Who Do You Choose?

Difficult Romance

I was putting my books away when I received a text from V.

Come over to the cafe quick!

I hurriedly put on my backpack and ran outside. I had received another text from Jin.

Come to the cafe quick!

Since they were the same cafe, I ignored it and walked to the cafe. I received another text. It was from JungKook.

Meet me at the cafe. Need to talk.

I finally reached the cafe and went to find the boys. I found sitting in different areas of the cafe. I didn't know who to go to since they all needed me. Since JungKook wanted to talk, I went over to him first.

"Hey," I called out.

"Hey." The other two boys began to come to the table.

"Okay. JungKook wins," V said sadly.

"Wait what? What does he win?" I asked.

"Oh. Yeah about that. We kind of texted you to come to the cafe and if you go to that person, they'll be your boyfriend," Jin explained.

"Come again?" I said, slightly angry.

"Well, you went to JungKook, so, we'll back off and let you date him."

"You think that my love is some sort of bet?!" I yelled. A few looked our way, but looked away once they found that we weren't shouting anymore.

"No!" V said, waving his arms frantically. "What would you do if you and two girls like the same boy?"

"We would go up to him and ask who he likes and back off," I said.

"Well, who do you like?" JungKook asked. 

"That doesn't matter right now!" I began to yell.

"Phew. I thought that she'd pick that fast," V said, obviously relieved.

"Well, Kim Taehyung, it obviously wouldn't be you." He began to look hurt.

"Okay. So, I'm in the semifinals," Jin said.

"Who exactly do you think I am? Just some girl with no brains enough to realize that the boys she cares, or cared, about made a bet on who will get her love?" I asked. The boys were silent, I kept talking.

"You think that love is easy?! You think that a girl will never get hurt. Well, you're wrong! I've been hurt many times because of you guys! You immature little boys!" I yelled, at the last sentence, my voice began to crack. I coughed at few times.

"I've been strong for you," I said in a hoarse voice. Not wanting for them to see my tears, I quickly left and cried my heart out on a park bench. A little came to me.

"Unnie! What's wrong?" The girl asked. I looked up and a cute little girl and smiled a bit.

"Nothing's wrong. Unnie's voice is just a bit hoarse." She looked at me suspiciously.

"That's not it. A girl this pretty never cries unless a boys breaks her heart," the girl said. How could she know?

"How did you know?" I asked her.

"Because that had happened to my sister a lot of times. When I see her cry, I can't stand it. When I saw you cry, I wanted to hurt that boy," she said.

"Change it to boys. There were three boys," I said.

"Three?" The girl held out four fingers. I chuckled and shook my head. I bent down one finger and showed it to her.

"This is three." She looked happy and so was I.

But there were three guys who were watching Soo Jin with the girl. They smiled at the thought of her being happy. They've decided to let her go. They watched her until the little girl left with her mom and watched as the little girl hugged Soo Jin so tightly. As for the boys, they finally learned the true meaning of love.




A/N: Hi! I've been thinking about how to end it. This isn't the end! There are still the episodes and the dedication page! I hope that you liked it! Sorry for making you wait long! I'm starting a new fanfic starring all of BTS. I will post it in a while. Thanks for liking this story!

Remember that this story isn't done yet!

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(05.06.14) I'm trying to make a longer and more better ending. I need ideas!! 'Cause what I'm writing right now, is making the boys being creepy. LOL.


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I randomly stumble upon this fic and kinda wish it's updated. the foreword seems interesting
kyungismine #2
Chapter 19: She ended with jungkook? I thought she would end up with Taehyung.
mk8346 #3
Chapter 19: so she ends with jungkook?
Chapter 17: Please update soon! I need to know who Soo Jin ends up with!
SongMandii #5
Chapter 17: Huhuhuhuuu. Can't wait to find out what happens >< great story BTW :)
qinyin1023 #6
Chapter 16: update soon~
daetaebaek #7
Chapter 16: I love thsi story~!
Aurasyqa #8
Chapter 15: Update soon^^
Chapter 14: Really?! You are just going to kill me! Why?!
Chapter 14: God V is really pissing me off. Girls are really dense dont expect them to know how you feel because you dont even know how she feels. And kissing a girl you just met is really f-ing low! God I ship her with Jin and Jungkook until you can prove to be a freakin man! Gosh!