The Party

Difficult Romance

Today was a bad day for me. I had exams and I was stressed out. I wanted to feel the soft, cold linens of my bed, but instead, I had to sit in a hard chair of hours. Worst of all, Jin didn't come to school. Well, at least I had JungKook to be there for me.

"How was your exam?" JungKook asked when we were walking home. We were in different groups to take the exam.

"Fine," I replied. There was a bit of awkwardness in the air.

"There's a party tonight at my friend's house. Would you, come as my date? Since I was your fake boyfriend last time," he trailed off.

"Sure! I could take a load off," I said. A party would be good. 

"Really? I didn't think that you would agree," he said, rubbing his neck.

"Why would you thnk that?" I asked, tilting my head. JungKook blushed a little bit but, it was red enough for me to see.

"Umm, I don't know?" He said, still blushing.

"It's okay. I would think that too about you," I said quietly, he heard it.

"Who would say no to the most popular and nicest girl in school?" He asked. This time, I blushed.

"So, what time should you pick me up?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Well, I'll text hyung and I'll text you," he said. I nodded.

"So, what should I wear? I mean, even though I am the most popular girl in school and is invited to lots of parties, but I always reject them," I explained to him.

"Well, just don't wear anything short, just jeans and a t-shirt. So guys don't drool over you and play with you, you know, since you have a boyfriend and all that," he said.

"I think they'll be enough girls for he guys to play with," I joked.

"Okay! Bye! Pick you up later!" He exclaimed.

"Wait? You can drive? But you're like 17! Even I can't drive yet!" I said.

"I'll just have my driver come!" He yelled.

"Okay! Bye!" I said.

What should I wear for the party? How about my favorite pairs of jeans and my favorite YESSTYLE shirt. Not to mention, my favorite heels.

  (Pick any color boots you like)

In the midst of applying my make-up, I had received a text.

(April 29,2014. 5:04pm)

JungKook message:

: Hey SooJin! I'm going to pick you up in about thirty minutes!

: Okay! I'm almost done! You better be on time or I will kick you with my sharp, 9-inch heels! /you die!!/

: If you can walk in them.....

: Of course I can! You're lucky that I had worn these ones, the 9-inches are like the shortest I can do! 

: Psh! Yeah right! Well, see you later! You better wait in 22 minutes, 43 seconds and counting. 35, 34, 33.......

: Ok! You better not be late! Bye!! ;)

Finally! I'm done! I hope there won't be that much people at the party. Just another person who wants to be friends with me just for my money.

After waiting approximately twenty minutes, JungKook arrived at my house.

"Well, it took you long enough!" I yelled at him, wobbling in my 9-inch heels. I was used to sneakers so much, that I forgot how to walk in heels.

"See. I told you that you couldn't walk in them!" He said.

"I'm just a bit used to sneakersm that's all," I said.

"Do you need help with wailing in them? I could hold you," he said. I shook my head.

"I don't want you spending time with me, while you could be spending that time with a girl or hanging out with your friends," I said, frowning slightly.

"Spending time with a girl? I thought you were innocent SooJin. Shame on you!" He said, pointing a finger at me.

"Well, you are old enough," I said quietly. He just chuckled and sat back.

"I'm still innocent. I'm alone in a car with you remember? Alone...," he said. Then I smacked him on the forehead.

"Owie! That hurt! Since when are you tough?" He whined. Just like a little puppy begging for food.

"Just shut up, will you? Tsk, tsk. Little kids these days," I scolded.

"Little kid? I'm just two years younger than you," he shot at me.

"That means I know two years more than you know. What do you think of that frat boy?" I teased.

"Whatever is all I say. What do you think of that frat girl?" He said.

"Whatever," I said. We were slowly down at the gates of a large mansion. Even though my family is the richest in Seoul, this mansion is way bigger than ours. I gulped nervously when I saw all the people. I may not seem like it, but I'm very shy and sensitive. The driver then parked the car on the road and JungKook and I exited the car. He had to hold on me a bit to keep me steady from the shoes.

"Sure you're okay?" He said, looking at me with concerned eyes. I nodded. Even from a hundred feet from the house, I could hear the music blaring. Suddenly, I felt bad for the neighbors. Wait, this house is all by itself, it doesn't have neighbors. 

We soon walked in and I was blasted with the smell of alcohol and cheap cologne.

"Yep. You'll get used to the smell," he soothed, when he saw me covering my nose and mouth.

"Seriously, and you say that you're still innocent coming to parties like these? I wonder what you do here," I said.

"Don't worry, I don't take drugs or all that. I just come over to hang out with my hyungs and play in the pool," he explained.

"Oh, okay. Can I meet them?' I asked, regretting it after the words came out of my mouth. If he had noticed me regretting it, he didn't seem to show it. He just nodded and led me to a series of hallways and rooms. I shuddered, not wanting to know what was happening in there.

"Don't worry. My hyungs are very nice," he reassured me. He must've seen me hiding behind him and not wanting anybody to see me. After opening the patio door, we walked in the grass that seemed to be just watered or was wet from people splashing in the pool. In the grass, there was a picnic table with five guys being surrounded by girls. One of the guys, with orange hair waved a hand at us.

"Hey JungKook! Over here!" He called out. Not once, did the five guys took their gazes off me. Suddenly I wanted to pull away from JungKook's grasp and just run back to the car. But I couldn't, because 1.) JungKook was too strong 2.) Please. Running in these heels, I can't even walk properly in them. After pushing through a few groups of people, we finally reached the picnic table. Seeing who I was, the girls quickly walked away. All except one. 

Yoon Soon Ah. She's the meanest girl in school, but she acts all innocent and cute around the Kingkas. I'm guessing the five boys are her next victims. After she finds out the Kingkas she had captured, were boring and useless, she'd give of all their embarrassing secrets and make them miserable. I've seen it happen before, because I was the one that taught her how to to it.

To be honest, I was her friend for a few years, after we started getting all mean, I wanted to go back to the nice girl. I quickly found put that she was only friends with me because of my money. That was true, I would buy her the clothes she had wanted. Careless. People call me. I did teach her the make people miserable, because I didn't like those boys and didn't want to do it to them personally, so I had somebody do it. Then, Soon Ah grew greedy and made everybody miserable. I couldn't stand it, so I stopped being friends with her.

Soon Ah looked at me from head to toe with disgust. I returned the gesture back. The seven boys kept looking at us until one cleared out his throat, thus ending the glaring contest.

"So it seems that you two know each other?" The one that cleared his throat asked.

"Of course oppa, she's the one that I had to give up our friendship because she was too mean and violent, I was so scared of her," Soon Ah lied. I knew all about her. I was just waiting for the perfect day to call her out. I knew she was lying because she was crinkling her nose and rubbing the edge of her nose bridge.

"Why would she? She's so nice to me!" JungKook said, hugging me. I gave him a look telling him to stop and he caught the look and stopped.

"Her? I though that she'd be still grieving over her dead father," she said. I suddenly had the urge to punch her. Taking action, I lunged at her , but I was held back by the boys. Even with six guys with muscles holding me back, I was still struggling.

"Wow, why'd you pick a girl that's strong, kid? Even Jimin can't hold her down!" A boy with golden brown hair whined.

"Aww, to want to hurt me, but you can't even punch right," Soon Ah insulted more. I finally broke from the grasp, but I only could've punched a few bruises to her face, I couldn't see because of the tears from remembering my late father.

"Oppas! See she's hurting me! Save me!" Soon Ah begged, but nobody helped her.

"Never talk about my father," I warned her. Then I left her go, and she ran away.

"Now that's over, I'm not that violent, it's just that nobody talks about my father like that," I explained. A few 'ahh'ed.

"So, I'm guessing you might want to know our names?" A boy with silver/white hair asked. I nodded. "Well, I'm Namjoon, this is Hoseok-"

"Hoseok? The one that had ddakji thrown on his back?" I asked. The golden brown hair boy from before nodded. Then he held out his hand.

"I'm Hoseok, but oh can call me J-Hope because I'm always happy!" He exclaimed. I smiled a little bit.

"Nice to meet you, I'm SooJin," I said, extending my hand out. He shook and winked at me.

"Okay, as I was saying, this is Hoseok, the playboy. This," Namjoon said, pointing at the orange haired boy, " is Taehyung."

"Hi! I'm V! I'm actually Taehyung, but you can call me V," he said and extended his hand out. When I shook it, however, unlike J-Hope, he was all smiley and 4-D.

"Okay, I'll take over. I'm Suga, yes Suga, not sugar," a boy with dark brown hair said.

"Ooh, hi," I said.

"Hey! Did you guys forget about me? I'm Jimin," a boy with black hair said. Was he the one that couldn't hold me down?

"Okay now you know all about us and we know you," Namjoon said. "Do you want to stay?"

"No, she can't. She must be tired and I'm going to bring her home," JungKook said.

"Aww! Are you sure?" Suga whined. Yes, it was very cute.

"Yes, now you guys don't get drink, because I don't want to treat five hangovers. What a nightmare," JungKook shuddered. He then led me outside the house and we walked to the car.

"Driver. Take us to SooJin's house," JungKook commanded. The driver immediately started the car and started driving to my house.

We arrived shortly after. JungKook bid the driver away and he led me to my house.

"So, what do you want to do? We could watch a movie?" He suggested.

"Okay. I'll put up You Who Came From The Stars," I said, finally able to walk after taking off my heels.

"Okay! I'll make the popcorn!" He said. After making the popcorn and putting up movie, we were both snuggled up on the couch made for two.

"So, can you tell me what happened with you and your father?" JungKook asked when we were about almost halfway done with the movie.

"Okay fine," I said.

"You know, you don't have to tell me," he said.

"You asked for it and you'll get an explanation Mr," I said. I took a deep breath and told him.


It was the summer of 2002. It was a sunny, windy day, perfect for a storm to come any moment. A young SooJin was skipping to the kitchen to greet her mother.

"Hi mommy!" She said. The mother looked at her with cheerful eyes. It was one of those rare days that her mother could be home with her two daughters.

"How was school?" Her mother asked.

"Good,,now can we make some cookies for daddy when he comes home?" SooJin asked. Her mother nodded and the two began to dig through the cabinets to find their supplies. Once they've found thyme, they began making the dough.

"Which cookie cutter do you want to use?" Her mother asked. SooJin looked at the many cookie cutters and selected one: a heart-shaped one.

"Okay, let's start," her mother said. They've began making the dough and shaping them. By them, SooJin was covered head-to-toe with flour.

"Mommy, when are the cookes done?" SooJin asked, peering at the oven window to see the cookies.

"And done! Finally! Now we can decorate them!" Her mother said. Her mother was just like an adult child, always hyper and happy.

"Okay!" SooJin exclaimed. After thirty minutes of putting icing and chocolate chips, they were finally done.

"When is daddy coming home?" SooJin asked. Then the phone rang. Her mother went to pick it up. While talking to the other person, her face made a few worried and sad emotions.

"Honey, daddy isn't coming home."

*End of flashback*

"Oh my gosh," JungKook said, hugging me. I didn't realized that I had tears in my eyes. After a few minutes of crying, I fell asleep, but I didn't know that JungKook was next to me.

If anybody had saw, they would think that we were a couple.

I heard a faint sounds of a key going through my door lock.

Who could that be?

A/N: Bad ending, but now you know about many things. I'm sorry for not updating in a week,  had exams! Sorry for this long chapter, I wanted to make up for a week of not updating!

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(05.06.14) I'm trying to make a longer and more better ending. I need ideas!! 'Cause what I'm writing right now, is making the boys being creepy. LOL.


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I randomly stumble upon this fic and kinda wish it's updated. the foreword seems interesting
kyungismine #2
Chapter 19: She ended with jungkook? I thought she would end up with Taehyung.
mk8346 #3
Chapter 19: so she ends with jungkook?
Chapter 17: Please update soon! I need to know who Soo Jin ends up with!
SongMandii #5
Chapter 17: Huhuhuhuuu. Can't wait to find out what happens >< great story BTW :)
qinyin1023 #6
Chapter 16: update soon~
daetaebaek #7
Chapter 16: I love thsi story~!
Aurasyqa #8
Chapter 15: Update soon^^
Chapter 14: Really?! You are just going to kill me! Why?!
Chapter 14: God V is really pissing me off. Girls are really dense dont expect them to know how you feel because you dont even know how she feels. And kissing a girl you just met is really f-ing low! God I ship her with Jin and Jungkook until you can prove to be a freakin man! Gosh!