Chapter 4

The Bodyguard


ps. proof  read million times...there will be mistakes. Sorry. 

Chapter 4:

Eric frowned. Somehow Hyesung’s a minute had taken fifteen. He looked around, wondering if he had the right to go see what was wrong with his master when a roar of shock entered his ears. It wasn’t Hyesung, so Eric ran upstairs and saw the same boy he had seen day before, in front of Hyesung’s room, face pale white.

“Hyung!” The boy screamed. “HYUNG!”

Eric pushed the boy away and his eyes set to the singer’s body. Hyesung was still breathing when Eric got next to him; thank god he had only fainted. The bodyguard glared at Jin Kyo, commanding him to bring some ice cold water, while he was slapping Hyesung’s cheeks. Slowly the color returned his face and he regained consciousness. Hyesung stared at Eric and knew what that frown meant.

“I’m okay.” The singer convinced, the voice being more than calm. He sat up with the help from the bodyguard and took a deep breath. “I just ate something that wasn’t edible.” He lied, knowing that Eric didn’t buy that.

“Sir…” The bodyguard murmured coarsely.

“Let me go.” Hyesung spoke sternly, getting onto his knees and eventually onto his feet. “And it would be better next time if you didn’t come into my room. I don’t like it.”

The bodyguard bit his cheeks, holding in the anger that slowly clenched his fists. Hyesung’s wrist was caught. “What the hell is the matter with you?!” He shouted shocked.

“I won’t…” Eric stopped talking, realizing that he had crossed some sort of a line with the little prince. “…let you go.” He said silently. “It’s my duty.”

Hyesung’s wrist was released. He wrapped his hand around it and rubbed it, his brain processing the slow, angry, stammering and trembling way of speaking. Eric disappeared from the room not hearing why Hyesung had fainted as he quickly hid the letter into the drawer. When the letter was away and Hyesung was finally ready to change as fast as he could, he remembered the eyes that had worriedly looked at him when he had woken up.

For a second, he had seen something else than fear and shock in the bodyguard’s eyes.

Hyesung frowned while he bit his lower lip.

He lifted his head and his eyes through the mirror looked tired.

He needed to tell.

But he wasn’t ready.


Eric felt the tension between him and the little prince. He had felt it ever since the man had entered the gym and they had said absolutely nothing. Both of them knew it; they were like oil and water. They didn’t mix. Eric laughed inside his head to the stupidity of being with someone like Hyesung who kept biting his thumb nail and lower lip, like they were candy.

“Stop the car.”


“STOP THE ING CAR!” Hyesung commanded and every single one of them turned to look at him. “I am going on a date after all…shouldn’t I bring something to that ?” he questioned Tae Hak. “Isn’t that what gentlemen do?”

Gentlemen yes, but you aren’t one, thought Eric.

“But, hyung…yesterday’s incident…we cannot…you cannot emerge in a public place after yesterday. Who knows what might happen?” Tae Hak stated subtly. “We haven’t even seen the CCTVs yet.”

Hyesung quickly glanced at Eric. “I have him.” He answered nonchalantly, pointing at the bodyguard. “Besides…it was only an extreme situation. It isn’t like the same would happen in here.” He added.

Tae Hak sighed and nodded at the driver.

Eric became even more serious when he saw Hyesung’s face turning blank and white through the rearview mirror.

Once again, his chest clenched.


“What do you think about this?”

Eric shook his head.

“Well, what about this then?”

The bodyguard wrinkled his nose.


Eric was about to move his head again when Hyesung put the ugly shirt down and sighed. “At least tell your opinion. Didn’t your parents ever tell you to have opinions?”

The taller man’s face fell straight and his hands curled to fists, knuckles turning white. Hyesung eyed on him scared, not knowing what to do. He just grabbed the first shirt there was and strode past the bodyguard, making him return from his sudden breakdown.

Then Hyesung stopped and the shirt fell from his hands.

Eric furrowed his eyebrows and fixed his eyes to the little prince, taking a note that he was staring at the entrance. He did the same and saw him, but only for couple of seconds. As soon as he had blinked his eyes, there was no one. Hyesung was frozen; his eyes wide and full of terrify. Eric could see that when he kneeled down to grasp the shirt, his hand was trembling.

“Who…” Eric began, but couldn’t continue.

“None of your business.” Hyesung scoffed. But instead of being infuriated and forcing, he was pleading, whispering. “You don’t want to know.”



Hyesung rolled his eyes, turning around and flashing a smile when a girl ran into his arms dramatically and hugged him. The little prince stepped back a bit. Tae Hak shifted his head at Eric and mouthed ‘the ’. The bodyguard stared at them and felt somewhat alone, lost. He had never had anything like her before; a person he loved.

“Eun Hye.” Hyesung sang and embraced her waist. “How’ve you been?”

The girl pulled off and slid her hands onto Hyesung’s shoulders, pouting disgustingly. Eric found it cute though, since she resembled Andy a bit. Her eyes twinkled when she butted her lips onto the young master’s and started moving on them. Quickly Hyesung pushed her and wiped his lips, flashing an awkward grin while pulling a chair for her to sit on. Eun Hye looked at it and crossed her arms.

“I wanna sit on your lap.” She replied.

“Eh!?” Hyesung voiced. “Oppa’s thighs are sore…from…from…TAE HAK!?”

“His thighs are sore from working out, Miss.” The manager told.

Eric couldn’t understand why the little prince hated her so much. She seemed rather nice and her sense of fashion was exquisite; though her dress was a bit too short for a restaurant like La Fountain. She laughed and pecked her date’s lips, squealing when Hyesung retreated only to reveal his present. She ripped open the colorful packet and when the bright orange color emerged, she pursed her lips.

“An orange shirt?”  

“Why? You don’t like orange?” Hyesung interrogated. “Everyone likes orange. Eric likes orange. Don’t you?”

The bodyguard blinked his eyes but nodded when Hyesung looked at him pleadingly.

“See? He likes it!”

Eun Hye chuckled. “I should know that you buy the worst gifts oppa.” She said. “Still, I always bother to meet you.”

Hyesung rolled his eyes. “I only meet you because it’s my duty to keep you happy. I guess I fail each time…especially since I am not interested in you.” He commented. “I’ve never been.”

Eun Hye shrugged. “Well, woman’s gonna eat.” She smiled, getting up from her seat walking towards the little prince who instantly tensed to his spot, Eric could see it. “And I happen to enjoy your company Mr. Jung.” She told, sitting down onto his lap, curling her long and slim arms around his neck. “And I know that someday you will give in to me.” She giggled, pressing those luscious lips onto the man’s, this time not letting him withdraw.

Hyesung squeezed his eyes closed and did everything else but enjoyed. His arms flailed around, sneers and painful scorns escaping from his mouth. The noises made Eric reckon Andy and those horrendous nights he had heard from his room. His head pounded while Hyesung’s terrified moans echoed in the private room. Tae Hak couldn’t do anything. He had seen that happen too many times and it wasn’t his duty to break off whatever that was called. Eric’s heartbeat was getting faster and faster.

“Eun…Hye…stop…it…I…can’t…breathe…you…are…suffocating…me…” Hyesung cried.

She just giggled, sliding her hands into the knitted jacket and the t-shirt. Eun Hye moved her slender hips so forcefully that Hyesung fainted, his arms fell from the chair handers and his head dropped onto the backrest. She frowned and slapped the man once and then twice. Tae Hak told her to stop but too late and Eric frantically pushed her away. He put his arms behind Hyesung’s back and under his knees and lifted him up, glaring at the woman once more before Tae Hak slid open the sliding door and let the two go out.

“Eun Hye…that was too much.” Tae Hak scolded.


“Andy, you should clean the table. Let your hyung go do his homework.” The man said with a smirk.

 Eric knew what that meant. It was clear that Andy knew what it meant but he flashed that innocent smile and nodded, collecting the plates and utensils individually, taking each of them to the sink. Eric stared at the man, glared at him, knowing that that didn’t have any effect on the man at all. He was just a kid; like Andy. They had no opinions in the house. The man wasn’t even their real father. He was some counterfeit their stupid mother had married. And after three weeks of “happy marriage”, she disappeared.

She left a letter and all.

When the man had seen the maknae of the family, the picture of a “happy marriage” and a “happy family” broke. It was miserable. In every single way. Ever since their mother left, the man started touching the little boy. Eric didn’t know about it first, but day by day Andy became distant, sad, scared and less aware of the stuff that happened around him.

Then one night, the stepdad was really drunk. He was keeping loud noise. He woke Eric and Andy up, screaming that he missed their mother. There were also some curse words attached and naming of the two boys who weren’t his biological sons.

He broke couple of glasses.

A wine bottle he had been drinking.

And a vase that had belonged to their mother.

He broke them.

That night, the man crossed the line.

The scars on Andy’s arms, neck and stomach.

He had laughed.

The stepdad.

He had just laughed when the small, barely 15 years old, boy cried and howled. And Eric could do nothing, because his thighs, back and shoulders were marked too. Both of the boys were bleeding.

But the stepdad laughed.

And the boys bled.

Eric saw his poor little brother gasping for air. He saw the red liquid soaking his shirt. He saw the gun his stepdad was caressing. And he saw where the man put it.

Eric whispered to his little brother, “Don’t close your eyes Andy. Don’t close them.”

And the boy nodded.

He didn’t close his eyes.

Neither of them did.

Only the stepdad could sleep.

Eric’s shoulder started stinging. He walked to the nearest bench and placed Hyesung onto it, right away lifting his hand onto his shoulder and rubbing it. Though it was a scratch, he had had it ever since that day. As if the mental and physical pain hadn’t been enough.

Of course, Andy had more scars. He had several in his body. And not only marks but his mind was always going to be tainted. Though the guy said he didn’t think about the days anymore, Eric knew that every single wound he still had in his body, woke up the traumatizing past. Eric wasn’t being used, but whenever he was a rebellion, the stepdad hit him, kicked him and scratched him with the bottles he had drunk empty hours ago.

Eric stared at Hyesung’s face.

He was beautiful…like Andy had said.

Something so pure and natural that Eric couldn’t believe something like that would exist.

He was every woman’s and every man’s dream.

But he was so delicate, so sensitive. He pretended to be tough around people, but each time Eric had been with him, something had happened and Hyesung had shown his true mask.

Eric undressed his jacket and put it around the singer.

Despite the beauty and the gorgeous character (as sarcastic as that sounds like), the little prince was utterly stubborn.



Never had Hyesung fainted in her arms like that. Never had Hyesung fainted in any girls arms like that. He felt weak and pathetic and also a bit confused since he had no idea why that had happened. Suddenly everything had felt blurry and suffocating. Everything had felt new and uncomfortable. He had never liked Eun Hye and her big mouth. It was all so new.

She was from another company. What does that mean? Exactly, she was needed if Hyesung’s father wanted to have great connections with other music industry people. That’s why the eldest son was targeted. And Hyesung was more than happy to be on that spot except that he didn’t like all the women. He had a great feeling when he saw his back dancers. They were all like sisters to him. But with Eun Hye it was more like compulsive than voluntary.

But he knew he had to endure.


Hyesung’s heart stopped beating. It was the voice. It was everything he had never heard. It was calm but shivery and it kinda felt like the man said it really vaguely. Hyesung looked up at him but said nothing, not even minding that the suit jacket was still around him (A/N: which makes Eric look so damn hot in just the shirt and the pants, not to mention the walkie-talkie and the gun that hang on the belt). He however nodded.

“You…drink…” The bodyguard gave him a bottle of ice-tea.

The little prince looked at the bottle and tsked. He shoved his hand and refused to drink. Eric made him take it by placing it next to the singer’s feet. Hyesung glanced at the bottle and took it in his hands, sipping it a bit.

“God, I hate ice-tea.” He said. “It’s much better with alcohol in it.”

The bodyguard scanned the surroundings, arms behind his back, walkie-talkie rattling on his belt. Hyesung sighed and let out disapproving sounds, sipping the drink with a wrinkle on his nose. Some girls passed by, asking Hyesung’s autograph and squealing when he hugged them. The bodyguard was more cautious. He immediately stepped in front of the man if someone came closer. Hyesung pushed him away and glared at him.

“They are fans!” He yelled. “They won’t hurt me.” He convinced.

“I…don’t…c…are.” Eric spoke seriously. “…they…can…be…a wolf…in sheep’s clothes.”

Hyesung gritted his teeth, jumping off from the bench, shocking the fan who was standing in front of him. He scribbled his name onto her notebook and hugged her, before he turned to look at the bodyguard.

“If they were bad, I would have been killed already!” He shouted. “I am easy to lure!”

The bodyguard crossed his arms and stared at him.

“That is why I have my bodyguards!” Hyesung told. “If I didn’t have them, there would be news about my murder flashing in the news.”

Eric didn’t even blink his eyes.

“I need a drink.” Hyesung shook his head and marched past the bodyguard who quickly grabbed his wrist again. “Let me go! I need a drink…and maybe some action. After Eun Hye, my head is blurry.” He whined. “Let me go!”

Eric’s eyes were stern. “No…too dangerous.”

“Dangerous!?” Hyesung laughed. “It’s not dangerous in the place I wanna be.”

“Difficult to protect…” Eric commented, pulling Hyesung towards him.

Hyesung managed to jerk his hand away and take it back. The look on his face wasn’t amused anymore. He was extremely irritated. And what made him even more annoyed were the vapid look and the intense eyes. The bodyguard wasn’t pleading but he wasn’t commanding either. He was just straight faced. He was glaring at Hyesung as if saying that he will get what he wants.

“You don’t have to protect me in a place where people know each other!” Hyesung said. “You just have to be there! Have fun, dammit.”

The bodyguard didn’t move. “You…cannot run…away. I need…by your side.”

Hyesung frowned. “I don’t understand you! Why cannot you speak normally? Why does everything you say sound so weird!?” he exclaimed. “If you spoke more, you’d be understandable.”  

Eric couldn’t explain how fast the anger grew inside him. He was sure that his ears were already red, same with his neck as he grabbed Hyesung’s hand and pulled him with him to the car that had been put to a halt in front of the restaurant. Tae Hak and the chauffeur sat inside, blinking their eyes in confusion.


“No.” Eric retorted. “I can’t protect you…too much people…too much room…dangerous.”


“I cannot…if the place is…crowded.” The bodyguard stated.

“I have friends there. They wouldn’t hurt me.” The little prince pleaded. “I am not afraid.”

The bodyguard grasped the wrist harder, noticing Hyesung’s startled expression. “What about…the…stalker?”

Hyesung’s eyes widened. 

Here's the dealio (OMG WHO SAID THAT!?!?!? Why can't I remember?), Eric may seem a bit retard because of the way he speaks, BUT he really hasn't...talked to people after, you know, the stuff that happened and that's why he seems so extremely shy and slow. 

And that's why, it's hard to write this fic. OTL

To write Eric less talkative but still talkative. I don't even make sense anymore. XD 

But I mean like...he needs to speak, so it's enjoyable to read but it will seem really slow and shy. 

Those aren't the reasons why he speaks slowly, those are the reasons why I speak how I speak when I meet new people; but the reason why Eric speaks slowly and like that, keeping a lot of breaks, is that, when he was in America he didn't speak. He didn't speak when he was 19 because everything he said could have considered rebelling. And because he hadn't spoken in 11 years, the grammar, the words, the willing and the situation (and the fact that he was in America for years, so he only heard English around him) made him forget how to form words and drop important things from his sentences. :) 


Thanks for reading ^^ 

And I know I said I wouldn't update this week but...hehe...I will be busy with my final final exams next week. 


And cuz I happen to at Swedish...a bit, I gotta revive my grammaar skills. :D Also....history needs to be studied. 






:D <3

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i am trying to write fluffy RicSyung to all of you ^^ Hihi! Fighting!


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Chapter 16: This story is such a roller coaster ride! It's suspense, drama, action and love story in one. I love it! Andy and Eric's sibling story was so moving, touching and heavy to the heart I don't even want to imagine what poor Andy's bad situation and experiences because of his demon stepfather! (!@#$/^&*!! Grrrr!!) That was one heavy drama Author-nim! But thanks for giving us happy endings for all except for victim Jinkyo. I love the development of Ricsyung love story. Thanks for the bonus as well! You really know how to satisfy our Ricsyung-loving-heart!
Chapter 16: THIS STORY IS DAMN AWESOMEEEE!!! seriously, i read this story for 3 hours straight at the dawn (it's from 1 a.m at my place) and oh my ricsyung feels~~~~~ a masterpiece indeed! i love everything you wrote there! the characters, how you described every single scene there, the plot twist, and UGHHHH i'm speechless. this is daeeeebakk!! you deserve a standing applause hahahaha..

anyway, thank youuuu for writing this fic, author-nim^^ i really do like it. :) write ricsyung more when you can, ne? ^^
Chapter 16: Yo' Sandy?! How the heck you got the nerve to type, 'Peace out!' Where do you think you're going, missy? *devilish cackling from this reader* Hyesung? Hyesunggie? Why are you embarrassed? It was only Junjin. Geez, it's not like it was your Appa. hahahahaha, this was fan-tab-u-lous author-nim. I totally and thoroughly enjoyed the fic. Liked the whole idea of it. Liked the pacing. Liked how you never told us anything that was going. Liked how you made us like that you never told us anything. It was a good rollicking time of reading fun. SHINHWA FEELS!!!!!!! Thanks author-nim for having whatever crazy tangent, thought process, word from an AFF friend or real life friend or whateverz that made you decide to right this. And not only write it but complete it. THANKS EVER SO MUCH!

I'm Audi. ---old old old US slang for outta here, like the slang my parents used in the 70's as kids---
Chapter 15: hehehe, Eric, no one can be happy as long as you are not happy? Is that how it works? My, my. Temper son, temper. Well, now, author-nim. So you wanted to just stir up stuff and cause some drama in the fandom, huh? Cause you know that was just asking for people to type, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!" But I ain't mad at you. Nopes, not at all. I don't foresee that things will end the way you've pretended to end them. *dashing off to click next for final chapter*
Chapter 14: Well, I knew it. Cause I'm an exceptionally smart reader. Exceptionally smart. And it's okay what happened to Ricsung cause makeup is a winner, winner, chicken dinner. So I know things will be all goods laters. Stop talking about Jindy. I'm not going to read the spin off until I've concluded this. Gee-willikers. Okay? Huh? Okay.
Chapter 13: Oh, and how dare you? The unmitigated gall to advertise an Jindy spin off fic in A/N when I'm still trying to get my questions answered and my feels satisfied by 'The Bodyguard'. Such nerve.
Chapter 13: Re: A/N - hahahahahahahaha, Oh my frizzled frazzled hair on a humid day. Is the power going to your head? The power of being an author-nim? "I can do anything. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Sheesh, athor-nim, are you trying to 'keep' or 'repel' your readers? My, my, my. Some people really can't handle power? Nope, they can't. But to the fic. I'm thinking that there are hidden cameras as well. I don't think that they sleep that soundly. I'm thinking that you want us to believe it's Ji Hoon and Junjin but you'll spin it into someone else just cause you're an author like that. I'm thinking that Ricsung did an excellent job of keeping the noise down. I believe that I want the fic to answer my questions.
Chapter 12: Hyesung? Hye-suuuunng? Wha'cha forget? Huh? What made you forget everything? Huh? Huh Huh? Answer me. Answer me. hahahaha, I know. I know. Andy, you'll have more than enough chances for Junjin to realize that you didn't do that to yourself. Okay? Let's trust that author-nim wrote it that way for you. Okay? O-KAY.
Chapter 11: hahahaha, the pictures were daebak! Especially Andy's - that tushy showed off to perfection. Then there's Eric's photo with Pil Kyo - that tight knit gray tee hugging those moobs. Kyaaahhhh! Who cares about the other stuff that happened in the chapter. Those pics yo'. But yes, the kiss was exactly what I wanted it to be. Even down to Hyesung playfully slapping Eric for being cocky. I'm glad Andy is headed in the right direction but you know that night on the town with Ji Hoon better have been adverted or we was gonna rumble in a virtual AFF moderator's chat room. Hyesung needs to stop such a tease or he'll get something he don't want before he'll get what he's been wanting. If you know what I'm saying. Hint hint.
Chapter 10: No what happened to Sa Rah wasn't Eric's nor Andy's fault. She was unbalanced and was why she victimized Andy. Andy needs help. Eric needs to spend money on getting Andy help. Hyesung seems to know what he wants now. And I can't wait for Eric to admit that what Hyesung said was true. Ah, I gotta go to work for a few hours. Bummed but it's what will pay for the internet so what to do. Off to work.