The wicked Princess

Stuck in a twisted Fairytale story
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AAAARGH sorry if this is dragging, I am so sleepy to think anymore!!




“There she is!” the old hag hissed from the bushes, actually, they were all hiding behind the bush to take a sneak peak on who the so called Snow White really is. The old hag pointed at the figure of a woman with a fur cape, jet black hair that fell down to her hips, and her body enclosed with a tight corset that could not seem to contain her chest. She was wearing leather pants, unlike other princesses that wore gowns, tight pants that shaped her every curve and the high heeled leather shoes were a bonus.




 “Man, that lady is a hottie!” The stranger whistled in a low volume, Luhan’s jaw just dropped and Sumi closed it.


“Oh my God...this is not happening!” Sumi screams in her mind, just as the so called wicked princess of the forest turned around and revealed her face, Sumi’s mind went blank. “You have got to be kidding me!”


She could not process what she was seeing, Snow White whipping her seven dwarfs to mine gold, the little men then throw the gold they have harvested to a metal pit where the gold is melted and the liquid metal goes to a container as tall as a tower.


Oh this Snow White is no gentle lady alright; she is fierce, strict and heartless. Eventually, she does not serve anyone, but others serve her. Very far from the typical Snow White.


What Sumi was bothered though, was not the fact that this Snow White’s behavior is different, this is because the Snow White she is seeing is Tiffany, the aunt of his husbands.


Sumi looked at the two men whom she is with and they were captivated and drooling over Tiffany, the so called Snow White. She mentally slapped herself, they just agreed to help the old hag kill Snow White in exchange for help in finding those pirates, and she could not just let Tiffany die right?


Something dawns on to her, it appears that the more characters she stumbles upon the more people she needs to help. Maybe it is not Snow White she needs to help achieve a happy ending but the old hag. Luhan and Tomo of course are her priority, but it appears she is going to get sidetracked for awhile.


“We need to get out of here before her minions see us!” the old hag dragged them far away from Snow White’s lair and had brought them close to the area where the only apple bearing tree grows.


Guarded by huge and angry ogres, yep, life is just too amazing in this world. Sumi looked up and realized that this quest is getting harder and harder than she thought, the apple tree is in the middle of three sleeping ogres and their sizes were no joke.


Each of them was at least fifteen feet tall and muscular, saliva dripping from their mouth as they snooze, big and ugly teeth and over all horrendous.


“So who is going to get the apple?” The old hag suddenly chimes and the three looked at each other. “The one with the sword perhaps?”


Everyone looked at the stranger and he sighed deeply, among all of them, he was the one with the weapon and apparently the one who agreed with the old woman’s wish.


“Step back.” He says confidently, showing such bravery and courage when he walked pass Sumi and Luhan. Pulling out his sword as he marched with cautiousness towards the apple tree...then one ogre moved.


 “Crap! Crap! Crap!” the stranger hissed running back to Sumi and Luhan, he came back as quickly as he left. The old hag felt helpless as soon as she has seen what happened.




“Do ogres have weaknesses?” Sumi asks the old hag.


“Sure!” the old hag smiles and the three adventurers’ faces lit up,”If you are bigger than them.”


The three frowned, unable to find a way to defeat the ogres.


“Maybe we do not need to slay them all; we do have an advantage that they are sleeping.”  Luhan speaks and Sumi nods.


“Luhan is right, we can carefully sneak pass them and help each other to get one apple at least” Sumi claps and the stranger sighed.


“Fine. We shall work together. Sumi, you stay on guard while Luhan and I get the apple” the stranger gestured them to come along and they walked towards the sleeping ogres with utmost care. The huge creatures were heavily snoring, despite that fact they were still careful, they do not know anything about ogres and they wouldn’t want to learn the hard way.


Sumi stood a few feet away from the apple tree and watched the ogres, Luhan and the stranger helped each other to reach the nearest apple they could pick, unfortunately, even the nearest apple was too far away that they needed to climb the tree.


Luhan helped the stranger to climb a branch and they were successful, the red fruit is within his reach now, just one gentle pick and they are done.


Or so they thought.


Brittle is the branch, a cracking sound was made the stranger began to feel that he is about to fall, he had tried to grab the apple before the branch could break but he was too late, his weight was unsupported and down he went to the ground with the branch, hands empty, and the fruit untouched.


“G-guys?” Sumi stutters fear shaking her as the ogres began to stir awake due to the crash that happened. The nearest ogre had his one

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Chapter 14: Chapter 14: I love this. I came here after reading the OG fic. This is funny and addictive at the same time.
And it has been years since you written here.
But Thank You for keeping these stories on here.
Chapter 2: Luhan! Luhan!Luhan!!!!!!
Chapter 1: I love the words "y time" in this chapter.
I don't know married with prince derp and prince jerk has a spin off.
I can't wait to read thissss~~~
DidiBlackheart #5
i just ended reading Married to prince derp & prince jerk last night.. and now i can't wait to read this story<3 Kyaaaa~! ^_^
Chapter 4: Can I request sequel of Married to Prince Derp& Prince Jerk? I miss them and I want to know what's next after wed:) Thank you and sorry for asking such a favor:)
Chapter 14: this story is a little crazy, but I like it :)
Kpopsecrets #8
I love the story!
I miss your updateess :(
When are you going to update ? TT_TT i'm so in love with your fanfic ya know ?