He Comes Back

Difficult Romance

No, that can't be him, but that face is still the same. Why does he look more different now? His hair is now spiked up, not gelled down. He looks cool instead of the cute, gwiomi boy I dated for two years.

"J-Jin? Why are you here? I thought you've already had enough of me?" I asked. He smirked.

"Huh, just seeing if you're still heartbroken, but now that you're prettier, want to have me back?" He said arrogantly. I rolled my eyes.

"Why would I? You're the one that broke my heart, why would you want to be mine again? I thought that 'the spark' was gone!" I yelled, hoping that the neighborhood didn't hear. He just laughed.

"Don't worry, I'll see you everyday and you'll do nothing about it," he said and got into his car. I turned around when he drove away.

"Hey, you live here?" A voice asked. I turned around. Behind me, JungKook waved at me.

"Y-yeah, you live in this neighborhood?" I asked.

"Something's wrong, want to tell me while we walk?" He asked and we walked around the streets. I told him about Jin and our break up and him coming back to take me back. He listened the whole way and did 'oh's' and 'ah's'.

"So that's the whole story," I said, ending. He turned to me. Why didn't I realize that he was so handsome and cute?

"Well, it was his loss, he lost a pretty and cool gal like you," he said.

"So, how's Big Hit High for ya?" I asked. He shrugged.

"Eh, it's okay, but to tell the truth, I thought you were a mean Queenka that would bully nerds," he explained. I laughed.

"Well, I am a Queenka, but I'm nice," I said. And he nodded.

"Well, see you tomorrow," he said and I went into my house and found him still waving. I giggled and waved back. I watched his silhouette get smaller and smaller. I sighed.

"Thank you Min Hyuk-ssi!" I said as I shut the car door. Another day of school. Somebody tapped my shoulder and I thought it was a fanboy.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not giving out autographs right now," I said. The person turned me around and I was face- to- face to Jin.

"Hey, what'd you say about fanboys, 'cause I'll hurt if they hurt you," he said. Why is he caring now? Is it because I've turned prettier?

"I'm not that little girl when I dated you! I can handled my problems and goodbye!" I said. I met up with JungKook.

"Oh! Hey Soo Jin!" He said, he then frowned.

"What's wrong? Him again?" He asked and I nodded. Then I had an idea.

"hey, can you do me a favor?" I asked.

"Sure," he said.

"Be my boyfriend," I said.

"You know, we've just became friends and-" he said before I cut him off.

"A fake boyfriend," I explained and his face was red of embarrassment.  How cute!

"It's temperamental, right?" He asked.

"Yeah, it's until he gives up trying to ask me out," I said,"Which probably be a long time for now, sorry."

"It's okay, I don't have any plans for a few months," he said.

"Thanks, you can back out if this is a burden," I  acknowledged.

"It's okay," he smiled. I thanked him again. Hope this plan will work. Watch out Kim Jin, you won't know what's going to happen.

A/N: Hey! Author here! Sorry for a late update, my job had NO wi-fi! :( well, enjoy!

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(05.06.14) I'm trying to make a longer and more better ending. I need ideas!! 'Cause what I'm writing right now, is making the boys being creepy. LOL.


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I randomly stumble upon this fic and kinda wish it's updated. the foreword seems interesting
kyungismine #2
Chapter 19: She ended with jungkook? I thought she would end up with Taehyung.
mk8346 #3
Chapter 19: so she ends with jungkook?
Chapter 17: Please update soon! I need to know who Soo Jin ends up with!
SongMandii #5
Chapter 17: Huhuhuhuuu. Can't wait to find out what happens >< great story BTW :)
qinyin1023 #6
Chapter 16: update soon~
daetaebaek #7
Chapter 16: I love thsi story~!
Aurasyqa #8
Chapter 15: Update soon^^
Chapter 14: Really?! You are just going to kill me! Why?!
Chapter 14: God V is really pissing me off. Girls are really dense dont expect them to know how you feel because you dont even know how she feels. And kissing a girl you just met is really f-ing low! God I ship her with Jin and Jungkook until you can prove to be a freakin man! Gosh!