Birthday Fight

Is It Okay To Love You?



Idk what to get Mark.. The party is in less than an hour and I'm at the mall right now.



I just got him a gift card to his favorite store. Good luck finding a gift for him :) Imma look for an outfit to impress BamBam with HEH.

To: BuRin


Okay... Make sure to show off that y body of yours! I'll meet you at the party




Ew what body? I'm just gonna wear my cardigan and jeans or something LOL Kay I'll see you there, try not to get lost.

Rolling my eyes at BuRin's last comment, I put my phone into my bag and continued to walk around the mall by myself. It's kind of weird to think that I am searching for a gift for someone that I did not think I will ever talk to ever again. Maybe things will be different from now on.. Maybe we will become friends again.. Maybe I will fall for him again.

"excuse me, can I see that please? " I asked the young man behind the counter of a skateboarder, snap back type store. The guy gladly opened up the display case and took out a tiny box containing a pair of black triangular stud earrings. He placed it on the glass counter that is in  between us and I examined it.

"are these for yourself? " the guy asked nicely.

"um.. No.. Do you think a guy would wear this?"  I asked awkwardly.

"yeah totally" the guy smiled and pointed at his own multiple piercings on his right ear.

"hmm.. " I hummed, deciding whether or not to get these earrings for Mark.

"we only have one pair of these left in stock"  the guy informed. I looked up at him with desperate eyes.

"will you be ordering anymore? " I asked.

"I'm afraid not"  the guy shook his head. I pouted and looked at the earrings again. If I don’t get it now, then they would most likely be gone and I don’t know what else get him within the next hour.

“Okay, I will get this” I pushed the box towards the guy so he can wrap it up.

“Is this for your boyfriend?” the guy asked out of curiosity. I looked up at him with my wallet in my hands and shook my head.

“Oh so you don’t have a boyfriend..” the guy nodded. “What a coincidence, I don’t have a girlfriend either”

I looked at him weirdly and he just plastered a cheeky smile on his face.

“How old are you?” he rested his head on his hand with a grin on his face.

“um…” I backed away from the counter a bit to create some distance between our faces.

“we look around the same age..” the guy commented.

“ much is the total?” I changed the subject.

“since you are so cute, I will give you a discount. $30.00” he smiled proudly and punched in some numbers into the cash register. I pulled out exactly thirty dollars from my wallet and placed it on the table. Quickly grabbing the small bag containing the earrings, I bowed my head once politely at the guy to thank him and rushed out of the store.

Damn..that was creepy and awkward..


I pulled my vibrating phone out of my pocket to see BuRin’s derp face on display. Swiping to answer, I placed my phone beside my right ear.


“Where are you?”

“leaving the mall now, why?”

“you are just leaving? It’s already eight.”

“Oh seriously?? Sorry, I didn’t know,go ahead first and I will come later”

“You better be here in 10 minutes”

“alright, see you later” I hung up and looked at the time on my phone. 8:02pm. Whoa I did not realize that I actually stayed for that long in the mall. Fortunately the mall is quite close to the school, so it won’t take long for me to get to the cafe. I zipped my long coat up and walked out of the mall to be greeted with the cold winter air. Walking to the bus stop right beside the entrance of the large mall, I still don’t believe that I am going to Mark’s birthday party..


I got off the bus and walked down the street to get to the cafe that they said the party will be held at. I arrived in front of the cafe and the lights are off and no one is in there. I looked around to see if I actually got lost, but it doesn’t seem like it. This is the only cafe near the school. Placing my hand onto the cold metal handle of the glass door, I pushed on it and the door opened easily with little effort. Slowly walking in, I looked around the weird collections that the cafe have on display. Something interesting caught my eyes. On one of the bookshelves, a bronze candle holder shaped like a helmet of a knight or something flickered due to the small candle inside. I decided to touch it out of curiosity and all of a sudden the bookshelf moved, revealing a underground basement.

Okay..this is getting a bit too scary…

Loud music is heard and the smell of alcohol awaken my senses. I peeked in to see a completely different atmosphere down there. About hundred people are dancing or goofing around, just like any other party.

“______!” someone’s loud voice yelled over the loud music. I looked around to spot BuRin waving excitedly. I guess I am in the right place. I carefully walked down the stairs and met up with BuRin. I continued to look around like a lost child while BuRin gave me time to soak it all in. There are people everywhere. Groups of guys goofed around while groups of girls sat around to gossip, in the middle is a dance floor and some people went on to bounce to the music that the DJ is playing. I knew that Mark is popular and everything, but I did not expect this..

“Let’s go see the birthday boy” BuRin dragged me through the crowd. She seems to be pretty familiar with this place already.

“____ is here!” BuRin cheered as we reached the seven guys.

“We actually thought you got lost” JB smiled. Now that we are a bit further away from the speakers, we can actually talk without screaming at each other.

“well you didn’t tell me how to get down that took me a while..” I said loudly.

“As long as you are here” JB smiled again and I returned the smile. I looked around to see Jackson sitting on the couch with BamBam. We made eye contact and he gave me a soft smile and I smiled back in return. Mark is sitting on the other end of the couch with Jr. and YoungJae. I then remembered his gift. I reached into my bag and pulled out the small black and blue bag. I took an unnoticeable deep breath before walking up to Mark. Keeping in mind that what has happened between us is the past and I should just forget about it and act more normal in front of him.

“Happy Birthday” I smiled and handed him his present. He sat up and accepted my gift politely.

“Thank you” he looked right into my eyes,causing my heart to skip a beat. I quickly looked away and made eye contact with Jackson instead. He did not smile this time, but instead he just looked at me with that handsome face of his. Feeling my cheeks heat up I looked down and fiddled with my fingers.

“____, let’s dance!” BuRin tugged on my arm. I nodded and followed her out to the crowded dance floor.

“thanks for saving me back there” I leaned in closer to BuRin so that she could hear.

“What are friends for?” she smiled and started to dance to the beat of the music. I soon lost her in the crowd of people, feeling somewhat lonely and scared with this unfamiliar environment I walked around to look for BuRin. A hard impact hit the front of my body, causing me to tumble backwards but before falling onto the ground and being trampled by people a hand caught me. I looked up to see the guy from earlier. The guy that asked if I had a boyfriend. I quickly stood up and created some distance between us.

“I believe this is fate…” the guy leaned in and whispered in my ear. Goosebumps formed on my arms and I pulled away, but he continued to close the distance between us. I took another step back to bump into someone else. I jumped and turned around, afraid to see another creepy guy that I don’t know, but I am relieved to see Jackson. Instead of seeing his soft and kind face that I usually see, it is replaced with a tough and threatening look. The creepy guy scoffed loudly, making me look back at him. This does not seem right..

“you know J.Flawless..” the guy smirked. I looked back at Jackson to see that his eyes are dark now and his jaw is also clenched.

“Why the hell are you here?” Jackson grumbled.

“Come on man..I heard Mark is throwing a party, of course I had to come” the guy smirked again.

“get the hell out of here now.” Jackson grumbled again.

“not without this cutie here” the guy reached out to grab my wrist and pulled me into his embrace. I froze and tried to get out of his grip.

“Let go of her.” Jackson came closer to threaten him, while I continued to struggle in his strong grip.

“nah man, she is too cute” he tighten his grip. Jackson raised his right fist and just when he was about to punch the guy in the face I squeezed my eyes shut, not wanting to see it. After hearing a loud thud, the guy removed his grip from me and fell onto the dance floor, causing everyone to spread away and gasp. I opened my eyes to see that Mark is the one that punched him.

Where the hell did he come from??

Mark looks pretty pissed off, yet he still has that calm face.

“You have Jackson and Mark…” the guy chuckled as he got back up to his feet. “Didn’t think you would be those kind of girls” he chuckled. Right after that, he got punched in the face again by Mark. Everyone screamed and gasped, while I just stood frozen in the middle of all this, not knowing what to do.

“Aish.” the guy grumbled angrily and charged towards Mark. I felt a strong grip on my wrist and within two seconds I am pulled out of the fight. I looked up to see Jackson with his hand still wrapped firmly around my wrist. I turned back to see that Mark got punched on the face, with blood oozing out of the corner of his mouth. I gasped and tried to run into the middle to stop everything, but Jackson didn’t let me go. Everyone started shouting and rooting for whoever they want to win.

“Go stop them!” I yelled at Jackson, but he only stood still and focused on the fight.

“What the f*** is going on?!” a familiar voice shouted and the music stopped. I looked at the top of the stairs to see Taec oppa and Nichkhun oppa walking down. The two of them easily broke up the fight. Taec oppa grabbed Mark and Nichkhun oppa grabbed the other guy.

“how old are you guys?? 7??” Nichkhun oppa shouted. “If YG hears about this, he would be very disappointed. Get out of here before he finds out.” Nichkhun threatened and let go of the guy. He gave us a look before leaving the scene.

“Party is over!” Taec oppa shouted and everyone fled the scene as well without making a noise. Even until now, Jackson will not let go of me.

“everyone except for _____ and GOt7 must leave.” Taec oppa added and especially looked at BuRin. She nodded and looked at me worriedly before leaving with everyone else.

After everyone left, only silence exist in this once loud and crowded room. I looked down, not wanting to face any of this and Jackson slowly let go of my wrist. All of got7 stood together and looked at their sunbaes.

"what happened? " Khun oppa asked, using his gentle voice again. Everyone kept silent and only the heavy breathing of Mark could be heard.

"______."  Taec oppa said seriously. I looked up and all eyes are on me.

"um.. " I stuttered, not knowing how to tell him what happened. I don't even really know what happened. That guy was a jerk, but that doesn't mean it can lead to a fight. Especially when Mark is not involved with the previous situation.

"... Well.. You see.. Um.. " I continued to stutter.

"that touched______."  Jackson  grumbled.

"_____, is this true?" Khun oppa asked.

"well.. He didn't really touch me inappropriately.." I tried to make it sound less serious. It's true that he didn’t touch  me inappropriately.

"he f***ing forced you in his arms." Jackson grumbled. I turned back to look at Jackson, surprised that he sounds so mad.

"Mark, are you okay?" Taec oppa asked. I then turned my attention towards Mark and looked at him for the first time after the fight. The corner of his mouth is busted and there is a small cut on the bridge of his nose.

"yeah I'm fine" Mark said with no emotion in his voice. I feel so guilty for what happened to his face, he did fight because of me right?

“I don’t care if you guys get into fights, but don’t let it happen when _____ is involved.” Taec oppa warned the boys. Great. Now I feel even worse.

“come on, I’ll bring you home” Taec oppa said and I hesitated before walking away with him. I let myself turn around to look at Mark one last time before climbing up the stairs with Taec and Khun oppa.


Silence is the only sound in the car. Taec oppa focused on the road ahead of us, while I watched the city lights rush by. Only the two of us are in the car because Khun oppa drove his own car.

“...I’m sorry…” I mumbled.

“why are you sorry?” Taec oppa’s voice is much more gentle now.

“I’m sorry for..everything…”

“It’s not your fault” he assured me.

“Yes it is. I should’ve just ignored the guy or ran away and none of this would’ve happened. I shouldn’t have went into that store and I wouldn’t have met the guy and none of this wouldn’t have happened. I shouldn’t have agreed to come to the party to begin with.” I listed everything that I should’ve done instead.

“Do you think that would’ve changed anything?” Taec oppa asked.

“Yeah. Mark wouldn’t have gotten hurt.” I said a bit bluntly.

“He would get into a fight sooner or later. He’s been acting weird lately, he seemed so down and just not himself. All the feelings and anger he bottled up inside of him had to come out. You technically helped him.”

Not knowing and not wanting to reply to Taec oppa, I just continued to look out the window with images and memories of Mark flooding my brain.

“watch out!” I turned my head to see a flying basketball approaching my face. I squealed and squeezed my eyes shut, and within about a second a hard impact hit my face.

“ow…” I whined and rubbed my cheek with my hand.

“why didn’t you dodge it??” Mark ran up to me with sweat dripping down the side of his face.

“Well I’m sorry for getting hurt!” I said sarcastically.

“Are you okay?” he bent down to my height sitting on the floor.

“no.” I pretended to be mad and looked away from him.

“Let me see” Mark turned my face so that I am directly facing him. My heart pound nervously against my chest and my cheeks started to heat up.

“Dude,you are bleeding.” Mark widened his eyes.

“Oh my god, are you serious??” I panicked and flapped my hands like a retarded seal, thinking that would help with the situation.

“you look so stupid..” Mark shook his head in embarrassment.

“ face is fine?” I asked just to make sure.

“’s perfect” Mark chuckled.


“I want to go home!!” I whined.

“ it up! This is a class field trip and we have to write about this later.” Mark walked ahead of me to catch up with everyone else.

“There are slugs everywhere!” I stomped my feet on the spot like a little kid, but making sure that I don’t squish any slugs.

“don’t move. there is a slug crawling up your leg.” Mark pointed his finger at my left leg. Goosebumps formed all over my body and a shiver jolt up spine.

“....AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” I begin to flail around, but still not moving from the spot I planted myself on. Tears started to stream down my face as I imagine the slug climbing further up my leg.

“I’m just kidding!” Mark approached me with that stupid grin of his.

“I hate you!” I screamed and wiped away my tears.

“I didn’t know you would  cry..” he ruffled my hair.

“You know that I’m afraid of slugs.” I grumbled.

“I’m sorry, would you like a ride my highness?” he bent over to let my climb on his back. A smile replaced my frown and I got up onto his back, securing my arms around his neck.



Mark: LOL you sound happy

Me: I’ve been wondering...we’ve been friends for a while..and I never hear you talk about liking anyone…

Mark: and…?

Me: I’m just wondering..who do you like?

Mark: who do you like??

Me: I asked you first!!

Mark: Tell me and I will tell you :)

Me: but…guess!!

Mark: you have to give me a hint!

Me: hmmm..I’ve known him for a while..

Mark: is it BamBam?

Me: nope.

Mark: more hints please!

Me: He is very awkward with other girls and refuses to interact with any other girl other than me. He knows that I hate slugs but would always tease me and make me cry. He would play basketball and the ball would always end up hitting my face. That person is a and would always tease me, but he would end up making me feel better.

*Message seen by Mark.*


HAYYYYYYYYYYY GUYS!!!!!!!! FINALLY IT’S SPRING BREAK! I’M SO HAPPY TO SEE THAT I AM GETTING SUBSCRIBERS! Honestly I didn’t know what to write for this chapter!! I just made everything up on the spot! I hope you guys don’t mind! The “jerk” from YG is not anyone in particular! I am YG biased and I wish that YG and JYP would collaborate! I don’t know if I should bring that guy back into future chapters, what do you guys think?? Do you want him to come back??..I feel like he makes the situation a lot more..dramatic..Like I said before this is based on a true story, but there were no fights in the true story! LOL I just feel like it would be a bit boring without any action LOL Anyways~ LOVE YOU GUYS AND PLEASE COMMENT!

Until next time!

-Yours truly, Lorddumplings

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maiquie24 #1
Chapter 24: YOU..... WHYYYYYYY?!?!?! AHHHHH! Great story! I’m still torn between Jackson and Mark! Like whyyyyy?!?!?! I’m still leaning towards Mark tho since he’s my bias ??
jayeldi #2
Among all I've read... This is still my favorite. I really love this story and how well it was written.
AriNJQ #3
Chapter 17: I want Jackson back! my heart is torn between the ships omfg
Saemiy #4
I cannot even start from where to compliment this story. I just love it!!
To be honest at first chapters your writting kinda dragging and boring to read, but as the chapter goes on i can see your writing style improved, and your decription in the story gets deeper, made me drown in your flow. Wooww.
I dont know if its bcs i love mark more or what, but i love your Mark ending better than your jackson, it feels more deep and heart touching and i can see you write your heart in it.
In the end, i love it!!
Cannot wait until it get featured ♡♥
katelynee_ #5
Chapter 1: TBH I RE READ THIS FF SO MUCH ITS MY FAVE PLEASE CONTINUE TO WRITE stories YOUR writing is so awesome omg ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Yiyikyn #6
Chapter 24: this is amazing.....really really amazing.....!! i love them both....but Mark is my bias:)
i want to try out more of your stories.....:) please write more...;) el b waiting
Chapter 24: Okay that was so cute. I dont know who to choose Because i love both of them haha anyway goodjob i love this story
Kpopfangirlxx #8
Chapter 24: Finished it in one day omg.. you should make a movie one day!! You've become my fav author omggg!!! I will always waiting for your next story.. your story is so damn beautiful.. you know how to put things. I'm waiting for your stories!! Can i have a request?? Pls post mark fanfics more~~ i will always waiting for you, hope you come with more amazing stories♡♡♡ i can't fully express my gratefulness towards you, you made my day. I love you author-nim, for real♡♡♡
shine_na97 #9
Chapter 15: i like your story so much!! Omgggg jackson is so sweeeeet! This is a true story?