What was lost needs to be regained

Stuck in a twisted Fairytale story
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unedited but yeah, please forgive typos. 






Baekhyun was having a nightmare, the type that can make one squirm in bed and sweat like crazy, and the type where you scream in your head but you can’t utter a single noise but grumble and grunt.

His nightmare involves him and his precious meal being taken away from him, taken away by some stranger he does not like, and eventually this stranger took form of the image of Sehun, or whom he would know as Robin Hood.

Whenever Baekhyun’s nightmare involves food it would always mean that something in his conscious mind is bothering him. As weird as it sounds, it is true...and Sumi could not do anything but watch Baekhyun grumble in his sleep as she sat beside the bed.

Then Baekhyun’s eyes shot awake...

“That bastard!” he hisses immediately, sitting upright and before he could utter any more curses, Sumi flicked his forehead.

“That bastard lent you his bed!” Sumi says, knowing very well the person that Baekhyun is talking about.

“What happened!? Did he poison me?” Baekhyun crosses his arms, “I swear I’ll kill that guy.”

 “You fainted, don’t you remember?” Sumi shot him a glare but then she softens her expression, “Baekhyun, instead of being angry you should feel happy about something.”

“Happy? Happy about what!” he flails his hands in the air and his tone filled with agitation. Then he realizes how he fainted, remembering what Zaft had told him about the glass shoes. “It couldn’t be her, I expect a lady-like princess not some tree climbing tomboy, Sumi!”


Sumi laughed at his stubbornness, Baekhyun is clearly upset and seeing her laugh at him was making things worse. She just patted his back and sighed, “I do not think she was lying when she told us that those shoes fit her.”


“There is also that fact that she gave those shoes away!” Baekhyun snorts, he wanted to see it for himself that if those shoes do fit Zaft so his doubts would be satisfied, but it was not just that, he did not like the thought that the one he will marry has a brother that he despises and an outlaw at that.

“Oh, Baekhyun...don’t be so choosy! Zaft is quite pretty, and you two just need some time to get to know each other.” Sumi encourages him but Baekhyun jut scoffed.

“You! You still haven’t said anything about that thief! Why were you with him? Do you like him? Oh my gosh, your cheating on your husband!” Baekhyun spouts and Sumi rubs her temples.

“It’s complicated...” she sighs.



“NO WAY!” Zaft whines, she and Sehun were having some sibling talk outside their humble home, her brother is too relaxed of what is happening but then he can sense the tension as well.

Sumi had told them about what the glass shoes had meant to Baekhyun, after knowing that, Zaft felt like she wanted to faint as well. She can remember so well that she tried wearing those glass shoes and how it enveloped her feet so perfectly, now she regretted ever trying those now.

“I know, I know...but this is a good sign and something beneficial for you, Zaft.” Sehun runs his hands on his sister’s hair, “Think about it, if you are indeed his bride to be, you will again live in a castle, away from Bacchus and he will not be able to claim a married woman right? You will live in peace under that prince’s protection, no more running away, no more stealing...”

“But how about you?” Zaft asks him, deep inside her guts she knows that Sehun might not join the train going to the life full of fortune, she is not sure as well that Baekhyun would let Sehun stay nor there are no certainties that Baekhyun will marry her. “I will not leave you here alone, brother.”

“Don’t be stubborn; I can take care of myself. What is important is that you will be safe and the royal knights will not be able to catch you.” Sehun assures her but Zaft just sighed deeply.


“I don’t even like him! Even though I am thankful that he saved my life twice. He’s too noisy, nagg

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Chapter 14: Chapter 14: I love this. I came here after reading the OG fic. This is funny and addictive at the same time.
And it has been years since you written here.
But Thank You for keeping these stories on here.
Chapter 2: Luhan! Luhan!Luhan!!!!!!
Chapter 1: I love the words "y time" in this chapter.
I don't know married with prince derp and prince jerk has a spin off.
I can't wait to read thissss~~~
DidiBlackheart #5
i just ended reading Married to prince derp & prince jerk last night.. and now i can't wait to read this story<3 Kyaaaa~! ^_^
Chapter 4: Can I request sequel of Married to Prince Derp& Prince Jerk? I miss them and I want to know what's next after wed:) Thank you and sorry for asking such a favor:)
Chapter 14: this story is a little crazy, but I like it :)
Kpopsecrets #8
I love the story!
I miss your updateess :(
When are you going to update ? TT_TT i'm so in love with your fanfic ya know ?