D.O the Red Eagle

Your Average Love Guru


Chapter 9 D.O the Red Eagle 


Still in the first week of February 


Kyungsoo could imagine himself doing a lot of odd jobs after graduating high school. He liked children, so being a teacher was an option. His parents were both talented in art, and naturally, he took after their genes, belting out in a karaoke centre during weekends and doodling all over his Maths book when logarithm turned dull. He could also be a lawyer because of Luhan, constantly honing his speaking skills to get back on the Chinese git.


However, out of all these possibilities in his near future, cheerleading was definitely---124.56% sure---not one of them. The costumes were hot and stinky, and they were also so...fugly. The hours felt longer than usual, and people made fun of him, because who in the world would proudly stroll around in an oversized retarded-looking Eagle costume? Eunkwang maybe, but not Kyungsoo. He was starting to regret accepting the principal's offer.


He was currently squeezing himself into a corner as Kai and his teammates changed into their sports attire. And holy ASDFGHJKL!!! If this is a dream, oh god, don't pinch me from this blissful blessing you've bestowed on me...


Tanned muscles and chocolate abs protruded Kyungsoo's line of sight for an hour, as the guys undressed for a quick shower, and they had to take turns!  Oh god YES, take all the turns you can take! Turn around more often too, so that I can see your beautiful brown asses. Yes, shake that booty like a man you are, Kim Jongin. Hnnngh! Ugh! Hnnnnngh! With so much space in his costume, it allowed Kyungsoo to discreetly jerk himself off, while he marveled at the sight before him.


Tanned abs and chocolate muscles aside---wait, did I get that wrong? it, like I care----the boys looked mighty fine with all the -bumping and -slapping----water dripping down their body hnnngh!---they were doing. Kyungsoo secretly worshipped Minseok for this. Eventhough Luhan might kill him later for checking his boyfriend out, Minseok was a creature that could surpass Kai's beauty----holy , what a damn fine you got there, Minhyuk!----by a nano-inch. He was slightly fairer than Kai, and shorter too, but he had abs that could put greek gods to shame.


And hnnngh! Minhyuk's again. Damn . Always distracting my mind.


"Ok, Red Eagle, time to go out there and show your best." Coach Yunho suddenly came into the picture. The boys saluted him with their Eagle cheer and dressed themselves up quickly. Kyungsoo was on his way down from a high by then, wondering how on earth he could clean the out from this costume before the game ends. Eunkwang would have to live with it, I guess.


"Hey squishy, you in there?" Coach Yunho asked him.


"Still alive, coach." He accepted the coach's hand to help him up and felt dripping down his thighs. Ugh! What a mess.


"It's a little stuffy but you'll manage okay, right?"


"Yeah. I'm squishy for a reason." He remarked, mentally slapping himself right after for saying something so humiliating. Kai was snickering at him from behind the coach before running off to join his teammates.


"Not sure how being squishy could help, but good to know. Anyway, just go out there and have fun. The cheerleading part won't start until the end of the first half. You'll have time to sit down and watch the game. But everytime one of our boys score a goal, you'll have to wind up the crowd a little."


"What should I do?"


"Put your hands up, and wave or something. Do anything. Dance if you must."


"Yeah, sure. Thanks for the tip, coach." Kyungsoo said, rolling his eyes. Good thing the coach couldn't see that.







"Don't let your mama down!" Kyungsoo cheered out, not at all bothered about the attention centered on him as he continued to cheer for his team. He was in a ing costume anyway. They wouldn't know who he was. "And if you lose, I'll spank your asses."


"Gay mascot." Someone muttered out loudly behind him, and he showed them a finger. The kid shuffled away after that, glaring back at him. "How bout you take over my costume for a change, kid? See if you like having all over your thighs."


"Yeah! Say it like you mean it, bunny boo!" Luhan exclaimed suddenly, standing out on the bleachers. Kyungsoo reminded himself again, for the umpteeth time that year, why they were still friends. Oh right, because he loved that ing ching chong, and there was no going around it.


" you and your chinese , lu-. Stay away from my eyes before you burn them."


"That's mean, babe. You know I'm here for my boyfriend. GO MINSEOK! WOO HOO! RED EAGLE!!!!" Baekhyun looked like he was dying right there, having forced to sit beside Luhan the whole day.


Minseok waved at him from the field, and Kyungsoo honestly tried---really tried---not to be embarrassed for his best friend.


He focused back on the game, and soon the first half came to an end. That was when he saw Death. Like, for real. No seriously. He did. Death, in all his glory, running across the field to take his hand before whispering into his ear, "Time to start flipping your , Soo."


Kyungsoo shivered, wondering if there was anything he regretted in his life. Well, he was a good kid. Average grades, average looks, average height, average ...nothing so grand as to demand a hefty funeral. It was just a little sad that he couldn't tell Kai about his feelings earlier. It was sad because Kai was there now, waving at him with a smile on his face and Kyungsoo could only wave back weakly before Death slapped his cheeks.


"Hey! Earth to Do Kyungsoo. Did you hear me?"


Kyungsoo blinked and Coach Yunho's face came into view. "You took off my protective headgear." He muttered bluntly.


"What? What the hell are you mumbling about? Are you okay, Soo? Was the costume too tight? God, I'm so sorry for putting you through this. Just don't tell your mum, ok. Do you need water?"


"I need my headgear back before Kai sees my face."


"Why would----Oh hey Kai. Great game out there." Coach Yunho greeted his star player, and Kyungsoo, thankfully, snatched the Eagle head away in time and stuck it back on before Kai could see his flushed cheeks.


"Hey coach. Kyungsoo, your turn's next. Are you ready?"


"Yeah sure." Kyungsoo answered enthusiastically, but his insides were twisting and churning like a mad buffalo, and he felt like throwing up but there was no way he could throw up inside his costume. There were limits to a man's nose.


"Well, the girls are waiting for you. All you gotta do is jump and flip back to your feet. They''ll carry your weight. Don't worry. Go Red Eagle." Kai cheered for him and Kyungsoo really wanted to pass out by then.


Don't let him down, Do Kyungsoo. This is it. Your chance to shine. Forget the world for a moment. Don't let anything worry you. Kai is here. Kai will be watching you. Kai is....god, he's perfect. ing angel, I swear. So don't let him down. Remember everything he said. Don't think. Just do.

"Go Red Eagle!!!!" Luhan's voice yelled out from the bleachers and a few people glared at him, including Baekhyun.


"Don't kill yourself out there, or your pudding is mine!" Baekhyun added.


"I'll take your spare condoms!"


Kyungsoo ignored those two idiots and walked up to the cheerleaders. The leader, Sooyoung, gave him a smile and told him to get ready. "We'll do all the cheering. You'll just have to jump on us later and flip, ok?"


"Ok...." Kyungsoo muttered weakly.


SM High's marching band were pounding away on their drums and trumpets, creating a large arc behind the cheerleaders as Kyungsoo took his place behind them. He was supposed to appear somewhere in the middle, as they part an opening for him like the Moses he was, and run all the way to the girls before leaping onto their open arms and flipping forward.


All he needed to do after that was to land on his feet. The flip didn't have to be graceful.


He could see Coach Yunho praying at the side and he wondered if his life would end that day. It was certainly not a good surprise to see the coach praying for someone. That never usually ended well, but he was glad at least.


There were people who still loved him.


The whistle was blown and the procession started.


Kyungsoo prepared himself, and when the path was finally opened to him, he ran.


He ran like the squishy he was, heart thumping, guts churning, little legs stepping in front of the other before the distance between life and death became closer, and in the next 0.06 milliseconds, he was soaring into the air, eyes trained on Kai who was standing at the side, clapping for him in slow motion.


A song played in Kyungsoo's mind and all he could think was:


Chocolate abs, tanned muscles and sweaty Kai kicking balls on the field, before a loud thump ended his moment.


It was then followed by a unison of gasp from the audience. When Kyungsoo opened his eyes, his feet were safely planted on the ground, instead of his head, which he'd half-expected it to seem like one of those Bugs Bunny cartoons he used to watch, with his legs in the air, and head stuck ten feet deep into the ground. Thankfully, nothing of that sort happened. Though his knees were bent too low and there was a small gash on his right hand, he was still intact and safe.


And alive. Very much alive.


The crowd full-out cheered for him after that, and SM High's marching band kicked off with a whole new level of noise. Somewhere in the distant, Luhan and Baekhyun were running towards him with the biggest smile on their faces. Coach Yunho looked like he had a mini heart attack. Yeah, I'm so telling mum on you. And Kai....oh perfect Kai. He was just standing there, clapping for him and Kyungsoo could see no one but them right then.


Before it ended with a slam. "Oof!"


"Kyungie! We're so proud of you, you little pole. I never thought you could flip like that. Kai must have been a good teacher."


" off guys. You're embarrassing me."


"We love you, squishy. Come on, let's go home and celebrate later. Minseok's coming along too, so no one is allowed to say otherwise." Luhan announced, dragging his Minseok out from nowhere so suddenly.


"I'm bringing Chanyeol!" Baekhyun added.


And that left Kyungsoo with....


"Well, we'll be tagging along too then." Sehun and Kai said, suddenly appearing behind Luhan and Minseok. Chanyeol magically popped out beside Baekhyun and Kyungsoo wondered if his eyes went bad. That guy was ing tall!


"There's no choice then. Dinner's on Luhan." Kyungsoo said.


And everyone, except Luhan, cheered.





Language Bomb! In bahasa, ball is 'bola'. And football (or soccer) is call bola sepak pronounced as bo-la say-pak. 'Sepak' means 'kick' in English. So a direct translation would be 'kick ball'. In a full sentence, you can say 'Saya/Aku nak main bola sepak'. I want to play soccer. 'Main' is play, pronounced as ma-in. 'Nak' refers to want. 'Kau nak main bola sepak' is you want to play soccer.


Get it?


Curse words, anyone? In bahasa, we have certain words not meant to the human ears. But hey, the only living things I know that don't curse are babies, plants and animals cause they can't speak. Here's one commonly used between my boyfriend and I. 'Kedo'. It's actually a roughneck way of saying ''. Pronounced as ke-do. The 'o' sound must be short, not long. It's hard to explain. Hahahaha. 'Bodoh' means stupid. And putting it in a sentence, you can say, 'Bodoh la kau'. Direct translation: You stupid. Or you are stupid.


That's all.


This chapter is kinda.....weird. But a good weird. Hahahahaha. Had fun, guys? Thanks to all that subscribed and commented.


Kyungsoo's face goes, "No no, I'm not interested. Stalk some other bish."


"But I'm still gonna hunt down my boy toy, yeah!"


And Baek goes, "That bish."


Luhan: "Soo, my squishy apprentice, I've taught you well." *proud*


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next update is this weekend.


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Chapter 23: This must be the cutest ever fic that i have ever read! Gud job author! This is so good! I would recommended this to new reader. Thanks =)
Chapter 26: Second time of reading and damn, I still find it funny and so sweet.. I'm gonna puke rainbows and unicorns. Hahaha!!! :3
LunnyLynne #3
Chapter 13: hahaha Baek Again for Yeol... I love this title. In case you can't tell I love cheesy puns, and this is the best I've seen so far! loving the fic so far too, I can't stop reading!!! send help :P
DevilNextToYou #4
Chapter 10: In chapter 10 u stated that kyungsoo doesn't like classical music but during the performance itself u said he loved it
DevilNextToYou #5
Do I see xiuhannnnnnn XD
Chapter 26: OMG!!!!! This fic is soooo much fluff.. I love it so much! And when I saw the Sequel thing, I screamed!! Too much happiness!!!! Thank you authornim!!!! Muah!
Chapter 26: i totally love this fic cos i could relate.. I'm so kyungie the one who will just stares from the distance. who will get through everything just to get info about my apple of my eye! and ny crush is so jongin!! as in!!! he's the most popular guy in the campus!!! i just love this oh gosh!!!
but the sad thing is I'm not as smart as Kyung nor attractive and definitely will not reciprocate my feelings for him ha.. ha..

thank u for this gonna more of ur stories :)
Chapter 26: i totally love this fic cos i could relate.. I'm so kyungie the one who will just stares from the distance. who will get through everything just to get info about my apple of my eye! and ny crush is so jongin!! as in!!! he's the most popular guy in the campus!!! i just love this oh gosh!!!
but the sad thing is I'm not as smart as Kyung nor attractive and definitely will not reciprocate my feelings for him ha.. ha..

thank u for this gonna more of ur stories :)
365dancejongin #9
Chapter 21: Finished this in one day. Can I do something to this author to get my 4 hours back?! I'm supposed to be doing homework but this fanfic had to be a birch. -.-" Sequel? I'll die.