Sleep my Princess

Stuck in a twisted Fairytale story
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Hey yo readers new chaptie here! I will try my best to double update, sighs....





Sumi never have thought that dwarfs had the hobby of gossiping. They were like the paparazzi in the medieval or enchanted times. She sat there on the rocky ground outside the cave as they have finished mining and it was sort of a break time for them.

The dwarfs were all squabbling, talking about the smallest things and fighting over such simple topics, until the topic led to the wicked princess.


“I want to sleep but I can’t! She won’t let us!” the youngest whined.

“Hmmp! Then she complains that I get grumpy! Who wouldn’t be f you lack sleep!” said the grumpy one.

“There is no place to sleep anyway, geez hope that Prince of hers will come soon” said the one with the eyeglasses.


“Uhmm...” Sumi trailed closer to them, “If you guys do not mind me asking, why did Tiffany, oh I mean Snow White became so mean?” she looked at them with curious faces and the dwarfs just looked at each other.

“Well, she was not that mean before. She is quite a rebellious child and ran away from her real home to escape an arranged marriage. Then things got worse for her. Oh, I am Doc by the way” cheered the one with the eyeglasses.

“She was nice when she first arrived here, but things went ugly after many men, or shall I say Princes have courted her and then she fell in love by one of them.” Said Bashful, never failing to blush at anything.

“That man broke her heart and something inside this forest just blended with her anger, turning her to something sinister.  Since then she lets us build a fortress to keep men from visiting this place. She became a total man hater that she even turned us to her slaves!” Grumpy stomped his feet and harrumphed.

“He-her heart is as cold as a-achoo!” Sneezy whipped his nose that terrible sickness of his never left him. “Excuse me, I meant that her heart is as cold as ice and she had stolen the witch’s power to keep herself from sleeping!”

Now Sumi is all confuse, why would Snow White did not want to sleep?

“I know what you are thinking! Let me guess! Let me guess!” clapped the happy one, “You are probably wondering why she does not want to sleep. There is this prophecy that the witch told her, that when every being falls asleep in the wicked forest, a knight in a black horse will come and save the forest’s misery.”

“The knight aint headless isn’t he?” Sumi suddenly asks, she remembers reading a book called Sleepy Hollow, where a headless horseman kills the townsmen in search for his head.

“Well who knows? Maybe he is?” chuckled Dopey, “For sure, Snow White does not want to give up being the ruler of this forest, and does not want a man to dethrone her.”


The story was getting complicated for her, who is this knight that they are talking about? Will she help the old woman or Tiffany? Summing it all up, Tiffany is a bad character here indeed; however, she does not want to harm her or anyone.

 A bell rings and it was a sign that Snow White is calling for all her slaves, the dwarfs then made a line and began marching towards the castle; Sumi couldn’t help but do the same. They all went to the dining hall where Snow White sits in front of the dining table full of delightful food.  Sumi spots the red apple laid in front of Snow White, and the witch is eager to make sure that the wicked princess eats it.

“I have heard news that the creatures in the east had started sleeping, we must prepare! You will work double time so that none of you can keep yourselves wide awake!” commanded Snow White, “That goes for you as well dear” she looks at Sumi, she just gulped at the sight of Tiffany.

“The knight is coming and he will not set foot in my territory, not unless his life has no value for him! Men, arrogant creatures!” her voice was full of venom and she grabs the red apple for a bite, the witch’s eyes gleamed with anticipation and Sumi felt like everything was in slow motion.


Her teeth just inches away from the fruit, just one bite and she will be gone...


“If Princess does not mind, can Dopey have the app

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Chapter 14: Chapter 14: I love this. I came here after reading the OG fic. This is funny and addictive at the same time.
And it has been years since you written here.
But Thank You for keeping these stories on here.
Chapter 2: Luhan! Luhan!Luhan!!!!!!
Chapter 1: I love the words "y time" in this chapter.
I don't know married with prince derp and prince jerk has a spin off.
I can't wait to read thissss~~~
DidiBlackheart #5
i just ended reading Married to prince derp & prince jerk last night.. and now i can't wait to read this story<3 Kyaaaa~! ^_^
Chapter 4: Can I request sequel of Married to Prince Derp& Prince Jerk? I miss them and I want to know what's next after wed:) Thank you and sorry for asking such a favor:)
Chapter 14: this story is a little crazy, but I like it :)
Kpopsecrets #8
I love the story!
I miss your updateess :(
When are you going to update ? TT_TT i'm so in love with your fanfic ya know ?