Chapter 6

The Bodyguard

Enjoy! :)


prepare for some...suprises...and....angst 

Chapter 6:

Eric ran out of the apartment, waking Andy up from his slumber. Eric didn’t care that he didn’t have shoes or jacket or the gun and the walkie-talkie with him. Because when he had gotten that timid phone call from the little prince, he had started running as soon as he had heard the voice. Andy blinked his eyes prolonged, yawned and hit his head back onto the pillows not minding any further about his brother. Besides, Eric was going to tell about the situation later. 

Eric knocked frantically the door.

Hyesung opened it slightly and popped his head out, sighing relieved when seeing the bodyguard. Eric breathed in and out, adrenaline in his body subsiding. He fixed his gaze at Hyesung’s, wanting him to let him in and have that talk he desired. The little prince stepped away from the door and Eric pulled the door, entering the large foyer.

“You were fast.” Hyesung commented.


“Were you sleeping with your phone?” The younger master asked, back facing Eric. “You answered incredibly fast.”

“I was…with…my little brother…” Eric replied. “Phone…always…on the night stand…”

Hyesung chuckled. “I don’t know what made me call Tae Hak and then you.”

“I said…” Eric followed Hyesung, sockless feet clasping the wooden board. “…you can…lean…on me…”

Hyesung nodded and sat down to the sofa, avoiding looking at Eric’s decent home outfit. It was weird to see him without the suit and tie on. He seemed more human than usually.

“So is this brother of yours….young?” Hyesung questioned, trying to brighten up the mood before he would start talking about the case. “I mean…he sounds very young if you and he sleep in the same room.”

“We don’t…share the…room.” Eric told. “…he sleeps….in the room…because…of…nightmares…”

Hyesung blinked his eyes. “He sees nightmares? About?”

The bodyguard was getting uneasy, hands rubbing the fabric of the sweatpants. “He doesn’t…I…do.” He whispered.

Hyesung frowned.

“And…Andy is…25.”

Eric was waiting for the little prince to laugh at him. He was sure that he was trying to hold it in as much as he could. The taller guy abruptly got up from the sofa and turned his back the one to be protected and let him let out any kind of sound that resembled amusement.

“Isn’t it awful?” Hyesung mumbled.

Eric startled.

“To see nightmares.”


Hyesung chuckled again, eyes widened and looking scary. “To see that faceless figure; laughing, staring and talking. He says all the things I’ve seen in the letters. He says all the things that cause me to be frightened. He says all the things that would make anyone run for their lives.” He muttered.

The bodyguard shifted his body and was now looking down at Hyesung. The man looked terrified, and Eric knew what it looked like. He, if someone, knew. Hyesung was pale. His hands on the pillow nibbled the red tuft and occasionally, Eric could see how the fingers shimmied. The deep inhale managed to calm Hyesung down a bit.

“But I neglect him.” He murmured. “I let him send me letters of sweet nothings and take pictures of me, because I think it would help. But no. I try to not think about him. I try to not be frightened so he wouldn’t get encouraged. I try to ignore him to seem strong and tough.” Hyesung glanced at the man in front of him. “I ignore him but let him invade my dreams. I let him see me whenever I’m out. I am afraid of the fact that he knows I am afraid.”

“Fear…” Hyesung lifted his head up when Eric’s low voice gave him creeps. “…normal…”

Hyesung laughed. “Of course it is. Everyone should show it.” He stated. “I am scared of everything constantly. I am scared that one day the stalker manages to destroy me. I am scared that people find out and start pressuring my family. I am afraid that there’s nothing to do.”

The bodyguard wanted to make Hyesung believe that he wasn’t in danger; that he had him, who could protect him.

“When…when did…did…” Eric closed his eyes and Hyesung saw it, knowing that it was mentally difficult for Eric to speak.

“It’s been a while.” Hyesung answered. “I’ve received 13 letters.”

Eric’s eyes widened.

“And I’ve kept all of them.” Hyesung spoke nonchalantly. “No one ever knows when you need them.”

“Do you…mind…to…me?”

Hyesung laughed, happier now. “Do I mind to show them to you? No.”

The little prince rose from the sofa and walked past Eric, advancing the white staircase. The bodyguard hung along and let Hyesung lead him, silence descending between them. Though it was one of those amazingly awkward ones, Eric was delighted that Hyesung had told him the only thing he had wanted to know.

The young master was vulnerable but also very strong.

Eric stopped to the doorframe when Hyesung entered the room and walked towards the small closet behind his bed. With a frown, he turned around and gestured with his arm for Eric to come in. But Eric remembered Hyesung’s forbiddance.

“Aish…forget it! Just come in!” the younger man shouted.

And Eric did.

“These are all the letters and all the pictures I have received so far.” Hyesung explained. “See? Creepy.”

The bodyguard stared at the photos individually until he saw the one taken in the club. His eyes became bigger and the hand reached to it, grabbing it hard from the edges. Hyesung eyed him and saw the pursing lips and the furrowing eyebrows. He knew that what Eric was thinking was the same as what he was thinking.


“Mm…it was taken today.” Hyesung commented. “In the club…”

Eric nodded. “I…sensed…it.”

Hyesung startled. “What? You sensed what?”

“That he…he was there.” The mystical man responded. “I felt it.”

Hyesung’s heartbeat rose to the highest point. “Who…who could it be…the stalker?” he interrogated, comprehending that that was an idiotic question to ask. But as if feeling something, he had a hunch that Eric might have had some sort of sentiments. “Could it be…someone…someone I know?”

Eric turned around.

“Could it be…Eric?”

The bodyguard hated when the man said his name like that: softly. He hated it. He hated it because it felt so magnificent. He hated it because it made Hyesung look much more vulnerable than he was. He hated it.

“Yes, Pil…Kyo…it can.”

Pil Kyo?



Eric returned home at one in the morning. He closed the door, put his phone onto the desk and walked off to the kitchen. He poured some water onto his glass and gulped it down, feeling refreshed, as he put it into the sink and exited the room, advancing the quiet bedroom.

He opened the creaking door and sighed when he saw his brother on the bed, mobile phone on his lap while he was rolling down the sleeve. He had taken some pictures again. Eric frowned when Andy rolled up the other one and took more pictures, caressing the red scars, wounds and scratches. Then he started tapping the screen frantically, a serious frown on his face.


“Ohh, hyung, you’re back.” The younger one said, not even looking at him.

“What…are you…doing?” Eric asked.

“Taking pictures and sending them to Sa Rah…” Andy replied. “She cannot sleep so I wanted to wish good night.”

Eric felt devastated bang in his chest. “Andy…you are…crossing the line.”

The younger guy snorted. “Crossing which line? There is no line. There is my line and your line. I am crossing your line but not mine. Besides, it makes Sa Rah feel better.” He retorted.

“Which part…of your body…would make…better?” Eric snapped.

Andy cringed and the smile concealed. When his brother had come back from the USA, he hadn’t blurted out a word. All things he said was Andy and some short fraises. Andy comprehended that it was hard and tedious for Eric to speak. He understood him extremely well. He had lived with Eric ever since those horrendous days. He had seen the changes in his brother’s eyes. He had understood when Eric had stopped talking.

And he understood him now.  

He was worried.

He was anxious.

He was doubtful.

“I’m perfectly happy with my body.” Andy lied, Eric knew it. “And I want it to be happy thing for her too.”

The straight face frightened Andy a bit.

“She makes me feel great, hyung.” Andy told. “Why cannot you let me do things as I want?”

“Because…” Eric started, but held a long pause. “…it’s not what you want.”

Andy chuckled annoyed. “And you know what I want? Eric, I have candle wax scalds on my stomach, I have scars made with shards around me, I have wounds from several hits everywhere and on my neck, I have the cuts our stepdad made with sharp equipment.” He commented. “I have lived with these things for so long that all I can do is to love them. Even if they make me a freak.”

The big brother bit his cheeks.

Andy glared at him once more before he took the phone and started writing something. Eric wasn’t done yet but he knew that Andy was an adult. He knew what Andy wanted. And he knew that Andy really liked that girl.


“Mmm?” Andy scorned irritated.

“You…aren’t…a freak…” Older one said. “…not…to…me.”


On the morning, Hyesung opened his eyes and felt lighter than ever. He was happy that he had told about the stalker to someone. To be honest, telling Eric was a relief. He didn’t judge. Hyesung sat up on the bed and took his knitted jacket and put it on, shifting his legs out of the blanket.

He wiped some hair off of his forehead and stepped out of the room, walking to the kitchen.

“Morning, Jin K—!“ Hyesung blinked his eyes. “Where is he?”

Usually that boy was there to welcome him. He would have been reading the magazine and smiling, sipping his orange juice and munching his apple, but not today. Hyesung glanced at the watch on top of the fridge.

It was time to take his medicine so Hyesung grabbed the small bottle from the cabinet and took a glass of water, getting back upstairs to wake his brother up. The knock on the door didn’t receive any answer, so Hyesung knocked again.

“Must be in deep sleep.” He laughed and narrowed the door a bit. “Jin Kyo? Hyung’s here. Are you asleep?”

No answer.

“It’s time for your medicine, kiddo.” Hyesung smiled and put the glass and the bottle to the night stand. “Kiddo? Wake up?”

Hyesung whispered and put his hands onto the boy’s forearm and shook him gently, waiting for him to open his eyes. But when Jin Kyo fell on his back, and Hyesung felt the cold face and noticed the non-rising chest, he gasped.

“Kiddo! Stop playing! I am freaking out! Stop scaring me!! Stop teasing! You know I hate games!! Jin Kyo!! Jin Kyo!? Wake up!” He screamed. “Hyung doesn’t find this funny at all! Don’t you dare joke around like this! KIDDO!”

But Jin Kyo didn’t wake up.

“Oh, God.” Hyesung gasped, running back downstairs to fetch his phone. “Oh, god. Oh God. Don’t die Jin Kyo…please, start breathing!”

The phone beeped couple of times.


“Dr. Yoo! Jin Kyo…”


Hyesung walked back and front outside the room. He bit his lower lip and prayed the God. For some reason, he didn’t want to cry. He didn’t want to cry at all. Jin Kyo wasn’t dead. He wasn’t going to die. He was strong. He had always been a strong boy. Always. When he had turned 23, everyone had celebrated. He had been so strong.

“So ing strong.” Hyesung said, voice trembling.

The door was opened.

“Mr. Jung…”

“Well? Is he…alive? Does he breathe?”

The doctor sighed. “I think you should inform your father.” He confessed.

Hyesung’s pupils shrank. “He…he…”

“Mr. Jung…Jin Kyo’s heart…haa…failed.” The doctor shook his head. “I’m very sorry.”

The young master felt his legs turning into mush, while his hand grasped around the phone. He sat down to the chair the doctor had pulled and inhaled and exhaled deeply, realizing that he wasn’t calming down.

“Is there someone who should know?” The doctor questioned, to which Hyesung nodded. “You want to inform to that someone?”

The little prince nodded once more.

My brother’s boyfriend…he should know…

“I’m here with you…” Doctor Yoo spoke. “The corpse will be claimed soon.”

Hyesung dialected a number and lifted the phone onto his ear, other hand preventing it from trembling. A happy voice, familiar one, greeted the man cutely when Hyesung felt the lump in his throat growing and the tears staying in his body. Looking at the doctor, Hyesung sniffed and grasped the phone harder, as he whispered, “Jin ah…I think you should come here.”  

Updated because of the other 2 from the 3 dys. :D 

Mrs. A. Pringles (Genedy) and Mrs. Dy~ (chie) <3 Saranghae. 

P.S. Other subscribers, please don't be confused. :D


And yes....Jin Kyo is dead. 

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i am trying to write fluffy RicSyung to all of you ^^ Hihi! Fighting!


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Chapter 16: This story is such a roller coaster ride! It's suspense, drama, action and love story in one. I love it! Andy and Eric's sibling story was so moving, touching and heavy to the heart I don't even want to imagine what poor Andy's bad situation and experiences because of his demon stepfather! (!@#$/^&*!! Grrrr!!) That was one heavy drama Author-nim! But thanks for giving us happy endings for all except for victim Jinkyo. I love the development of Ricsyung love story. Thanks for the bonus as well! You really know how to satisfy our Ricsyung-loving-heart!
Chapter 16: THIS STORY IS DAMN AWESOMEEEE!!! seriously, i read this story for 3 hours straight at the dawn (it's from 1 a.m at my place) and oh my ricsyung feels~~~~~ a masterpiece indeed! i love everything you wrote there! the characters, how you described every single scene there, the plot twist, and UGHHHH i'm speechless. this is daeeeebakk!! you deserve a standing applause hahahaha..

anyway, thank youuuu for writing this fic, author-nim^^ i really do like it. :) write ricsyung more when you can, ne? ^^
Chapter 16: Yo' Sandy?! How the heck you got the nerve to type, 'Peace out!' Where do you think you're going, missy? *devilish cackling from this reader* Hyesung? Hyesunggie? Why are you embarrassed? It was only Junjin. Geez, it's not like it was your Appa. hahahahaha, this was fan-tab-u-lous author-nim. I totally and thoroughly enjoyed the fic. Liked the whole idea of it. Liked the pacing. Liked how you never told us anything that was going. Liked how you made us like that you never told us anything. It was a good rollicking time of reading fun. SHINHWA FEELS!!!!!!! Thanks author-nim for having whatever crazy tangent, thought process, word from an AFF friend or real life friend or whateverz that made you decide to right this. And not only write it but complete it. THANKS EVER SO MUCH!

I'm Audi. ---old old old US slang for outta here, like the slang my parents used in the 70's as kids---
Chapter 15: hehehe, Eric, no one can be happy as long as you are not happy? Is that how it works? My, my. Temper son, temper. Well, now, author-nim. So you wanted to just stir up stuff and cause some drama in the fandom, huh? Cause you know that was just asking for people to type, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!" But I ain't mad at you. Nopes, not at all. I don't foresee that things will end the way you've pretended to end them. *dashing off to click next for final chapter*
Chapter 14: Well, I knew it. Cause I'm an exceptionally smart reader. Exceptionally smart. And it's okay what happened to Ricsung cause makeup is a winner, winner, chicken dinner. So I know things will be all goods laters. Stop talking about Jindy. I'm not going to read the spin off until I've concluded this. Gee-willikers. Okay? Huh? Okay.
Chapter 13: Oh, and how dare you? The unmitigated gall to advertise an Jindy spin off fic in A/N when I'm still trying to get my questions answered and my feels satisfied by 'The Bodyguard'. Such nerve.
Chapter 13: Re: A/N - hahahahahahahaha, Oh my frizzled frazzled hair on a humid day. Is the power going to your head? The power of being an author-nim? "I can do anything. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Sheesh, athor-nim, are you trying to 'keep' or 'repel' your readers? My, my, my. Some people really can't handle power? Nope, they can't. But to the fic. I'm thinking that there are hidden cameras as well. I don't think that they sleep that soundly. I'm thinking that you want us to believe it's Ji Hoon and Junjin but you'll spin it into someone else just cause you're an author like that. I'm thinking that Ricsung did an excellent job of keeping the noise down. I believe that I want the fic to answer my questions.
Chapter 12: Hyesung? Hye-suuuunng? Wha'cha forget? Huh? What made you forget everything? Huh? Huh Huh? Answer me. Answer me. hahahaha, I know. I know. Andy, you'll have more than enough chances for Junjin to realize that you didn't do that to yourself. Okay? Let's trust that author-nim wrote it that way for you. Okay? O-KAY.
Chapter 11: hahahaha, the pictures were daebak! Especially Andy's - that tushy showed off to perfection. Then there's Eric's photo with Pil Kyo - that tight knit gray tee hugging those moobs. Kyaaahhhh! Who cares about the other stuff that happened in the chapter. Those pics yo'. But yes, the kiss was exactly what I wanted it to be. Even down to Hyesung playfully slapping Eric for being cocky. I'm glad Andy is headed in the right direction but you know that night on the town with Ji Hoon better have been adverted or we was gonna rumble in a virtual AFF moderator's chat room. Hyesung needs to stop such a tease or he'll get something he don't want before he'll get what he's been wanting. If you know what I'm saying. Hint hint.
Chapter 10: No what happened to Sa Rah wasn't Eric's nor Andy's fault. She was unbalanced and was why she victimized Andy. Andy needs help. Eric needs to spend money on getting Andy help. Hyesung seems to know what he wants now. And I can't wait for Eric to admit that what Hyesung said was true. Ah, I gotta go to work for a few hours. Bummed but it's what will pay for the internet so what to do. Off to work.