sO HaPPY TogEthER...

Do YoU LOvE Me??

Author’s P.O.V


After they are not being invited to variety show as a group for a while, today, they will have a Happy Together recording at 8pm. All of them were so excited especially when they know that they are not the only guest who will be in that show. There will be an After School members and Dal Shabet members.


“Ya ya.. Palliwa.. We’re going to be late if we didn’t move right now. What taking you guys so long??” The 2PM’s manager was shouting at them.


“Ne ne hyung.. We’re good to go now. Let’s go.” Wooyoung said while fixing his cap. Then, the boys were following their manager hyung to the car with an excited face. During their way to the recording place, they keep joking, teasing and talking to each other.


“Hyung, are you OK today??” Wooyoung asked Taecyeon while his hand on Taecyeon’s forehead. But his face doesn’t show any concern face but more to teasing face.


“Of course I’m ok. Waeyo??Aishh!! Put your hand off my head.” Taecyeon asked Wooyoung back.


“Aniyo. It’s just.. it’s kind of weird for not seeing you sleep while we’re on our way to our schedule. That’s why I asked you if you are ok or not. Hahahaha.” Wooyoung laugh out loud and so do the other member.


“Tch. I’m not sleepy today. That why I didn’t sleep.” Taecyeon said while trying to defend himself.


“What hyung??? Since when you didn’t feel sleepy??” Chansung asked Taecyeon back while laughing with his weird laugh.


“Ne… Taecyeon-ah.. Is it because we’re going to meet After School members who make you wide-awake??” Junsu was trying to embarrassing Taecyeon.


“Aniyo….. I am not..” Taecyeon said while his voice sounds a lil’ bit weird.


“Chinchayo???” Nichkhun still want to . “By the way hyung. Is it all After School members will be on the show???” He asked the manager.


“Ani.. Only Uee and Lizzy will be in this show. Then, there are two members from rookie group. It’s called Dal Shabet if I remember correctly.”


“Hyung! Ya! Jeongmalyo?? Uee will be in this show??” Out of blue, Chansung shouting out loud like he’s standing 10 meters away from his manager. He was so excited when he heard Uee’s name. He totally unaware that he’s being too obvious about his feeling towards Uee.


“Ya!!” Junho warned with a low tone voice while giving him a nudge on Chansung’s left arm.


“Ya! Why did you scream like you never meet her?? And why did you look so excited when you heard Uee’s name??” Nichkhun asked Chansung with his unsatisfied face.


“Aaaniyo…  I did say Lizzy’s name too. Isn’t it?? We’re After School fanboys, right. That’s why I feel so excited.” He’s trying to cover his lose-face from the hyungs.


“You didn’t mention Lizzy’s name by the way. Yaa.. Chansung-ah.. are you….” Junsu said but his words were cut off when the manager interrupts him.


“OK boys.. We’re here. Come on.”


Chansung heart was about to explode when his hyung said that he didn’t mention Lizzy’s name at all. Thank God that their manager saves him. Even its not in the purposive way.


Meanwhile in the waiting room……


“Unnie.. You must be so happy today isn’t it??” Lizzy asked Uee with her big grin on the face.


“Waeyo?? Isn’t that I am a happy person?? Not only today.” Uee said while their makeup artists were busy with their last touch up on Uee and Lizzy’s face.


“Because 2PM oppas will be in here today!!! Muahahaha.”


“Kya!! Why did you laugh like that?? We’re not in our dorm. And who said that?? I don’t feel anything special about them joining in this show.” Uee said but her face looks totally different from what she said.


“Aiii…chicha?? Then why did unnie’s face turned red?? Did you eat something hot before?? Hahaha.” Lizzy laugh like a crazy person again. When Uee heard that evil laugh, she was about to knock her head but she didn’t get to because the PD-nim asked them to get ready for the recording. Lizzy just stuck out her tongue to Uee while laughing.


Today, they’re going to shoot that show at the outside of the bathouse. When Uee and Lizzy got there, the 2PM members and two members from Dal Shabet were already there. They bowed to one another and starting to ask about their latest activities.


But there’s something weird going on between Uee and Chansung. They didn’t talk that much. They just stared to each other and smile shyly. Its looks like they are missing each other so much. Lizzy and Junho did notice that ‘weird’ situation. Both of them were just smiling while looking at their ‘in love’ brother/sister.


Then, Lizzy give a nudge on Uee’s arm coz she afraid that her unnie will be too obvious to the other guest. After being nudging, Uee turn her face to Lizzy and her face became as red as grilled shrimp. Lizzy just lift her brow while giving a big grin to Uee. After that, the PD-nim announces that their recording will begins now…………….






Chansung's P.O.V


After we’ve done with our recording, we’re invited to have a supper before leaving. My eyes were still at Uee until she and Lizzy excuse themselves to go to the restroom first. I have no idea why I can’t keep my eyes off from Uee. And I did notice that she’s looking at me too. Before the recording, we keep staring at each other until Lizzy nudge her. And Junho give a very big grin to me right after that. Damn it, Junho!! But is she missing me like how I’m missed her?? Coz from her beautiful and dazzling eyes, I can tell that she missed me.


And the most amazing thing in my life had happened during the recording. The women who I had been in love silently for years have made a surprise confession at the national tv. She admits that she’s interested with me and would like to know more about me. Plus, she said that I’m her ideal type of guy. That was really surprise me and also my brothers. I never thought that she will say something like that in the show since she’s known as the most admirable women in the industry.


I have no idea how to describe my feeling right now. I’m just too happy to know that she has a feeling towards me. If only I could scream right now. Kekekeke. And I notice how Junho feels happy for me. He keeps pushing me to Uee when she’s doing her dance during the show. But… I also notice how Nichkhun hyung face turned gloomy when he heard Uee’s confession. He’s becomes a lil’ bit quite after that ‘killer’ confession. I understand how he feels right now. I’m sorry hyung…


We’re eating our meals when Uee, Lizzy, Subin and Ahyoung enter to the room where we had our supper. I look at her. And so does Nichkhun hyung. Khun hyung still looks cloudy even though Wooyoung did his usual 'stupid' jokes and Junsu hyung laughing like a crazy one.


Uee was still taking her meal when Lizzy arrive at the big and long table where we eat with her full plate. Suddenly, there’s a phone ringing coming from Uee’s bag. And Lizzy took out her phone from the bag.


“Unnie, your phone ringing. It’s Seungri oppa.” Lizzy shouting to her unnie. When I heard Seungri’s name, my heart aches. Are they in a close relationship right now???


“Kya. Keep your voice down. I know that is Seungri. Let him be.” She said while refused to answer the call. She even knows that Seungri is the one who’s calling her. It’s too obvious that they’re in a very close term. Isn’t it??


“Yaa…Uee-ah… How do you know that call is from Seungri. It must be something going on between you two isn’t it???” Taecyeon hyung ask while teasing her. I just look at her. Waiting for her answer.


“Aniyo… I know that’s him because I used Big Bang song for his number.” She’s try to defend herself while walking to the table. And she takes a seat in front of me. And once again, there’s a Big Bang song which is ‘Lies’ coming from her phone.


“Aishh.. What did he want???” She sighed. Yes! What did he want from her?? My jealousy suddenly going up. Chakkamannyo. Why do I need to feel jealous?? Is not like she’s mine anyway. Tch.


“Unnie.. Just answer his call. He won’t stop until you answered him.” Lizzy ask her to receive the call.


“Aishh.Ne ne.. Excuse me.” She said while going out from the room.


“Is Seungri always call Uee??” Taecyeon hyung asked Lizzy.


“Ne oppa.. It’s becomes his habit I think. He calls unnie everyday without failed. And he won’t give up until Uee unnie answer. I think Seungri oppa is really in love with Uee unnie.” Lizzy said while putting her eyes on me. Did she saying it on purpose?? Well, to make me jealous of course. If that it is her intention, then she did well. Because when I heard Lizzy says that Seungri is in love with Uee, suddenly, I felt like my heart was tearing up into pieces.


After we’ve done with our meals, we move to the waiting room to get our things before leaving.


“Ya ya. How come none of us chose Uee during the survey thingy??” Taecyeon hyung suddenly bring up his curiosity.


“I don’t know. It’s just that I don’t want to get a smack from Seulong hyung.” Wooyoung answered Taecyeon hyung question.


“Ne.. Me too.. We clearly know how Seulong hyung feels towards Uee right??” Junsu hyung said. Agree with Wooyoung reason. And looks like my entire brothers agree with that including me. Except for Khun hyung. He didn’t give any respond towards that.


“Wahh.. Chansung-ah.. You are so lucky, do you know that?? Over all the men who give their heart to her, you are the one who she wants to know about. She even admits it on the national tv. What did you do to her?? Hah?? Tell me. Tell me.” Taecyeon hyung ask me while putting his arm around my neck.


“Hyung. Hyung. Let go off me. It’s hurt. I didn’t do anything to her. And I’m damn surprise with her confession. Hyung, let me go.” I said while trying to let off from his hand and I succeeded to free myself from him.


“Chansung-ah, you should go to her and ask for her number. I’m sure she will give her number to you. Well, since she’s the one who wants to know more about you. Isn’t it??” Junho give encouraging words to me.


“Ya ya. What about Seulong hyung??. He’s definitely will kill you if he know this.” Wooyoung give us a warning. Yeah. I know how Seulong hyung will react after he find out about this.


“What’s wrong with it?? It’s not like Chansung is the one who said that on the national tv.” Junho said while trying to defend himself.


“Chakamannyo. Chansung-ah, did you like Uee too??” Junsu hyung suddenly asked me.


“Ne?? Aniyo. I’m… not...”


“Ya. Chansung-ah. No need to hide your feeling with our members anymore. Let them know. It will be much easier for you.” Junho said. He just blurts out our almost 2 years top secret.


“Omo. Chansung-ah. You like Uee???!!!” Why didn’t you say anything before??” Taecyeon hyung asked with his shock face. I just keep my mouth shut when I notice Khun hyung face. All of the members turned their face to Khun hyung.


“Khun-ah.. Gwenchanayo??” Junsu hyung asked him. Khun hyung didn’t answered Junsu hyung. All of sudden, the guilty is all over my head. I don’t know how sorry I am towards Khun hyung right now.


“Boys, you’ve done right?? Come on. You’ve got another schedule next morning.” Suddenly, our manager come to the room and interrupt. 


While walking in the hallway, I’ve notice Uee at the front of their waiting room.


“it’s Uee right?? Come. I think we need to say sorry to her for not choosing her.” Taecyeon hyung said while the other members did agree with him.


“Lizzy-ah.. Palliwa.. I’m getting late already.” I saw Uee shout at Lizzy who’s probably still in the waiting room.


As we come closer to her, Taecyeon hyung call her name.




“Ahh.. Annyeong..” She bows while great us with a full manner.


“Uee-ah, jeongmal mianhae about what happened during the recording.” Taecyeon hyung said.


“Mianhae?? For what??” She asked Taecyeon hyung with a very confuse face while her big eyes was looking at us in turn.


“About we didn’t pick you up during the survey thing.” Taecyeon hyung explain to her.


“Hahaha. Aniyo.. gwenchanayo.. I’m not a thin-skinned person.. Don’t worry about that .” She said while laugh. She looks so cute when she’s laughing. Seriously. Suddenly,


“Uee-ah. Are you done?? Palliwa. You need to be at KBS studio in 30 minutes from now.” After School’s manager called her.


“Ne.. I’m done oppa. I’m waiting for Lizzy. Lizzy-ah, palli..”


“Ne unnie.. I’m done. Let’s go. Annyeong oppa..” Lizzy said and bow while pulling her unnie’s hand.


“I’ve got to go. See ya.” Uee said and bow to us. Suddenly, Junho push me and give me a signal to go and get her number.


“Uee-ssi!” I called her.


“Ne. Waeyo??” She asked me with her cute voice.


“Em.. May I… May I..” I’m stuttering. What’s wrong with me?? Stupid me. Aishh!


“Yes, Chansung-ssi. Is there anything wrong??” She asked me. Thank God that Lizzy is already a few steps away from her unnie.


“Emm…” I turned my head to the hyungs. They give me a support face except Khun hyung.


“Emm.. May I have your number??” Finally, I got my strength to say that.


“Uee! Palli.. You will be late for your drama shooting!” Her manager called her for once again.


“Ne, oppa. Chakamannyo. Of course you can. But can you get it from Seulong oppa or Jinwoon or Jokwon?? They've got my number. Coz I really got to go now. I’m sorry but I’ve got a drama shooting right after this. Is it ok??” She said with her sorry face.


“Ne ne. it’s totally fine with me. Well, see ya. Fighting!” I said and we’ve bow to each other.


“Did you get her number??” Wooyoung asked me.


“Nope. She tells me to get her number from Seulong hyung or Jokwon or Jinwoon coz she really needs to go now. She has a drama shooting right after this.” I said while sighed.


“Wahh.. She’s really a hardworking woman. I really admire her hard work. But I don’t think that you will get her number from Seulong hyung or Jinwoon. Coz obviously, they like Uee so much.” Taecyeon hyung said. I totally agree with it.


While in the car, we’re still thinking about how to get her number.


“I don’t think that you will get her number from Jokwon too. Coz he’s afraid of Seulong hyung. Who who who???” Junsu hyung was thinking hardly like he’s the one who wants to keep in touch with Uee. Hehehe.


“I’ve got an idea. Why don’t you ask Yubin for her number. Yubin is Uee’s bestfriend right?? Try and get Uee’s number from her.” Junho just give me a very good idea. Thank you Junho. I love you. Kekeke.






What did I do?? Didn’t that I just say indirectly that I like him?? I didn’t mean to admit something like that on national tv. Ahhh… It’s so embarrassing. Ottoke???!!!


“Wahh..unnie… You really like Chansung oppa?? I know it. This confession will stirs up our country. Muahaha.” Lizzy said once I get into the car.


“Aniyo.. It’s just..” I stuttered.


“Aisshh unnie. You don’t have to hide from me anymore. I did notice how both of you look at one another. It’s soooo gross. Erkk.. Hahahaha”


“Kya!! How dare you said that both of us are gross??” I said while smacked her head.


“Muahahahaha.” And she just keeps laughing like crazy person.


“Kya!! You want another smacked or what??” I warned her.


“OK OK. But unnie, why did Chansung oppa called you when we’re about to leave?? Did he ask for your number??” Lizzy asked. How did she know that?? Tch, This lil’ crazy kid.


“Ne…” I said but with a whisper tone.


“Omo!! Chincha?? Yay!! My unnie will have a boyfriend soon!!!” Lizzy shout happily.


“Ya ya! Keep your voice down. But I didn’t give my number yet. I asked him to get my number from Seulong oppa or Jinwoon or Jokwon.”


“Waeyo??” She asked me with her unsatisfied face.


“What’s with your face?? It’s totally because I’m in hurry. Don’t you hear how manager oppa calling me up just now??” I explained to my beloved yet crazy lil’ sister.



Day after tomorrow…


It’s already 11pm at night. And I just finished my drama shooting for the next week episodes. And because there are no After School’s practices for tomorrow, I will sleep at my parents’ house.


“Ehh.. Yoo Jin ah.. You’ve just got home??” My appa asked me. He’s on our living room with my mom, watching a history drama.


“Ne.. appa.. Ahhh..I’m so tired..” I said while putting my bag on the side table.


“Do you wanna eat??” My mom asked.


“No umma.. I’ve already take my dinner before got home. I just want to sleep now.” I said then enter my room.


“Ya!! Don’t forget to take your bath before sleep!!” I heard my mom shout from outside of my room. She always reminds me to take a bath before sleep. Even though I'm already 24 years old but my mom still looks at me as I’m a 4 years old kid. Kekeke.


After taking my bath, I just landed my tired body to the bed comfortably. Suddenly, I’ve got a message on my phone.


From: Unknown


Uee-ssi, have you slept already??

                                2PM Chansung…


Omo!! I’ve got a message from Chansung. But why did my heart beating so fast after reading his message??? What should I reply to him?? Yoo Jin-ssi, calm down. Take a deep breath. Huuu… Now, I need to save his number first. And I save his number with a symbol of love after his name. Crazy right?? Kekeke. Now, what should I reply to him??? But what’s wrong with you Yoo Jin, he’s just asking whether you’ve been sleeping or not. Huhh..


To: Chansung <3


Aniyo.. I just got back from drama filming. Why didn’t you sleep yet?? It’s kind of late isn’t it??


From: Chansung <3


Because I’m not sleepy yet. Kekeke. =p You just got back from work?? Wow! You’ve such a very hardworking woman. I admire you. <3


To: Chansung <3


Aniyo..>///<  I just love my work.. that’s all.. By the way, from whom did you get my number?? Seulong oppa?? Jokwon?? Jinwoon??


From: Chansung <3


None of them. Kekeke. I got your number from your bestfriend, Yubinnie. =)


All of sudden, my tired body and my sleepy eyes just gone. Its looks like I’ve just regain my energy once I got a message from him.


To: Chansung <3


Chincha?? Kekeke. Ohh, have you eat??


From: Chansung <3


Ne.. I’ve already eat. I eat 2 set of ramen. But I still hungry.. TT TT TT


To: Chansung <3


Omo!! You eat two set of ramen and you still hungry?? You sure eat a lot isn’t it?? Kekeke. But why did you eat ramen?? Why don’t you guys go and eat something more delicious??


From: Chansung <3


Because you don’t want to eat with me. Kekeke. Aniyo..My brothers are too busy with their own world. TT TT TT Oh, by the way, I watch your drama. It’s so good. Your acting is so perfect. But I don’t like your partner. Kekekeke


To: Chansung <3


Kekeke. Why didn’t you tell me that you want to go out and eat with me??? Kekeke. =p

Chincha?? Thanks..Oh, waeyo?? why didn’t you like Joowon oppa??


From: Chansung <3


Because he got a lot of chance to get close with you while I'm not. TT TT TT


Omo!! He wants to get close with me?? And he's jealous with Joowon oppa??? Omo!! I can't think straight right now!!


Later, we just keep messaging with each other until I fall asleep. But I think I fall asleep with a big grin on my face.



To Be Continue…


A/N Annyeong.. Guys.. I'm soooo sorry for not updating like what i've already promise you. It's just that my eyes got worst. My mom will 'kill' me if she saw me with my lappy. T_T I even met 2 different general practitioners but nothing good happened until i met eye specialist. But now i'm totally fine. So, here. Another chapter for you. =)  It's a lil' bit long i guess. kekeke. But i'm sorry if this chapter is still as boring as ever. T_T. And please give me some comments.. =) Ohh, and thanks to ItsAfter2PM for answering my question. You sure help me. Thanks again. =)

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Chapter 15: Please update,author-nim REALLY WANT MORE CHAPTERS
UeeJiang #2
Chapter 15: Update soon...need more of this!!! ^^
adiezty #3
Chapter 15: Update please...
ueechan #4
Chapter 15: Update please i love your story! And i ship uee and chansung
ueechan #5
I ship chansung and uee! They are looks good together and i see a great future hahaha just thinking uee&chan kids must be good looking and tall! And multi talent
sweetestlisa #6
Chapter 15: kyaaaa~~ ChansungUEE i loved this couple!!!! <3
Chapter 15: its done already?
ineed more..
seriously i would be most happiest fans if my chanana date uee fir real
Hi I'm just wondering when will you going to update your story?XD
good story
Palitas #10
please update :(
can't wait for next ep.
I really love this couple