Ice Cream

The story of us

Hakyeon lugged the heavy bags up the stairs, cursing their rundown apartment building for its broken elevator. He was pretty sure that the young couple next door who were constantly banging against their door, lips attached to some part of the other, were at fault for the sudden break in the control panel. It was a hot spring day, leaving Hakyeon panting and sweating under his loose grey shirt. He’d lost at the usual Friday evening round of video gaming to decide on who would run down to the local super market. Then again, Hakyeon should have known better then to have challenged Taekwoon to a FIFA tournament.

            He pushed back his sweaty bangs, huffing as his hair stuck up, uncovering a small part of his eyebrows and forehead. Normally he’d fix it, hating for people to see his insecurity but his apartment door was calling to him and his arms were in danger of detaching from his body. He couldn’t guarantee that Taekwoon would still commit himself to a no armed boyfriend. He placed a bag on the ground, sighing as the blood rushed back into his fingers, tingling from the sudden return of feeling. He keyed in their code quickly, shoving the door open with his shoulder. He nudged the bag on the floor with his foot, not having the energy to lift it once again as the other weighed down on his left hand. ‘Taekwoonie, come help with the bags’ Hakyeon called, kicking off his shoes carefully. He hated when they were out of place.

          ‘Hakyeon!’ a female voice called out happily. Hakyeon dropped the second bag, turning to face the bright smile of Taekwoon’s mother. Hakyeon smiled, stepping forward to allow the woman to envelope him in a hug. ‘Mrs. Jung, it’s been so long since I last saw you’ Hakyeon laughed as the older woman hit his head gently. ‘How many times have I told you to call me mother? Or at least mother-in-law now that you’re officially part of the family’ Mrs. Jung winked, nudging Hakyeon.  A whine came from the couch making them both laughed as they watched the tip of Taekwoon’s ears burn with embarrassment at his mother’s words. ‘Oh hush up Taekwoon, we all knew this was going to happen’ Mrs. Jung teased, turning back to Hakyeon, ‘Yeonie, I came by to drop over the invite for Taekwoon’s fathers 60th. I was going to give you an invitation but I felt I only need one this time around, unless you were planning on breaking up with Taekwoonie before next week’. Hakyeon laughed at the teasing tone in her voice, walking over to brush a hand through Taekwoon’s dark locks. ‘I’m afraid you won’t be getting rid of me for a long time Mrs. Jung, I’d be stupid to let this one go after chasing him for so many years’. Taekwoon hid his face with one hand, the other moving to lace with Hakyeon’s. The soft squeeze of Taekwoon’s fingers around his let Hakyeon know that the sentiment was shared, that Taekwoon wasn’t going anywhere any time soon.

               ‘You two are too cute. So I’ll see you both next week then? Try not to be late Taekwoonie, your sisters are dying to see Hakyeon and I know your nieces and nephews miss their uncle’ Mrs. Jung laughed, unhooking her bag from the coat hanger. Taekwoon sighed, letting go of Hakyeon’s hand to see his mother out. ‘I’ll make sure he is on time mother!’ Hakyeon chuckled, grabbing the shopping bags and dragging them into the small kitchen. Hakyeon gave Taekwoon some more privacy, taking his time to started unpacking the bags and putting things in their rightful place. Hakyeon was finishing putting away the fruit when arms wrapped around his waist. ‘Ice cream?’ Taekwoon asked hopefully, pressing a few small kisses to Hakyeon neck. Hakyeon chuckled, leaning back into the other, ‘When do I ever not buy you ice cream?’ Taekwoon hummed in agreement, refusing to let go of the other until Hakyeon elbowed him. ‘You’re so cute when you’re cuddly like this Woonie’ Hakyeon smiled, poking the other chubby cheek as Taekwoon scrunched his nose at him. Hakyeon reopened the freezer, pulling out a tub of cookie dough ice cream, drawing a pleased hum from Taekwoon as he grabbed two big spoons.

        Hakyeon made his way to the living room, setting the tub on the coffee table, waiting for Taekwoon to settle. Taekwoon grabbed the remote, turning the television to some movie before turning the sound down and settling into the corner of the couch, arm out for Hakyeon to cuddle under. Hakyeon smiled, curling into Taekwoon’s side, head nestled gently into Taekwoon’s shoulder, feet called under him. He opened the ice cream, settling it half way on his high and Taekwoon’s. ‘How was your day?’ Taekwoon asked softly, digging his spoon into the melting ice cream. Hakyeon shrugged, taking his own spoonful, ‘it was okay, and the classes were extended today so that’s why I was late getting home’. Taekwoon relaxed as Hakyeon’s voice filled the silence, telling Taekwoon various tales from his day between. Taekwoon laughed around melted mouthfuls of ice cream, enjoy the way Hakyeon’s eyes crinkled when he laughed and the relaxed atmosphere that surrounded them. Taekwoon loved their Friday nights, they never arranged for anyone to come over or accept invitations to go out. Friday night was their wind down time. It was for them alone and it filled Taekwoon with a contentment that he couldn’t describe out loud, only in song.

             ‘It was a good day, long but tiring. I’m just glad to be home’ Hakyeon yawned around his spoon. Taekwoon gazed down at the man under his arm, chuckling at the sight that met him. Hakyeon had a sleepy look on his face but what caught Taekwoon’s attention was the cute little smudge of ice cream on the tip of his nose and the smears at the corner of his mouth. ‘Hakyeon, you have ice cream on your nose’ Taekwoon smiled, looking down to hide his amusement at the other messiness. He made the mistake of glancing back as his boyfriend attempted to stare at his nose, eyes crossing weirdly in the process. Taekwoon started to shake with laughter, hand coming to cover his mouth and head tilting back as his whole body trembled. ‘Hey! Don’t laugh at me, help me get it off’ Hakyeon teased, loving the sight of the other being so carefree and happy. Taekwoon felt like he couldn’t breathe with the laughter that gripped him, reaching out a finger to dab at the smudge on Hakyeon’s nose. Hakyeon bit back his own laughter as Taekwoon finally looked at him to make sure it was gone. Just when he thought the others laughter had died down, Taekwoon looked him in the eye before doubling over with a loud laugh. Hakyeon hit the others back playfully, scolding hi boyfriend for laughing at him during a time of need. He watched as Taekwoon’s hands fanned his cheeks, laughter still spilling from his lips as he tried to calm down.

        Taekwoon’s stomach ached with laughter, tears at the corners of his eyes as he fanned his cheeks quickly. Hakyeon had gotten rid of all the traces of the ice cream on his nose, tucking the tissues into his pocket. Taekwoon took a deep breath, blinking back his laughter tears before gazing at Hakyeon. Hakyeon was staring at him with amused eyes, smudges of ice cream still around his lips. ‘Yeon…’ Taekwoon bit his lip, stifling a laugh. ‘What?’ Hakyeon asked, eyebrows drawing down in confusion. Taekwoon would later blame this on the fact he’d been marathoning the Secret Garden DVD’s he’d gotten for Christmas as he leaned in slowly, wiping the ice cream from Hakyeon’s lips before kissing him softly. Hakyeon made a startled noise as Taekwoon held his chin, kissing him sweetly and firmly. Just before Hakyeon could relax into the kiss, before he could melt into Taekwoon fully like he wanted to, Taekwoon drew away. ‘You had ice cream on your lips’ Taekwoon smiled softly, pecking Hakyeon’s lips gently. Hakyeon snorted, cupping Taekwoon’s cheeks between his hands. ‘You just totally used the Secret Garden kiss on me didn’t you? Why? Was I as cute as Ha Ji Won’s character?’ Hakyeon teased watching as his boyfriend glared, swatting at his hands in embarrassment. Taekwoon picked up his spoon as soon as Hakyeon had let go of his cheeks, going back to stuffing his mouth with ice cream to hide his fake annoyance. Hakyeon watched him softly for a few moments before speaking. ‘So, does this mean you’d give up your family to stay with me and our future children?’ Taekwoon contemplated how long it would take for him to suffocate to death by ice cream to avoid his embarrassing boyfriend. 

A/N: I'm so sorry that I didn't get this updated at the eekend but I went away Monday and only got back today so my weekend was packed with well, packing and stuff. I'm really sorry for not updating for so long. Thank you to everyone who comment and Byulbit321 for her kind messages encouraging me to come back to this story! Even though this is just a collection of short oneshots, I really love writing for this, I hope you all enjoy reading it! Stay safe and healthy, have a great summer guys!~Emmy

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johnjaebaby #1
Chapter 16: This ff is really good! I like all of the chapters and hopefully you'll write more for this ^^
swethaTR #2
Chapter 5: This was one of the sweetest and most fluffiest one shot I've ever read!! ^^
Chapter 16: Yesss :) I love all of these :D I hope you write more~
Kokechan #4
Chapter 15: I didn't comment earlier but I really like these oneshots! Thank you!
Chapter 15: Thank you for this fic =)
Chapter 15: I really missed ur writings! YOU.ARE.AMAZING! <3
delonihanis #7
Chapter 15: Welcome back!!! And merry christmas ㅋㅋ
Chapter 14: I missed yooooooou authornim! Early merry christmas! And welcome back ^^