
Stuck in a twisted Fairytale story
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Short update I am so sarreh!!




Baekhyun was walking with pet pants in the woods and he was beyond pissed. Now that he thought about it, Zaft had stolen all of his money and he could not buy a new set of clothes without his pouch of fortune. He decided to track down the girl, he could follow the trail of foot marks and he knows that it is hers since she had small feet.

Baekhyun heard running horses from afar and figured that some men may have wandered off in the woods just like him; he ignored it and kept looking for Zaft. A scream echoed into the woods and that shook his whole system, he knew the scream was not far from him and he followed the source, but Baekhyun only ended up in a cliff.

“Help!” he hears someone cry and when Baekhyun looked down the cliff, there was Zaft, looking up at him with hopeful eyes. He did know how she got there but she sure is lucky to be alive still. Fortunately for her, the cliff had huge stepping stones in which she was able to grab on and not fall entirely to her death.

“Oh wow, look who we have here” Baekhyun crosses his arms and smirks at her pitiful state.

“Shut up and help me, prince!” Zaft scoffs, getting impatient from her position; she swore that she is not hiding in this kind of place ever again.

“OH?” Baekhyun’s sassy tone was now irritating Zaft to the core, “Why should I save a little thief like you?”

“Oh my friggin goodness! Fine! I will return your damn money if you get me out of here and please hurry!” she panics, she had caught sight of the royal knights and even though they did not see her, she is not taking any chances to be caught.

With that said, Baekhyun reached his hand to her and she grabbed it with al her dear life, Baekhyun was strong enough to pull her with one hand and she ended up on top of him as they both fell on the ground.

“Oof! You idiot, couldn’t you be more gentle?” Zaft whined and Baekhyun flicked her forehead.

“Wow, someone grew up without manners! You are supposed to say ‘thank you’ when someone saves your life!” Baekhyun barks at her and she just gave him an angry pout.

“Well thank you, prince!” she hisses and both of them stayed quiet as they realized their positions, a red blush crept in their faces as they pulled away from each other.

The sound of the running horses were coming close to where they are Zaft’s eyes widened in fear, she couldn’t risk to be exposed and found out now and as much as she hates it, she hid her face on Bakhyun’s chest and embraced him, she was lucky that she is still wearing her hat and that covered her hair. Baekhyun was of course taken aback by her actions and when he looked at her, he gulped.

She was trembling as the sound of the horses cam e louder and nearer, her eyes were b tears and showed utmost fear and tension. Baekhyun couldn’t help but held her as well, “Hey, what’s wrong?”


“Please hide me; please do not let them take me away. Please just—“before she could finish her sentence, the royal knights have found them, Baekhyun didn’t know why but he embraced Zaft securely, her face is still hidden as it was buried on his chest.


“We heard a scream, is everything alright?” the golden knight asked Baekhyun and the latter was almost lost for words.

“Uh—yeah. My b-brother almost fell on the cliff so I saved her-I-I mean him.” Baekhyun replies, he does not even know why he was helping Zaft right now. The girl must have done something pretty bad and illegal that he got the royal knights chasing after her, he thought.

The golden knight almost did not buy the excuse as the brother that Baekhyun was talking about could not even face them. But Baekhyun has a way; he is a smart prince after all.


“He’s traumatized.” Baekhyun spoke a bit convincing this time as if reading the knights’ thoughts. “Thank you for checking on us though, but we are fine, I just need him to calm down. You may go on your own way.”

“Okay...” the golden knight replied and ordered the other knights to come and search the woods

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Chapter 14: Chapter 14: I love this. I came here after reading the OG fic. This is funny and addictive at the same time.
And it has been years since you written here.
But Thank You for keeping these stories on here.
Chapter 2: Luhan! Luhan!Luhan!!!!!!
Chapter 1: I love the words "y time" in this chapter.
I don't know married with prince derp and prince jerk has a spin off.
I can't wait to read thissss~~~
DidiBlackheart #5
i just ended reading Married to prince derp & prince jerk last night.. and now i can't wait to read this story<3 Kyaaaa~! ^_^
Chapter 4: Can I request sequel of Married to Prince Derp& Prince Jerk? I miss them and I want to know what's next after wed:) Thank you and sorry for asking such a favor:)
Chapter 14: this story is a little crazy, but I like it :)
Kpopsecrets #8
I love the story!
I miss your updateess :(
When are you going to update ? TT_TT i'm so in love with your fanfic ya know ?