Chapter 8

The Bodyguard

Happy birthday Shinhwa! <3 Also, an update for those who have been nagging. XD


Chapter 8:

Hyesung slowly opened his eyes, feeling a wet towel on his forehead. He was in someone’s arms on the floor. He heard silent repetition of his name and felt his head pounding. He opened the painful eyelids and noticed the worried expressions of the men in the room. He couldn’t feel the floor under him but that was only because he was in someone’s arms. He had fainted onto his former and current bodyguards and they had caught him in time.

The doctor immediately scurried over to him and placed his hands onto the singer’s face, checking him accurately. Hyesung stared at him with half-lidded eyes.

“Mr. Jung, you need to rest.” The doctor said.

Hyesung blinked his eyes idly.

“Your body has weakened. You need to think about yourself too.” The doctor ordered, pouring some water to a glass. They weren’t in the autopsy room anymore. “You know that shock can kill, right?”

Hyesung nodded and received the glass willingly. Ji Hoon had just entered the room when he had opened his eyes and felt those muscular arms behind his back. Junjin was no longer holding him since had lost the remaining power from his body after he had heard the news regarding his loving and carefree boyfriend. Hyesung straightened his back and asked Eric to let him go, because he was alright. The bodyguard did what the man commanded, comprehending that Hyesung didn’t want to be reminded that he had just fainted.

“You’ve been fainting a lot lately?” The old man in his white coat interrogated. Hyesung felt the need to nod, since Eric was in the room and he knew. “I see.” The doctor mumbled and took out some paper stack where he scribbled something. “You need some rest. Buy these sleeping pills and rest, please.”

The young master took the paper from the doctor.

“Excuse me, Mr. Kwon.” Hyesung’s voice wasn’t steady.

“What is it?”

“Is it…is it really certain that our Jin Kyo…committed a suicide?”

The doctor took his glasses of and stared at him. “It’s just a conclusion. Nothing’s sure Pil Kyo-sshi.” He explained professionally.

Hyesung sipped the icy cold water before he rose from the chair and walked off to the door, other men looking at him with tension.

“I am not willing to believe in suicide, Dr. Kwon.” He mumbled. “Under no circumstances.”

Eric followed the little prince with Junjin and Ji Hoon. The ex-bodyguard was silent and the obvious traces of tears Eric had seen several times that day told how sad and sensitive and emotional Junjin was. Ji Hoon was tense and it needn’t any smart person to see that he was shocked. But the two didn’t worry Eric at all, he knew Junjin was strong enough to put himself together. And Ji Hoon needed to be able to help Hyesung when he was playing too tough. Because to Eric, Hyesung was the most important thing in the world; as the motto in the bodyguards’ thoughts went.

“Ji Hoon,” Hyesung said huskily. “At what time do we have the meeting tomorrow?” he questioned.

“What meeting?” Ji Hoon asked.

“The meeting with some guys.” Hyesung wasn’t sure anymore. “What time is it?”

Ji Hoon blinked his eyes. “At 5, Hyesung ah. Why?” he stepped next to the singer.

“I was just thinking how much I can drink tonight.” With that Hyesung walked off and left the two guys, Junjin and Ji Hoon, into the corridor. “You will join me whether you wanted or not.” He ordered the bodyguard once they were outside.



Hyesung hardly stayed up when they arrived in the mansion. Eric was holding his waist, helping him to walk when they entered the foyer and Hyesung clumsily stepped out of his shoes, not even putting them onto the shoe rack.

The bodyguard was cleaning the mess up when Hyesung walked to the living room, opened the alcohol closet and started pulling out bottles of some dark liquids. Eric followed him and caught the bottles that the little prince had almost pushed down.

“Should…you…drink?” Eric interrogated.

Hyesung scowled at him and for the first time, Eric was scared of what those eyes could do to the stalker if he now sneaked in. He placed the bottle onto the small table next to the closet and sighed, letting Hyesung drown his utter misery to some bottle of alcohol.

“Nothing strong…” Hyesung cried out. “…dad must’ve drunk them all.” He muttered, pulling out a wine bottle that was opened.

Eric followed the master onto the couch and stood behind him, vigilantly staring the surroundings of the room. Hyesung let out a sigh and poured an enormous amount of wine into a glass, the red liquid spilling from the edges. The guy was soon getting drunk if he didn’t stop. Hyesung gulped down the whole glass and began to turn over the bottle and didn’t stop until the glass was filled. “Sit down.” Eric cringed. “Sit…down.” Hyesung repeated dryly.

The bodyguard sat down.

“Do I look miserable to you?” Hyesung’s question surprised him. “Answer. Do I look pathetic? Sad? Weak?”

“Sir, I…”

“You don’t really have to answer.” Hyesung chuckled, but Eric heard the tears that were captured into his throat. “Jin Kyo never did.”

Eric tilted his head towards the wine glass. Hyesung didn’t drink it, but his fingers were still playing with the circled edge of it.

“He wasn’t supposed to die.” Now the voice trembled. “He was supposed to live forever.” Hyesung murmured. “He was supposed to become healthy.”


“He was supposed to be happy with Junjin, with me.” Now Eric noticed the tears on those chubby and smooth cheeks. The eyes glinted in the dimmed light and the tears emphasized the glossiness of them. “He ate the pills. He was going to be fine.”

Eric startled when the head landed onto his shoulder and the left arm curled under his right one. Hyesung was sobbing against it.

“He wasn’t supposed to leave.” He sniffed. “He should have grown old!”

The bodyguard didn’t know what to do. He didn’t know was touching the man right thing to do. Eric’s cheek slightly touched the crown of Hyesung’s head and he felt his cheekbones burning. The hair was silky as he had thought.

“Don’t cry…” Eric crooned. “…he can…see it…” he added and heard Hyesung’s sobbing quieting down. “Don’t…cry…Pil Kyo-sshi…”

Hyesung’s heart skipped too many beats at once. “I think…I…I have to sleep now.” He whispered. “I will take my wine glass with me.”

The bodyguard nodded and sat up. “I will…leave…”he bowed and was about to leave.

“No,” Hyesung spoke. “I…could you lead me to my room? I think my coordination is a bit…awful now.”

“Yes, Sir.” Eric stated.


Hyesung kept sipping the wine glass while walking through the stairs. Step by step, his mind fluttered and the thoughts in his head bubbled out. He kept singing, laughing, crying and doing weird noises until they were in front of his room and he stepped in.

“Do you think my perfume smells good?” That questioned came out immediately.

Eric stared at him blankly, arms behind his back as his brain kept telling him to do what the young master wanted so he wouldn’t cry anymore. Eric sighed.

“Yes,” he replied.

Hyesung scoffed, “You don’t even smell it if you stand right there.”

Eric said nothing when he stepped closer.

“Smell it.” The shorter man said, pointing at his neck. “I need an opinion.”

For what? Eric pondered annoyed.

The bodyguard blinked his eyes.

“I let you do it.” The young master said smiling. “I need to know.”

Eric looked at him accurately before he bowed his head and moved closer to him. Hyesung angled his head and the neck arched. He felt tip of nose touching his curve and two pairs of lips on his shoulder while he was listening to Eric’s sniffing that tickled his skin. Hyesung sensed how his body relaxed and he was getting dozed off by the puffs against his neck. The tip of the bodyguard’s nose touched the crook and when he was about to pull off (after his brain started forming sentences like ‘wow…that smells really good’ and ‘how freaking soft is that skin?’), Hyesung’s eyes went shut and Eric’s right hand got onto the singer’s waist. The taller man felt his shoulders getting heavy when Hyesung’s right arm slid over them and the other one went onto the forearms when suddenly Eric pulled off (cheeks dark red) and Hyesung opened his eyes (cheeks flushed).

Eric’s white shirt was now red.

Hyesung had spilled his wine.

But neither one of them said anything.

The silence was awkward.

And the long, intense, awkward and deep eye contact caused their heartbeats rise from low to rapid.

“I am very sorry!” Hyesung’s apology broke the silence. “I shouldn’t have held the glass in my hands!”

The older man nodded and started untying his tie. Then his hands landed onto his buttons but he didn’t begin to open them. Eric stood in the room eyes full of fear and shock. He couldn’t open the shirt. He couldn’t.

“You have to open the shirt!” Hyesung commanded. “I will give you a shirt you can wear. Wait here!” he said and ran to his wardrobe. When he turned around, Eric was still wearing the stained shirt. “Yah! Take it off! It needs to be washed so the wine wouldn’t ruin it.”

“I…don’t…mind.” Eric said.

“Please,” Hyesung begged. “Do it…for me.”

The bodyguard bit his cheeks. Damn, he thought.

“I can look away…if you want?”

“Yes…please.” Eric responded.

And Hyesung didn’t look. But it was hard to not do it since Eric’s figure was seen through the mirror in front of Hyesung. He was about to close his eyes when he saw something. His mouth stayed open as he tossed his body around and stared at the man in front of him.

“What…are those?” He interrogated.

Eric cringed.

“Are they…scars?”

The bodyguard tensed under Hyesung’s eyes. He didn’t know what happened to the function of it but when Hyesung touched the one on the back, Eric jumped back and fixed his, now, murderous eyes at the little prince.

“Don’t…don’t…touch them.” Eric snapped.

“I…I’m sorry.” Hyesung gasped shocked. “I just…wanted to see if they hurt.”

Eric inhaled deeply, those dark orbs burning with fury. “They…do. Don’t…ever…touch…them.” He hissed scarily and marched out of the room, not forgetting his wine-stained shirt.

Hyesung frowned.

What was that?


“Wow…hyung, that isn’t your shirt.” Andy stated amused.

“It…isn’t.” Eric mumbled, throwing the dirty one to the laundry basket.

“Did you get promoted?” Andy asked smirking.

Eric halted his steps. “What?”

Did he just…? Andy from all the people?

“I asked, did you get a promotion. You are wearing a shirt that isn’t yours so I presume you and that boss of yours had some kind of a…connection.” The younger man laughed.

“What’s…funny…in that?” Eric questioned. “From all the…people…you shouldn’t…joke around...about…that. Not after…what you’ve…been through. I…can’t…belie…ve…you.” He spoke.

Andy pouted. “Chill out hyung. It was just a joke.” He laughed awkwardly.

Eric stared at him. It was scary and the eyes could’ve killed Andy if the glares had been daggers. The taller one’s face was expressionless when he stepped in front of Andy.

“Not…a…funny one.”

Andy blinked his eyes. “What’s the matter with you, hyung!?”

“Nothing…” Eric denied. “I…didn’t like…what you…said.”

The little brother gulped, sensing the painful lump in his throat. He avoided Eric’s eyes. “I was joking.” Andy quickly glanced at the taller man and flashed a weak smile.

“Andy ya…” The man said. “I feel…like…I don’t…know you…anymore.” Andy’s eyes widened. “I…protected you. I did…everything…for you. But you…aren’t…you anymore.”

Andy bit his lower lip frantically. “I am me! Sa Rah knows I'm me!” he shouted out of a spur. “AT LEAST SHE KNOWS ME!”


Andy startled. No breaks. No pauses. A full sentence. But he didn’t care. “So what if I slept with different men every night?! So what if my body is ruined because of that!? I don’t care hyung!”

It didn’t take even a second for Eric to slap Andy. The younger one gasped shocked and held his cheek, but Eric only glared at him and walked coldly to his bedroom, not giving any kind of sign that he regretted what he had done. Andy felt tears stinging his eyes.

“Hyung.” He whined.

But he heard the lock being .

He was forbidden to sleep there.

For the first time in his life, he wasn’t allowed to sleep there.

“Hyung.” progress, except with ricsyung and ricdy. 


please comment!! T_T 


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i am trying to write fluffy RicSyung to all of you ^^ Hihi! Fighting!


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Chapter 16: This story is such a roller coaster ride! It's suspense, drama, action and love story in one. I love it! Andy and Eric's sibling story was so moving, touching and heavy to the heart I don't even want to imagine what poor Andy's bad situation and experiences because of his demon stepfather! (!@#$/^&*!! Grrrr!!) That was one heavy drama Author-nim! But thanks for giving us happy endings for all except for victim Jinkyo. I love the development of Ricsyung love story. Thanks for the bonus as well! You really know how to satisfy our Ricsyung-loving-heart!
Chapter 16: THIS STORY IS DAMN AWESOMEEEE!!! seriously, i read this story for 3 hours straight at the dawn (it's from 1 a.m at my place) and oh my ricsyung feels~~~~~ a masterpiece indeed! i love everything you wrote there! the characters, how you described every single scene there, the plot twist, and UGHHHH i'm speechless. this is daeeeebakk!! you deserve a standing applause hahahaha..

anyway, thank youuuu for writing this fic, author-nim^^ i really do like it. :) write ricsyung more when you can, ne? ^^
Chapter 16: Yo' Sandy?! How the heck you got the nerve to type, 'Peace out!' Where do you think you're going, missy? *devilish cackling from this reader* Hyesung? Hyesunggie? Why are you embarrassed? It was only Junjin. Geez, it's not like it was your Appa. hahahahaha, this was fan-tab-u-lous author-nim. I totally and thoroughly enjoyed the fic. Liked the whole idea of it. Liked the pacing. Liked how you never told us anything that was going. Liked how you made us like that you never told us anything. It was a good rollicking time of reading fun. SHINHWA FEELS!!!!!!! Thanks author-nim for having whatever crazy tangent, thought process, word from an AFF friend or real life friend or whateverz that made you decide to right this. And not only write it but complete it. THANKS EVER SO MUCH!

I'm Audi. ---old old old US slang for outta here, like the slang my parents used in the 70's as kids---
Chapter 15: hehehe, Eric, no one can be happy as long as you are not happy? Is that how it works? My, my. Temper son, temper. Well, now, author-nim. So you wanted to just stir up stuff and cause some drama in the fandom, huh? Cause you know that was just asking for people to type, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!" But I ain't mad at you. Nopes, not at all. I don't foresee that things will end the way you've pretended to end them. *dashing off to click next for final chapter*
Chapter 14: Well, I knew it. Cause I'm an exceptionally smart reader. Exceptionally smart. And it's okay what happened to Ricsung cause makeup is a winner, winner, chicken dinner. So I know things will be all goods laters. Stop talking about Jindy. I'm not going to read the spin off until I've concluded this. Gee-willikers. Okay? Huh? Okay.
Chapter 13: Oh, and how dare you? The unmitigated gall to advertise an Jindy spin off fic in A/N when I'm still trying to get my questions answered and my feels satisfied by 'The Bodyguard'. Such nerve.
Chapter 13: Re: A/N - hahahahahahahaha, Oh my frizzled frazzled hair on a humid day. Is the power going to your head? The power of being an author-nim? "I can do anything. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Sheesh, athor-nim, are you trying to 'keep' or 'repel' your readers? My, my, my. Some people really can't handle power? Nope, they can't. But to the fic. I'm thinking that there are hidden cameras as well. I don't think that they sleep that soundly. I'm thinking that you want us to believe it's Ji Hoon and Junjin but you'll spin it into someone else just cause you're an author like that. I'm thinking that Ricsung did an excellent job of keeping the noise down. I believe that I want the fic to answer my questions.
Chapter 12: Hyesung? Hye-suuuunng? Wha'cha forget? Huh? What made you forget everything? Huh? Huh Huh? Answer me. Answer me. hahahaha, I know. I know. Andy, you'll have more than enough chances for Junjin to realize that you didn't do that to yourself. Okay? Let's trust that author-nim wrote it that way for you. Okay? O-KAY.
Chapter 11: hahahaha, the pictures were daebak! Especially Andy's - that tushy showed off to perfection. Then there's Eric's photo with Pil Kyo - that tight knit gray tee hugging those moobs. Kyaaahhhh! Who cares about the other stuff that happened in the chapter. Those pics yo'. But yes, the kiss was exactly what I wanted it to be. Even down to Hyesung playfully slapping Eric for being cocky. I'm glad Andy is headed in the right direction but you know that night on the town with Ji Hoon better have been adverted or we was gonna rumble in a virtual AFF moderator's chat room. Hyesung needs to stop such a tease or he'll get something he don't want before he'll get what he's been wanting. If you know what I'm saying. Hint hint.
Chapter 10: No what happened to Sa Rah wasn't Eric's nor Andy's fault. She was unbalanced and was why she victimized Andy. Andy needs help. Eric needs to spend money on getting Andy help. Hyesung seems to know what he wants now. And I can't wait for Eric to admit that what Hyesung said was true. Ah, I gotta go to work for a few hours. Bummed but it's what will pay for the internet so what to do. Off to work.