but it seems to be a popular option, so there might be other classes doing it too....maybe we need to add a theme to it to make it unique" Eunjung said thoughtfully.

"How about a haunted house cafe?" Someone else voiced out.

"Haunted house? But, er its....." Jangwoo swallowed as Eunjung started writing on the board.

"It's the middle of the year! Leave the fun till Halloween!" Jonghyun grinned mischievously, there were murmurs of agreement around the class.

" it's a definite no then..." Jangwoo rubbed out the option quickly, looking somewhat relieved.

"How about a tea ceremony?" Seungho raised his hand.

Yoona hummed in agreement "We could have assorted teas from all over the world and decorate the classroom in a Royal tea room theme....." 

An image of Yoona's imagination popped up: 

Seungho nodded "Or something more traditional and elegant like......."

Another image popped up: 

"We could have pot plants and run an artificial stream through the classroom......" Seungho said, deep in thought.

"Uhhh......Yoona-ssi, Seungho-ssi...." Jangwoo interupted hesitantly, a stiff smile on his face "I'm sorry to say this, but we don't have that kind of budget" 

“Plus, only old people like to drink tea." Yong Hwa huffed with his arms crossed.

"Oh......that's a shame then....." Yoona and Seungho lowered their eyelids, disappointed.

"Sorry for bringing that up...." Yoona said, a sad smile on her face ”I didn't mean to come up with a reckless's just....I thought it would've been wonderful with everyone drinking tea and talking....." Yoona sniffed, and everyone froze.

"Is she.......crying?" Seohyun uttered in disbelief.

Crystal droplets of tears were trickling down Yoona's face "Oh and now I'm crying.....why am I being such a burden?" She covered and nose with a handkerchief. 

"Yoona-ssi! Don't cry!!! We can make it happen!!!" the male students(Minus Yong Hwa, Seungho, Jungshin and Jonghyun) of the class rushed in and crowded around Yoona.

"I can get my dad to build the tea room!"

"Yea, yea, we can all pitch in! Don't worry! We can make it happen."

The(remaining) boys and Seohyun and Hyuna stared at the crowed, pale and unmoving. 

"T-the power of a woman's tears....." Yong Hwa swallowed.

"Sc-scary....." Seohyun managed to say, she swore she saw Yoona smirked behind her handkerchief.

Hyuna nodded in agreement "I'm so glad I'm friends with her."


In the end, it took much convincing from Jangwoo and Eunjung, yelling and shoving from Seohyun, ordeing from Mrs Choi, and finally- the most effective- Yoona's smile and "No, I'm fine now, please continue the discussion.", for the male students of the class to finally return to their seats and start thinking of ideas.

"How about a cosplay cafe? We could have the girls dress up as maids and catgirls to serve coffee!" A boy yelled.

"Ah! That sounds good!" Another boy grinned and their imaginations came out:


"NO!!" All the girls of the class yelled, a huge red X crossed out their imagination.

"How about a dreamy, cute cafe?" A girl raised her hand to say.

"Something like......


”NO!!!“ The boys of the class yelled, another X crossed out the image.

After a few suggestions and disagreements, the whole class groaned and sunk in their seats defeated.

"It seems like there no idea that everyone can agree to.....ottoke Jangwoo-ssi??" Eunjung turned to her co-class rep, eyes wide and tears threatening to spill.

"E-eunjung-ssi, don't cry....there has to be a solution to this...." Jangwoo stuttered and glanced around the room in panic.

"Class rep." Yong Hwa raised his hand. "How about a live music cafe?"

Jangwoo's eyes widened as the class once again bursted into chatters of excitement.

"Oh good idea Yong Hwa!" Jonghyun reached over and hi-fived him "We can put the singing and guitar playing we used to play around with a couple of years ago to use!"

"Don't forget my bass too!" Jungshin grinned.

"I can't really sing, but I guess I can put on a dance show? It'll be boring with just singing!" Hyuna suggested 

"Eh? It won't be like......a would it?" Jungshin asked in panic.

Hyuna sighed as Yoona and Seohyun bursted into laughter at a confused looking Jungshin.

Yong Hwa smiled "So how about it class rep?"

Jangwoo looked and Eunjung who looked at Yong Hwa gratefully, with stars in her eyes.

"Jangwoo-ssi it's a great idea right?" Eunjung turned to Jangwoo and grabbed his arm.

" is..." He blushed, looking at her hands grasped around his arm.

"Live music cafe it is then!"

Every cheered in relief.

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Chapter 19: hey! well your story is pretty good. you know, something fresh and I love this kind of plot story. hmm..... well for 1st choice, it will be really a waste if you really discontinue this story, well because I like it (maybe it's not just me), it's very unfortunate. so the left choices are 2nd and 3rd. well whatever choice you choose (except 1st one), I will be happy if you continue to write this story again. let me give you some consideration (from my point of view), well for 2nd, you can continue this story but (maybe) you will not give into your story because the pairing is not like your liking, so (maybe) the story will fall out from the early plot (well I kind of confuse to explain it, it feels like not exciting like in the early story) and if you choose this for my advice maybe you just write a fanfic just about yongseo. but if it just about them, it will be no exciting like in this story. so if choose 3rd option, maybe you can more express your feeling in this story. actually I'm just focus on yongseo relationship here, I don't give a damn about the other pairing (sorry, no hard feeling, and I don't want initiate fighting with other shipping). but sometime you make it cute when they (yongseo) interact with the other character, and it make this story complete. well sorry about my nonsense explanation >_<"
good luck for you to write the story again :-)
hello :) I wanted to tell you to please continue "this story, I beg you. I love this story is beautiful. you have been good, I Hope that you will continue this story. if you want I can help you to have more reader, and I want you to keep writing. I love this story. this story is wonderful. I hope you can write again . i will always support you but please continue this story, OK?? ^^
Chapter 19: For me the characters i want are: jiseung; woou; yongseo; minhyuk & krystal; minsul; yoona & seunggi :)
Chapter 19: Option no 3.. u would be more inspire if u write about your ship than force yourself into it
Chapter 19: 2 or long as yongseo still together.
kpoplover_junebug #6
Chapter 19: 2 or 3 is good, depends on you. It's great that you're returning though! Happy to see you back^^
Chapter 19: new reader~ please keep yongseo authornim:) 2
graycross #8
Chapter 19: 2 or 3 is fine, up to you anyways author-nim~
Chapter 19: I think 1 or 2 is okay for me..Нëнëнë..
cnsdGirl #10
Chapter 19: Hm..if you still make YongSeo together, I think you should 'slowly write character in/out of the story naturally transit them into the parings that you ship now'. ^^