
The Taciturn [HIATUS]
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"How was Taeyeon inside this orphanage?" Tiffany asked the woman infront of her who looks stubborn and scary for a reason. She decided to cancel her supposed meeting with Taeyeon today to go to the orphanage where Taeyeon started. Since the short girl doesn't even tell her a paragraph long speech, she figured she should ask someone, someone Taeyeon hates with all her life.


Kahi cleared then looked at Tiffany and Jessica who were ready to write things on their mini notebook. "She was.. I don't know, different? I never really heard her talk to me, she's always inside her room or on that bench by the river." She answered as if Taeyeon was nothing to her.


Tiffany's ears perked up, hearing that Taeyeon still stayed at the bench by the river even though she was already gone was a new to her. "The bench by the river? Has she been going there for 3 years?"


Kahi nodded her head, "I actually lock her up in her room but she always manages to run away at night."


Jessica stared at her in disbelief, "You lock her up in her room? That isn't nice."


"I always did that to discipline her. Her grades that time were.. catapulting to failure. I can't let that happen, of course."


"Still. That was awful." Tiffany remarked, raising an eyebrow at the woman infront of them. Now I know why Taeyeon hates this woman. She stood up trying to look intimidating to Kahi then leaned in to the older girl's ear, "And I'm sure you've done a lot worse than that. You're an awful person."


Kahi scoffed, she didn't even show signs that she was threatened by the two therapist, "Call me all you want. I don't care, why are you even wasting your time studying that girl. She's meantally ill and is emotionally unstable." she said, Tiffany bit the inside of her cheeks to prevent herself from slapping the woman infront of them.


"You sent her file to me!" Jessica exclaimed, slamming her hand on the wooden table which startled Kahi a bit. The blonde girl couldn't believe that Taeyeon was nothing to this girl, yet, she sent her file to them right after Taeyeon left the orphanage.


"I didn't know you'll accept it." Kahi chuckled then rested her head on her palm while gesturing Jessica and Tiffany to sit again, "Taeyeon is famous among therapists. According to some of them, she was the worst. She doesn't talk much, she doesn't do things, she doesn't want to be solved. All the therapist that handled her gave up, just because they're sick and tired of Taeyeon's sighs and hums. And now, look at you two.." she pointed her finger at the other two girls then smirked, "..I'm gonna wait for the day you two decide to leave that girl because i'm sure, you'll leave her too. Heck, her parent's didn't even want her." Ending her speech with an obnoxious laugh.


Tiffany clenched her fists, ready to launch herself to the woman who caused a lot of trouble to Taeyeon, fortunately, she knew better. Instead of beating the out of Kahi, she stood up then smiled, "Thank you for your awful cooperation with us.. Don't worry, we'll make sure to solve Taeyeon and when we succeed, we'll come back here and let her beat the crap out of you." she warned, then both of the therapists left.


"I'd like to see you try then." Kahi mumbled.




"Come on Taeyeon, I know you want ice cream, let's just buy one." Tiffany whined to the blonde who didn't even budge despite the redhead's cuteness. Taeyeon sighed then crossed her arms, thinking if she should get ice cream but like the usual, she would of course say 'no'.


"It's snowing." She mumbled, enough for Tiffany to hear.


Unlike the first time she offered Taeyeon an ice cream, this time, Tiffany knows what to answer, she narrowed her eyes then poked Taeyeon's cheeks startling the blonde, "What?!" Taeyeon asked feeling aggravated.


Tiffany giggled, "Yuri saw you eating ice cream yesterday. And no, I'm not buying your old it's- snowing excuse this time."


Taeyeon sighed, her bestfriend was a big help to her, really. "You just revealed your spy to me." she said, earning a cute pout from the redhead. Stop doing that, I feel like kissing you."I won't talk to Yuri anymore because of you. And no, your pout doesn't work on me." she added, closing her eyes and looking the other way to hide her blushing face.


Taeyeon is very much aware that she's already talking to Tiffany. She's wondering why too, she hates the redhead, why would she

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Chapter 11: please update T^T
Chapter 11: Lol still no huh haha. I will wait for the day that you'll muster one up hehe:P So if they are both parents but still unmarried, which last name does Sulli take? Unless it's still Choi's?
Fizzynool #3
Chapter 11: Author i know what you meant in the last line .
Hahahaha anyways keep on updating !! Its getting exciting
sparklinpeas #4
Chapter 11: the last line really got me.

great! more updates pleaaase :3 i love this story<3
PandaXXI #5
Chapter 10: What that paper be? Lol
Chapter 10: Woah what happened??
I didn't you have this fic >_<
lovinstop #7
What did Tiffany do that could possibly make Taeyeon hate her
sparklinpeas #8
Chapter 10: what what what whaaaaaaaaat is tiffany doing?!
Chapter 9: Awh, tae here is really sad :( had gone trough a rough life...
Its nice that Tiff will make Tae to be happy again XD
Its a great story author...
Usually Tae will be more mature to Tiff, but now Tiff is older than the kid leader uehehe :p
neenataeyeon #10
Chapter 9: Update juseyo *pout*