cuteismysterious: Panko-Chan

The Review Shop {Busy}

Plot: 8/20

Can I say sorry in advance? Since I'm going to start with the negative sides of the story.

Okay, so here goes. The plot of the story is actually nice and everything, but I don't get the ending at all. It's too much of a cliffhanger and the genres you put in don't make actual sense at all.

Why put romance when there is no romance at all? All Baekhyun did was save her nothing else. There were no mentions of love, crush or any other words that might make a connection with 'ROMANCE' 

I'm very sorry for the next things, but why did you put comedy? I'm a person that could laugh at any situation at all, I even laugh at the corniest jokes and things that don't even need a laugh. But, I really don't get the story. I'm sorry, but I don't get it. I know very well that in comedy nothing should make sense, but in this field I'm really experienced and my only comment is, "Wait, what?"

Now for the positive sides of the story, I loved the plot. I really did, it's because the main character, 'Menchu' or 'Panko-chan' thought that Baekhyun was dead because he got hit by a car. But, he is very much alive which makes readers jump to conclusions about how he survived like maybe he was an immortal, awesome and oh-so powerful god of the music scene. Or if they have no imagination at all, they would think that the doctors did their best, but what's the fun in that?!

So, if I rate your plot. It would be an 8/20 because there were more negative sides than positive, but don't kill me yet, please I have a life to live and fanfics to create and share to the world!! But, the problems stated above can be resolved and all you need is a sequel a very funny and fluffy sequel that could make sense or make no sense, but it's up to you if you want to create a sequel. I agree with your readers! You need a sequel, mi amigo!

Characters: 16/20

You didn't describe the characters flaws and strengths, but I have nothing against that. Okay, maybe I do have something against that. Which made me subtract some points because some readers who are still new to the life of fandom, awesomeness and craziness might not understand the characters. 

But, for me? You did a pretty good job! But the amateur readers need to understand them better, so my advice for you is to put a brief description of the traits of your characters, but make it rrrrreeeeeeeaaaaalllllllyyyyyyy brief so that they may grow into loving that certain character, then hate them or vice versa.

Flow: 9/15

It was too fast, then it became slow. Like, whaaaatttt?! The story is progressing, but the moment it started to progress it became slow which is a no-no to the readers who wants the story to have a romantic feel to it.

Maybe I should explain the romantic feel thing. Well, during the time that you skipped throughout the oneshot you could've put atleast a part where the girl yearns to see him again even though he's 'dead'.

Writing skill: 20/30

English isn't your first language so I may be a bit strict, it's a bit of a vice versa to what InvisiNinja put in here, but I'm a bit of a grammar nazi. But I added more points to what should've been your score since English isn't your first language.

Let's start with the grammar first, you messed up a bit in the word's past, present and future tenses which is a crime in my perspective. I could put more things in here, but that would rival what I thought about you plot.

In the spelling, you have no problem here.

Other than that, there was a word that should've been a whole, but you decided to put a space between them and in another word you forgot to put a space between two words, but those are just a smaller matter.

If English was your first language, I would've given you a 10/30.

Description/Forward: 4/5  Title: 4/5

Your description was amazing! Seriously, this is the very first story that was described in a poem and the title, I had nothing against it, but I find it weird and awesome and weird at the same time.

First impression: 2/5

Your very first chapter, paragraph is extremely important. That's why I'm strict here as well, it wasn't that attention-catching. But, I don't blame you. Okay, maybe I do, but don't take this the wrong way even if it does sound wrong already.

You started with the character saying something, which is okay. So, I started reading the next paragraph, still not attention-catching. I continued reading and the situations that were already appealing were in the ending and in the middle which means one thing, either you need patient readers or you need you character to be Nyan Cat. Since that cat could have your attention for hours meaning, you need to spice up your story and most importantly the first impression/paragraph.

Total: 63/100



@Reviewer's little corner@

Okay, I am so very sorry if this review hurt your

Story Link/Title: Panko-chan




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Chapter 20: Thank you so much for the review :)
Characters: Oc, Chanyeol

Story Link:

No. of chapters: 9

Preferred Reviewer: (choose one that is free please) Anyone ^^

Is english your first language? no, but it is fine - don't sugarcoat anything :)

What you think you need improving on(so we can look more closely at that): characterization

Password: rainbow poop

I know you guys are busy, so I'll be waiting patiently :)

Are you accepting reviews at the moment? I know it says busy, but are you?
Arisa_Ameiru #4
Chapter 2: I know I requested a review, but I would like to cancel it now. ^^ I hope to request once I get more chapters in, that's why. But, thank you anyways; I hope that's alright. ;-; I upvoted too! ^^;
Chapter 17: First of all, thank you soo much for the review! I was a bit nervous when I saw that my review was ready, but wow I am soo blown away by your kind words!
I've fixed all the things you've pointed out - it's so nice to have a fresh eye read over the story.

Again, thank you so much. I'll try my best to continue to write this fic in the best way that I can :)
TheScribbler #6
Thanks for the review :D English is my first language though....
Chapter 14: picked up the review! Thanks for all the structural feedback! I'll keep working at that :) and yes, I am well known for having bad grammar and switching tenses all the time. Thanks for making me more aware of that. I'll be sure to upvote XD
Characters: EXO Kai, EXO Kris OCs

Story Link:

No. of chapters: So far, 30.

Preferred Reviewer: (choose one that is free please) : junmash but I don't mind, if any other reviewer would want to do it ;)

Is english your first language?: No, but you can go hard on me in term of language and grammar

What you think you need improving on(so we can look more closely at that): The rationality of action taken by each characters in the fiction.

Password: Rainbow poop

Thanks for doing this, have a good day! :)
Arisa_Ameiru #9
Characters: Mun Kyon Dae (OC), EXO, Kim Su Min (OC)

Story Link:

No. of chapters: 1 (prologue) so far

Preferred Reviewer: _junmash

Is english your first language? Yes.

What you think you need improving on: I think I need improving in general - From writing skill to characterization and flow. Most especially flow and smoothness of the story.

Password: rainbow poop. (lol xD)

Thank you so much for doing my review. :) I really appreciate it. :D