
The Taciturn [HIATUS]
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Lol.I fogot my original font. Sorry if it changed. :)


"Hey look it's the parentless one!" A loud obnoxious tease.


That basically is what I get everytime I set my foot in my high school. That is how much my classmates and schoolmates despised me. I am the taciturn, the tongueless one, the parentless one, the anti-social girl that no one wants to mingle with. I was like a person with a contagious deadly disease everyone hates.


I sigh as I reach my locker, it takes me some time unlocking it because no one really notices me while unlocking it. I am the invinsible one. I am only noticeable when one of the popular kids start and give me my daily dip on the toilet bowl or when someone roughly grabs me by the hands and neck then shoves me unceremoniously into lockers.


I almost stopped breathing when I felt familiar auras behind me. It's them.. again. I slowly closed my locker door, then timidly turned to face them. I saw smirks, smug smiles, and overly done make ups.


That was the last thing I saw.


"Taeyeon, it's okay.. Open your eyes now, let's stop this." I felt a nudge on my shoulder and a voice instructing me to open my eyes. I can't.. I want to relive that moment, I want to ask myself why I hadn't stood up for myself that day. I want to ask myself why I let them shove me inside the lockers and left me alone until a janitor helped me get out.


"Taeyeon, listen to me, open your eyes and breathe. Relax, it's okay, I'm here now."


Her calm voice made me exhale deeply, The close to bursting nerves of mine relaxed a bit at her touch. She ny blonde hair and I feel her kiss the top of my neck to help me regain my regular breathing back. I slowly open my eyes and scanned my surroundings. We are inside her office and not inside the horrible place I once called my second home..


My school.


My high school was one of the most horrible place I have ever been to. Well, it was technically one of the only two places I was allowed to stay in. The other one was the orphanage. I grew to acknowledge that those two places didn't make any differences.


"Here." I looked up and met Tiffany's worried eyes. In her hand was a glass of water, she made me drink it and wiped my sweat with her free hand. "You look horrified, what did you see?" she asked in a cooing tone.


I shifted on my seat as my mind started to recall the memory, I hated it. I bent down and held my head to stop the flashbacks from coming but instead of stopping it, the opposite happened. The scenes from my high school started coming, until my mind was clouded with my bullies' faces. I felt a throbbing pain making it's way to my brain. Until I felt something on my neck.. a stinging pain from a syringe... The last thing I saw was Tiffany assisting me in lying down.




I never thought Taeyeon's childhood and pre-adolescent memories were that worse. I expected it to be filled by bullies who takes her lunch moneys and let her do homeworks but I never expected her bullies to be that harsh. They were inhumane, they treated Taeyeon like she was somekind of an alien or a person who doesn't belong to earth.


Who likes to experience daily dips in filthy toilet waters? Who likes to experience being locked up into a locker room for a whole day? Who likes to run kilometers just because the

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Chapter 11: please update T^T
Chapter 11: Lol still no huh haha. I will wait for the day that you'll muster one up hehe:P So if they are both parents but still unmarried, which last name does Sulli take? Unless it's still Choi's?
Fizzynool #3
Chapter 11: Author i know what you meant in the last line .
Hahahaha anyways keep on updating !! Its getting exciting
sparklinpeas #4
Chapter 11: the last line really got me.

great! more updates pleaaase :3 i love this story<3
PandaXXI #5
Chapter 10: What that paper be? Lol
Chapter 10: Woah what happened??
I didn't you have this fic >_<
lovinstop #7
What did Tiffany do that could possibly make Taeyeon hate her
sparklinpeas #8
Chapter 10: what what what whaaaaaaaaat is tiffany doing?!
Chapter 9: Awh, tae here is really sad :( had gone trough a rough life...
Its nice that Tiff will make Tae to be happy again XD
Its a great story author...
Usually Tae will be more mature to Tiff, but now Tiff is older than the kid leader uehehe :p
neenataeyeon #10
Chapter 9: Update juseyo *pout*