Their Happy Ending

Stuck in a twisted Fairytale story
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Long chapter up ahead and ahah enjoy!! OH!! and please do comment guys!








“Anything for the one I love” Luhan murmurs under her ear, inhaling her scent and embracing her petite figure.

“Oh, Luhan...” she smiled between her tears, taking his sweet words into heart. She had liked Luhan as a friend, and now he is the hero that she never expected.


Sumi sinks in the scene in front of her, the Luhan she sees right now is probably the one hidden under the cold facade of the one in the real world. “Now why can’t you be like this with Tomo in real life?” she chuckles to herself and heard the stranger sigh beside her.

“Why the long face?” she asks him, even though she could not really see his face but the look in his eyes were sad as he stared at Luhan and Tomo.

“Nothing...” he murmurs and Sumi nudges him.

“I know there is something!” Sumi narrows her eyes at him and the stranger shrugged.

“Love, they say it has no limits. But seeing them, one who is meant on land and the other in the water, it is not just meant to be” the sudden outpour of the stranger made Sumi’s heart feel a pinch, somehow, he was right. Tomo could not stay on land forever, it is dangerous for her and most likely she will miss her home and family.

“Well, I do not know what to say on that. However, there is always a way for people to be happy, how to reach that happiness is not within our grasp now” Sumi and the stranger watched as the Luhan and Tomo embraced each other, feeling secure in each other’s arms, warmth emitting from their bodies and  Sumi just could feel the love in the air.


“Have you seen my prince?” Tomo asks innocently and Luhan’s heart sank, it was him that is there for her and not him, why can’t she love him instead?


“I-I think we should go now before other enemies arrive” the stranger cuts in and urges his companions to exit the big tent, there will be no “seven wonders” show for awhile now, the mystic creatures were freed and those who owned and organized the show were arrested since it was illegal to detain such creatures.

The four of them were venturing towards the sea, it was decided that Tomo must return home so the king of the sea will not be angry to the kingdom that she lived on land. She felt sad that she needed to go away where her other half of her heart was left, she loved walking on land as much as she swam on the cool waters, but this choice is for the better.


The sea is far from Nottinghamshire but they were not in a hurry, especially Luhan. If only he could delay time and be with Tomo more, he would give anything. His heart aches, knowing that she will not like him the way he likes her, it was evident when she started looking for his prince.

Luhan felt insecure, he had always blamed the scars on his face that is why people had avoided him. Maybe, it is the reason why she does not feel the same thing as he does as well.

Sumi could feel the tension, instead of spending Tomo’s remaining hours on land, Luhan kept distance. He was walking ahead of them while Tomo was alongside Sumi, they were not talking and avoiding each other. Tomo is clueless of Luhan’s feelings, and every step she takes towards home gave her a bittersweet feeling inside of her.

“He likes you” Sumi blurts out all of a sudden, they were still walking and Tomo gave her a confuse look. “I do not know if he had told you this but he really likes you. Wait, no...Luhan loves you. He had come this far because of his feelings for you Tomo.”


Tomo suddenly stopped her tracks, her heart aching more at what Sumi had said. All these time she had failed to see and feel Luhan’s love, she was too engrossed with her Prince that she was able to ignore the feelings of her friend.  Guilt washed over her. It was Luhan who had saved her then and it is Luhan who saved her now, it was always Luhan, yet he is always forgotten.

Tomo shook her head and ran, ran towards Luhan and pulled his hand; the boy almost lost his balance as Tomo dragged him, a small smile creeping on his face as this happened. She was just beautiful in his eyes, her long hair bouncing as she ran, her sweet bright smile that melts his heart and her fragile figure that he wants to protect...and there he is, the ugly the duckling as most of them would say.

“Catch me, Luhan!” she laughs and dares the boy, the latter shook his head as she started running ahead.

“Till’ the end of the world, every corner, anywhere, everywhere, Tomo...” he chuckles and runs after the young girl.


“They are so cheesy.” The stranger comments and frowns, Sumi just laughed at him.

“You are just jealous because you haven’t found love yet” Sumi retorts and the stranger glares at her, which she knows is an action not meant.

“Well, maybe I have not.” He simply replies, “Are you single by chance?”

“I’m married and taken.” Sumi replies quickly, she does not even know this stranger yet there is something she finds so familiar in him that she could not point what.

“That’s too bad...” and even if his face was covered, she could tell that he was pouting behind that mask covering his mouth.


There was a hint of sadness in the stranger’s eyes after what she had said; his eyes lingered on Tomo and Luhan. It was as if there is regret in them and she could not decipher fully. “We should camp now, we can continue walking tomorrow” he said and had called his companions to settle under the big oak tree nearby.

Luhan had built two large tents made of branches and leaves; they were all tired of walking and needed rest. The men got firewood and hunted for food, after their short dinner, they all retired to their tents and rested. Luhan and Tomo were together in one of the ten

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Chapter 14: Chapter 14: I love this. I came here after reading the OG fic. This is funny and addictive at the same time.
And it has been years since you written here.
But Thank You for keeping these stories on here.
Chapter 2: Luhan! Luhan!Luhan!!!!!!
Chapter 1: I love the words "y time" in this chapter.
I don't know married with prince derp and prince jerk has a spin off.
I can't wait to read thissss~~~
DidiBlackheart #5
i just ended reading Married to prince derp & prince jerk last night.. and now i can't wait to read this story<3 Kyaaaa~! ^_^
Chapter 4: Can I request sequel of Married to Prince Derp& Prince Jerk? I miss them and I want to know what's next after wed:) Thank you and sorry for asking such a favor:)
Chapter 14: this story is a little crazy, but I like it :)
Kpopsecrets #8
I love the story!
I miss your updateess :(
When are you going to update ? TT_TT i'm so in love with your fanfic ya know ?