heart_and_seoul: After Earth

The Review Shop {Busy}

Plot 18/20

Your plot is interesting and captivating.  I don't usually read fan fictions like this because they end being written so badly and so cliche!  But your story was incredible.  You managed to steer clear of cliche situations and unrealistic moments, which was such a relief.  It really is fantastic how well your story was written and how well you incorporated all your twists and cliff hangers.  

I don't think there was a single moment when I leaned back and sighed in annoyance (which I end up doing a lot of the time when searching for a good story to read.)  It was great to read something so original and creative.  I don't really know what else to tell you because it really was a good story.  

In terms of fan fiction, your plot was realistic, original, and enjoyable.

Characters 18/20

I really liked the way you introduced Chanyeol. It was all like, "YAH, I AM A CRAZY MAN WITH A LOG. I DO NOT WANT TO DO THE NASTY." Haha! I found it very amusing. Even though times are tough, Chanyeol was very upbeat and good natured.  He brought a significant comedic relief to your story and I think that helped to ease readers into your story.  He was great!

Yuna is a really badass character. I became very fond of her.  I also really appreciate the fact that you gave her weaknesses and strengths.  Nobody likes a flawless character.  Even though the time and place wasn't something any of us can relate to, I think readers can find themselves agreeing with Yuna's feelings at points, such as not being able to openly express themselves.  I really admired your ability to do this, because it makes readers feel more connected to the story.  I loved Yuna's character.  You'd expect someone like her to be all snobby and tough and perfect and athlectic, but you evened out her characteristics and completely avoided a cliche character.  I was so happy with your OC. 

Flow 13/15

You wrote at a good pace and kept things rolling.  It was not boring at all and all of your unexpected disasters made it even more exciting to read.  I loved the cliff hangers at the end of many of your chapters!  It must have really kept readers on edge and wanting more! 

You timed things very well and did not rush events.  For example, I honestly thought you'd turn on me and write a really cheesy and rushed romance between Chanyeol and Yuna, but thank goodness you didn't!  You worked up to it, hinting things now and then, and that is something that I really enjoy in fan fictions.  

Writing Skill 27/30

Your writing skill is very nice!  I was actually very impressed by your style of writing.  It was refreshing to see such an amazing vocabulary in a story.  Although, I do have to say that at points the extensive vocabulary made things quite difficult to understand.  See, the thing is that your plot is already so complex and twisted that adding big words and long sentences makes it harder for the reader to catch up.  It is possible that they'll find themselves rereading sentences just to reassure themselves of what was going on at the moment.  

Overall, I really can't believe English is not your native language because all of this was nearly perfect. 

Description/Forward 3/5

I really liked your description and forward.  I think you made good use of that space, because I was instantly drawn into your story.  I did see some awkward phrasing and some of the words you decided to use didn't fit with the mood.  I have provided some examples as to what I am talking about.  I would advise you to read over your description and look for new words to replace the ones I have pointed out.  But overall, your description was awesome.  You must be a good author if you managed to create such a good forward. 

"The life of the remaining people are hardscrabble, they must fight amongst each other in order to survive."  What does hardscrabble mean?

"All seemed prevail for Yuna when her life was on the risk of extinction, until someone came into her life." All seemed prevail? It doesn't make sense in this sentence.

"Embark on a thrilling journey with them, filled with romance, survival, and of course, some villain -kicking to find out." The last part with "villain -kicking to find out" is awkwardly phrased.

"...damp squelchy forest floor, gasping for air." I don't think squelchy is a word you should have used here, it sounds like a funny word and it sort of ruins the mood you are trying to make. 

Title  3/5

Your title is kind of average.  If I had seen your story whilst searching up other stories, I may not have clicked on it.  I see a lot of stories with this kind of idea behind them and most of them have not reached my expectations, so if I had seen yours I would have thought that it would have been kind of boring.  I think you can come up with something a bit more exciting and something that would draw readers in. 

First Impression 4/5

I was very intrigued by the description alone.  The idea of placing Chanyeol (one of my biases) in a dystopian world was very interesting to me.  I immediatly noticed your good usage of imagery and excellent spelling and punctuation.  I had a very good first impression, and I was excited to keep reading your story. 


Overall Score: 86/100



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Chapter 20: Thank you so much for the review :)
Characters: Oc, Chanyeol

Story Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/610351/after-earth-action-adventure-apocalypse-romance-exo-chanyeol-ocgirl

No. of chapters: 9

Preferred Reviewer: (choose one that is free please) Anyone ^^

Is english your first language? no, but it is fine - don't sugarcoat anything :)

What you think you need improving on(so we can look more closely at that): characterization

Password: rainbow poop

I know you guys are busy, so I'll be waiting patiently :)

Are you accepting reviews at the moment? I know it says busy, but are you?
Arisa_Ameiru #4
Chapter 2: I know I requested a review, but I would like to cancel it now. ^^ I hope to request once I get more chapters in, that's why. But, thank you anyways; I hope that's alright. ;-; I upvoted too! ^^;
Chapter 17: First of all, thank you soo much for the review! I was a bit nervous when I saw that my review was ready, but wow I am soo blown away by your kind words!
I've fixed all the things you've pointed out - it's so nice to have a fresh eye read over the story.

Again, thank you so much. I'll try my best to continue to write this fic in the best way that I can :)
TheScribbler #6
Thanks for the review :D English is my first language though....
Chapter 14: picked up the review! Thanks for all the structural feedback! I'll keep working at that :) and yes, I am well known for having bad grammar and switching tenses all the time. Thanks for making me more aware of that. I'll be sure to upvote XD
Characters: EXO Kai, EXO Kris OCs

Story Link: https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/659609/ludos-highschool-exo-kai-kris-teenlove

No. of chapters: So far, 30.

Preferred Reviewer: (choose one that is free please) : junmash but I don't mind, if any other reviewer would want to do it ;)

Is english your first language?: No, but you can go hard on me in term of language and grammar

What you think you need improving on(so we can look more closely at that): The rationality of action taken by each characters in the fiction.

Password: Rainbow poop

Thanks for doing this, have a good day! :)
Arisa_Ameiru #9
Characters: Mun Kyon Dae (OC), EXO, Kim Su Min (OC)

Story Link:http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/692500/snow-turns-into-rain-if-melted-by-a-flame-angst-drama-romance-exo-contestentry-ocstory

No. of chapters: 1 (prologue) so far

Preferred Reviewer: _junmash

Is english your first language? Yes.

What you think you need improving on: I think I need improving in general - From writing skill to characterization and flow. Most especially flow and smoothness of the story.

Password: rainbow poop. (lol xD)

Thank you so much for doing my review. :) I really appreciate it. :D