The 4-petal Clover

Forever Young

--After 5 years (Year 2003)--

It was a Sunday afternoon and Nana's family were attending mass. After the mass, the family walked out the church.

"No Mae Ri-sshi!" A voice called Mrs. No. She turned around and saw her collaegue waving and walking towards her. She bowed and greeted him.
"Annyeong. Long time no see!" The man greeted as he stood in front of the family.
"I know. You got thinner." Mrs. No complimented. The man smiled at her and thanked her.
"Yeobo, who's he?" Mr. No asked.
"Oh. He was my classmate when we were in college~" Mrs. No answered.
"This must be your family." The man looked at Mr. No and the two kids. "Omo~ Such a cute boy. Annyeong." The man pinched Minwoo's cheeks and waved at him.
"Annyeong haseyo ajhusshi." Minwoo greeted and the man smiled.
"And such a lovely girl." The man complimented, caressing Nana's hair. Nana backed away.
"Please don't touch my hair ajhusshi." Nana glared at the man.
"Ne. Noona's hair is her yeobo." Minwoo said. The man chuckled and apologized.

"What are you doing here, Taesun-sshi?" Mrs. No asked.
"Oh. I help with some church stuff."
"Oh. chincha? Wah!" Mrs. No gasped.
"Ne. Would you like to have a cup of tea?" Taesun ajhussi offered.
"Is it okay?" Mr. No asked, being polite.
"Of course, let's have it at the back of the church." Taesun ajhussi led the family to the back garden. The three adults sat on the garden chair with teas on the table while Nana and Minwoo played on the grass. 

"Oh! Clover grass!" Nana cheered as she pointed at the clovers at the corner of the garden.
"What's that noona?" Minwoo asked.
"Wanna see?" Nana asked her dongsaeng. Minwoo nodded and ran to the clovers with his noona.

"Yepuda~" Minwoo sang.
"Ara. Yah Minwoo-ah!" Minwoo looked at his noona and tilted his head. "If you find a clover with four petals, you can make a wish!" Nana explained
"Chinchaiyo?" Minwoo asked excitedly. "Uh." Nana nodded. Both of them started to look for a 4-petal clover but they can't find any.

"Noona! I found one!" Minwoo said picking up the clover.
"Lemme see!" Nana snatched it away from his hands.
"Mwoya. It only has 3 petals on it." Nana pouted and so did Minwoo. "I really thought it has 4." Minwoo hung his head low.
"It's okay. Let's try again." Nana patted his dongsaeng's head. Minwoo smiled and both of them went back to searching.
"Found it!" Minwoo cheered again.
"Minwoo-ah. That's 1. 2. 3-petals." Minwoo once again, pouted and threw the clover away. They've been doing the same thing for the past 5 minutes. Minwoo would shout "I found it!" But he ended up picking a 3-petal clover.

"I'm tired!" Minwoo shouted and he laid down the grass. Nana chuckled and did the same. They both sighed and looked at each other and chuckled together. they both looked up the sky and watched the clouds over them.
"Noona." Minwoo started.
"Ne, Minwoo-ah?"
"What were you gonna wish for if we found a 4-petal clover?" Minwoo asked.
"Uhh...I don't know. to have a lot of nice stuff, i guess."
"Ah." Minwoo nodded.
"What's yours?"
"What will you wish for?"
"For us to never get old."
"So we can always be like this and so we can never be stressed like umma and appa. and to be always with noona." Nana became silent and looked at Minwoo.
"Tch. You know, for a 9-year old, you think like an adult." Nana said. Minwoo looked at his sister and smiled at her.
"I learned from the best." Minwoo winked. Nana chuckled and looked back up to the clouds. Nana sighed and closed her eyes.
"But, I also have another wish." Minwoo said.
"And what's that?"
"Us having a different family." Minwoo closed his eyes and relaxed. Nana, on the other hand, opened hers and sat up.
"MWO?! You don't want us to be a family?" Nana shouted.
"Um." Minwoo nodded. Nana was hurt because of what Minwoo said. She thought Minwoo loves her and he just told her that he wished that he'll always be with her.
"W-wae?" Nana asked.
"So I can ask you to be my girlfriend. Since you're family, we can't be together right? So I'm gonna find someone like you in the future and make her mine." Minwoo explained.
Nana laughed at his answer and laid back down.
"Mwoya. You talk like a creepy adult. Are you really 9?" Nana teased.

After Nana stopped laughing, there was a long silence. 
"What...what if you couldn't find someone like me?" Nana broke the silence.
"What can't find someone like me like you can't find the 4-petal clover?" Nana continued.
"I won't give up then." Minwoo explained.
"But you gave up looking for the clover."
"When did I say I give up?" Minwoo looked at Nana and raised his eyebrows.

"Kids! Time to go!" Mrs. No called.
"Ne umma!" Nana and Minwoo responded back. they stood up and walked to their parents.
"Ah! Noona! Chamkkamanyo." Minwoo stopped walking and kneeled down and picked out some clovers. Nana tilted her head trying to figure out what Minwo was doing. She noticed that Minwoo was connecting the clovers together and shaped it into a circle.
"Minwoo-ah. Umma is waiting." Nana said impatiently.
"Arasoyo. Done!" Minwoo cheered and stood up. He walked towards his noona and signalled her to kneel down. She did what he told her and Minwoo placed the clovers on her head.
"There! Nana noona is my clover princess." Minwoo clapped to himself. Nana chuckled and held Minwoo's hand and dragged them to their parents.
"Waah. Nana you're so pretty." Mrs. no complimented.
"I did that!" Minwoo boasted.
"Our Minwoo is so talented." Mr. No ruffled Minwoo's hair and laughed.

They bid goodbye to Mrs. No friend and drove back home. At the back seat, Minwoo fell asleep on Nana's lap and Nana was leaning on the window, sleeping. The car suddenly stopped and Nana's clover corwn fell on her head and dropped on floor. Nana shifted her postion carefully, trying not to wake Minwoo up and she accidentally stepped on the crown.


Minwoo is so mature for his age. Ne? Hihi.
Maybe too mature?

Thank god I was able to update today. I really thought my brother won't let me use the computer. but he went out so, he doesn't know I'm using it. LOOOL Gonna update again tomorrow. weee. Gonna be active this week. :D

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When will you update? I waited for an hour for you! Anyways please do update I love this story!
New subscriber here! :)))

Aww, good thing zico is not a badboy anymore..

I'm really waiting for the minwoo nana romance. Haha. Can't wait! Please don't stop updating because other authors take years to update and it's quite irritating.. So yeah.. Hehe, hwaiting!
lov4ever #3
update soon .....^.^
Nice update ^^
lov4ever #5
(•̪┌┐•̪) ♥
KpopLoverAM #6
LOOOOOOOL. Jo twins running around her house in their underwear... wrong images. & it's just too..O________O<br />
Update soon please~~ ^_^
wahahahaha! minwoo's starting to get conscious of his own feelings aigooo ! update soon! :D
Aww they became closer to the twins ^^