
The story of us

                 ‘I’m not going Hakyeon’ Taekwoon’s voice was firm and adamant as he glared at the older over the back of the sofa. Hakyeon’s facial expression could only be described as a mixture of anger and disappointment, his eyes narrowed and hands on his hips as he tried to stare down the other. Taekwoon found Hakyeons anger to be quite hot, he loved seeing the normally smiling man all riled up and cheeks tinged red with anger but at this moment in time he wasn’t happy to see the emotion on his boyfriends face. ‘It’s our last year Taekwoon! We won’t get to see these people again like this in our lives. It’s just one party, please come with me’ Hakyeon tried to keep the anger from his voice, fingers clenching on his waist, bunching up the material of his costume. Taekwoon rolled his eyes, letting out a soft sigh as he ignored the other. Taekwoon curled up on the sofa, knees to chest so he could lean his book against them and read. ‘Hey!’ Hakyeons voice pierced his attempt at ending the argument, ‘Don’t ignore me Jung Taekwoon. Is it really that hard to do the one thing I ask? I just want to go out, have a few drinks, chat and dance. Jaehwan will be there, so will Minhyuk and Yoseob. You’ll have people to talk to. I‘m not asking you to be Mr. Talkative, I just want you to come along with me’. Taekwoon didn’t even gaze at the other. They’d been arguing about this on and off all week since Sungjae had made Hakyeon promise to go to the fancy dress party they were throwing for their last year in college. Taekwoon hadn’t promised, simply focused on his lunch and told Hakyeon that night that he wasn’t interested. Hakyeon had been determined, begging and nudging him for the week as the day of the party got closer yet Taekwoon wouldn’t budge. The fight had led to hours of Hakyeon locking himself in what used to be his bedroom, ignoring Taekwoon’s calls for him to come eat or to talk to him. Taekwoon hated Hakyeon ignoring him but hated crowds and dressing up.

         Hakyeon clenched his jaw, eyes watering with disappointment. He knew it was a lot to ask of his introverted and quite boyfriend. He knew the chances of Taekwoon going were slim but still he’d hoped. He’d hoped that the other would rather spend a night out with him than sitting alone in the apartment and not knowing where Hakyeon was but he was wrong. Hakyeon let his hands fall to his sides, walking away from the living room and heading to the bathroom. He was determined to go out and have a good time, to have fun with the people he enjoyed spending time with. He just wished Taekwoon would be one of them. He glanced at his phone, confirming by text with Jaehwan for him to collect him at the corner in ten minutes. Hakyeon peered into the mirror; he used his finger and some water to smudge his charcoal black lined eyes, proud of how they made his eyes stand out. Jaehwan had picked out his costume, a demon hunter from a lesser known manga that he read. He’d thought the character suited Hakyeon since he had red hair. Hakyeon had to agree with him as he looked over the clothes Jaehwan had provided for him. The black tank-top clung to his chest under a white button up shirt with the top five buttons undone to show the tank-top and Hakyeon’s prominent collar bones and tanned skin. The white shirt was tucked into a pair of skintight black jeans, the jeans had vertical rips all down the front, showing glimpses of Hakyeons defined golden thighs. He felt self-conscious about his appearance, worried about what people would say to him or behind his back. He was worried about what his group of tormentors would say without Taekwoon there to keep him safe, to keep him from believing their words. He took a deep breath, shaking the thoughts from his head before adding the final touches with a red eyeliner pencil; three vertical slashes across his right cheek in the shape of an animal or demons, as Jaehwan said claws. Hakyeon also fastened a small red leather collar around his neck, tightening it slightly but leaving room for it to move so it wouldn’t constrict his throat.

          Hakyeon admired himself for another few minutes, calming his mind and trying to rid himself of his bad mood. He’d decided that he was going to have an amazing time, that he was going to laugh with his friends, drink, dance and maybe go home with Sungjae or Jaehwan if he stayed too late or got too drunk. Hakyeon tucked his phone into his pocket, making sure it and his money were secure for the night. His phone vibrated, alerting him to Jaehwan’s nearing the apartment. Hakyeon turned off the bathroom light, reentering the living room to grab his jacket from the armchair. Taekwoon was still curled up on the sofa, reading intently, biting at his thumb as his eyes scanned the page of the book resting on his legs. ‘Taekwoon…’ Hakyeon started, making his way towards the other, intending to kiss him goodbye before heading out for the night. Taekwoons cold voice interrupted him, making him stop. ‘I already told you Hakyeon I have no interest in this stupid party. If you want to play dress up and act like a child for the night then go ahead but leave me out of it. I want to stay at home. Go by yourself’ Taekwoon stated, not even looking at the other. Hakyeon bit his lip, blinking back the tears that threatened to fall. He wasn’t going to waste his eyeliner crying over Taekwoon being cold to him. It wouldn’t be the first time nor would it be the last time his boyfriend talked to him in that tone. ‘I was just… was just trying to tell you that I’m going now and not to wait up. I really don’t think I’ll be coming home tonight’ Hakyeon kept his voice cold, imitating the tone in which Taekwoon had spoken to him. Hakyeon made sure to slam the door behind him as he left, not wanting to hear or see the other for the rest of the night. He sprinted down the stairs of their apartment building, bursting out into the cold night air, hands trembling with the rampage of emotions inside his head. ‘Hyung, hyung is something wrong? Where’s Taekwoon hyung?’ Wonshik questioned as Hakyeon climbed into the back of Jaehwan’s beaten up old car. Hakyeon shook his head, fastening his seatbelt around him. ‘Let’s go’.


                Taekwoon rubbed his eyes, letting a yawn escape his mouth. He closed his book, satisfied with the ending and placed it on the coffee table in front of him. He stretched his above his head, listening to his bones crack and groan in protest after hours of being cramped into one position. He opened his mouth, Hakyeon’s name on the tip of his tongue, needing the others warmth before remembering that Hakyeon was gone. Taekwoon felt his chest clench as he replayed the argument in his head, the way he’d spoken to the slightly older male and how cold Hakyeon’s voice had been when he left. The guilt was finally catching up with him after hours of reading. It would have been a minor annoyance to be shoved into a sweaty bar filled with people, most of whom he hated, yet he knew he’d still have fun. That he’d enjoy chatting with his friends, having a drink or two and dancing. He always got embarrassed whenever he was forced to dance but now that he was with Hakyeon it was easier. The dance major’s body would move fluidly around his. Taekwoon sighed, running a hand through his hair as he realized just how badly he’d messed up this time. He knew that he’d hurt Hakyeon by snapping at him before he left. He knew that the older hated staying with Jaehwan because whenever Wonshik drank, Jaehwan got loud and he could never sleep while the young couple stayed up into the night. He knew Hakyeon hated staying at Sungjae dorm as it was cramped enough with his three roommates without Hakyeon having to sleep on the couch. The fact that one of those roommates was Hakyeon’s ex always made the elder uncomfortable. Yet he was willing to face the things he hated because he didn’t want to see Taekwoon. Taekwoon reached for his phone, hoping for a least a text. Hakyeon always text him when he went out without him, even if it was just a small ‘ok’, he never failed to send it, knowing it’d put Taekwoon’s mind at ease. Taekwoon checked his messages only to find nothing from Hakyeon except their last conversation about who was making dinner that night or would they order take out.  He opened his messenger app, just in case Hakyeon had no credit and contacted him that way but he was met with a conversation from two months ago.

              Taekwoon sighed, closing down the conversation with Hakyeon. He clutched his phone tightly, the guilt clawing at his chest and mind. ‘Stupid, stupid head’ Taekwoon muttered softly, banging his phone against his forehead. He padded to the kitchen softly, flicking the light on and reaching for the kettle. He needed some tea if he was going to try sleep alone tonight. He set his phone on the counter, leaning back as the kettle whistled and whirled to life beside him. His thoughts revolved around Hakyeon, wondering if he was safe, if he was too drunk to stand or being tormented by their classmates.  His phone buzzed beside him and Taekwoon cringed with just how eagerly his fingers reached for it. His heart sank when he opened a message from Jaehwan. ‘Look what you’re missing out on Lion Boy’ the message read. Taekwoon frowned before clicking play on the second message, a video. It was hard to make out faces with the strobe lightening and Jaehwan’s shaking hand but he could see him clearly. Hakyeon was swaying gracefully, one hand messing up his red hair, white button up slipping off his shoulder. The dance major’s hips were swaying dangerously, people moving to give him space and watch in awe as he moved with each pulse of the music, body relaxed and movements graceful.  The video stopped just as a tall figure approached Hakyeon, reaching for him. Taekwoon took a shaky breath, the flush on his cheeks due to Hakyeon but his hands trembling at the thought of someone else approaching his Hakyeon. Taekwoon was a possessive person, he may not show it publically but the little bites he left on the others slender neck marked Hakyeon as his. His blood boiled at the image of Hakyeon dancing with another, yet he knew it was his fault. His phone buzzed with another message from Jaehwan. ‘Check Hakyeon’s closet, he let a costume hanging there for you, don’t worry, it’s simple. We’re at Harlem in Hongdae; see you in fifteen minutes Hyung!’


                    Hakyeon was buzzed. He could feel the energy running through his veins. He could still feel the burn of his last vodka shot running down his throat, his lips still tasted like Cherry from whatever Sungjae had handed him when he walked in. Hakyeon hadn’t been paying attention. All that was on his mind was the need to replace every emotion with the pulsing energy that ran through his veins right this moment. He’d closed his eyes when the lights started to irritate them. They’d been too bright and distracting when he’d stepped and pushed his way to the middle of the dance floor with intent of dancing until his whole body ached.  His body hadn’t stopped moving since he’d taken his place at the center of the dance floor, hips immediately swaying with the beat of the pop song, his hands traveling his chest. The only time his hands left his body had been to bat away the hands of another whenever they got too close, whenever they tried to pull him against them. He’d simply frowned, shrugging off hands on shoulders and slapping away grabbing hands. The only hands he wanted on his body were here at the club, they were holding a book in a silent apartment far away from the crowded dance floor. Hakyeons head pounded from the vibrations running up through his feet and into his body, at least that what he told himself. The headache could easily be a result of the amount of liquor he’d consumed and his eyes being assaulted by the bright lights that made him dizzy. Hakyeon stumbled when someone forcefully pushed against him, his eyes flickering open at the jolt. ‘Oops, I didn’t see you there, ’ a blond girl snickered as she glanced at him in disgust. Hakyeon turned his back, ignoring her and her friend’s loud comments and jabs. He refused to let them ruin his already ty night. He’d come out to have fun, not to be attacked by a blonde play boy bunny.

    Despite the loud insults and names thrown at his back, Hakyeon started dancing again, a hand curling around his neck as he tilted his head to hear the music. He let the music guide his body as he closed his eyes again, taking deep calming breathes as he lost himself, immersed himself in the music. It wasn’t long before Hakyeon was being pulled back to reality with strong hands on his hips. Hakyeon pushed his hands off, stepping away from the heat of the others body. He started swaying his hips again when he was pulled back into a strong chest by the same hands. Hakyeon shoved them away again, turning in anger, ‘Look I have a boyfriend and he is big and scary so just stop, okay?’ Hakyeon opened his eyes as the stranger chuckled, a sound barely heard under the thumping of the music. He stepped back in shock, strong hands jerking him back into place as he did. ‘I’m scary now?” Taekwoon smirked softly, pressing himself against Hakyeon, leaning down to whisper into his ear. Hakyeon wound his arms around Taekwoons neck, shivering at the younger’s hot breath on his neck and ear, ‘What are you doing here?”. Taekwoon placed a few soft kisses on the elder’s neck, hugging his slender body close. ‘I was a jerk. I missed you. I shouldn’t have spoken to you like that’ Taekwoon mumbled into the others ear, pulling back slightly to gaze at Hakyeon. Hakyeon snorted softly as he reached a hand up to touch the cold plastic of the mask encasing Taekwoons face. ‘It’s alright Batman. I forgave you after my first three vodka shots’ Hakyeon teased, pulling the mask down to rest around Taekwoon’s neck. Taekwoon rolled his eyes, letting Hakyeon sway his hips against his, his own body moving with Hakyeons. Taekwoon smiled, a hand moving to touch the hot leather encasing Hakyeons neck, ‘Someone is looking extra tempting tonight’. Hakyeon smirked, leaning in to whisper in Taekwoon’s ear, ‘Just because I forgave you doesn’t mean you’re going to get me that easily Batman, even if I’ve had a few drinks’. Taekwoon was stunned by the alluring tone the other used, he was used to Hakyeon’s teasing but never had the other like this. He watched in awe as Hakyeon backed away from him slow, finger crooked in the air, tempting him. ‘Come and catch me’ Taekwoon read the message on Hakyeons red lips as he turned and melted into the crowd. Taekwoon smirked, moving with a grace that could only be described as predatory. He was more than willing to chase Hakyeon if it meant his night would be filled with cherry flavored kisses and Hakyeons teasing voice.

                A/n: Hakyeon's cosume was inspired by this pic, I don't think it's from an actual manga but it just looked like Hakyeon


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johnjaebaby #1
Chapter 16: This ff is really good! I like all of the chapters and hopefully you'll write more for this ^^
swethaTR #2
Chapter 5: This was one of the sweetest and most fluffiest one shot I've ever read!! ^^
Chapter 16: Yesss :) I love all of these :D I hope you write more~
Kokechan #4
Chapter 15: I didn't comment earlier but I really like these oneshots! Thank you!
Chapter 15: Thank you for this fic =)
Chapter 15: I really missed ur writings! YOU.ARE.AMAZING! <3
delonihanis #7
Chapter 15: Welcome back!!! And merry christmas ㅋㅋ
Chapter 14: I missed yooooooou authornim! Early merry christmas! And welcome back ^^