
A Snapshot of True Love

I chose this picture cuz he was in casual attire LOL..

Enjoy. -K.L

No One POV


After their fathers sudden return, Joonmyeon panicked and called every floor leader to pick up their pace. Joonmyeon's head felt like blowing up into a million pieces due to the stress that was piled up into one afternoon.


Joonkyung was already stressed enough managing the studio since she had to get through 5 different photoshoots in one day. Just when things couldn't get any better, Kyungsoo had called in saying that he would be 10 minutes late, pushing back everything that was already pre-scheduled.


"Joonkyung! Kyungsoo is here, we need to get moving!" Bomi rushed her as she scurried in front of the camera to check out the props. Kyungsoo is flustered but Joonkyung's anger overwhelmed her from paying any real attention to anything.


"Kyungsoo, I will so kick your -" Bomi covered her best friends mouth, "Yah! No profanity" Bomi scolded. Just when she was about to fight back, she received a phone call. Her heart felt like it dropped when she saw the caller ID.


"I-I'm sorry I have to take this." she quickly ran out from the rowdy room and stood outside. 


"A-Appa." she stuttered.


"Eo, Joonkyung-ah, I hope you are doing well. Your mother and I decided to come and visit. We've already dropped by Joonmyeons office. How does dinner sound?" the voice that she had yearned to hear, spoke to her. When their parents had said that they would be coming home for Christmas, they really meant home as in their homeland and not home with the Kim siblings.


Joonkyung clenched her fists as she remembers his exact words, "I'm sorry honey, something came up and your mother and I will not be able to celebrate Christmas with both of you. Tell your brother to take you out or something, Love you both." The most hurtful part was that this was through text and not phonecall.


"Okay.. Where and when.." Joonkyung choked out the words as she felt a knot forming in as she held back the burning tears in her eyes.


"How about.. How about that one Italian restaurant that we've always went to when you were young. Whats it called again? Something Bella, right?" he guessed. Joonkyung finally let the tears fall as she held to supress her sob. Not even close, she mentally spoke.


"Its called Ristorante Divino.." she heard her Father chuckled. "I must be getting old.. Anyway, hun.. I heard from your brother that you're seeing someone.." 


Joonkyung wondered why everything had to be done through Joonmyeon and not directly to her. Why did her parents raise her this way? Arent Fathers and Daughters suppose to be very close? "Why arent you ever here when I need you." she wanted to shout and yell at him, but she didn't have the courage to.


"Y-yeah.." she bit her lip nervously waiting for her fathers response.


His deep chuckle bellowed through the phone, "My little girl is growing up.." Joonkyung felt that her heart was sinking deeper and deeper. The tears didn't seem to stop and she finally sunk down to cover her crying face in her knees. Lies.. They were lies.. Lies that covered up the truth because he didn't want to say any of these, she thought.


Ever since Joonmyeon was old enough to start training as their fathers heir, their parents' appearances became less frequent. Years later, Joonkyungs first heartbreak had happened and she needed her parents to be there more than ever. But they never came. Even the day that she graduated highschool, her own parents never came, Joonkyung was so happy that Bomi's parents got her a bouquet of flowers as well.


The title Umma and Appa never rolled off her tongue very often. And she felt alone more than ever


"I want you to bring him... I would like to meet this fellow." her father asked. "But anyway, we'll meet you at the restaurant at 6?"


Meanwhile, Bomi searched around for Joonkyung before Kyungsoo stepped out of the dressing room in casual slacks, a dress shirt and a tie. "Yah, Joonkyung-ah!" Bomi yelled from the inside. Kyungsoo grabbed her wrist to stop her from searching, "I got it.." he tells her before he steps out.


Joonkyung wipes her tears angrily but they kept falling, "O-Ok." she finally spits out. "And one more thing, Joonkyung.." that was the first time that her father had called her by her name in a long time. "Dont cry." and with that he hung up. 


She clutched the phone and buried her head into her knees, isolating herself from the world when she heard the door open. Kyungsoo rushed to her and got down on his knees. "Sweetheart.." he tries to bring her into his arms but she refused. "Sweetheart, please." he rubbed her back in circles to soothe her.


"Go away..imph realphy ugmphly rmph nowmph.." she mutters in her knees. Kyungsoo softly chuckles before he pushes a piece of hair behind her ear. "No, you're not.. Please dont cry.. it breaks my heart." he slowly lifts her head up and wipes her tears with his thumb.


"My father.. My own father. After so many years, he has the nerve to just invite me to dinner? Does that even make sense?" he pulled her into his chest and pressed kisses on the top of her head. "And he wants you to come.. What is that even suppose to mean.. How will he react to the fact that you're the one I'm seeing?"


"Not very well." Kyungsoo bit his lip as he recalled to her fathers confrontation this morning. But what they talked about remains a mystery ;)


"What?" she sniffled as she looked up at him with her wet puppy eyes. "Aniya.." Kyungsoo smiled as he ruffled her hair. "Come on we got to get back to work. How about we go shopping after work, I'll choose your dress?" he offers as he helps her stand up.


"That sounds nice. " she finally settles her emotions and suddenly wraps her arms around Kyungsoos torso. He smiled before he wrapped his arms around her shoulders. "Thank you." she mumbles in his chest. He was the first one to pull away first before he slips his hand over her cheek to lean in.


"Kyungsoo, we cant. We're at the company." she rejected him before he held onto her. "I dont really care right now, Joonkyung." Kyungsoo was tired of hiding their relationship, especially during times of need, he hated that he couldn't be her boyfriend when he wanted to.


Kyungsoo smirked at her before he brought his lips down to hers. Joonkyung was intoxicated by his love and gave in. "Dont you think we've been through enough interuptions?" he mumbles between the kisses. "I love you" he said as he teasingly nibbled on her lower lip causing Joonkyung to let out a gasp.


CLANK! The two of them disconnected reacting to the sound of a dropped clip board. "Y-Yah.. Is this what you mean by taking care of it! You little-" the older woman picked up the clipboard and started wacking Kyungsoo. He jumped around and winced at the impact before Joonkyung stopped her.


"And- And you're defending him!? I knew you two were up to something! Its been like this since that one day hasn't it!" she yelled.


"Aish Bomi-yah.. Please!" Joonkyung covered her loud mouth. "Geez, you have such a big voice for a small mouth." she mumbles. Joonkyung releases her before Bomi smacks Kyungsoo again. "Well all I ever did to you was playing my role as your one and only best friend in the world.." Bomi fakes a sob. "But no.. Kyungpoopy had to take my spot every time. I am hurt.." Bomi clutches her heart and hurls over dramatically.


"Yah dont call me that! You.. fart machine!" he teased, She gasped before she prepared to hit him once more, "Bomi please! Do not injure the model!" Joonkyung pleads.


"Oh please, you were just eating each others faces earlier!" Bomi snaps. The both of them flushed red and were speechless.


Bomi one, Kyungsoo x Joonkyung zero.




"Okay Kyungsoo.. Just a couple of more." Joonkyung's eyes were puffy from crying and she felt exhausted. Kyungsoo looked into the camera in grief, "Kyungsoo, please control your emotions and keep the appropiate facial expression please." the director behind Joonkyung advises.


"I'm okay, we're almost done.." Joonkyung mouthed since she sensed that Kyungsoo knew what she was feeling. Kyungsoo nodded at her before he snapped himself back into his zone. For the next couple of minutes the studio filled with the sounds of the camera clicking. And once everything was settled the production crew started to pack up.


"Bye best friend who lied to me about their relationship!" Bomi waves to Joonkyung and snickered when she pinched the bridge of her nose due to frustration. Kyungsoo had 'left' already and Joonkyung asked if Bomi could close down the studio since she had a family dinner.


"Ready to go?" she found a y Kyungsoo casually leaning against his black carrera cabriolet with shades hanging off near the tip of his nose. "Are you seriously going to wear that to the dinner?" she asked as she approached him.


He sat up and fixed his snapback, "Yeah of course.. Because I want to become a huge target to my future father-in-law- No, sweetheart. I'm going shopping too you babo." he hissed. 




First they shopped for Kyungsoo before walking through various stores to buy her dress. He stood outside of the dressing room in black slacks, a crisp white dress shirt, an ocean blue tie and a black sweater vest. Kyungsoo looked into the mirror across from him to check his gelled up hairdo. Joonkyung was trying on a dress that was ocean blue with an opening on her back.


He reaches into his pocket and stares at the special box. He opens it and his eyes glued to the precious piece of diamond. "Oh man I dont think I can do this." he mumbles to himself. When he heard the dressing room door clicked, he swiftly placed it back into his pocket and looked up to see an angel in blue.


"How do I look?" she asked nervously. Kyungsoo slowly approached her causing her to look down at her feet in embarassment. Kyungsoo carefully lifts her chin up and places his other hand around her bare waist. She gasps at the contact of their skin. "More than perfect" he says before her smile grew.


"Oh my god its Kyungsoo!!" their moment was broken when a couple of fans came running. "Uh oh.." Kyungsoo grabs her wrist and leads her to the exit. He throws a couple of bills on the counter before they ran out to the parking lot and drove off.


"Do you think they took pictures?" Kyungsoo asks as he looks back in his rear mirror. "Probably.." Joonkyung replies.


"I guess we should stop hiding and love each other publically." she said before Kyungsoo looked at her. "Are you sure?" Kyungsoo looked at her with doe eyes. Joonkyung placed her hand over his free hand and gripped it. "I'm not afraid now that I have you." she said. Kyungsoo smiled like an idiot before he brought her hand up to kiss the back of it.


When they reached the restaurant, Kyungsoo felt his hand being crushed by Joonkyungs. "Its okay, Joonkyung.. I'm here." he places a kiss on her temple before they both walked in. "Hi we're with the party under Kim?" 


"Right this way" the waiter generously took their coats and guided them to the private room. "Joonkyung ah!" her mom was the first one to speak out. Joonmyeon was already there in a deep conversation about the company with their dad. Kyungsoo awkwardly stood behind Joonkyung as she was pulled into a hug by her mom.


"Eo! Kyungsoo! You didnt tell me that he was coming, how are you?" her mom also pulled Kyungsoo in for a hug. "Aigoo, you've grown up so well."


"Ye.. Annyeonhasseyo, eomoni.." he bows respectfully.


"Where is that boyfriend of yours, Joonkyung ah?" her mother questions. Joonkyung gulps nervously before she begins to lock her hands with Kyungsoo. "Omma, Appa.. I'm dating Kyungsoo.."


This chapter was too long so I decided to break it up! I'll be updating tomorrow!

heres this.. hehe 


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spaghetti_soda #1
Chapter 13: It's a great story. I like it ^.^
ppyong_ppyong #2
Chapter 5: What the... =)))) he stole her first kiss?!?! Way to go, Kyungsoo! :)
Chapter 13: A happy family :) nice story author-nim :) and those Kyungsoo gif driving me crazy!!
Chapter 13: Nice story authornim ~ I really love the epilogue :D
crayondays #5
Chapter 12: This story is so sweet!! My many feels xD Can't wait to read the next chapter~^^
Chapter 12: more please
Soona993 #7
Chapter 10: lovee it :D
Chapter 8: aww .. sweet stories ..
Chapter 8: oh no it's not going too fast at all! it's really good and i'm superduper happy you updated!:)