Broken Heart

Is It Okay To Love You?

"looks like your boyfriend is here to see you again"  BuRin nudged me with her elbow. I looked up to see Jackson approaching us with a smile.

"he is not my boyfriend." I muttered under my breath, then I smiled back and walked up to him with BuRin.

" not yet" BuRin winked. I rolled my eyes and ignored her.


"hey" I smiled at Jackson, he smiled back and  walked with us to the cafeteria. Ever since after the day we went skating together, we got closer. No more awkwardness between us, he usually comes to my school every lunch to eat with us. Us meaning got7 and BuRin. Pretty much all of us are close with one another. Even Mark and I got closer. I know. I didn't think it was possible, but it’s not like that  we are best friends again. We are still very awkward compared to everyone else in the group. We still don't talk to each other at all. We just acknowledge each other's presence.

The three of us walked into the busy cafeteria and walked to our usual table to see got7 there of course, and this time SeMi is also here. She would join us sometimes for lunch but usually she would eat with her other friends. She is sitting beside Mark of course with her tiny salad in front of her.

"hey guys" I greeted them and took a seat in front of Jr. Jackson sat down to my right and BuRin took a seat to my left, beside BamBam.


"how was the science test? " YoungJae asked.


"Ugh.. It was so hard.."  I sighed.


"Damn.. I have it next.. " YoungJae sighed as well.

"don't worry about it, you are smart so you should be fine" I assured YoungJae. He only shook his head and continued to study from the science textbook in front of him.


"you don't have lunch today?" Jackson asked. I looked at him and shook my head.


"not hungry"

"what???_____ is not hungry??" he gasped dramatically. I glared at him punched his arm.

"ah! I think you broke my arm..” he grabbed his toned arm with his other hand.

“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry..let me see that” I pretended to care and removed his hand from his “injury”. I gave the exact same area a hard punch, but this time it hurt me instead. Realizing that he flexed his arm just before I punched him.

“I got you figured out” he smirked. I glared at him and pouted. That actually hurt my knuckles..

“butthole..” I muttered and turned away from him while rubbing my sore knuckles.

“Let me see” Jackson grabbed my hand and examined it.

“Yah, would you guys stop flirting?” YoungJae hit the table a couple times.

“Oh please YoungJae, you are just jealous” Jackson raised an eyebrow.

“Oh whatever” YoungJae scoffed and went back to studying.

“When did you guys start dating??” SeMi asked. I looked up at her, remembering that I never told her that we weren’t dating from the day she saw us at the rink.

“Oh, we’re not dating” I chuckled. Her eyebrows furrowed together and she cocked her head to one side.

“But..” she began, but I interrupted her.

“we are just friends, I would never date this thing over here” I made a disgusted face just to bother Jackson.

“OHHHH! Jackson hyung got friend zoned!” Jr. howled. I laughed and looked at Jackson, he seems to be fine with what I said.

I’m sorry, I just don’t want to lose you..

“Just watch, I’m going to make you fall for me” Jackson wiggled his eyebrows. I scrunched up my nose, pretending to be disgusted and pulled my hand away from him.

please don’t make me fall for you..


“new seating plans” our english teacher announced after  everyone has settled down.

“I want it to be girl, boy” he pointed his fingers down the row. The way our desks are set up is in groups of twos. I looked at BuRin with longing eyes, telling her that I don’t want to leave her. She returned the look, but glanced over at BamBam with a grin on her face. I pretended to be offended and looked around to see who I may possibly be sitting with.

“Mark and _____” our teacher announced. BuRin gasped quietly beside me and my heart dropped to my stomach. Really? Out of all the boys in the class I get put with him?

“Mark, please move to BuRin’s seat” our teacher gestured his hand towards the back.

“BuRin and...BamBam” he then announced. I looked at BuRin and she smiled, then left me for BamBam. Mark took a seat right beside me. I stiffened and kept my gaze down, fiddling with my fingers and constantly checking my phone. Mark made himself comfortable and leaned back  to take a nap. BuRin turned around from the front and looked at me. I pouted and she shrugged her shoulders, telling me neither of us can do anything about it.

“Okay class, I hope you like who you are sitting with because you will be with them for the rest of the term” Mr. Oh informed us. Most students cheered, making me the only one that is hating my seating plan. Honestly, I thought that I am actually starting to forget about Mark ever since Jackson entered my life, but how can I possibly forget the fact that someone that used to be so important to me and took up a special place in my heart will be sitting right beside me every other day?

“______, I’m sorry I put you with will have to keep him awake during class” Mr. Oh sighed along with a chuckle. I nodded and looked at Mark. His face is so angelic, his eyes are closed, his eyebrows relaxed, his tall nose is perfect as always and his plump lips are parted ever so slightly.

“ehem..wake up” I said awkwardly. He continued to sleep, completely forgetting about the fact that he is in class right now and everyone is looking at him in amusement.

“Mark” I tried again, a bit louder this time. He flinched a little and opened his eyes. He looked at me for the first time with those dreamy eyes. It's like time has stopped. I looked directly into his eyes for the first in forever. He looks so different now. He looks so tired and he seems to be in pain, being the stubborn Mark Tuan he is, I don't expect him to talk to anyone about what he is having trouble with. But he has a girlfriend, shouldn't he at least look a bit better than now? To other people, they will think that he looks amazing, but to someone that has known him for a long time, he is in pain. I forced myself to look away, knowing that if I continued to look at him I will just want to care about him, wanting to know him. The Mark who is in pain right now.

"Mark, please stay awake during class" Mr. Oh sighed.

"I'm sorry" Mark apologized in that deep husky voice of his. His voice never failed to awaken the butterflies in my tummy when we were younger. Now I don't feel any butterflies, instead my heart ached. To hear that familiar voice being so close to me, yet I can't talk to it or make it laugh anymore.

"now that everyone is present, let's begin our lesson." Mr. Oh walked up to the chalkboard and began to scribble down some notes. I took out a piece of paper and a pencil to quickly jot down the notes. I looked over at Mark to see that he is not copying the notes, but instead he just drew circles on his paper. I placed my phone onto the table so I can focus on the lesson.


My phone buzzed on the table and I quickly looked around to see if I disturbed anyone. Everyone else seems to be busy with something. I lifted my phone to briefly check the message displayed on my lockscreen.

From: Jackson

I'm picking you up after school okay?

I furrowed my eyebrows and looked up to see if Mr. Oh still has his back on us. After double checking that the coast is clear, I unlocked my phone and quickly typed a reply.

To: Jackson  


I then placed my phone back to its original spot on my desk. Almost immediately I got another message, causing the buzz to sound extra loud on the table.

"sorry" I whispered to the people who looked at me. I put my phone on silent and then checked my message.

From: Jackson

why not? I have to make you fall for me remember?  ;)

To: Jackson

Oh please.. It's not going to work

From: Jackson

Are you positive about that? I am pretty damn hot :*

I can't help but let a giggle out under my breath.

"______, is there something funny that you would like to share with the whole class?" Mr. Oh turned around from the chalkboard and placed both hands in his hips.

“Sorry” “I apologized and put my phone back onto my desk.


“dude, I can’t believe you are put with Mark” BuRin whispered after class.

“same…” I sighed. “I bet you like your seat” I added with a grin on my face.

“I do, he is so cute!” BuRin squealed. “Is Jackson coming to pick you up again?” she asked.

“apparently” I shrugged as we walked to our lockers to get our backpacks and jackets.

“Did you actually mean what you said at lunch today?” BuRin asked.

“what did I say?”

“You friend zoned Jackson” she reminded me.

“Oh..well..” I thought about it, not knowing the answer.

“You guys are so cute together, and it’s pretty obvious that he likes you” BuRin stated.

“We are just best friends..” I shook my head and began to walk to the front door of the school to leave. BuRin caught up to me and continued to talk about a topic that I am not very clear of.

“Be more than best friends”

“You know what would happen if we became more than friends..” I mumbled, referring to Mark and I.

“Maybe you guys won’t end up like that” BuRin tried to argue.

“I don’t want to risk it.” I muttered.

“You will never know if you don’t try.” BuRin said bluntly. I can tell that she is getting annoyed and so am I.

“I don’t want to try.” I replied.

“You are so freaking stubborn.” BuRin grumbled and stomped away from me. I rolled my eyes, not wanting to deal with this for now. I walked out of the school to spot Jackson standing with the group of boys and BuRin. SeMi is also with them. My eyes landed on Mark’s arm wrapped around her slim waist, causing my heart to sink.

“Noona!” YugYeom waved his hand to get my attention. I pushed my broken heart aside and put on a smile while approaching them.

“That took you a while” Jackson commented.

“Of course, I’m a princess” I flipped my hair dramatically. He cracked into a smile that made my heart feel better.

“I got caught texting in class thanks to you” I glared at him playfully.

“where do you sit?” he asked.

“In the back..” I replied.

“fail! how can you get caught if you sit in the back?” he shoved me playfully.

“well actually..noona got caught because she laughed out loud during class” BamBam informed him .

“ I’m funny…” Jackson rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

"oh whatever" I rolled my eyes.

"you guys are adorable" SeMi said something that is not new to me.

"I know" Jackson slung his arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer. For some reason I feel like checking on Mark,so looked at him for a second and he is emotionless once again. He seems to be in deep thoughts. I'm really curious about what he is thinking about. But then again, I don't have the right to know or care about him.

"well I have to go now guys" SeMi excused herself after seeing her group of friends waiting in a car. She turned to look at Mark and she gave him a quick peck on the lips. That must've been the most painful second I have ever lived in my life. My fragile heart has broken into smaller pieces and despite the fact that Jackson is right beside me, my heart is still aching in pain. That was just too much for me to handle, I feel like crying and wish that I could go back in time so I wouldn't have to witness that.

"______, are you in? " JB asked. I snapped out of my depressing mood for a second and looked at him with confusion.

" I'm sorry?" I mumbled.

"ski trip this upcoming weekend, since winter break is next week" JB smiled.

"oh um.. " I hummed, buying myself some time to heal a bit from the earlier scene.

"are you going?"  I looked up at Jackson,  realizing that his arm is still around me and our faces are only a few inches away from each other. Hearing his steady breathing clearly, made me feel a safer and a little less broken..

"of course" his minty breath blew into my face.

"um... I don't know.. " I turned back to JB.

"come on it will be fun"  he encouraged and everyone else nodded their head.

"are you going?" I asked BuRin.

"if you are" she replied. I gave her a look, telling her that I don't want to because I don't want to see Mark and SeMi. She understood and looked at Mark and then shook her head once. Telling me that either SeMi is not going or Mark is not going.

"should I go? " I asked Jackson quietly. He nodded his head with a gentle smile.

"hmm.. I'll have to ask my mom first"  I told JB.

"okay tell me before Friday because I need to book enough rooms." he said and I nodded.

“Is SeMi going?” BuRin asked something that I want to know but would never ask.

“No, she is going to Hawaii with her friends” Mark replied.

“Hey_____, I’m going to work now.” BuRin got my attention. “call me tonight” she added, giving me a worried look.

“okay bye” I forced a smile.

“Bye guys” she waved and walked the opposite direction.

“Let’s go” I looked at Jackson with a forced smile. He nodded and removed his arm from my shoulders, making me feel alone again. I wish that I can hug him right at this moment and just cry on his shoulders.

“Bye guys” I flashed a smile and walked away with Jackson. Even though I am not happy at all right now, I have to make it look like I am. I can not let Jackson know that I can break down any second right now. He has never seen me cry and I don't want him to.

"aren't you hungry?"  Jackson asked.

"nope" I shook my head. How could I possibly have an appetite when I feel like ripping my heart out of my chest instead?

"but you didn't eat lunch today,  do you want to go out to grab something to eat?" Jackson asked, sounding more and more like my mom.

"no. I need to lose weight! Stop making me fat! " I joked, to cover up my depressing mood.

"are you actually losing weight?"  Jackson sounded more serious. I looked at him and looked away again. Everytime I look at Jackson, I just want to get closer to him. I just want to fall for him and forget about everything else.

"yeah man.. I'm gaining weight" I said and jiggled my flabby arm.

"hey listen. You do not need to lose weight. You are perfect just the way you are. " Jackson grabbed my wrist to make me look at him. I hear people say this all the time and because it's such an overused phrase it doesn't feel special anymore. But when Jackson said it and the way he  looked into my eyes, I feel like he is not just saying that because he is nice but he because meant it. It's hard not to fall for him.

"awwe thanks!  You are close to perfect" I teased.

"excuse me?? I am perfect" he poked his chest multiple times with his index finger.

"Mmm.. Close... " I hummed teasingly.

"what am I missing?"  he asked, sounding completely interested in this conversation.

"a cute smile, nice soft hair, cute laugh, nice voice" I listed everything that I like about him.

"I have a cute smile! Look!" he grinned, showing his pearly white teeth, the folds around his mouth is what I love most about his smile.

"eh it's alright" I shrugged.

"my hair is hella soft, it's like eyebrow hair" he removed his snap back and ruffled his thick dark brown hair that glisten under the sun.

"it's more like armpit hair" I laughed.

"ahaha! Funny. " he laughed sarcastically and gave me a cold stare. His laugh may sound a bit weird, but it is contagious and every time I hear his laugh, it makes me smile.

"and my voice is y.."  he lowered his voice to sound more seductive. I rolled my eyes but I have to admit that I can never get sick of hearing that voice.  

"you know what? You are less than  perfect as well!" Jackson pushed me playfully.

"oh really?" I asked sarcastically.

"yeah. You are clumsy, too dorky, too kind and too cute" he listed the factors that seems to be positive to me instead.

"I don’t know man..I sound pretty perfect…” I shrugged.

“You are perfect” Jackson’s voice became softer and more quiet. After hearing that my broken heart feels better, he almost healed it. But the healing did not last long before my fragile heart broke again. Does he actually like me? I don’t want him to. I can’t risk losing him as well. I would actually feel like dying if we become strangers.

He has become someone special.



SUP GUYSSSS! Sorry if this chapter seems a bit rushed and that there weren’t any details and moments of Jackson and ______ getting closer. BUT don’t worry! There will be plenty of moments later on!!!! HEHE Thank you once again for supporting this story!! LOVE YALL and YO COMMENTS <3




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maiquie24 #1
Chapter 24: YOU..... WHYYYYYYY?!?!?! AHHHHH! Great story! I’m still torn between Jackson and Mark! Like whyyyyy?!?!?! I’m still leaning towards Mark tho since he’s my bias ??
jayeldi #2
Among all I've read... This is still my favorite. I really love this story and how well it was written.
AriNJQ #3
Chapter 17: I want Jackson back! my heart is torn between the ships omfg
Saemiy #4
I cannot even start from where to compliment this story. I just love it!!
To be honest at first chapters your writting kinda dragging and boring to read, but as the chapter goes on i can see your writing style improved, and your decription in the story gets deeper, made me drown in your flow. Wooww.
I dont know if its bcs i love mark more or what, but i love your Mark ending better than your jackson, it feels more deep and heart touching and i can see you write your heart in it.
In the end, i love it!!
Cannot wait until it get featured ♡♥
katelynee_ #5
Chapter 1: TBH I RE READ THIS FF SO MUCH ITS MY FAVE PLEASE CONTINUE TO WRITE stories YOUR writing is so awesome omg ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Yiyikyn #6
Chapter 24: this is amazing.....really really amazing.....!! i love them both....but Mark is my bias:)
i want to try out more of your stories.....:) please write more...;) el b waiting
Chapter 24: Okay that was so cute. I dont know who to choose Because i love both of them haha anyway goodjob i love this story
Kpopfangirlxx #8
Chapter 24: Finished it in one day omg.. you should make a movie one day!! You've become my fav author omggg!!! I will always waiting for your next story.. your story is so damn beautiful.. you know how to put things. I'm waiting for your stories!! Can i have a request?? Pls post mark fanfics more~~ i will always waiting for you, hope you come with more amazing stories♡♡♡ i can't fully express my gratefulness towards you, you made my day. I love you author-nim, for real♡♡♡
shine_na97 #9
Chapter 15: i like your story so much!! Omgggg jackson is so sweeeeet! This is a true story?