Get Away Now

Difficult Romance

Hurt. Angry. Shock. Jealousy. All of those words would describe how I'm feeling right now. You think that you're the only one hurt right now? Thank the walls for being thick enough to muffle my tears. I began to exit the gym. Tears that were clouding my eyes, made me unable to see where I was going and crash into something. More like someone.

"Woah. Slow down there Soo Jin." The voice seemed to be deep. Using the sleeves of my sweater, I quickly dried my tears and saw that the voice belonged to JungKook. 

"Are you okay? Why are you crying?" He asked when he saw that I had red eyes. I didn't answer, but instead I cried harder. He pulled me in for a hug and I cried softly; my tears soaking in his hoodie. We stood there for a few minutes, with his hand on my head and me, crying. The gym door was then opened.

"What's going on? Why's she crying?" A voice that was identified as the person I don't want to see right this moment. V. A hand was then on my shoulder, and V turned me around. Forcing me face him. 

"What's wrong?" He asked me. I turned my head, ignoring his question and JungKook's confused stares. V gently turned my chin to make me face him again.

"What's wrong?" He asked again. I was suddenly angry for him being oblivious that he just kissing Soon Ah a few minutes ago.

"Oh, you know. Just seeing a friend kissing the person I hate the most," I replied simply. But, this made V's eyes widen.

"Wait. He was kissing Soon Ah?" JungKook asked confused. He took my silence as a yes and glared at V.

"Really?" JungKook sighed. JungKook then took my hand and we both walked away from V. 

"Soo Jin. It's not what it seems like!" V yelled. He ran to us and grabbed my hand. I looked down at the sidewalk, suddenly interested at my shoes. 

"What?! That another guy that happens to look like you, happens to be kissing with the girl I hate?" I shouted out, now furious. It seemed to me that V was shrinking down. 

"Yeah? Then what about his best friend that said that the two shouldn't be friends?!" He yelled back at me. Now it seemed like I was shrinking.

"I had a reason!" I answered. V rolled his eyes.

"Well, guess what? I did too!" He yelled. It was good that we were outside, if we weren't, we'd be stuck in detention for weeks.

I let out an angry huff. "What you did was way worse!" I replied quieter.

"Yeah? Then, what about his best friend, that he loves more than a friend, made him sad?" He said. Wait? V likes me?

"What?" I asked, confused. Instead, V walked away. 

"So," JungKook said. I forgot that he was still here. He was rubbing the back of his neck with his hand.

"Uhh. I s-should g-g-get going," I stuttered. He nodded and followed me. Drat! I forgot that we live in the same community!

"So, what happened? It's okay if you don't tell me," He asked. I started to get a little bit angry.

"You say "You don't have to tell me", but I know that you want me too. So, can't you just ask if I tell you?" I asked him. He looked away. 

"I just don't want to make you more hurt. I don't know whether you're just broken down or just like this, but you're acting like you're the only one hurt." He then walked ahead, to his house. The cold, harsh words hit me back to reality, where both the boys were hurting.

Feeling a bit dizzy, I walked back home, alone. I dragged myself upstairs once I entered my house. My mom looked at me worriedly when I came home.

"You okay?" She asked me. I was currently in bed, with an arm over my forehead. I sat up and looked at her.

"What does it look like?" I asked her.

"Not good. But Jin is here to visit you." She turned around and shut the door. A few seconds later, Jin came in with a bag that said 'Cafe Couples'.

"Hey! How you doing?" He asked cheerfully. Not wanting to make him hurt too, I smiled through the pain and answered him happily.

"I'm fine! How are you? And what's in that bag?" I asked, way too happy that even I wouldn't believe it. He eyed me suspiciously. 

"Okay. Well, I bought you chocolate and strawberry cookies, you know, the ones you love. And I got you cheesecake," he said, taking out the items. He then took out candles and put them on the cake and lit them. I looked at him quizzically.

"What?" He then looked at me seriously. "Did you forget that today was our two month anniversary ever since we got back together?" He then seemed to be teasing with me. I must've forgot. 

"Of course not! Why would I forget about about anniversary?" I said, covering up. He continued to light the candles and turned off the lights; he started singing.

"~Happy anniversary! Happy anniversary! Happy anniversary to Jin and Soo Jin!~" he sang so sweetly and cheerfully. When the song ended, we both blew out the candles.

"Yay! Happy two month anniversary!" He cheered and the lights. I cheered on with him.

"Yay! Now, can we eat the cake?" I asked, eyeing the cake. He then took out a plastic knife and cut the cake, cutting out two small triangles-shaped pieces.

"Here. First, we should have a love shot," he said and then we fed each other a piece of cake. We took a picture and sent it to our friends.

"Well, I can't wait to see their jealous faces!" He exclaimed. I laughed at his silliness.

"Yeah." I suddenly remember that JungKook and V were Jin's friends. That means that Jin sent the picture and they saw it. Big problem!

"What? Something wrong?" Jin asked, concerned. I shook my head and the thoughts away. Jin's phone then lit up, having four replies to the picture.

: Man! Ur so lucky! I hate you so much right now! Soo Jin! Wait for me! Once Jin is out if the way! #WaitformeSooJin

: Aw man! I'm not at all jealous! I still have my lovely gf! #Notjealousatall

: Hey! Yeah! Lovelies in the house! #Cutecouple

: Well! Finally! Good for you Jin! #2monthanniversary

"Wow. What about V and JungKook?" Jin asked to himself. I think I knew the answer, but I didn't want to tell Jin and all what happened. 

"Yeah, me too," I said faintly. 

"Well,mi have to get going. Enjoy the cookies!" He said and gave me a kiss on my cheek. He shut the door silently and I watched him leave in his expensive car from the window. 

I sighed and went to bed and hoped.

Hoped that was just a dream.

It was a sweet dream and a beautiful nightmare.

A/N: Hey! I'm so sorry! School finally ended, so I'll be updating both my stories! Yay! Enjoy this update! This story will be ending soon!

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(05.06.14) I'm trying to make a longer and more better ending. I need ideas!! 'Cause what I'm writing right now, is making the boys being creepy. LOL.


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I randomly stumble upon this fic and kinda wish it's updated. the foreword seems interesting
kyungismine #2
Chapter 19: She ended with jungkook? I thought she would end up with Taehyung.
mk8346 #3
Chapter 19: so she ends with jungkook?
Chapter 17: Please update soon! I need to know who Soo Jin ends up with!
SongMandii #5
Chapter 17: Huhuhuhuuu. Can't wait to find out what happens >< great story BTW :)
qinyin1023 #6
Chapter 16: update soon~
daetaebaek #7
Chapter 16: I love thsi story~!
Aurasyqa #8
Chapter 15: Update soon^^
Chapter 14: Really?! You are just going to kill me! Why?!
Chapter 14: God V is really pissing me off. Girls are really dense dont expect them to know how you feel because you dont even know how she feels. And kissing a girl you just met is really f-ing low! God I ship her with Jin and Jungkook until you can prove to be a freakin man! Gosh!