
The Taciturn [HIATUS]
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oh, Tiffany is older than Taeyeon here. ^_^

"Be good, Taeyeon. Like what i've said, Tiffany unnie does not bite." Jessica said as she twisted the door knob and went out of the room with a warm smile. She left me, she left me with this person who I knew years ago. But that was years ago. I scanned the room and my eyes landed on the table filled with pink things. How can someone like the color pink? It catches attention and . Attention will be the last thing I want, or maybe I will never want it at all.


"Do you want to eat something, Taeyeon-ssi?"


Taeyeon-ssi. What happened to TaeTae?. I guess she forgot about that too like the friendship we had years ago. I shook my head and continued to roam my eyes around the room. No, I never want to look at her eyes anymore, the last time I looked at those pair of eyes, it deceived me. Her eyes made me believe that looks can be deceiving.


She made me believe that she was there everytime I need someone to talk to, she made me believe that she'll stay with me as a friend whenever I need someone, she made me believe that she'll be a wall that I could talk to whenever I feel like I can't keep things to myself anymore, but in the end, just like the rest of them, she left.


From the corner of my eyes, I saw her sit down on the swivel chair behind the table. She was now wearing a white coat, I can't deny that she looks gorgeous in those but anyway, I can't think of a stranger this way. I hung my head low and started to fidget with my fingers, I want to ask questions, a lot of questions to her but I can't push it out of my mouth.


"So, let me introduce myself again, Taeyeon-ssi, I'm Dr. Stephanie Hwang and i'm gonna be your therapist or whatever you want to call me." she paused, i'm not even listening, it's not like I don't know her, "Actually, Kahi gave your file to Jessica." I looked up and met her brown eyes, those brown eyes that made my heart beat abnormally. I feel uncomfortable under her eyes, it made me feel weak. Oh, back to Jessica, I guess she doesn't want me too. "Don't think like that, Taeyeon-ssi, truth is, Jessica has another patient and she wants to focus on her for now. That's why she gave me your case." Wow, she even read my thoughts.


Oh great. Out of a thousand therapists, Jessica gave my case to her. She should've just left me alone with my life than this.


"Taeyeon-ssi, Are you really this quiet?" She asked again, Yep. I'm this quiet ever since you left me without a word.



Tiffany's Pov


"Taeyeon-ssi, A

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Chapter 11: please update T^T
Chapter 11: Lol still no huh haha. I will wait for the day that you'll muster one up hehe:P So if they are both parents but still unmarried, which last name does Sulli take? Unless it's still Choi's?
Fizzynool #3
Chapter 11: Author i know what you meant in the last line .
Hahahaha anyways keep on updating !! Its getting exciting
sparklinpeas #4
Chapter 11: the last line really got me.

great! more updates pleaaase :3 i love this story<3
PandaXXI #5
Chapter 10: What that paper be? Lol
Chapter 10: Woah what happened??
I didn't you have this fic >_<
lovinstop #7
What did Tiffany do that could possibly make Taeyeon hate her
sparklinpeas #8
Chapter 10: what what what whaaaaaaaaat is tiffany doing?!
Chapter 9: Awh, tae here is really sad :( had gone trough a rough life...
Its nice that Tiff will make Tae to be happy again XD
Its a great story author...
Usually Tae will be more mature to Tiff, but now Tiff is older than the kid leader uehehe :p
neenataeyeon #10
Chapter 9: Update juseyo *pout*